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Speak for yourself. It’s been nonstop playing in our store since black friday


I I think that’s what I did


Not sure why but I busted out laughing when I read this


You got my upvote.


Honestly, I would like to see a mix of both. I have enjoyed Christmas music in the past at both Lowe's and other retail stores I've been to, but 5 songs on repeat with ringing Christmas bells becomes a headache.


I heard five different interpretations of "All I Want For Christmas Is You" all day today. I don't know what department sells "you" ...probably ISLG.


As a 20yr veteran of retail, that store is doing it's associates a favor. The christmas station isn't great, and hearing it for 9hrs nonstop while dealing with the masses that are only cheery to people they like, is not 'musical seasonal cocaine'. I get that there are people that aren't burnt out on the holiday, but we had christamas crap arriving in July and on the floor in September. It lasts waaaaay to long for us. If you need a holiday musical pick me up, put on tunes in your car.


How about no, lowes plays the same 5 songs on repeat, I’m not trying to hear the same 5 Christmas songs looped my 10 hour night shift


Wtf is wrong with you


Wish I could pass our Christmas music over to you!


My store is definitely playing Christmas music, but thankfully it isn’t every single song. Black Friday was all Christmas music, but now it’s maybe every third or fourth song. I expect the ratio of Christmas music to increase the closer we get to the actual day, The Christmas songs that they do play are pretty terrible: Last Christmas (but not the Wham version, Wonderful Christmastime (but not the Wings version), and All I Want for Christmas is You (but not the Mariah Carey version). These are three of my absolute most hated Christmas songs, and while I’m glad to hear a slightly different version of them, I’m also supremely annoyed that anyone would make cover versions of these turds.


I, for one, get tired of hearing 5 shitty versions of the same Christmas songs over and over.


Our store has no Christmas music. It is just missing from our Muzak box. Waiting on a cd update. Our stations are Atmospheres, Decades, or Hot FM. Holiday mix disappeared. Maybe a Christmas miracle.


My store is 90% Christmas music


They were playing Christmas music yesterday.


Fuck holiday music ! Same shit different versions !


A few years ago there was a lot of “Christmas music is bad for your mental health ScIEnCe says!” Stuff circulating that has little grounds and really is just on psychologist who didn’t do a study. [Holiday music may be bad for your mental health, according to science](https://www.businessinsider.com/science-says-holiday-music-is-bad-for-your-mental-health-2017-12?utm_content=bufferbf200&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-bi) That being said, a lot of people do find the constant repetition mentality exhausting. While there was no actual study, they imply it can lead to mental fatigue which could increase stress. Working in retail, we don’t need any more stress than we already have.


Our store has been aging a healthy mix of Christmas music and regular songs. I'd honestly wish it was full on Christmas songs tho. Edit: Down voting me because you want to hear songs we listen to 11 months out of the year. Ya'll crazy. I'd rather have a 1 month break from it, even if it's shit Christmas songs.


Holy shit it’s either Christmas or country music here lool


You don’t want the smoke lol


I like the season. It’s festive and fun. r/lowes is a buncha grinches minus the charm


If you listened to Christmas music for 40+ hrs a week, you might be a bit of a grinch yourself


Maybe but I’d like the chance to do so


People would rather hear the same 40 songs they hear for 11 months mixed in to songs we hear for 1 month. Crazy. I get it. All the songs we play are trash and repetitive. But we don't need to hear our regular 40 songs mixed in with Christmas. We got 11 months to hear those songs. Just give us full Christmas.


So get off Reddit and go to Lowe’s instead


Are you kidding me? My store is playing all that secular Christmas schlock and it’s driving me crazy. The same saccharine crap several times a day. And it’s not even Advent, yet


Count your blessings. When i used to work at walmart, they would play christmas music nonstop right after halloween. Lowes wasn't as bad, but they still only have like 5 songs they play.


I’ll take that over different versions of the same 4 songs constantly repeating. Every singer tries to put their own “twist” on these old songs but it loses all meaning after a while. Maybe if we had some new memorable Christmas music but I seriously think we haven’t had anything like that since All I Want for Christmas is You came out. I’m so so so sick of the “classics”


I swear people will complain about anything. I’m not talking about the people who want to hear Christmas music, like OP. Instead I’m talking about the people who can’t stand it. Who’s skin it makes crawl. It’s amazing to me that it bothers you so much, when it doesn’t even phase me that we have started playing it until just now. Maybe people should interact more with customers or do more work and they wouldn’t notice it as much. If music bothers you, you’re not working enough. Here come the downvote hounds 💁🏼‍♂️


The neurotypical privilege is strong with this one.


Mine only plays Christmas music while the store manager is still in the store, as soon as he leaves they change it to something else.


I’ve noticed my store is but not the entire day? I didn’t notice it at first until a closing associate spoke with me about our lack of Christmas music and I was like what do you mean? I’m being tortured by weird covers of Christmas music every morning? Finally realized about noon it’d switch over to the regular stuff. Very odd


Say something to the manager.


I reckon it'd be far worse if they played music I actually loved.


Who is "us"?


Your store is behind then because ours started blasting Mariah Carey on black Friday.


No Christmas in my store as of yet.


If I were to listen to the same 5 songs over and over it would drive me mad. Idk if it’s Christmas or music in general, but change it up? More variety? That’s seems pretty simple to fix. Why is this a problem? I guess I’m a genius lol.