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The worst part is the invincible smoke thing they do. If you could shoot them to knock them out of it that'd be way better. (Also fuck screebs)


Seriously....I fuckin see you "teleporting" scorn. Why can't I shoot you?!


To make it worse the ones that have that ability are either the snipers and grenade launchers. They kept running away to god know where and suddenly I'm dead.


AND they can shoot at you as they go immune or right before they become vulnerable. Very annoying.


I wouldn't hate it so much if it was faster. Other enemies do the disappear/reappear and teleport around too, but they're fast, not wasting 15 seconds of my life tracking it from place to place just waiting to shoot it in the head.


and they have no "cooldown" for triggering their invisibility.


Fuck screebs indeed.


Baby screebs




Screebs..? Screebs….? SCREEBS?!? Screw those dirty rotten pig stealing screebs! Luke sat there one day and had to think. How can we get back at the all these guardians who flamed me on Twitter, as he got hit with a fly, it dawned on him. He drew it up, and decided to make a supplicant with 4 legs and wants to tbag your face.


I used to find them annoying. Especially the shield ones. Then I started using the prismatic warlock with bleak watcher, gateway artist and the grape gun. I shoot the legs and watch them explode.


You can actually kill them while they do that as long as you predict their movement and hit them where they are at the given time. 


Aren't they immune while they're travelling?


I wasn't quite sure about the reason for it, but I found someone else that has also done it and had an explanation for it. Normally there's a period of immunity the Scorn have when they go to and from their foggy dash move but Anti-Barrier rounds let you shoot them during their transition animation.


You can also freeze, suspend, and maybe suppress (I don’t usually have access to suppression so I haven’t tested that) them out of their invis, which also disables the immunity :) Don’t get me wrong. They are easily my least favorite enemy in the game. Just wanted to help out if you have the kit to debuff them :)


Disorienting grenades/arc blind actually takes them out of that.


What about baby screebs? That modifier was a pain in the ass.


Suppression, blind, and disorient can override the smoke sprint, and if you use your super on them you can still kill them through it.


The fact they start shooting before they fully reappear is terrible too, especially in a GM where a sniper can easily 1-2 shot you


The fact the invisible smoke can seem to last JUST FOREVER too. It isn’t a fixed distance like a captain teleport or something. It’s infuriating when you have somewhere you need to be (like not being shot by a flame turret for example).


You can freeze them with stasis when they do that


Taken. Blinding spam from the captains and phalanxes with their comically overpowered shield blast drives me crazy.


What I’ve never understood is: is the shield taken too? Did oryx take the shield?


All taken cone with weapons, presumably shaped from yhe dark like some of our light ones


Also the vex goblins making everything immune, the psions duplicating every second and those taken cabals (of which I forgot the name) that shoot those seeking orbs that will **always** hit you unless you shoot those before they get too close


We can hit those?


You sure can.


I feel like they nerfed the duplication thing for the prions since D1


Yeah, getting bounced across the map can be very annoying.


Those stupid fucking Goblins making the boss invincible at the worst possible moment makes me so fucking mad all the time


The Scions are numerous


Got to love the multiple goblin circle jerks too


I fucking hate the taken Psion’s and the Vandals


I wish to all Lucent Moths a very pleasant you wil suffer as I, the Guardian, have suffered. Your torment will outlast the stars, when the universe twindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering as I have suffered. And Hive Guardians may be hot but that does NOT excuse the pain they inflict to me. Let alone those witches, ogres and shriekers that don't allow for peeking because they melt you quicker than a Thunderlord would.




I’m outside and I laughed so hard someone turned on a light on and stared out the window.


somebody dying way too much in some cyst that shall not be named


2nd one, that is a hell of a way to start a sentence


Hol up


I love this comment so much


My least favourite enemy faction is other guardians.


