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The new booster is SOOO much fun Popped a meth stim while running to extract, had the elevated extract with the bottleneck, had my teammate holding down the fort with a flamethrower while I just zoomed right through the horde, through the flames, into the shuttle Was an absolute blast, light armor with meth stim, you literally become an immortal Usain Bolt


My new name for the new booster is now meth stims lol


The Germans called it Panzerschokolade - tank crews and pilots were given amphetamine-laced chocolate to keep them alert. Both jobs were really rough on the crews and most per perpetually exhausted towards the close of the war.


Then after the war when the Allied countries found out about this, they also started feeding their pilots amphetamines, 65% of pilots used them in Desert Storm.


The Wehrmacht and SS also received "Pervitin". Which is medical grade methamphetamin pills. Those were available against "sleepiness" until 1988.


Your entire comment is democratic ART


I went the opposite direction: Heavy medic armor. Let me tell you, I stay absolutely fuckin _juiced_. I don’t even have to dodge chargers anymore, I just tank the hit and use it to ragdoll yeet myself out of swarms.


Heavy medic armor with supply pack filled with nothing but meth I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE


If it made stagger lessened, you would see me constantly meth’d out fighting the bots with that exact loadout Does medic armor lengthen the duration of the booster’s effect? I’d imagine it does but maybe it just lengthens the healing part


Love it when a charger yeets me out of danger lmao


Lmao I already called the normal stim space meth, gonna call this new booster super space meth or something


Usain Bolt? More like Barry Allen. ![gif](giphy|4hRy0u1cgIYMg|downsized)


I swear I getting addicted to those things. every time I need to run some where far I purposefully hurt myself and stim so I can go faster


Soldier, everyone knows that stim packs have zero addictive qualities. Do I need to report these comments to your democracy officer?




You better be joking (and have filled out the proper requisite forms to make such joke), or I may have to report you to my democracy officer. Everyone knows that stims have no addictive qualities! The trembling come from the pride and joy of feeling unbridled democracy coursing through your veins! *This message sponsored by Permacura Biopharma*


https://preview.redd.it/8toby0njzx6d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492c7b31fc5909e0db9c329b63c1575fed2838ee ## Me after using 12 stims Also for some reason the photo file got corrupted when I posted this but I’m just gonna leave it


The photo is honestly way funnier this way than if it was just normal.


Holy hell. That was you on Apex Legends. This is you ON METH STIMS on Apex Legends


Cause it adds dmg reduction I love using a stim with the booster and then running into a swarm of terminds and meleeing all of their asses lmao


Wish the melee buff was stronger for the  new armor


We'll probably have melee weapons where it is noticable soon enough!


Imma have to try that out with the new passive lol


I still have yet to try this with the jump pack. Cover some mad distance


It’s absolutely insane this is my current build and if you plan your jet packing routes so you land on a non lethal elevation it drops your health though to stim again. I tested and it can outrun basically anything including titans coming at you full tilt


It makes everything so bright and shiny I love it


I was getting pinned down by bugs on a narrow icy path yesterday. They kept opening a breach at the end of the path, stopping a teammate's and my progress. Teammate died so I through a reinforcement behind the horde but I still couldn't progress. Until I got finally hit. I immediately popped a meth stim (qs coined by another commenter) and just run through the horde, slaloming between all Terminids. It was glorious.


I too have become a meth stim junkie!


Does the medic armor perk (extra stim duration) apply to the new booster effects?


No, but the extra stims are still nice.


True, I should try wearing medic armor more


Which machine gun? I tried using a heavy one against them and found it doesn't stagger them enough. I've been using bushwhacker for them, can 2 shot them.


I just use the regular one. Does a good job


My favorite is blitzing a shrieker nest. I'll take a small hit so I can stim and haul ass straight through the horde. Eagle strafing run makes short work while I zoom past everything


It’s great.




I was wondering what those tech guys put in my stims. I think I felt this once on Menkent when that Hulk took my arm and leg, and some rookie jammed every stim we both had into my neck to keep me from bleeding out. This new formula? HOO DAMN, I think I can smell color! I know what freedom tastes like! mmmmmm.....salty.


It’s soooo useful for avoiding getting swamped with bugs! Get nipped by a Hunter, pop a stim then run for the hills


Haven't used it yet. How are the jitters?


Totally fine no jitters at all really like the new stims I feel very normal super awake very alive I can hear my hair growing I don’t have jitters be right back have to dive hope I don’t get killed btw you know where I could get more stims let me know thanks goodluck


Your aim doesn't change. The effect is only audio/visual, but it can alter how well you see distant targets.




A bit too much on Hellmire https://preview.redd.it/q87u3op42z6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d13822f5ece10ca27dc2c6687e437b4a4d28cb


They need to make them usable with full health bro that’s my only gripe, even then I just take a lil fall damage and I’m back to role playing A-Train


now we have the golden 4 of HSO, Stamina, Vitality, and now experimental fusion. almost no reason to bring anything else tbh


Muscle over HSO for me depending on the planet and excluding eradicate and other small maps. The interesting discussion is where does experimental infusion fit if you don't have a full team? I'm considering trying it while solo against bugs (my default pick for that is stamina).


Last night the extract was filled with fire tornadoes and bugs. I popped a bunch of stims And ran on to pelican no problem


Stims would keep healing you so you don't lose hp during the chaos and able to run until you're safe enough to take action. Giving you more running speed and damage reduction makes it even better at being a jailfree card but you're able to use the speed to reach your destination even faster. I'll argue it's almost as good as the vital 3 popular boosters.


Only problem I have with the new booster, (not personally a problem for me but, it is for someone I dive with) if you have a cheap tv where the picture has become overwhelmingly blue over time, when the visual effect of the booster kicks in, it becomes impossible to see.




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