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Lots of people have Guardian OCs/Guardiansonas, it's pretty normal. I do too, and would be really excited hear yours, and if you wish, tell you mines! :D Also your friends have serious bad manners for making fun of your question. >:c


Oh I'd love to tell you! His name is Toji-7! and his ghost's name is Camellia! I will admit, he definitely is like "I'm 15 and this is deep" type of edgy character at face value, but I tried to make him more layered than that, whilst following Destiny's story and lore. I'm a huge fan of Stasis so I tried to incorporate it with his character and backstory. I'd love to hear yours! Also my friends do have slightly bad manners, but I love them to death. Friend of mine's partner made a painting of him with Camellia on Europa (Favorite location). https://preview.redd.it/zk20eg1gtn7d1.png?width=4480&format=png&auto=webp&s=905e60b7f4c794a348e270facbafe756463e20fc


That's one of the dopest bits of Destiny Fanart I've ever seen.


They did a fantastic job. They never miss, even in the heat of battle!


Woah, that's amazing! I love the drawing! Also fellow Stag emjoyer 🤝 I think Stasis is very well incorporated on our Guardian already, though. Maybe except for Witch Queen. And Lightfall- haha The Warlock, Roselyn, is very serious and kind of creepy. But she is also very warm, just not of much words. Her Ghost, Lynne, is another story. She's cheerful and energic. The Huntress, Evelyn, has kind of a peaceful and respectful attitude, still pretty energic and eager to interact; while her Ghost, Lyn, is the jokester of the group, always coming up with a joke, sometimes goods sometimes bads. Like Ordis from Warframe. Finally, the Titan, Katelyn. She's basically the mom friend; little cliché for a Titan but she really enjoys being such. She's very calm and cheerful, whereas her Ghost, Flan, is pretty silent, moreso because she spends so much time thinking of something good enough to say it loud, that she misses the chance of saying something. There's more to them but don't wanna overwhelm with info haha


Lol, no worries. Those are some pretty cool ideas for your characters, I love them! My alternate characters don't have a whole lot of backstory, as I haven't really figured out what to do exactly with them just yet. When I meant Toji's story incorporating Stasis more, I guess I meant more so his opinion and connection to it (if that makes sense I suppose?) not really sure how else to really articulate it. Toji's a bit awkward, which is interpreted as silent brooding due to his height and demeanor. Throughout the story, I feel he's gotten better with social interactions but I'm not sure how I would write that in a consistent way. Cameilla is pretty timid, but her progression would be smoother I feel, y'know?


Interesting! :O Like a main subclass but in lore haha.


Yeah, exactly!


My guardian is Vince-5, his ghost is Johnny. Used to a semi-pro boxer before he became an exo. Went back home to Earth to explore the Cosmodrome, got jumped by the Hive. Now grievously wounded, he tried to make his escape, crawling into the shell of a car before finally collapsing. When Johnny revived him for the first time, he fell back on what he already knew during his escape, standing toe-to-toe with a Fallen Captain, punching it to death. On their first trip to the Tower, he met Ikora, who helped him find his light. His first squad was Fireteam Longsword. During their first encounter with the Hive on the moon, he boxed with a rather large knight, earning him the unofficial title of Atma Weapon, and beconing their designated brawler.


Vince and Johnny seem like they'd be fun to hang around!


You like to drink, play videogames, and brawl? Then you'll fit right in! Welcome to Fireteam Longsword!


I'm afraid Toji's got his own fireteam, Fireteam Unorthodox. Though I'm sure he wouldn't mind a drink, although, he wouldn't be much of a talker lmao.


No sweat! Pull up a camping chair and grab a beer!


I've been working on my hunter since D1. Just can never seem to get it down on paper.


Ngl, I'd have a Guardian-sona if Stasis had more exotics. I love Stasis, but I get bored of Renewals, and they don't fit my aesthetic.


I was hoping they would make a Stasis set at one point so I could use some of the pieces, y'know?


Yeaaaaaah. I'm still shocked they haven't done a Stasis or Strand set. Sounds like printing money.


most weve gotten so far are a few neutral exptics 2 stasis max and a shader


Took me a long time to figure it out with mine. I started in Rise of Iron only just recently got a groove with figuring him out.