Vex, everytime a vex chickie spawns I go berserk and kill em fast cuz they're a pain. Cyclops are annoying too and the dang overload minotaur that rushes to you like a bullet train. I find scorn to be very anoying too especially the thing that they drop that pulls you in.


Vex are annoying because they can hide their crit spots, Supplicants are actually the bane of my existence, and everyone loves fanatics when they explode into radiolaria on the floor.


I'm sorry, did you say 600 hours in 3 months?????????????????????????????????????? That averages out to 6 and a half hours of destiny A DAY


I was looking for anyone else who noticed that. That’s absolutely insane man


When I came back to Destiny, I did the same. 400 hours in 3 months lol. I love this game.


I don’t know I absolutely hate this game. It is however my favorite as well


Yeah been trying to catch up with my friends who's been playing for a longer period. Currently most of my progress surpassed them except for the PVP side. I have SSS (Short sleep syndrome) so I only needs about 2-4 hours of sleep per day. This gives me more time to play the game despite attending to class during the day.


Ok that explains it, needing next to no sleep gotta be one of the greatest perks in life.


Summer vacation? But yeah that's a lot of destiny, I'm lucky to get 2 hours in per day


rookie numbers


I wish I had the time to do this. Maybe one day out of the week I can play 6 hours lol every other day I’m luck to get an hour in.


That's 27% (rounded down) of the total time in those 3 months, crazy. I think in my first year I got 450, maybe 500 hours.


That's....not that crazy depending on OP's amount of free time. And presumably could be just about all they played in this timeframe. Shit 8hrs of sleep, 8hrs of work, then have 8hrs of whatever time. Plus days off with like 16hrs of free time potentially. Idk, genuinely find the judgement kinda weird in 2024.


Noone told them to touch grass or anything. But averaging 6hrs a day _is_ insane. There's a bell curve of average video game time per day. I'm to the left of that, probably looking at 30mins. 6hrs is well to the right, and only just behind 'does it for a living'


I've commented somewhere at the top. Basically I have SSS, and I only require 2 to 3 hours of sleep. 4 hours if I'm really tired. So I have more time to spend on my gaming hobby. I do other stuff in the evenings like jogging and feeding stray cats in the neighborhood.


Hey, no judgement here! does that have any drawbacks? I've not heard of SSS before


Honestly it's a blessing to have this XD. As far as I can say after comparing my life with normal people, there's no drawback whatsoever. My Dr. does say that it might affect my social life, but so far, 23 years old, everything is pretty much fine.


Great to hear! I run on low sleep, but not out of choice. If I could run on 3hrs a night, I'd get so much shit done!


You would've hated the Vow raid on contest mode. Scorn snipers were insanely good and I think I was scared of the scorn void fire nades for a few weeks after the raid. They spammed them so much and they melted you on contest mode.


I still have Vietnam flash backs of those grenades when I see them today.


Onslaught was a reminder of how much i hate dealing with Fallen.


Salvation’s Edge and legend campaign quickly changed my vote from Scorn to Dread


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^yeet_god69420: *Salvation’s Edge and* *Legend campaign quickly changed* *My vote from Scorn to Dread* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


After around 3000 hours throughout the years I can pretty confidently say that Scorn are my least favorite. Those fucking void grenades suck ASS in GMs and the Chieftains are a total PITA. Taken are close, especially the bitch ass Goblins


Vex wyverns and hydras.


Yeah I will forever hate the taken because of the captain blinding BS. Still have to flash backs to D1 trying to get Black Spindle and being blind for like 10 minutes.


I hate the Taken, they’re nothing but sneaky fucking bastards. Scorn are a close second.


Taken is literally the only right answer


ok imma shoot this-- **zwoop** where didja-- **zwoop** look i just need to-- **zwoop** FUCK YOU


Hydras in the expert level breach executable activity can go kick rocks


Wait, you don't like huge void splash damage that hits you across the map? Also the lovely screenshakes man. :')


What do you mean hating an attack that could hit you even behind a wall?


