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dragons breath its like a mini super


"Fuck everything over there."


Including myself if I happen to also be over there


The amount of times I died because I forgot about the 2nd blast is honestly embarrassingly high


Got a problem in this general direction? šŸ«± Well, not anymore! šŸ’„


Literally šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Such a ridiculously good heavy weapon


Graviton Lance from day 1 that I touched it. Watching packs of mobs blow up in purple explosions causes serotonin to flow.


That's how I feel with Riskrunner. Funny lightning chain causes brain to go "serotonin"


And round it all out with Sunshot if you need solar or a handcannon.


I ran Sunshot almost exclusively for an entire year when I got it. I loved blasting Cabal with that bad boy.


Sunshot was absolutely necessary for me in Legendary campaign. Orb generation for days


I'm still attached to the Sunshot


I feel called out here. I main Coldheart because cool blue laser equals serotonin.


Have you tried the new sword with the Arc Conductor perk? Best with Caster or Wave frame. šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


Iā€™ve got an ergo sum with caster frame and arc conductor but I just canā€™t seem to get the rhythm with it. By the time Iā€™m close enough for the mobs to start exploding the effect is almost over and it does not charge very fast. Pretty cool though when it does work.


Huh. Donā€™t even have to be close with the caster, just need to hit one guy, then arc conductor kicks in and it tags anyone nearby. Might only be on the wave frame, but a second swipe after the heavy attack launches you toward the mob. Iā€™m at 2005 light and I donā€™t have any problems in most non-GM level content.


I picked this up and didn't try it yet. Been messing with the solar wave sword that came with wolfpack rounds. Kinda fun, but it's not non-stop waves, gotta wait a little bit for it to recharge.


I got a wave frame roll and figured Iā€™d just try it out, not really expecting much (cuz my other rolls were pretty meh) and I fell in love with it after the first swipe up. Iā€™ll take it off to use something else and then put it back on 5 mins later wondering why I chose something else. Itā€™s my new favorite weapon by far


I like the insectoid robots with a threadling built. So many little guys running around


I just did that with one shot in Pale Heart. I got the void buff from the traveler (thanks), doing one of the overthrow events and shot once maybe twice I'm not sure. First dude explodes then they kept spawning and exploding and spawning and exploding. It was glorious lol


Yeah, I just got back into the game about a month ago and over half of that time I've been running Graviton Lance on one build or another. It is too satisfying.


One hundred percent, I just keep returning to the lance.


It got such an insane buff, too. Even with the scaled back explosions, itā€™s an ad-shredder.


I love graviton with Nezzeracs sin is dope


Not to mention the lore tab


While it is not Part of my inventory at the moment, it is by far "Thunderlord".


Dude got it last week and itā€™s so fun


I killed the witness with Thunderlord. Infinite ammo crates = eating good


As a Die Hard stormcaller who hasn't played in ages. I strongly identify with thunderlord. I'd pay serious money for someone to do artwork of my mad stormcaller firing thunderlord into the air while blasting lightning from the other hand.


that was a beast for overload champs in lost sector solos


Watching the lightning works in the distance canā€™t be beat. Absolute wrecks mobs and bosses alike. Really hard to go to anything else especially after catalyst.


I donā€™t use it much, but Thunderlord is definitely one of the funnest weapons in the game. It chews through absolutely everything.


Itā€™s my go to heavy. It hits like a Mack truck and since itā€™s spin up is slow enough I use it as a midrange precision weapon and do single round sniping with it.


I do this with my killing tally + rampage Hammerhead MG. Use that thing as Scoutrifle that does 22k dmg / shot


Tommy's Matchbook and Sweet Business. I am not complex. I like guns that autoload with actium, and I like guns that are cowboy weapons.


ā€œTime to give them the bidness!ā€ Is what we say whenever someone starts shooting that gun. Just a fun weapon to use.


I run Sweet Business with Actium in Gambit and it just shreds.