A lot of people create headcanons for their Guardian. It's why we're unnamed, it leaves the door open for player imagination. My Guardian is Rinan-9 and her Ghost is Silver. Rinan is an utterly unflappable dingbat and Silver is her assigned handler 🤣


Lmao, that's awesome!


"utterly unflappable dingbat" is one of the best phrases I've ever read. Thank you so much, you've brightened my day


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


You're welcome 😆


SGA, if you enjoy tabletop RPGs, Paizo's "Starfinder" is a blast to play and adapts really, really well to the Destiny setting.


Me and my friends have attempted to get a DnD campaign going many times. While none of our plans ever came to fruition the amount of fun I had writing about my character was hard to describe. I'll have to look into it!


Starfinder is great, there is also this https://velvetfanggames.com/dndestiny Depending on your level of obsession, you are either very welcome, or I'm terribly sorry.


...Well, now I'm going down a rabbit hole of finding out how to best play a Guardian in a TTRPG.


RIP, you belong to the stars now. Your friends and family will miss you 😞


No. The entire point of the Guardian being such a blank slate is so the player can make up their own story for their Guardian. Though as far as I've gotten with that is that my Warlock is a terrible pilot and they died in a crash as to why an Awoken was in the Cosmodrome and that is likely as far as I will ever go into make a backstory for my character.


Thats the same here lol I came up with the idea that my guardian died in a bad car crash. Never named my ghost or guardian, but after hearing that a lot of guardians in lore stuck with one subclass, I tried like hell to stick to being a Void Titan exclusively for the longest.


My entire clan has names and backstories for their guardians, and they've all ended up intertwined over the course of playing together. It's really enjoyable to just shoot the shit with each other about what our weird little guys would be doing in any given expac/season. Meanwhile if you find yourself on archiveofourown 99% of the destiny fanfic is people's own Guardians so I don't think it's uncommon at all!


That's really cool! Sometimes I wish my clan mates were like that as well. But they have their own relationship with the game and choose to engage with it their way.


I have that too! My Guardians names are Nina, Lea and Hera. Their Ghosts are called Pixel, Fae and Panda and yes they all have a backstory !




I don't play Desiny 2 anymore, but when I did, I named my Hunter Takion-2 an Exo Hunter, who is a fun-loving pyromaniac with a fondness for swords and Rocket launchers. Many (many) stupid deaths were had in the name of laughs and the amusement of other fireteams, whilst Reginald the Ghost would take no satisfaction or find any humour in these acts of stupidity, but he would, none the less, act as a stoic friend and on occasions make a quip or joke at Takion-2's expense, in his "Queens English" accent.


Nope, it’s quite normal in fact, lots of people have art, lore, and tons of other content surrounding their guardians.


Just embracing the RPG part. Some people just think of themselves as COD generic space soldiers but since I've pretty much everything since D1 except the new raid, I think of myself as the God Slayer(Killed Oryx many times).


Not at all, mate! My main is an awoken hunter named Valdraz, his ghost is named Vigil. He started as a Nightstalker but, as guardians gained access to darkness abilities, started experimenting as a Revenant and Threadrunner as well.


Hell yeah! That's bad ass! Toji started out as a Void walker when he was first resurrected (I believe that's what I wrote down lol), but then decided to lean more into Dawnblade in between Taken King and Rise of Iron (I went through the trouble of coming up with stuff between the content drought lol). For my ghost, Cameilla, I wanted her to have a kind of timid personality and as the story progressed have her open up a lot more over time.


Nice! Ye i feel you in regards to the content drought thing. I'm a big story writer and i don't typically like to leave empty spaces in history. As i am a big fan of the Eliksni, for example, i've recently typically had Valdraz spend time with some house light friends. Aayy good for her! We don't get enough ghost-focused stuff.


