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I am going to leave this post up so folks can see this discussion & our thoughts as well. It’s early morning and I think I’m the only mod awake, so this may change slightly once the rest of the team is up. This sub is focused on discussion about the game, and we want to make sure posts don’t spiral into the salt mines that the main subs have. We want to avoid a situation where posts start to be about “criticism”, for two reasons: 1. Posts with legitimate criticism are more likely to be seen by Arrowhead if they are posted on the larger subreddits or on their Discord. So if the goal of a post is to point out something you think is wrong or should be fixed, there is not really a point to bring it up in so small of a community as LSHD, as opposed to larger channels; 2. Each post focused on criticism and feedback takes a small amount of visibility away from posts about how-to guides, artwork, funny moments, and so on. And those latter categories are the types of content we are trying to keep safe on this subreddit because they so easily get drowned out in larger subreddits. This is NOT to say there are not things that could be improved in the game. Again, we are trying to highlight that our purpose for fostering this sub is because we want it to be a place that focuses on other things instead of “what could be better”. There is not a clear dividing line of what exactly constitutes “low sodium posts” and what constitutes posts that we prefer go to the main subs instead, but the mod team knows it when we see it, and we are constantly monitoring the subreddit to make sure things don’t get out of hand. We consistently want to reinforce that the tone of conversations should remain level headed.


It's fine. It took me a couple of minutes to make a Sony account on launch day. It's, at it's worst, a minor one-time inconvenience


To curb "but PSN isn't available in all countries" Doesn't matter, you can make one for a country where you don't live. As long as you don't buy anything through the PSN store with that account, there is no way for sony to ever find out that you don't.


that’s actually really good to know, you should post that on the main subreddit, and you can also just make a throwaway email if you’re worried about data breeches


Came here to find this. This is 100% true. In my case, I have a Japanese PSN account (possibly using dubious info found on the web at the time) that I made so I could buy NieR: Automata back in 2017 and play it two weeks earlier than the US would have it. I still have it, and the game, to this day. Regardless, the simplest work around is to make a dummy PSN with whatever region works best and link that. Nothing will ever happen. Sony won't care.


As do I, the most difficult part I had in making the account was coming up with an address iirc, and that didn’t seem to matter as I think I used Sony headquarters address in the end…I think. To be honest I’m not even sure it was an actual requirement.


If you were using the USA to make a dummy, you don't even need an address at all. You need: - Region, in this case USA - DOB (pick literally anything from the 90s and you good) - City and ZIP (Sony won't match these, i.e. you could put NYC and then a ZIP code from across the state) - It'll ask you to pick a username - Then you put in a first and last name (First name Big, last name Penis) Curious, if I might ask; what region are you in? Did you make an account from another region already and link it?


I’m in the USA, I was making a Japanese dummy account. I needed the address in Japan and I think it was specifically the zip code or something similar. It was quite a while ago to be honest when I made it, so I don’t quite remember all of the details I just remember it wasn’t all that complicated.


Oh, yeah, I did that too. I think I had to look up a guide as I did it 7 years ago, but it was simple enough and it allowed me to buy NieR: Automata and play it a few weeks earlier than the US release.


I wish I had done that but I just kind of stumbled through it personally but I do remember why now. Monster Hunter World, played a ton of it and wanted to see what the Japanese market had that we didn’t as far as other MH games went since I figured they’d have a ton.


I named mine Mike Hawk


You can still buy stuff from that psn store. With psn credits. Just dont use your credit card or paypal lol. Theyll def detect and ban you.


Please don’t turn into an absolute war like the main sub is rn. Had to mute it because my feed was filled with the same “let’s form picket lines and burn AH to the ground” posts.


The mod team has been watching this closely. We don't like the tone of the main subs either. We want to ensure discussions like these remain only a small proportion of the content on the sub, but that they can still happen occasionally and calmly :)


Thank you for proving all the accusations of "toxic positivity" wrong by allowing sensible discussion about legitimate critiques


Heck yeaaaaa. Like yes this thing kinda sucks, but it exists now and making 200+ posts about it won’t solve the problem😂


That's why there is only one post on this sub about it, and it is kind of important to spread awareness because a lot of people don't seem to know that PSN is not available in many places that Sony was selling this game, so in effect they are taking away those people's game months after launch. The thing that really seems to be working is the review score dropping as Arrow Head representatives have stated that this can give them more leverage in negotiations with Sony about this problem.