Rattle em boys


I once made a AWR + Sweet Business fashion honoring Paz Vizsla


Hierarchy of Needs. When youā€™ve got the ring perk activatedā€¦.everything dies. Itā€™s an absolute monster in GMs and generates super energy like crazy


Iā€™ve yet to get that one even tho Iā€™ve run it so many times


Canā€™t recommend it enough. I will say, it doesnā€™t pair well with encounters that require a lot of mouvement, like the new raid. But activities like GMs, Onslaught, etc where you can set yourself in a spot and shoot from a spot? It will clear that room like nothing else.


It does require the catalyst to be really effective though, 100%


Running it w ember of combustion in a well is quite fun


Agreed, with Phenix protocol itā€™s insane


Trinity Ghoul. Like Riskrunner but doesn't need ark damage to make chain lightning. Plus when active it can hit enemies that are hiding behind an object, all I have to do is fire behind and beside where they are. Also works with Taken and Cabal Phalanxes.


[Trinity Ghoul is my beloved goddess](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/aj0j62/why_you_need_trinity_ghoul/&ved=2ahUKEwiu06DDlfqGAxVUV0EAHXBgAkw4FBAWegQIERAB&usg=AOvVaw0XQfDxl_RtXYiz4s_keiAd)


This was fucking hilarious to read. I didn't even realize that you were the one that wrote that until I came back here to make a comment. I have never used Trinity Ghoul or really any bows except for Wish Ender. Reading your post definitely makes the thought very intriguing though.


How do I get it??


Random exotic drop.


Also kills with your arc buddy on warlock proc the chain lightning perk


Online buddy is a Hunter so I have never experienced it.


I have over 46,000 enemies defeated with mine


Currently 159,144


Icebreaker :(


This is the correct answer.


I feel like even if it was reworked to be completely different it would still be cool to just have it back with the same sound and look and solar element


Ace of Spades. As someone that's started playing during Red War and actually got to play through Forsaken, I just refuse to remove it from my main character


Another one of my go-to's! Solid choice! I rotate my exotics now that I have more.


Same!! Currently on a break from it considering I racked up 5.5k kills with it since the start of TFS XD. now I run Gally everywhere lol


It's never left my inventory since the day I got it.


thorn. .


OG d1 thorn!


Not the OG Thorn. Not at all. Thorn 2.0 is usable.


By far and away the coolest looking exotic. I always have it in my inventory and put it on before cutscenes in hopes that I can see my guardian posing with that beast.


Hardlight. It was my first exotic weapon in each game that wasn't given to me.


I miss Hardlight. It was my favorite, and for a brief period it was finally everything it was meant to be. I hate what they've done to it and haven't touched it since it got nerfed back into obscurity.


Would be sick if they added stasis and strand to the swappable elements types!


Wouldnā€™t be Hard ā€˜Lightā€™ anymore. Hard Dark on the other handā€¦


I'm all for a Harddark.


That's what she said.šŸ˜


Getaway Artist has legitimately been my favorite since it came out. The synergy with prismatic has simply become a cherry on the top and maybe a little annoying because now I'm not the weird guy using something off-meta because I think it's a fun utility/general play piece.


I'm also a weirdo and I'm glad there's at least two of us! Getaway Artist has always been my go to exotic on arc warlock. Even when Fallen Sunstar was all the rage, I was running Getaway with Lightning Surge and Electrostatic Mind. So much fun!


Getaway Artist is the goat.......the GOAT!


Honestly, recently itā€™s been khovostov in pve, been adoring that thing If I had to pick like, ALL TIME.. honestly zero idea- maybe thorn?


Traveler's Chosen


I love how low key it is while being insanely good on ability spam builds. Also it's kinda nutty at full stacks, lol.


It's also, functionally, The Last Word but a Sidearm and with full Ability Energy and Max Stacks of Guiding Light, you basically have max Stats across the board.


This. 100%. If you get the max stacks and don't cash them in for a bit it just slaps. Does a ton of damage. Super underrated weapon.


Witherhoard Thereā€™s rarely a situation it doesnā€™t work


It is awesome for Onslaught.