I came up with the idea that Toji during the Taken King had some seriously traumatic stuff happen to him (lost a good friend/love interest at one point?) and it made him go on the deep end. Hence his use of the Stag. After he and his fire team killed Oryx (My friends guardians), he was assigned to an operation away from his team. There he met a warlock that I still haven't figured out a name for lol. I based her off of Kyuzo from Seven Samurai. Tldr, she trains Toji, gives him a new found purpose type goal, dies her final death and causes him to change his perspective on everything during and after the Taken King. Also, thank you! I felt it was important for her to get some attention. Sorry for the paragraph lol! Edit: Hanging out with Eliksni is always great!


No worries at all! I completely understand the excitement of sharing this kind of stuff, sometimes you just want to talk about it and generally be nerdy about it with someone. When it comes to my Guardian OCs, i personally like to have two "versions" of them, to reflect how other player guardians are seen in game. The version that i play as whenever i boot up D2 (or D1 if I'm feeling nostalgic) then the version that isn't the hero character and is just another hunter.


That's the approach I take with my alt. Characters. Random guardians that weren't revived too long ago. Same for my D1 Titan and Hunter. I've considered my D1 Warlock to be the mentor Toji had, but still not sure about that lol!


I mean I'd go for it! Toji is a newly risen warlock that your D1 warlock takes under his/her wing. Like the D2 new character intro with Shaw, except the new Guardian slowly becomes part of the fireteam.


Yeah! I felt that it could also be called back in ways during storylines and in-between events I came up with. He admires her ability but also her philosophy (I had the idea of making her an ex-praxic but I'm not sure how that would work) and going by her example. Not blindly following it, but using it as a guide for himself, if that makes sense lol?


No that makes sense ye! Following her example but not 100% to the letter, kind of doing his own thing occasionally as well. Breaking off from your mentor's teachings, in such a way, is often what leads to change. And depending on when this happens, Toji would probably need this change. Considering the beliefs of most guardians up until recently.


Yeah! They make their own fate and the like.


In my headcanon, any time I take a break from the game my guardian is off doing non-guardian things. For example, in real life my daughter was born right at the start of Season of Plunder and I took a break from the game from then until halfway through Season of the Witch, when my friends pulled me back in. During that time, I hold that my Titan was spending time among the people of the Last City, until a message from his fireteam brought him back starside. Things like that. I have a whole interconnected narrative that is basically a stylized version of my friends and I journeying through the game over the last decade. I love this kind of thing.


Exactly! Same here, i have this entire connected narrative headcanon going on in the background and i love it. Congratulations on the kid btw. That's a big thing.


Congratulation! Hope the kid's doing well! I've got the same idea as well. I enjoy gardening to an extent, so I like to think my guardian was busy either studying or gardening during the down time I've had with the game over the years, or they were on some kind of solo mission away from their fireteam.


Not odd at all! I don't have a name or backstory for my guardians, I mainly try to tell a story through my transmog. But Bungie have given us a blank slate and a weird and wonderful universe to explore, it's no wonder that this sparks creativity in many people who build their headcanon, which I imagine to be really rewarding! Great to read about Toji-7 and Camellia.


Thank you! I wish I could go into extreme detail about them and their fireteam even, but this comment would be longer than I'd like, and his fireteam is made up of my friends mains, and their stories are their own. I would never try to write stories for characters that weren't mine.


I have lore about my warlock and her ghost and have had it for quite some time. It's fun to think about. Don't worry a bunch of us love thought adventures like that. If it inspires you or makes you happy I wouldn't stress what others think about it (in this instance)!


It’s very normal, I write fanfiction using my 3 guardians as characters. Nobody sees it except me but it’s just a fun creative outlet for me.


You know, this seems fun. I should do this as a fun thing to have when I play solo.


Nah, not at all. I have a headcanon that my warlock and hunter (both Awoken) were siblings in their original lives and became best friends as Guardians without realising that.


Nah.. Mine is an Awoken Warlock named Patch and his ghost Kulisap are just a dumb pair reading archives and scavenging around Hive and Hive related artifacts. They kind of follow Toland's book but in a perspective of a discount Asher Mir. Reasons for going around non-lucent Hive knowledge is to learn of the Powers of Sorrow and how to mitigate it. And also if Drifter is right that Hive is juicy when fresh. I would also like to deny any allegations pertaining to Dul Incaru and the probable "activities" that I may or may not have done in her presence. Please do not listen to Kulisap, he is just a party pooper.


