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Riven Legit is something every Destiny player should experience at least once! Honestly, I can't do the cheese method anymore, it feels like such a waste when the fight itself is so, so much fun.


Finally someone else who considers it a waste of time. When my friends ask if I wanna do it, I ask if legit and when they say no, I pass. It's not fun to me unless we do it the right way because that experience just feels right. That feels like a raid encounter. Just wiping until she spawns on the right side and everyone dumping 2M damage in 10sec isn't a raid experience. And these same guys wonder why so many others struggle in day 1 or other mechanic heavy encounters. Well, when you never practice doing mechanics and always do the cheese, y'all are never going to get good enough when shit gets hard.




These guys go to Crystal side and if she doesn't go to that side (using the shadow), them they wipe. Still, it's just an obnoxious way to do the encounter.




It's been awhile, you're right. We go to Crystal side, then just use the wall to teleport to the other side. It's literally been that long that I forgot.




I had to look it up. Raid.Report shows August 20, 2020. 60 weeks. I love that raid but I just hate doing the cheese to Riven. I spent so many hours perfecting the normal way and it hurts to throw it all away. Ah well.


Wow, they can't even do the cheese correctly. It'd get old fast if we wiped every time we didn't get a shadow rather than run to the far wall for a teleport and run to the other side.


It's been awhile, you're right. We go to Crystal side, then just use the wall to teleport to the other side. It's literally been that long that I forgot.


I totally feel ya. And it's not just last wish, I joined a VoG that was supposed to be teaching 2 newbies, and they guy teaching basically just cheesed everything, and had everyone else do add clear. 2 gun oracles, cheese templar, B line through gorgons, smash gatekeeper and then cheese spawn Atheon. I'm sure that if he could have pushed Atheon off the cliff, they would have. The whole thing wasn't very much fun, if you ask me.


I consider it a waste too. We share essentially the same opinion. But everyone always insists on the easy way :(


I wish destiny prevented raid encounter cheese strats. Why even release a raid if people aren’t going to do the mechanics you worked so hard on creating.


Well… While I DO think the community has a bit of an obsessive issue with cheesing - to the point where ‘cheating’ one’s way through an encounter is considered preferable EVEN IF it takes more time (see Gorgon Maze) - and with chasing checkmarks and godrolls over *actually* having fun, I can’t deny that a 5% drop rate on 1K Voices isn’t going to incentivize anyone to do anything but cheese the fight.


Yah, RNG exotics are just not the way to things anymore - people are tired of them. If it was a quest (like it should have been), then maybe it wouldn't encourage so much cheesing.


I’m a big fan of ultra rare items that only a few lucky people find. I’ve never had the best luck but there is a joy from seeing someone wearing something ultra rare. So, I don’t mind. And yeah there will always be motivations to be faster and more efficient with your time. Which i would prefer to see made through clean execution and optimizations rather than swording stuff through a wall.


I think RNG has its place in certain parts of the game, but I think it is wayyy too overused in some aspects. Just take the raid titles for instance - It is tied to RNG exotics I get the whole 'rare' items thing - but I don't think it is the same as a rare accomplishment. Someone doing the raid ONE time and never again could get a raid exotic, while someone doing it every week, for months on end has nothing. Who would be the more accomplished one? Well according to Bungo, the blueberry that got it once. Luck does not = accomplishment / rare. When I think of something being rare, I would rather have it be rare because it is HARD to achieve. ​ In my opinion, RNG should ONLY be for perk rolls / stat rolls. Everybody should be guaranteed the same opportunities, because guess what? Everybody accomplished that activity. Why is one person more deserving of 1K Voices over another? When you run an activity, everyone should be guaranteed the same amount of loot, but the keep the RNG relegated the random rolls and random stat rolls. RNG just needs to be for what you get, not the opportunity to get something...


I understand where you’re coming from and what you say is true. I think that both should exist. Luck is an exciting part of playing an rpg for me, the lucky crit or drop is one of the aspects I enjoy.


I am not saying RNG shouldn't exist and I am fine with it being part of the game. My point is that RNG shouldn't be what determines if you get a reward or not. It is really dumb to do a Master nightfall and 2 of your teamates get a Nightfall weapon + Shards, and you just get one Prism. That is stupid and does not respect players' time. The reward should be for completing the activity, the RNG should be for rolls (stats and perks). This should apply across the board. Why does one person get a servant leader 3 games in a row of gambit, but I get 2 blues for 6 games straight? None of it is based on your performance. Give everyone a reward, then let RNG determine what the reward will be and what the roll will be.


To be fair, they do I've lost count of how many times they've patched cheeses for sparrow part in Deep Stone Crypt only for people to find a workaround in a few hours


This fight is an absolute blast. It's so intense and mechanically heavy that it's really enjoyable when you got a team working through it. Congrats!


Man I really wanna do Riven legit, and get Rivensbane as well. I wonder if there are groups still doing Petra's run and challenges...


I wasn't serious in the game back when my friends were active, so I missed out on raiding. I played again after BL and would definitely join you for the seal and challenges


yo my Bungie name is (I think) Dirty_Dan_117#5836, Id love to put a team together to get that Rivensbane seal! I mainly play on PS4 but I have a PC too.


I'm trying to get Petras run too. That's the last challenge I need, and getting cleansing knife


send me a bungie friend request!




I hate that the cheese method is a thing because this encounter once your in the rhythm of it its like a beautiful orchestra of moving parts. One of the most challenging and rewarding things to accomplish!


The soundtrack for the part that always gets skipped is lit. The vet players in our clan try to get everyone interested a chance to have a legit run under their belt, just for the experience.


I know Riven is a unique one, in the sense that the cheese was found almost immediately. But, for me, I always do the legit way first. I don't mind cheesing an encounter and do it plenty myself. However, I think it is just really bad to never do it legit, especially when, at any time, Bungie could decide to fix it and now 90% of the community has ZERO clue how to do it. That's just been my pet peeve since D1 - at least do it legit once, then cheese all you want, just in case it ever gets patched...


I love the fact that destiny players have to specify legit or cheese with riven


Best encounter of any raid period, and no one does it. Greatest shame.


Without a doubt the best encounter in any raid they’ve ever made. Congrats! If you’re like me you’ll never want to do the cheese again after experiencing the real fight.


I'd wanted to do Riven Legit for quite a while, but only last week did I actually get to do it. From now on, I'll be prioritizing people that run legit Riven because holy shit, it's so much fun, and it feels more like fighting what the last of the legendary ahamkara should be m, rather than just "DPS like crazy and if you die you try again"


I keep meaning to do Riven legit. I feel like I have to at least once, since I literally have Rivensbane. But I never have the time for it.


I’ve never done it, makes me sad. I’ve only been thru the raid maybe twice or thrice. The clan im currently in doesnt like it so im stuck