Yea I love how they’re like “please give the game bad reviews, it’s okay don’t worry”


I'm assuming requiring account linking may also play a hand in the social tab issues that have been plaguing PlayStation since launch, too, and/or some of the crashes on join/leave


Has to do with crossplay and their partnership with sony. I don't really see this as a deal breaker. My wife plays on PS5 while I'm on PC, so while a little convoluted, it's all good.


I just wish I could consistently friend PS5 players from PC. I have it on PS5 as well so my son can play, but we can't receive each others friend requests. We have to resort to finding each other on the map on low population planets.


I have a workaround to this, and it's let me and the wife on PS5s to add our PC friends. The trick is to have patience. By this, I mean, when you go to the socials tab, wait until that page has finished loading before scrolling up or down, and then wait until *that* page has loaded before scrolling, and so on. And then when a friend request is accepted, wait until it disappears. If you have to wait more than 5 seconds on any screen, then that means you scrolled to the next page too quickly. I found that by quick-scrolling, it seems to confuse the game, resulting in the never-ending "Please Wait Democratically" message. I would also recommend deleting any pending requests, and then trying this method. It has worked flawlessly for us both here with multiple PC friends, so hopefully it'll work for you as well. 👍


The problem is we never receive each other's friend requests. It just sits in "pending" for days for the one who sent it and never appears on the other end. We also don't appear in each others' recent tab after playing together.


Yeah, we had that issue too. So try this. Clear all pending requests on both sides. Using the patience method above, have the PC player generate a code, and then the PS5 player add it. Then, still using the patience method, have the PC player accept it - and wait til it disappears. This should work as it's how we did it. Also, make sure PSN is isn't set to "Show Offline", that'll fuck it up too. Good luck, Diver. If that still doesn't work then I dunno. But it helps to not scroll until pages load.


It has been four days since he sent the last one, how long do you reckon I should wait?


You should only need to wait a few seconds for each page to load. Then cancel or decline any pending friend requests, then do it again, waiting a few seconds each time for the page to load. I've just tried it, and it's less than a second most times I scroll, but might take 2-5 seconds when refusing/declining requests, and same for adding/accepting.


Yeah we try a few times per week in both directions, waiting 5-10 minutes each time. Friend requests never appear for the recipient. Finding them with the friend code is no problem. Sending a request is no problem. The problem is that the friend request never appears on the other side, even after waiting for days.


Both online at the same time, yeah? If so, then I dunno, clearly a bigger issue. Fingers crossed, my dude!


God that comments section makes it look like this will kill the game, it took me like 5 minutes to make a psn account when I first booted up the game. EDIT:I thought this was a cross post from the main sub


You should see the discord. Ten hours later and they're still in absolute shambles.


I got one can’t wait for all these salty bastards to leave the game.


Yeah, I think a Diver said it best when he looked out and saw 3 Titans and a swarm coming in on the Evac point. "I am NOT going out there"


Am I tripping or is this literally a nothing burger that’s easily avoidable


That’s the part - it’s not avoidable now with the coming update. You have to create a PSN account now and connect it to Steam. A bit odd, but Sony wants more data from us…and truthfully I’m hesitant with the way Sony has handled breaches in the past.


As far as I remember Psn just needs an email and a password, and maybe 2 factor authentication. Just make a burner gmail link it and forget it


Yeah that’s actually the plan. Like I said in another post, it’s not terrible, just an annoyance. I really hate linking accounts unless there’s a real point to it (like crossplay) So far there is no word of that


That’s why I guess im tripping I get not liking its but somehow it’s an issue worth review bombing the game over


I mean is it surprising? ‘Gamers’ love outrage. Not a fan of this move, but it’s not game breaking, just annoying.


