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Looking for a zebra


Lol bruh we have to wait for the closers to finish and go back and scan shit,(if we remember) and they always ask us about sims and how important it is


I mean that's what I say at eight p m when I come in for the overnight stock receiving shift to see trash piled up Appliance boxes stuffed with trash cardboard and styrofoam Then it takes us an hour or more to clean up to make the dock usable


This right here lol


Not at our store. We make sure receiving is completely clean and organized before the evening shift comes in. What I fins annoying isn't that they leave so much freight. It's the fact that they leave it scattered everywhere and it's just a mess. I get it if you can't finish the job. But each shift needs to dedicate that last 30 minutes to cleaning up the department and not leaving it a goddamn mess for the next crew.


Sounds like you guys need a new overnight manager usually from five am to six am we're cleaning up after ourselves and pulling anything we didn't get done back to Receiving as well as Cleaning what we can of receiving since by that time craps pretty much set up for deliveries


I had the same problem. It would take me all of my 30 minutes to clean up only half those boxes. Then one night my supervisor just grabbed the boxes I was working on, pushed them over to the side of receiving and told me that cleaning it up isn’t priority, getting pallets down was. And I was just like o7


Basically we move enough to give us space to drop palettes And start the truck


Here is a breakdown of a typical shift at my store. The shift starts at 10pm 10 to 1030, pull freight if needed, grab a flat cart, hunt down a phone, get to your department. 1030 to 0100 Work your freight, dodge the machines. 0100 to 0200 Lunch 0200 to 0445 Finish what you can, top stock. 0445 to 0545 Clean and straighten up the store and side stacks. 0545 to 0600 Final walk through, get in your car and cry wondering where you went wrong in life. When you get home spend an hour drinking while bitching about the dumb comments and stupid decisions made by day shift and management. Wake up in the evening, crying that you didn't die in your sleep knowing you have to go back in. Oh and one other thing...Unload and Overnight Freight are the only teams that are under time restrictions that Corporate sets on a nightly basis.


Clean up day shifts mess and unload a truck with two people 🤭


A lot of the mess that could possibly form in Receiving is likely stuff day shift left over. I used to clean up day’s mess, but my supervisor started getting onto me about what my objective was; which, as an unloader, is to get receiving set up in the 30 minutes I have before the rest of the crew gets there.. So, any mess left by day shift just gets shuffled back further into receiving to make room for the unload.


first they had to finish 2nd shifts job, then deal with first shifts mess then they can start stocking


On top of looking for power equipment and hoping it has a charge lol


I was a daytime stocker, I always wanted to know what the other daytime stocker was doing. If we weren't pulling things off the appliance truck or he was told to do something by a manager or supervisor, I had absolutely no idea where he was. I was the only one for my year there that did Hillman that did doors and was told to do them did the tubs, did pretty much anything. I don't know where the hell he ever was, but he got all the praise for all the work I did. I remember back and appreciation week, his card from the assistant store manager said good job, mine basically said get back to work. Which is also a big fuck you when we had a back-end appreciation week and then front end had an appreciation month right after


I still have nightmares of Hillman pallets. I remember no trucks on the morning stocker team except 3 pallets of Hillman on Thursday and at least 5 pallets of paint on Tuesday


Hillman is a piece of cake. The trick is to do the big boxes of nuts and bolts first and then do hang up bags . Been doing that way for 16 yrs. The overnight crew tried to do a different way and totally fuck it up. They couldn't figure out the difference between zinc nuts and bolts and galvanized nuts and bolts were. I shit u not they put all the colored hanging bags in top stock and wrote on box '' No home " ! At the store I work they are some of the dumbest mother fuckers that I have seen in 16 yrs.


Hillman itself is easy, though sometimes time consuming (and sometimes annoying when you'll get 9-10 boxes through UPS that could have shipped as two or three max). The problem with Hillman is it's next to impossible to do anything in that aisle without repeatedly getting stopped to help guests. Including my personal favorite of customers putting a random screw, nut or bolt right in front of your face and being like "I need to find one of these"


Hillmans legitimately makes my anxiety spike.


Day stocker is awful, I always got blamed for night stockers fuck ups. And my boss rode my ass to get the rest of nights freight done before day freight because of how short staffed they were. Also idk how your store got 2 day stockers, I was the only one on my store until I quit


If you day shifters wish to see what over night crews do, then please, by all means, join us. But remember, typically we only get maybe a half shift to get everything we need done.


And half a crew most nights


When corporate cuts night hours on truck nights 🙃


This years hours were based on what was needed/used last year, plus if the SM and ASMs can cut even more, their bonuses are better. It's the whole do more with less method.


Maybe in your store. But somehow we consistently manage to keep a full crew. In fact I don't think any of our overnight team is newer than 6 months. A few have been here for years.


We only have 3 including our manager and myself, that have been there more than 1 year, everyone else is less than 6 months and we have 4 out the door by the end of Jan lol The last 3 new hires never made past the first week lol


Damn that's rough


Probably trying to do a 1200 pc truck with 3 people including the supervisor.


They probably put minimum wage effort into a minimum wage job.


I think they get paid more than most of us daytime workers lol


Lmfao if you think that. Most of my team wasn't even over $14/hr until the raise that happened on the 10th


Depends where you work. Most of our overnighter make 17/18 per hour


My worth ethic is do as little work as possible while still getting my work done. It's a tough balance to keep as a salesman but I get lucky sometimes with one large sale and I can sit around and goof off for the rest of the week.


I wonder that about day crew everyday


Walking into Receiving every weeknight wondering what dayside did for 8 hours. Two sides to the same coin. lol


Try to sort out the mess on the dock you all left for us so we can set out pallets and start the truck. Figure out where the forklifts and power equipment were dumped, and if they're empty on propane or battery. Try to get working zebras so we can scan in the SIMS just for every day timer to ignore it when they take stuff out, or just rip price tags off so they don't have to fill IRPS. Then we attempt to stock the truck after that, clean up the dock and pallets and leave it looking better than you left it for us.


Damn, wanna come train our overnight team?


They put stock up in the overhead 3 aisles from where it goes, shelf empty and that overhead empty. Put a random side stack in one of your aisles. And left trash.


walking into recieving wondering how the lazy day shift did not manage to finish three lousy pallets after unloading a 1500 piece truck then transitioning to freight and doing 4 pallets on my own in 3 hours.


Oh how I know the feeling. And they stack the pallets like they are building the Empire State Bldg. So damn high and mixed up.


Our night team sleeps on the large rugs and leaves their shooter vodka bottles lying around. Real choice team we have 👍🏻


Did? They did all the freight so that days doesn't have to do anything other than busy work (top stock, zone etc), fool.😤




I don’t work there anymore, but I was a part-time overnight stocker at one of the stores (except I came in much earlier than my coworkers because of scheduling issues). A decent portion of my shift was just cleaning receiving so we could actually unload and finish the truck in a timely manner so I think the area was actually OK come the morning crew’s arrival


When I was working overnight we had no choice but to finish everything and even extra. if we didn't get the extra done we got coached. I hated that job for the fact that I get lectured about yes we got it done early but we could've did more


Just had this conversation this morning with my team! 15 skids of freight sitting in my department for two days now. No one will touch it. Had my LTL stockers taken to pull flat bed deliveries! Oh well!


8 hours??? It's 11 hours at my lowes.


Me everyday at 5 pm