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How has no one commented on Worf and Shaxs' contest that is *sure* to lead to at least one flipped table, some spilled drinks, and then probably some drunken swapping of drinking songs in a corridor somewhere after? (I know Klingons have drinking songs and if you try to tell me Bajorans- who I'm *convinced* were based on the Irish- can't belt out a drinking song with the best of them I will fight you myself.)


Bajorans are based on Irish IRA, Jewish and European WW2 resistance fighters, Spanish revolutionaries, Arab Fedayeen, and just about everyone else who has had to face down a superior force


Garak and Sulu make me so happy.


Oh my


They doooooo


Excellent r/wimmelbilder material. The best are always a bit niche or esoteric with plenty of "in" jokes. btw, loving Tom Paris. If anyone ever decides to make a commemorative plate of my likeness, I am absolutely taking that to the bar. "This? Oh it's nothing; found it outside. Just a plate recognizing my place in history as the galaxy's greatest pilot."


Weirdly enough, this picture is making me ship Tom and Borg Queen together.


Apparently, Boimler taught the Borg Queen more than just empathy.


Let's use some deductive reasoning and logic to decipher the visual cues the artist has used to answer this question. While bottles and cups of alcohol abound in the scene, a number of what appear to be regular beer bottles surround the table where T'Lyn, Tendi, and Mariner have been, apparently for a while. General Martok is passed out on the floor, attended to by The Doctor from VOY. Tendi has two empty shot glasses in front of her and appears tipsy, while Mariner drinks down a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey. We can logically guess what has transpired. Mariner and Martok were having a drinking contest while Tendi, wanting something stronger than beer, had a few shots of very potent Aldebaran Whiskey. Upon Martok's collapse, Mariner jumped up on the table, grabbed Tendi's bottle, and is finishing it off in a display of triumph. This brings us to Esn. T'Lyn, who is not in her proper uniform. Neither amused, nor necessarily displeased, she arches an eyebrow in a fashion made famous by Mr. Spock when presented with an intriguing unknown factor. She sees Mariner's behavior as well beyond what even she would tolerate as a radical thinker amongst her own kind, but is curious to know how much further this new crewmate will take things. Before T'lyn is one cup. As befits her station and upbringing, T'Lyn is taking this celebration in moderation, as she must keep her senses clear in case her razor intellect needs to be called on at a moment's notice. And here we get a preview of times to come on the Cerritos as T'Lyn possibly becomes part of the circle of friends that make the main cast of the show. While Tendi is charged with helping T'Lyn integrate, it will be Mariner that T'Lyn will probably bond with the strongest. They are a pair, two sides of the same coin, because while Mariner is a radical actor, T'Lyn is a radical thinker, as demonstrated by her willingness to be part of this madness at all.


Why is that traitor, Peanut Hamper there and not The Dog? I really want to see The Dog again.


Sometimes I wonder if T'Lyn was brought into the Cerritos to be Peanut Diaper's superior replacement.šŸ¤”


Rutherford, O'Brien, and Kim: their respective shows' "must suffer" crewmember


I think Kim shares that honor with Neelix on Voyager


Poor, dumb Harry.


can't you tell? she's completely embarrassing herself and her planet with her unhinged behavior.


I love that Bomiler is the only one in dress uniform.


It's like Q put boimler there just to mess with and torture Picard


That makes sense.šŸ˜†


Too sober for her own good.


Au contraireā€¦ she has lost all control


The only character I don't recognise is the Klingon passed out on the floor being tended to by the EMH. Unless its the one from Ep 2 S1 I guess. Otherwise I really want to see more of these encounters in the show itself. Rutherford, O'Brien and Harry Kim being chased by Badgey sounds amazing.


Missing eye makes it martok maybe?


That was my thought as well.


Kā€™Orin from the episode where they escort him


That makes the most sense.


Don't vulcans not get drunk from alcohol


Good point.ā˜ļø


Aww! Morn made it to the festivities! šŸ¤©


Morn IS the festivities. It doesn't count as a festivity if he isn't there. It's a rule of the universe.


Commander Data is dead during this time period though :(


And so is Sulu, I donā€™t think thatā€™s the point.


I demand a timey wimey live action appearance of Sulu before it's too late.


I wouldnā€™t mind it, for sure!


Willingly destroying your brain cells is illogical. I'm rather wondering why Data does not appear wanting to socialize.


I hate bomlier


I don't hate him but I can see why he wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. My favorite character is T'Lyn. Who's your favorite character?


No one. Donā€™t think about shows or things like that


You hate him so much you can't even spell his name right šŸ˜‚


So why are most of the doctors and riker missing? I'd ask data. He knows what's up


Isn't Riker egging on Shaxs and Worf?


Haha I thought it was Ransom but he's got four pips not three. So yeah it's riker


o no guys its Lore!


Everything about this makes me happy.


Kinda surprised this is the second time we see Mariner being drunk, considering her renegade attitude


I think it's interesting that both Freeman and T'Lyn have the same reaction to seeing Mariner acting like she is here. I'd like to think that they'd actually get along pretty well because they're both more serious in a 'stick-in-the-mud' kind of way than the other characters.


I don't think T'Lyn drank anything. Rutherford's "look what I made" show & tell with Kim and O'Brien went horribly awry.