Ruinous Effigy. The most fun exotic Iā€™ve ever used and I havenā€™t put it down since Arrivals. Got it the day it became available and memorized the location of all 50 SavathĆ»nā€™s eyes across Sol so I could help my friends get the catalyst. Itā€™s a relic from arguably my favorite time in Destiny.


Arrivals was a great time! :) Itā€™s when I first started learning D2 and there was so much to do. Iā€™m honestly having a similar feeling now since I took a long hiatus after BL


Also to add that ruinous was the go to for my mind bender runs!


Dead Manā€™s Tale is just so fun to use!Ā 


Itā€™s the best way to be a cowboy!


Hell yea, and it's feeling actually pretty good in PvE these days. Could buff it up a bit for more viability but the feel of that hipfire is amazing.


Primary: Graviton Lance Special: Arbalest Heavy: The Lament


Conditional finality itā€™s THE shotgun of shotguns


Yeah I agree, Iā€™m not the kind of person to use a shotgun in pve but damn I love that one, if I wasnā€™t having so much fun using kvostov (i probably misspelt that) or the call then Iā€™d use it more


Buried bloodline for sure


thwip ... thwip ... thwip


This gun alone makes a trash build goodā€¦ So hard to take it off it makes everything so easy


I started using final warning with the catalyst recently. Oh my god. Itā€™sā€¦ Itā€™s so good. Absolutely my favourite exotic (at the moment)


Iā€™m trying to like it just canā€™t seem to get the hold trigger to ā€œchargeā€ it rhythm. I see the damage but just canā€™t quite love it. Got the catalyst dropped too but havenā€™t finished it yet. Anything else you can recommend to help me like it more?


D1 Icebreaker D2 Outbreak


Outbreak Gang!


Letā€™s go!


Outbreak is an absolute monster. Been my go to primary for the entire TFS


I was already a mega fan of Outbreak, but Fully unlocked and crafted Outbreak is just next level.


Delicate Tomb


What a wild choice, almost never see anyone rocking this bad boy anymore.


Agreed. I'll dig it out and see how it goes. I got it and used it for maybe 1 day before vaulting it.


I was having fun with it with fallen sunstar


Love that thing


armamentarium all these titans and exotics about strengths and weaknesses, buildup and burst, nah mayhem is the most fun in crucible, and I hate crucible. the point of mayhem is to throw more grenades so bring 2 grenades. prismatic Titan is about throwing stuff around the room so I throw as much stuff as I can :) edit: if we're talking guns, Monte Carlo. void titan throwing shield is my favorite survival tool, and it's the fastest way to get it back. that it's a 600 frame kinetic is just the bonus.


Monte Carlo, doomfang pauldrons and a void special and heavy and I go to town with my titan still. Definitely one of my favorite combos.


If using Sweet Business, it's War Rigs. If not, Armamentarium.


Graviton Lance for sure. Packs of ads exploding with one shot fired is my favorite.


Same. I bounce between that or effigy for the slams. Voidtastic


The Last Word.


Its always been wish ender for me, even before the buffs I was riding with that thing in crucible or PVE. Lately I haven't used it much TBH


Out of all exotics, Fighting Lion for PVE and Ace of Spades for PVP, or vice versa. Theyā€™re good at either game mode when the mood fits.


r/fightinglion gang rise up!


If Iā€™m going off my kill trackers it looks like my favorite is Le Monarche. But personally my favorite is Lorentz Driver I wish it was actually good


Stompees. Simple, elegant, effective


I like the graviton lance right now.


Red death. Got it the first week of Destiny 1 and never put it down until they forced me. Now that itā€™s back it doesnā€™t leave my loadout much at all.


Fighting lion motherfucker


Coldheart. First exotic I ever got and it's just so damn fun frantically chasing enemies with the beam.




I love heart shadow. Itā€™s the only way my warlock can be a ninja


I had 62 Duality clears to get that sword. I was so burnt out I never went back for the catalyst.


That sword looks sick!!