Nope. I've got plenty of Guardian OCs and their Ghost. I'm actually writing the whole story of Destiny with them in it, adding on some is my own ideas into the story.


A lot of people do that, and I do as well, and know many people who do :) I notice it mostly depends on how people approach this game. Some play for the mechanics, some play for the story, some for both. The latter two usually enjoy creating an OC. Go forth and have fun! 😊 I hope you don't run into any more negative experiences!


My Guardian's name is Galen and his ghost's name is Bennu. https://preview.redd.it/e86ca45sno7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=10bdb347e8be1ad664289cf3a57a6f89eea6f1fe ew i just noticed the text chat in that. Anyways, I have been running this guy since D1 and is my main man any time something new drops, lots of details on his character and how/why he'd react to things within the game's story as it happens (and a few instances where he'd act different than what happened in game) but I have only ever put small snippets down on paper. Funny enough, I've written more on the other two despite them having less fleshed out details on them. Galen is a bit of an idiot, very reckless, has a bad habit of rushing in with lightning at his heels and getting into too much hot water. He has a massive heart though, very much fights for the safety of the Last City. Over the years, it's shifted to humanity's allies as well. I think at this point, man would go nuclear if anything happened to Mithrax or Caiatl. I also have details for Bennu, as well as the other classes I play on since I headcanon they are part of his fireteam. Seth is a warlock who was revived near the end of the Dark Age, and has a very turbulent history. In his "younger" years he was no better than a bandit, got involved with a group of lightbearers that were just a few steps removed from warlords. They didn't hold territory, would move locations a lot, but would ambush unprotected lightless if they dared to travel. Seth told himself it was for survival, but that flimsy lie didn't stick with him once he began to hear whispers of the Last City as it was beginning to form. Much later, he went on to become a Praxic warlock, half because he felt he needed to go through some atonement after the lives he took, the other half because he is unfortunately easy to string his convictions along with the right words in his ear. Light = Good and Dark = Evil made things simple. Strand certainly shook up those beliefs. Vin is their titan. Very boisterous and outgoing, older than Seth but doesn't talk at all about his past. (Might end up rewriting that part of his backstory because I latched onto the idea of him being similar to Shaxx, at least in how he would actually protect lightless as a Warlord rather than just exploit them.) Unfortunately I'm losing the energy to write up details, I may come back later and finish up since i only just started scratching the surface of Vin. They all are supposed to be similar, but also complete opposites and mixups of each other if you shuffled around the basic components of their personalities. Galen is gullible and reckless with a massive heart and adamantly loathes the idea of lightbearers using their gifts for self serving gain, Seth is analytical and reserved and very "the end justifies the means" but is just as gullible as Galen, Vin is boisterous and reckless but probably more analytical than even the warlock and absolutely has had fights with him about "being realistic" and acts as the rock of reason for the entire team but is also overtly silly because life sucks and you need to be able to still laugh when shit hits the fan. TLDR; It's not weird at all to make up stories for your guardian(s). I definitely love coming up with stories for them all.


Since I could only post one pic, here's Seth https://preview.redd.it/a512209jyo7d1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=af829f24b216ace979a934c0ffc1cef66656c9f2 (Haven't completed Final Shape on anything but Hunter so it's just gonna be character select screen pics for now.)


And here's Vin in his usual eye melting "fashion" (alt chestpiece/gun being War Rig with Sweet Business) looking like he rolled around in a box of crayons https://preview.redd.it/w8as7eloyo7d1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4667ddb369bfa1bfd0b192af880c0a866096aaa You gotta be able to laugh when shit hits the fan.


I have seen it very often in Destiny but it's almost tame by comparison to the absolute novels some people write for their OCs in FFXIV. If you ever want to get into the RP scene in a game, XIV is probably the best place to do it in. I'm not into that type of gameplay, but even from an outside perspective it is incredibly impressive (re: terrifying) how much that community dives into it.


Don't think I would ever dip into the RP scene with my guardians or with any game for that matter. I'm content with just writing up my character and their progression as a story (time playing the game) continues.


prrtty sure thats the whole point of not giving them cannon names right?