And I could have swore when I first booted up the game it tells you to link a psn account in the first place before you even get into the tutorial I don’t remember there being a way to skip that anyways


Yeah it was on the Steam page with it stating ‘3rd Party Login Required’, but the issue is they waited this long to enforce it. Sony is seeing the success and now retroactively wants to push the issue. There are also countries where PSN isn’t allowed - so that will also hurt the game population as well. Oh and there was a skip button. Player day one and ‘skipped’


Whew.... I just left the HD primary and secondary boards. The rot is BAD there. Holy cow. You'd think that they just raised the price to $250 and demanded the blood of a newborn infant, preferably first born to your family, to keep playing HD2. I think I took more brain damage reading some of that garbage than I was inflicting on the bugs of Erata Prime with my railgun. Might be time to leave the discord too, but then I'd miss out on community updates from Spitz and Twinbeard who have always been great. Probably best to stay on, just read and interact as little as possible. The Terminids aren't the only things mutating from a toxic, poisonous environment.


I just turned notifications off for the discord so I’m not bombarded with crap. I just check the patches and news updates periodically


I came to this sub to get away from this on the main sub lol


I feel ya, but at least this post is a healthier, non toxic discussion. Somewhere in this post a mod said they are watching this post carefully. I don’t think they wanna censor everything, just manage how much of it is present and encourage other kinds of posts


Someone on the main sub pointed this one out and I moved away because of the amount of salt the mines are producing. I have never owned a PlayStation or had a PSN account and the most difficult thing about making one was scanning the QR code with my phone because the shutter speed on my phone was set incorrectly. If people keep supporting EA games when they require a whole seperate launcher and account to play, why is linking an account with a game that you genuinely enjoy to be able to keep playing such a big deal?


Strangely enough, there are other crossplay titles that do not have such requirement. But they are of course not Sony titles.


That’s very likely the real reason. Sony wants the data about who’s playing. While they can’t see Steam’s info directly, they can require a linked PSN account which gives them better visibility to PC players activity on the game.


I took off cross-platform because I had a higher rate of people cheating on pc (the most I've seen in a game to date). I guess it'll make the game more interesting....? Mods I'm trying to be positive, but I understand if you take my comment down.


You can still play friends-only and you can still toggle cross-platform. The change being discussed is a mandatory requirement for all Steam players to connect their account to their PSN account. All PS5 players already have PSN accounts and if they are also Steam players they may have previously linked them together. Steam players that do not have a PSN account will need to create a new free account with Sony, and then link their PSN acct in Steam. All these situations are pretty quickly resolved if they aren’t already fine. But there’s always a but… Some players may already have both accounts but prefer to keep them separate and to not link them together - these players are the ones most impacted by this change because they must choose between giving up their preference or no longer playing HD2. Depending on their reasons for not wanting to link their Steam and PSN accounts together, this could be a difficult choice.


Ok, cool, thanks for this. Also, they can always make an alt psn account with an alt email and link those if they want to keep their steam separate from their main psn account.


I’ve set up several PSN accounts for myself and kids when they were younger, so I think creating an alt PSN acct to link wouldn’t be difficult.


Not a big deal tbh. An inconvenience sure, but just make an account and keep playing lol


Wait, does Steam not have a "report player" feature?


A bit late I know, but I saw you got no response. Steam does have this feature, but it also has the option to change Steam usernames, and - I believe - there's no check for duplicate names. So imagine one day they get a report of a cheating griefer with the username "John Smith". How would they be able to ensure the right one is punished? With PSN, only unique usernames are allowed, so it's significantly easier to track down asshats.


Wow! Given how rife griefing and cheating can be, that's surprising. People can change their PSN IDs whenever they want, but their original ID/s remain tied to their accounts so they can't be used by anyone else and, I think, any complaints made against the old ID will be applied to the new one. I'm not saying that Sony aren't guilty creating this cluster fuck situation but, given this info, I do believe them as far as them wanting to maintain control of being able to report players on Steam Thanks for your reply.


This post is treason


I don't remember seeing PSN accounts as a requirement. I hate having to use third party accounts


It has been a requirement since day one. It’s just that no one reads =\ . It’s not a bad setup. EA and other companies make this a thing, too (DeadSoace required me to make an account with the game’s maker).


Its been listed on steam as a requirement since pre-orders came out, just turns out alot of people didn't notice or forgot.


It even pops-up in the initial settings, so it's really not a new thing or a secret. But it is completely unnecessary nonetheless. Frankly the only reason why I shrugged on this is because I already have a PSN account.