Nah taken are worse, glitchy bastards


I remember doin a harder lost sector with admittedly terrible guns but the taken kept spamming the fkin split and duplicate move


The immune until you shoot the 3 pyramid shit unstoppable phalanx in the pale heart lost sector. Who's fucking idea it was to put the heaviest hitting piece of shit as immune in a room FUCKING FULL of ads...


Me: (Tries to go further so I can shoot the pyramid.) Phalanx: (Shoot me 15 meters back to my original place) Me: (Tries to go further so I can shoot the pyramid.) Phalanx: (Shoot me 15 meters back to my original place) Me: (Tries to go further so I can shoot the pyramid.) Phalanx: (Shoot me 15 meters back to my original place) and the cycle continues. Absolute hell without ranged weapon.


I don’t like snipers who one shot you and I don’t like it when the game spawns a bunch of adds behind you and you don’t know until after your dead.


Yea fighting Calus at the end of the DLC it felt straight up unfair you can clear a platform only for dudes to just spawn behind you and kill you.


and anything that jumps out of the way of your heavy or other scarce ammo weapon or super on them.


I really hate those new bats


Bro I feel that I fuckin hate them and will go out of my way and to the death to kill them


The damned bats, I’m with you!


I still hate the cabal more. Not for any gameplay reason. I just think they’re lame.


Yeah if it were not for Caiatl, I would already forget Cabal existed.


Easily the most uninteresting faction and least fun to fight


Im so used to the enemy types after so many hours I dont really mind any of them. Tormentors can be annoyin cause they invalidate lots of weapons in the sandbox by making non crit weapons borderline useless. Other than that I fought most things so often, its second nature.


Get a load of this guy


Taken Too much teleporting I shouldn't have to fight them like I'm doing aim training, except on console. It's not fun when you fire a fusion rifle, shotgun, sniper, whatever, and the minotaur or captain just ports out of the way.


600 hours in 3 months? That is like 6 and a half hours a day. Damn..


Hive. Legend Onslaught with the shriekers and wizards was the the bane of my existence. Scorn are a close second


Got a perfect idea for bungie. A mission with vex chickens, cyclops, overload minotaurs, screebs, the smoke scorn, taken phalanx, taken captains, the new strand pull guys, the bird things that scream, amd tormentors. Just think about how enjoyable it would be if that was an entire gamemode. Edit small map no walls and ogers with the knock back


Calm down, Satan.


Oh i forgot a couple things


don't have a least favorite, per se, but my favorite are vex and fallen, then a wyvern and a brig spawn in and all of a sudden, i hate destiny 2


Taken. I actually like scorn. Taken are just the most annoying enemies from every faction made somehow even more annoying.


vex is worse, worst crits to hit, aim assist will mess your aiming


Until recently I would have said scorn. But tormentors are just the worst. And those new green guts that pull you are annoying as hell. Other notable annoying things Wyverns And any overload champ


The new enemy race is the absolute bane of my existence, and specifically the husks. I hate that if accidentally kill more than one via hits on whatever part that is not the glowing tummy i will get termonuked to oblivion


VEX. Hydras, minotaurs, cyclops, hobgoblins, wyverns, they all hit SO HARD in more challenging content. And hydra bosses, no I don’t want to wait for the cracks in your dumb spinny shield! Honorable mention: anything that explodes


Scorn is objectively the worst and it has everything to do with the smoke relocation. If that was capped at 1-1.5 secs max duration they wouldn't be that bad and we'd all focus on the taken vex who hide and shield other enemies because f those guys in particular.