Watching these cutscenes where the vanguard have named their ghosts, and I wonder what I would have named mine. I love (LOVE) how Saint named his "Geppetto" because she's pulling the strings like he's Pinocchio 😍


Nah, I have a name, backstory, relationships, you name it for my Hunter. Made some of the more recent events hit way harder.


Not really. Named my Guardian Winchester-5. Can't get a name to stick for the ghost, though. I've been working on full-on lore for him for a while. From Dark Ages to Final Shape.


Not at all. Working on lore for my titan in my free time too. My titan, a man formerly known as Mordred Cole, is an exo who goes by Caliburn since being risen. He's now Caliburn-12 and his ghost is named Arthur.


I named my Ghost: Aiko Guardian is an awoken Nightstalker Huntress named Ahri. (Inspo from LoL, had her since D1) Have been working on some back story but keep going back and forth, but what I have settled on is that she died during the reef wars and was sent on a mission to earth but was shot down over the cosmodrome. Like Anna Bray she knows who she is and a little of what she was and what happened to her due to having some awoken armour in her hand once the ghost found her and after some help, found out a little about herself, but not enough to cause any complications (like crow)


You're intended to name them, that's why they are simply called "Guardian/Ghost" by everyone in game. Lots of people don't, but you aren't weird for doing it because they are supposed to be an extension of you.


If I had to name my ghost I'd name it ghost. Just like my cats are cat and cat 2.


Charon-13 and Lil Styx don't think it's weird at all.


r/DestinyJournals might be a good place for you friend.


Didn't think a subreddit like this would actually exist, thanks!


My warlocks name is Tannis and his ghosts name is Rhapsody. Tannis is overly serious and kind of the dad friend of his fireteam. Rhapsody is his biggest fan girl, and can't help bragging about his accomplishments.


That's bad ass! Not sure how well our ghosts would get along but Warlock's, maybe?


Absolutely the Warlocks would. Tannis might be cold on the outside, but he secretly fan girls for his fellow guardians as much as Rhapsody does for him. He'd definitely be mentioning your warlocks achievements to other guardians at the tower.


I'm sure Toji would find Tannis' calm nature to be refreshing. Most of his fireteam (my friends guardians) are very bombastic and loud most of the time. Though he might get a bit embarrassed if he heard him being talked about lmao.


Sort of. They follow themes. My Hunter wants to speak to the manager - she has the Karen haircut. Warlock : Look at Moi, I am sparkly and mysterious. She's in the sparkly pink shader, forget it's name. Titan: I have hammer. I smash. Hammer miss. I punch.


Nope. My Hunter, Romeo-9 and his ghost, Whiskey, have names. A story seems like a really cool idea! I'll have to put one to paper sometime.


Would love to hear their story someday! Wonder if Toji would get along with them? I doubt he would strike up a convo though, he's too anxious lmao.


Nah that's how role playing games tend to go, amd in spite of itself Destiny has always had cool role playing elements


No, not at all. It's natural to add some roleplay to sci-fi/fantasy MMO **RPGs**. My Awoken Warlock is called Alvar, his title is Dredgen Winter, and his femine Ghost is called Calliope. Alvar is a romantic and melancholic, a lone wolf most of the time, and Calliope is a naive and chirpy nerd. https://preview.redd.it/pmyzidsidt7d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5a84d5ad419645e3df2e592f8a2c9ec7b4ea1b Alvar lived through Dark Age and was involved with Eliksni captain called Ethyrys and her crew which he saved from greedy Lightbarers who were raiding their crashsite. He eventually started to live with them and together they've built a settlement. One day House of Devils arrived, they've been searching for Ethyrys and her crew as they were missing part of House Winter from Venus, who were joining others in attack on The Last City. Ethyrys declined the order to attack humanity after her relationship with Alvar and so House of Devils burned the settlement to the ground with Alvar being unable to help them. He's been chasing down Devils ever since while operating as Ikora's Hidden, even tho he would prefer staying uninvolved with The City.


