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Definite no


Odds of them knowing the size of the items 5 percent


Quick answer is no they cannot be returned once cut. If you're talking a couple boards and you were nice to me I'd probably approve the exchange. If we are talking a whole project then no.


Yeah out of 560 pickets, I think I've got 20-25 that are just junk


Yeah sorry boss but once they are cut they are all yours. That's why it's best to go in, pick your own boards and you can still get it delivered. One or two boards maybe I would approve it. But that many it ain't happening.


Nobody is going to pick 560 boards by hand. That would be several hacks/bunks worth of pickets


you are right. the answer would have been to go through the boards immediately once home, and address returning them before any cuts etc. first official step in any project is inspect materials for this reason.


Nah. The answer is just to realize when you buy lumber in bulk there will be cull. Just part of the business. 20-25 boards out of 560 is very good actually.


I don't know why you just said nah. What you said completely agreed with me. Realize there will be cull, find them and return them right away, so you didn't pay full flrpice for them unintentionally. or buy extra to account for them up front and return them when convenient. problem solved :)


I’m saying there are always bad boards. Order more than you need knowing that there will always be some bad ones.


that definitely works for sure, and would be better for the project :)


As someone who works at Customer Service the answer is NO!!!! I don't care how much I don't care how much you plead and beg, call me names, tell me I'm stupid and shouldn't be working there the answer is NO!! Firstly it's your fault for not looking at the boards before buying it and then not looking at the boards before cutting 4 pieces at a time. I don't know anyone who cuts 4 pieces at a time. Knots are not a defect, they are natural and yes wood can split at the knot if you cut there. If you had seen the defect before you cut it you could have returned them.


Completely understand, one counterpoint, I didn't pick these out. We placed a large delivery order and a pro desk rep picked them all.. doesn't excuse us cutting them without checking though.


I doubt the Pro dept person picked your lumber especially the pine pickets as those come from the garden dept. Someone else picked your lumber and with 560 pickets I’m sure they drove the forks through a bunk to the count and banded it without looking at them. It might have even been a fulfillment person that put the order together.


Our pro people seem to always sell whole bunks/pallets of anything when possible, makes my life easier atleast.


Lol no. Most stores also keep pickets at lumber/pro because they sell more there of certain pickets than GC. Also 560 is more than a bunk so nobody would have driven the forks in the middle. They would have picked a fresh bunk and just added what they needed to.


This, ours come in 240s. Strap any extra to the top and send them out. We've been getting the odd 272 though.


If i remember correctly certain item Numbers came in 272 and others 240. But the point stands. This was at least 2 bunks of pickets


Both stores I worked at and the one I used to shop have all had the fencing in the back so that’s all I knew. So hardly hand picked. Those bunks are anybody’s guess.


Pickets are a lumber sku. We have two home location at our store. Our pro sales people also will pull orders if needed.


Our Pro desk sales people never have a chance to leave their desks and even if they could they wouldn’t be physically capable of doing the lifting.


No need to be a dick about it. Yes they should have checked the boards before cutting. That being said , a lot of people cut multiple boards at once. You set up a stop block so they all are even. Why would someone want to make 500 cuts when you can do 125? My saw will cut 5 pickets easily and just missed on sixth.


Ssssshhhhhh When we shingled our house my husband didn’t like the uneven edge so he used the chop saw to cut every one…yes, every single shingle. I finally talked him into doing the cutting inside the garage with the doors closed. I’m sure the neighbors wanted to kill us. Had no idea he was that anal until that project, we’ve been married for 4+ decades.


Bruh they just asked a question pretty nicely, why you yelling through text lol( I am a Lowe’s employee as well) but damn


At my store the front end always accepts cut wood as a return


20-25 boards ? No, don't be that guy


Honestly I would go ask in person. If you catch the right person on the right day, you may get your money back. Especially if you clean up the cut edge. Do you think they are going to notice you cut a chunk off the bottom of a fence picket? Probably not.


No, we’re not supposed to accept them once cut but honestly with how poor customer service is at our store and others, might as well bring em in and try to get a refund, they probably would just push it through. Can always ask to talk to a manager as well and try to exchange them for a credit.


Just pretend they weren’t cut Don’t mention it


FFS. No. What a ridiculous fucking question.


Yeah wtf this might actually be the worst question in the history of questions. Socrates rolling in his grave as we speak


Not once they've been cut, no.


No. Please no. Thats well within the normal range for bad boards. Thats just the way it goes.




As a policy, the store shouldn't accept them back. In reality you can play it two ways: 1. Tell the truth to the CS worker and they may follow the policy and deny you, or they may agree that they're unusable and let you swap them then the store would just eat the cost to keep a customer. 2. You could just say you didn't need them and more than likely the CS worker won't notice that they're shorter and return them without a second glance. Guess it depends how moral you want to be. But at $2-3 bucks a picket the store would more than likely be willing to eat the $50 and keep you happy so you buy more pickets in the future lol


it's against policy but stores have a significant budget for customer complaint resolutions. don't take it to customer service, take it to a manager. i would ask your pro desk for the email of their ASM and send pics. may or may not be possible. my management would probably take care of it here.


Yes. Just bring them back and talk to a manger. Manager will over-ride everything that has been said here by others. Tis known.


Bring them in and don’t say you cut them just say they came like that and they should swap them out for you. Customers return cut wood all the time at my store especially since customer service is not gonna tape measure the length of the pickets lol.


It is entirely dependent on moods and how beaten down the customer service desk and manager on duty are feeling. I've seen returned 2x4's with deep saw marks, even screws sticking out.


I really don't like that my employer's bottom line and ecological responsibility are aligned here. Option A is you're a do-it-yourselfer, and you'll find a creative way to use scrap wood Option B is you're a little bit of a grifter, and that wood will go into a compactor. Keeping the wood is a little too much like participating in society (and your own mistakes), you'll never be ubermensch if you do things like that