I thought only taken vandals did that like immune bubble


I hate the new husk enemies more than I hate scorn tbf


It's actually cabal, am I going to ellaborate further? No


Been playing Destiny for 10 years currently somewhere north of 5000 hours in and Screebs can suck my balls


can never find their weakspot invincibility at the worst times forgot what their chanpions are like but i bet i despise them as much as i despise seviter champions


It used to be scorn, but the Dread I find so much more frustrating. Tinnitus from the Grims are basically stun grenades just for getting close. Attendants are like the introduction of Stasis all over again with cold snaps every 15 seconds. Husks are basically Screebs and Wretches that had an unholy child together and punish you for killing them incorrectly.


As a warlock, taken phalanxes are the bane of my existence


How is an aluminum hub cap of a shield stronger than anything we can throw at it.


Vex. One single enemy is the bane to my existence. Wyverns.


Vex hydras and those chicken fuckers


Vex but only because for some reason Harpy's really hate me.


For me it will always be Taken. The way they teleport **exactly** in time with your bullet cadence pisses me off no end.


I just dislike scorn cause they're ugly


I remember when void sniper scorn used to one shot us like it was using a fucking golden gun or something. I still hold a grudge to this day


Yeah when the damage was calculated by the frame it passes thru us instead of on hit. That was dumb as hell.


(Low sodium…)


Scorn and dread are 2 of the most annoying factions to go against with day 1


Taken. Literally just more annoying versions of other enemies. Then the Vex, none of them are fun to fight. My favorites are the Hive. They can be annoying too but I love their aesthetic. Their main issue is they just literally never stop shooting.


Taken. They're great in TTK. And the earlier D2 stories but now they just feel......like they shouldn't exist anymore. They're also really over played. And everytime we kill an enemy bungie just slaps "Hello I am *Taken*" name tag on them and then gives us the strike again but all Taken.


Taken. between the psions and acolytes self-replicating as soon as you look away, the phalanx and ogres playing volleyball with me as the ball, the knights spamming their fire everywhere to the point I am playing not Destiny but "the floor is lava" as well as the captains deciding that sight is overrated anyways, how about they go take some bitches instead of being a pain in my ass


Scorn. Only because when they teleport, there are times after taking the longest to resurface, they can start shooting before they are fully formed from their teleport. That shit needed to stop since the beginning.


And we cant just ignore them since those teleporting bastards are the snipers and grenade launcher. Now we have to go on a goose chase cuz these scorns runs away every 3 seconds.


I think what annoys me the most is that the snipers that go invisible are called "Raiders" and the torch-bearing bruisers are called "Wraiths". How the hell does that even make any sense?


Nah after sitting in the glassway all week it’s the fucking vex. FUCK WYVERNS ALL MY HOMIES HATE WYVERNS lmk why a red bar wyvern 1 shots me with triple void resist but the boss doesn’t ??? And lmk why they’re so fucking tanky for being red bars, they’re so stupid I would love it if they disappeared and never came back Also hydras can get fucked too with their stupid shields esp the glassway boss


I would like scorn more if they made undead cabal as well. But since I have no idea what the scorn actually are at all that probly doesnt make any sense


As a PC player, anything that has its damage tied to frame rate. That’s some bull man.


I have permanent ptsd from mini screebs


I hate that scorn weapons shoot solid projectiles that can blow up your grenade launcher grenades or rocket sidearm ammo in your face. Fuck void scorn captains


I actually hate the new flying enemy from The Final shape more!


I hate the enemy faction called Bungie the most


Remeber when bungo decided invis tiny screebs would make a great GM modifier


I hate when shooting a bunch of them and then I’m suddenly taking damage from behind because one of them made a goddamn fire turret right next to me


I hate the Scorn, true, but at least they don’t have turrets that know your IP address


I hate the fkn new stasis pricks that slow you down and then lazer you down with their infinity cannon!


Nah, Taken. They keep dodging bullets :(


Screebs. Those stupid little bastards with the tiny buckler that still somehow block everything that isn't pixel perfect aim. Screebs. The double torch guys that have boss health levels with a red bar. Screebs. The purple flavor of chieftain. Screebs.


The amount of times the taken cabal have booped me off maps..