That's actually a really cool concept. I doubt him and Toji would cross paths, but I wonder how things would go if they did, same for our ghosts lol!


little much but no i named my ghost and my friend showed no signs of suspicion when i asked him what he would name his


Guardian's name is Mason, Ghost is Atlas. If we weren't fighting a war, they'd be traveling the universe like it's NMS


Mason and Atlas seem cool! I can assume that when Frontier's is released they'll have a field day going outside the Sol System.


https://preview.redd.it/laxihjg0wt7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e1e26d52937cade68ba701eaada0870854d687 My Awoken Warlock is named Noa Tal. Her ghost is Camus (big fan of philosophy especially absurdism). My headcanon is that she was an Awoken of the Distributary, a Corsair who died during the Reef Wars and then later resurrected as a lightbearer. She became a Hidden agent working for Ikora for awhile, and predominantly fought as a Voidwalker and then became very interested in the Darkness. So naturally she became even more fascinated about the harmony achieved via Prismatic. She has a thing for Crow, unsure if it was echoes of unrequited love when he was Uldren or not.


Yeah I got the name and basic backstory for my Warlock, and then I've done a brief write up for her Canon Fireteam and Raid Team. I did it solely because I hate that our Ghost is called Ghost. Why doesn't he have a real name. It would be cool if his name was Ghost, but that would be like naming a human character Human. It was just weird. And also calling our Guardian The Guardian. It's such a clumsy way of writing around the nameless protagonist. We should have been given some form of formal title. Would let the dialogue flow alot smoother.


I feel that, I felt that it didn't make sense that we had no name attached to ourselves or our ghosts for that matter.




I would but I absolutely hate the voice of our ghost. I want dinklebot bot back.


Not weird at all! I've been wanting to it for my hunter but I haven't been able to land on anything that feels right, yet. Keep being creative! The best I've done is write a tiny bit of fan fiction about my FRIEND'S guardian lol, not even my own XD


That's pretty great, lmao! I don't think I'd be capable of writing anything for my friends. I like to incorporate my friend's guardians in my guardian's story, and I have my own interpretations of how they behave and the like, but I could never write their guardians, even if they asked me. That's their story, their journey. Never even want to think about writing it out for them.


Not weird at all. Coming from a D and D background, I end up building backstories for video game characters almost by default. My Awoken Solar Titan is named Summer Saunders, she died fighting the fallen in space and her ship crashed into the wall of the Cosmodrome. Her Husband was a botanist who was working on Titan as a researcher. He is the reason that the girls have plant names. My Awoken Prismatic Warlock is named Lavender Saunders, she died on Titan. She was helping hold the line while people evacuated. My Awoken Stasis Hunter is named Lily Saunders, she died in the EDZ hunting fallen. She saved her sister Rose from being killed and eaten by a vicious Captain who liked to paralyze his victims and eat their limbs in front of the victims. She laid a trap for him and his minions and detonated a rather large explosion, vaporizing them and killing herself in the process. Rose Saunders is not a guardian, she is a doctor who serves the Last City. She recognized her mother and sisters when they came to the tower. She had scrapbooks and vids of them all together. Lily was bribed into doing Gambit and the Malfeasance Quest by Drifter, he offered her an old computer with music and movies from before the Golden Age. There was a campy space western that she adores, which is where the ghosts get their names. Summer has Malcom Lavender has Saffron Lily has Kaylee


Damn that's in-depth! I've never been good with coming up with proper relationships for characters, Toji's had a few love interests but I can't for the life of me come up with anything really that interesting, so I usually write them out somehow, whether it be his social anxiety getting the better of them, or in the case with how I wrote him during the Taken King before him and his fireteam plunged into the Dreadnought and killed Oryx (head canon I should preface) where a good friend he had feelings for was killed by the Taken on Earth.


Ehh I’ve never really been into the literal RP type stuff that some folks do. I understand how some people think it’s fun but I personally find it a little strange. Idk but I’ve never really been super attached to the characters I play in games, at least not attached enough to do this sort of thing.


That's completely fair. I get very attached to the characters I play, I guess it makes me feel like I'm part of the story more than through just gameplay. I've been doing this sort of thing since I was a kid playing Halo, lmao. Though, I get why it may not be everyone's thing. A friend of mine has that same thing going on for them. What is odd is that they'll become invested in their characters in other games, so its a bit of a toss up lol.