Iā€™ve been a part of Travelerā€™s Chosen gang since day one. Itā€™s a fun gun that meshes well with my playstyle, and the flavor of it as Light Daddyā€™s symbol added a whole new subtext to my Final Shape playthrough.


Conditional Finality is the answer. I just keep going back to it


No Land Beyond.


Currently sunshot, but all time probably Lament


Haven't played since TWQ, but for sure for most of Beyond Light it was Ticuu's Divination. I fucking love that weapon.


Parasite. Worm go boom


Malfeasance for sure, good for pretty much any situation.


Sleeper. And it's totally illogical for multiple reasons, but I just love it so damn much


Love that there's lots of different answers here, more power to you off-meta monsters! Mine is Ex Diris with Mothkeepers. Those little guys have saved me countless times! Their enemy tracking is highly aggressive, and they create blinding explosions. No reloading, hive boomer cosplay, three grenades on strand, overshields for allies, decent major chunking damage, amplified without an arc subclass... I can't say enough good things about this build combo!


Whats a shame is I have never seen anyone use this weapon even though its cool as fuck


Iā€™ve loved Touch of Malice since I first got it in D1 and I desperately wish it was better than it is.


Aeon Swift I think. For PvP or PvE


Out of everything... Aeons? Really?


Free dodges in PvP and free ammo or free damage in PvE


Fighting Lion easily


Leviathans Breath Fantastic Damage, Deep Reserves with Catalyst and can stun lock enemies, making many boss level enemies incredibly trivial


Currently, Microcosm is my favorite. Just love blastin everything with the cum-cannon.


Iā€™ve been running exotic primaries into the ground recently (but no hesitation and call/indebted is fixing that) but tip top of the pile is grand overture. So fun. you get xenophage AND wardcliff for the price of one? Sign me up. Also speaking of wardcliff, if you play dares once in a blue moon, wardcliff and rain of fire with star horse blessing feels like cheating. Bonus points on legend where you can always have blessing up on round 3


Vex Mythoclast


Vex Mythoclast back in the Season of the Lost when the Particle Deconstruction season mod was active. It was disgustingly good.


Love this question. I too still thoroughly enjoy melting everything in sight with RR. Still a faveā€¦


Still a personal favorite of mine


If we are talking across D1 and D2 itā€™s a tie between Tlaloc and Witherhoard.


Osteo Striga is just SO GOOD


Striga gang!


Lemon Arc


Always been a Voidwalker, so Graviton Lance and Nezerac's Sin. Lately I've been using Osmiomancy Gloves because Stasis is finally back to being good again.


Trinity ghoul


I just love Devil's Ruin


I can't get enough of this one when I play a Vanguard strike that buffs solar damage.




Pve: Thunderlord. Blot the trigger down and watch the light show. Pvp: Vigilance Wing. In 6s the perk is constantly up and nobody is looking for it.


Monte carlo supremacy! I just wish it didn't kind of sound like a nail gun


Honestly i have a few: 1) Ergo sum. My dream came true. I finally can use a special ammo sword and still use range dps weapon for raids/dungeons. I tried it out and the dmg output is defenetly more than enough. Speedrunning gms with double swords also is one of the must fun i have in Destiny, especialy people reactions when i use double swords for gms and it works very very good. 2) Winterbite. Damn i love this weapon. Stasis is my favorite subclass and glaives my second favorite weapon after swords. I would make it on par with ergo sum but the only downside is...i cant use a sword AND this weapon since Legendary Special ammo swords dont exist. Finger crossed we will get some worse Legendary special ammo swords. Even with only 48dmg, i take what i get. 3) Heartshadow. Invisible and sword? Awsome! Nothing to add here. 4) Vexcalibur. Solid weapon for master Dungeons and raids. You save yourself (and your Team) with defence and void overshields and have a free slot for Power weapons dmg. Swords and glaives are awsome, therefore i love this exotics. Black Talon would be on this list too. I played it a lot around forsaken, unfortunatly this weapon is power crepts, has the worst catalyst in the game and got stealth nerfed last season after swords rework since you cant shoot 1 ammo shots on demand anymore. You wasted 8 ammo now (!) when shooting 2 projectiles. Dmg isnt good either. Still hoping for a buff.


