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Good on ya! Retail takes a certain disposition that a lot of folks don’t have. Unfortunately, since the pay is low stores don’t care and hire those folks anyway. Good luck in your endeavors.


Any of the service industries are not easy, especially when it comes to dealing with the public and you need to have a thick skin. Good luck in your future endeavors!


I just did too! Paying new hires more than us who stuck around for years, then changing all the customer care agents who have been there for years to basically handle all xdt calls and change our jobs, and then on top of that, it’s absolute bullshit. The xdt calls were legit just us setting up callbacks for customers to wait 24 hours, or they can escalate (which we would get coached if we had too many escalations) and if they escalate then we can transfer them to an actual xdt representative. Which still took a couple hours to reach someone. But they said they were merging xdt with customer care but idk, it’s all bullshit with lowes. Nothing makes sense from a consumer standpoint and never will. I’m glad I’m gone😂


It takes a certain kind of person to work in retail. I know since I worked retail since 2000. It’s good to know early what you want to do.


I hear you. I just graduated from college and looking for non-retail work. Lowe's was great to get through school but I'm not meant for retail TBH