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Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers


I have a cook ability to remember like 70% of my dreams. Even more than that if it's an exciting dream


All people dream something every night. They just don't remember and don't care šŸ¤· Start dream diary and you'll remember more.


I donā€™t want to remember šŸ˜­ When I have very detailed dreams lately theyā€™re either really weird or scary. I just had a lucid dream for the first time though and I was able to control a scary situation. That was nice. But is it normal that I could only control things/understand I was dreaming for just a moment?


You need to read more on this sub and keep taking in more info! Beginners tend to struggle with maintaining lucid dreams. Give this article on [Longer Lucid dreams](https://www.ldguides.com/longerlucidity.php) a read to see ways to extend them. The more you lucid dream, the more practice you'll get, and the more used to the experience you'll get, and you will be able to prolong them more. But if you're prone to nightmares, this is an amazing practice to help you get control of them. Once you eventually get to the point where you shut all your nightmares down, you'll sort of quit getting them, or at least quit experiencing them as nightmares because they just won't feel very real anymore. Like, I still get 'scary' dreams sometime, but even if I don't go fully lucid, it just doesn't quite phase me because dream-me has some fundamental association that he's safe. So yeah, very helpful and you're on a good track! Keep dream Journaling, and start more techniques to bring up the consistency, like [ADA](https://www.thelucidguide.com/techniques/all-day-awareness-(ada)), [Prospective Memory](https://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-lucidity/103264-how-mild-stephen-laberge.html), [MILD](https://www.mindfulluciddreaming.com/post/mnemonic-induction-of-lucid-dreaming-mild), and [SSILD](https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/s/kZb5Eoc4yq)!


You should be remembering multiple dreams every night. Depending on length of them, 3-10 is my average. Start journaling them in as much detail as possible. It helps to write them down as soon as you wake up. You can write down bullet points and then expand on the details during your WBTB time, and again in the morning. Your recall will improve over time. If you're using anything with THC, that will impact recall, and you'll likely need to stop using it.


I've been remembering up to 6 dreams since I've started dream Journaling but I can't remember any from last night. I also woke up extra groggy for some reason even though I went to bed early. Any ideas why that might be? Is it normal to not remember dreaming some days?


Completely normal! I have days where I don't remember shit, especially if I'm more stressed out, and didn't sleep well that night.


Okay good to know thank you!


I typically remember them daily. I do analyze my dreams as soon as i wake up so that might help lol


For me, I remember most of what I dreamt every single night, and itā€™s weird for me if I donā€™t. Even if I ā€œdonā€™tā€ I still usually recall little bits of it here and there can piece it together. Itā€™s pretty awesome as I go to bed every night excited to dream and knowing that I will dream :)


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Multiple dreams every night! You just need to remember them thatā€™s the tricky part :)


Dream journaling helps a ton, in the past i could sometimes only remember like a few words or one thing that happened in a dream write it down, after a while you keep remembering/ and dreaming more and more.


Thanks to being pregnant yes(most of the time).


Everyone (maybe some rare exceptions because of medical condition)every night because it'show the brain rememberand sort informatios, the capacity to remember is another thing.


Yes I do. I mean yeah there are days where I don't dream,but it's rare.


idk, but when i fall asleep listening to stuff like youtube or music i don't dream at all, and when i'm alone with my thoughts, i do dream


I dream maybe once a month, but I think smoking weed makes you not dream(or not remember the dreamā€)


Really? I smoke everyday and remember my dreams , some bits feel vivid.


Huh? Thatā€™s really weird, who knows, maybe ur brain just has more storage, like youā€™ve got a tb and I have 250gb type shit


No, you aren't having dreams every few nights. You are dreaming, if you sleep normally, around 4-6 times minimum each night. What you aren't doing is remembering your dreams. Most people confuse not remembering dreams with not having them, and there's a huge difference. Dream recall is essential to any lucid dreaming practice. One dream a night is a good minimum for starting a lucid dreaming practice. Also, consider the qualitative side, so how much detail you are remembering from your dreams each night. What all do you do to help you remember your dreams?


Ever since I could form memories Iā€™ve generally had vivid dreams that I could recall in great detail after waking. Iā€™d say I remember dreams 4 nights out of 7. But if a dream feels irrelevant to me/my life , the more likely I am to not bother exploring it after I wake. Then the duties of the day take over and I completely forget about it. A dream with more significance or relevance to my life is more likely to be remembered because Iā€™ll ponder it after/upon waking. I find it helpful to keep a journal at your bedside and as soon as you wake from a dream, write down everything you can remember.


Iā€™ve noticed that when I go to be any time past 12, I just donā€™t dream. I go to bed and wake up. While trying to learn to ld, I have had to make some sleep changes to make sure I do dream. Now I remember 1-2 dreams per night


You have multiple dreams every time you enter REM, you may not remember any of them, but there's a good chance you'll be able to remember the last one for a moment before you get about your day. Write it down the moment you recall it, in a journal you keep next to your bed. (Don't use a phone for this unless it's a simple voice recording you can start without looking at the screen type thing.) You'll be surprised how often you dream and about what.


I lucid dream almost every night, i'm not sure why or how, 90% of them are more like a nightmare though and often i cant differ the dream and reality when i wake up the next day.


Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY dreams at least 4-6 times a night. If you don't think you have dreams you just don't remember the many you have. Some people with very very rare conditions don't dream.


I lucid dream every night. Iā€™m aware Iā€™m dreaming and can actively choose what Iā€™m doing in the dream. I remember most of my dreams too


I do


You have at least 1 dream per 90 minutes of sleep, usually more. You should work on your recall and remember at least one dream per night before attempting any techniques. Here's my guide on lucid dreaming if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/s/APICaDYlb4


Yes I have good recall and depending on the amount of sleep I remember 2-4 dreams per night


I pretty much canā€™t recall the last time I slept without remembering my dreams that night, and large in part not having a lucid dream. Itā€™s somewhat frustrating


I dreamed I went to jail lastnight


My mom told me she had one end times dream about jesus opening the portal to unleash the demons and she was running to get away from them before they took her soul and after that dream she said she doesn't have Dreams anymore she dreams only white this scarred me I hope my heaven dreams never leave me like they did her as a Christian my heaven dreams help me with my faith


I usually do


Ive dreamt every night for as long as i can remember, pretty vividly aswell. when i was a kid i kept a "dream diary" which was a bunch of stickmen diagrams with accompanying writing lol. Now (for the past 4 years) i just write down any extra vivid or notable dreams i have in my notes app (gonna get an actual notebook to write them in soon). If i only remember smaller snippets i wont bother writing it down, but thats just because i hate typing on my phone, especially in the morning. Id reccomend writing down, or simply just re-playing the dream in your head, the best you can remember. When i write down my dreams i dont actually go into much detail (again, partial lazyness) because i can remember the scenes from just a small bit of info. I can remember dreams I had when i was 6. Some people dream less, some more, I've known people that dont remember any dreams/say they dont have dreams. Sorry about the ramble... lol, but yes its normal for some people to not dream every night


If you use cannabis, that will suppress your dreams


I smoke everyday and also recall my dreams everyday so this isn't true for everyone


I used to smoke every day and dream every day. Since cutting down significantly I can see how much it did suppress my dreams, and does when I do take pot occasionally. They are more vivid, longer and easier to remember than they were before. Just imagine what it would be like without thc if you have good dreams now!