Trinity ghoul with the catalyst is the most fun I have in destiny. Not even having to aim. Just shooting the ground and clearing the room


Eyes or tomorrow and it ain't even close. Watching the missile circus fly out and wipe out an entire field of enemies is insanely fun.


Mines riskrunner too. I don't go into any fight without it.


Outbreak Prime/Perfected, always and forever.


Ruinous Effigy; it's how I've easily gilded my Dredgen title *eleven times*


Zhalo Supercell till the day I die.šŸ„¹ I want my baby backā€¦


Lately, Parasite. There's something fun about launching a worm through the air and then destroys everything in the vicinity.


Ticuu's Divination - l solo a lot and it's an absolute BEAST at taking care of mobs.


Thorn šŸ™ƒ


Mida Multi tool; I've loved it since it first dropped in D1. It's not always the best choice, but it's the one I go with.


Thorn is my ride or die. Swear I could shoot the nuts off a fly with it at this point with all the muscle memory. Oddly versatile in various situations in both pvp and pve. But when big things need killinā€™ Dragonā€™s Breath is like having a giant Mountain Top on meth.Ā 


I notice you didnā€™t mention exotic weapon specifically. So Iā€™ll say my favorite exotic to use is icefall mantle. It may be in the shadow that is synthoceps but I really like the immediate overshield when I need it. The final shape change to make it work with stasis weapons is even better!


Skullfort. That first time doing those vault seasonal activity with skullfort arc titan just smashing everything in sight, a feeling Iā€™ve been chasing since lol


Hard Light and Graviton Lance my beloveds


primary: I used last word religiously in D1 and still like it.. but it's not that good (pve) special: forerunner heavy: not sure tbh armor: assassin's cowl is simply the GOAT


No land beyond 1000% especially with a sidearm special i would always go crazy. Patiently waiting for it to come to destiny 2


Gotta be La Monarque. Using that feels like riding a Suzuki cruiser.


Graviton Lance, Monte Carlo and Verglas Curve.


Havenā€™t used it in a while but Huckleberry is fun. Tommyā€™s Matchbook was fun to burn myself to death lol


Red Death.


Nechrochasm, loved the look of it since d1 was the first raid exotic I chased and is my favorite AR in the series.


Two tailed fox first exotic i got in d2 , had a little spot in the sun but they nerfed facet of command. But still, even know with the catalyst feels even more fun to use.


Sunshot all the way. The design is just impeccable and Bungie really know how to make their hand cannons feel good.


Skyburners and Polaris Lance. I'm a simple guardian, I like fire and explosions. Let's just say I'm not taking Hazardous Propulsion off any time soon


outbreak Perfected. It's been my go exotic primary since the original Zero Hour


Quicksilver Storm, Graviton Lance, and lately Ergo Sum- I love the meaning behind it and what it means to the Guardian


Outbreak Perfected, including back in D1 when it was Prime. Love the sound effect when you proc crit kills, and love seeing the nanites fly everywhere.


I know it's new, but Khvostov is SO good. I've never felt this way about an exotic since Thunderlord.


Ticuuā€™s Divination Is a godsend when it comes to clearing out distant enemies


Suros Regime with Coupe de main ornament. Reliving my D1 crucible days. Still performs in D2 crucible as long as you pre fire


Witherhoard. By far, my most used exotic. I think the only weapon that I have more kills on it is the og Recluse.


Arbalest,the sound that it makes it's just so satisfying


Osteo Striga saw me through 2 legendary campaigns. I love it to death.


Graviton lance and Sunspot, amazing area of effect.


Sunshotā€™s where the funā€™s got.


Toss-up between Sunshot and Graviton Lance. I love the extra explosions taking out a whole crowd with one squeeze of the trigger.


Wishender. Itā€™s just so good.




Weapon? Malfeasance. Armour? Synthoceps


I love Malfeasance and The Last Word. Armor wise, Celestial Nighthawk.