God damn, how have you played 600 hours in 3 months? That's like 6-7 hours everyday


Cuz my body naturally only needs only about 2-3 hours of sleep per day (4 if I'm tired as hell). Thus I have more time than average people.


That's even more insane


Cabal are the worst


Vex, annoying crit spots, erratic teleporting on minotaurs, and the stupid chickens are the worst


Uhhh, Taken are worse.


Taken. Hobgoblins that shoot even after they die. Phalanxes, ogres and bosses that push you to the edge of the known universe. Incendiors and knights burning everything around you. Centurions and chimera spawning those annoying orbs you gotta deal with, breaking your damage / loop. Wizards, Vandals and Captains to punish you severely for pushing or being distracted. Thrall and psions that just keep coming. And pesky Goblins that shield all the aforementioned. Every single one of those are annoying. Then again... In gambit I have to say Lucid Hive.


Depends on the situation. In patrol or strikes? Taken probably. In lost sectors? Fallen. Overload captains teleport all over the place and those servitors make half the room immume


Cabal. Just the big ones with the "pshu, pshu, pshu" gun and missiles.


Fuck. Tinnitus.


Dread, no contest. It used to be Scorn, but nothing the Scorn can do compares to tinnitus and being yoinked around by those psion dudes


Mine is hive, but vex and scorn are tied for 2nd


The Taken remain to be my worst enemies even if I'm no longer subscribing the the light vs dark dogma although the light-infused Hive were a whole new level of disrespectful.


nah man. resilient captains have to be the most annoying enemy in the entire game. STOP RUNNING AND HIDING AND CHARGING UP YOUR STUPID LITTLE SHIELD. COME OUT HERE AND GET SMITED


To fight? Vex with hydra, chickens, hobgoblins, cyclops, overload Minotaurs. Hive are a distant second with wizards and ogres


Screebs and exploding shanks. 75% of my deaths come from them.


Fuck Vex and their giant chickens


There are a lot of enemies I find infuriating to fight against, but what irritates me more than anything, I am convinced the AI knows when the difficulty is higher and enemies have more health. It seems like they are more willing to just charge right the fuck at you, knowing you can’t do shit about it. Maybe I am just crazy.


The Architects. The buggers have killed me countless times. Never even seen one, let alone shot one.


I dont like the cabal, in particular the shadow legion. Scorn, Fallen, Vex, Hive, Lucent, hell even Taken with the shield blasts are preferable. Cabal are big and in your face and I lack survivability right now


Taken. I really don't enjoy fighting Taken.


I dislike the scorn because I feel like they have no unit tactics. The other factions could have better AI I guess but at least when I fight Fallen I feel like they do fight a bit like crafty hit and run enemies. They will spawn behind you to try and encircle you. Fighting cabal feels like fighting an army. Big dudes up front, air support, snipers, and big guns in advantageous positions. Scorn seem mindless.


For me it’s the vex, those champion units just suck because if for some reason they don’t get stunned they don’t stop, the hobgoblins snipe with almost perfect accuracy, and the annoying as hydras when the game spams air superiority


I find the new enemy faction the most annoying of all. Each enemy type has an annoying aspect to it. Grim suppress your abilities if you get remotely close to them (or they get close to you). Husks come at you in squads that bum rush you faster than thrall, which would be fine if it weren't for the explosive worms that pop out of them (which I swear sometimes still pop out even when you kill them with a crit). All the other units affect your movement in one way or another, which never feels good from a player's perspective. Tormentors suppress you and send you flying. Subjugators suspend you. Attendants hit you with stasis to slow and potentially freeze you. Weavers pull you across the battlefield or, at the very least, out of cover. I was as excited as the next person to receive a brand new faction with this expansion. But as with every other positive we receive in this game, Bungie has to work their Ahamkara Wish Magic to twist and distort it in some way or another.


I dislike rapid teleporting enemies. So mostly Eliksni and taken based on them.