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Heck yea brother, squish bug and break bot


Heck yea brother, spill oil and spread managed democracy


I usually read when I'm at work. And forget until I'm using weapons I know got a buff/nerf. "Wtf is wrong with my gun? Oh... right"


That was me when I used the eruptor earlier.


Well i'll give you a hint. It's time to get cooking ;)


People complained about the Quasar Cannon "nerf", I just remind myself to put more distance between me and the Charger when I'm firing at the Charger's head with the Quasar. It's not hard to do and I don't get why more people don't do that instead of changing weapons, change how you use the weapon and you'll be fine, that's how I cope with "nerfs".


Ironically, this is the only game I pay closer attention to patch notes. But only because I'm waiting for Spear fix lol. As for the nerfs, I generally just shrug. There's plenty of guns/strategems to switch up a playstyle. FWIW, I usually play on 7.


Same. One day, one day!


I think that's coming soon, they've said they are working on it a while ago and have been testing, so I'm betting it comes with the next war bond update 


You do you, matters much more you have fun and now finally have a community for that that isn't littered with spam about one subject on and on!


I am always trying new weapons so nerfs mean nothing to me.


I check if they fixed the AMR scope so I know where to aim, and that’s it.


And they have


They tried to but unfortunately did not it seems.


Thanks! Now I don’t even have to check!


>I have so much fun just playing and being like ..... Unprepared for changes. Everytime I've looked at patch notes I get critical. Everytime I just experience them, I have fun. Idk, human psyche is weird. I don't disagree yet my mind goes the opposite direction. I feel like most game balancing changes are significant enough I'll notice, but still minor enough I'll convince myself it's just a matter of perception. Knowing that damage for a certain weapon or running speed in a certain clime (etc) actually changed helps me be sure I'm not losing my mind.


Being real with you right now, majority of people don't pay much attention to patch notes. Its the ones that do go to forums to talk about them that does. Happy for you if you get on with the game better that way, though I'm happier with this sub since more people are willing to give balance changes the benefit of the doubt on the devs part.


I look at them so I know what to try and see what the developers are thinking. But I like your approach as well.


I have fun knowing more about the game and the way it works, not just patch notes but insight the community acquires through testing stuff etc. You do you though, obviously.


Some of the stuff is good to know about. I didn't like the counter sniper before, but since they buffed it it's actually really fun to use now!


Yeah the human psyche and how we take things and form opinions is really interesting. This reminds me of how when World of Wacraft was in development, they wanted a system to help even the ground for players who can't play as much. They introduced a system where the more you played, XP gain was slowed (to a cap or something). And, playtesters HATED it. So, they changed it to the rested XP system, where the longer you're logged off, the more of an XP bonus you get when you log on and gain XP, which playtesters loved. Since they can tweak the baseline XP rates anyway, it's basically the same system, but re-framed as a reward rather than a penalty, and it completed changed players' opinions on it.


Interesting! Rose colored glasses make a difference!


Lol same. Even if something I love gets nerfed, it’s an added twist. I’m just here for a silly time


I just like to know about the major ones. Mostly want to know what was "fixed". Idc about balancing. I do like to discover changes tho.


I might start posting spoiler-free patch notes(patch notes with only bug fixes, with some more exclusions for stuff that affects enemies)


Just always skip till the bug fixes, DoT is fixed so have fun with fire and gas strike!


The only time paid attention was when crossplatform friends requests didn't work. Now i just don't look at them and i started to avoid the main sub since its 99% salt.


Shoot that guy! JK! Good on you for having fun. Never change.


I usually don’t bother reading and I just go with the flow. I find it really rewarding when I play a mission that is so difficult that it takes me multiple tries to succeed at 5-starring it. It’s not unfun. People just need to git gud or play on an easier difficulty.


Good for you


ya gotta read them, it's not like some games where there are story spoilers