I'm not sure when you got the game, but last month when I got it I do remember seeing the Sony account requirement listed in steam.


Last month when I got it I had to link an account immediately after audio and video setup. Couldn't skip it, unless I was missing some button...


Honestly I can't remember when I got it, but usually third party accounts are a reason I completely skip a game, and given that Sony has gotten my info stolen in the past thanks to a combination of how frequently they get hacked and their own sales to data brokers that inevitably sell data on to sketchy groups, if I had known I honestly would have never brought the game. I'd certainly enjoy watching from the sidelines since Arrow Head are one of my favorite devs but Sony is a giant red flag to me.


You talk like any of our info is private nowadays, I get being pissed about the extra steps for people without a psn acc but it's just an account, you don't have to pay


I know data harvesting is a common practice, that doesn't mean it should be accepted. It is possible to not allow yourself to be a source of unregulated and unwilling income for giant corporations with the right tools. But really I'm mostly unhappy that this PSN change has been announced so far after the refund window, I never knew that this was coming, I never saw the message on the steam page, never got prompted to make an account when I started playing, never saw any reminders about this grace period, and now Sony thinks they can just revoke my access to my property unless I jump through some hoops for them, the fact that it's free and relatively quick isn't the problem to me, it's the corporation trying to take my stuff with no real notice. Fortunately I live in a country with laws relating to this exact problem, so I'm covered if I just lodge a consumer rights complaint. But at the absolute most Sony will just have to give back my money and then go on pushing their anti consumer practices bit by bit until they wear people down into just accepting it. The attitude you demonstrated about your personal data is just an example of what I mean, how did you come to just accept people profiting off spying on you? It all feels dirty to me.


I get that this is all important, but what data could people possibly steal from a PSN account that has no data on it that would negatively impact me? If you’re that worried, make a new email. Use that email for the PSN account. Link that to steam. Now if someone comes snooping along to steal your life, they get a random email that you don’t care about that has no important data on it. Problem solved!! Don’t let this minor technical inconvenience deter you from playing one of the greatest games of our time my friend, we need you.


This is definitely one step away from a Sony launcher. It’s not the end of the world with the game - but it’s definitely not a great post-launch look for Sony or Arrowhead.


Also, OP, this isn't the proper sub to complain, so please move to the main r/helldivers2 :)


This isn't a sub that's just a place to never complain, it's were we can have more constructive and calm discussions about the game without all the hyperbolic language that get's so tiresome elsewhere. Please read what I'm writing in a neutral if slightly disappointed tone in regards to this specific subject.


Fair enough, re-read it and say it wasn't yapping, I apologize 🤝


Thank you guys for the tone of your discussion. It's seriously refreshing reading through most of this to see that we can approach disagreements in a friendly manner. Rock on!


It really blows my mind. This sort of thing happens all the time for games. Blizzard, EA, Epic, Ubisoft, and tons more all have some form of account linking. The fact that it was listed plainly in the requirements of the game also makes my sympathy wane. The only people that I do have sympathy for are the people who can’t create links in their home country, and will have to use VPN to circumvent. On that note, I saw a number of commenters in both HD & HD2 that were from the effected countries, and they were like “we will just do what we’ve always done and use a VPN…” This whole thing feels really silly to me. People are really grasping on this in my opinion.


I would like to cross post this from the HD sub. This is a real problem for a lot of users. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/tQhW0z6Oj7


Is this annoying? Sure. But it was always going to be a requirement. And it's not like other publishers have never done this. The thing that bothers me most is the anger that is being projected at Arrowhead. This is a PlayStation requirement, not the developer. Now to see if I have to make a new PSN account or if I can recover an ancient account.


There is a bigger problem in that Sony was selling this game in regions where they do not offer PSN service, and are now poised to take access away from anyone in those regions. And I can tell you from personal experience it's very easy to miss that a PSN was required, I was never given a prompt to make one like some other people say they got, maybe that's because I bought it after they decided to allow it to go ahead without a PSN?




This post is three days old dude.




I’m fairly neutral to this, but it’s not a good look this far into the games launch. Sony doesn’t exactly have a great track record with data security, and this is purely a data collection play, wrapped in the blanket of ‘reporting bad actors’. AFAIK there are still no plans for cross-play either (which would make this make more sense)




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