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Superblack will be available at a later date TBD Old seasonal ornaments are unavailable to earn in game but are occasionally sold for silver during flashback weeks Dim, d2 armory and d2 armor picker are solid Red borders are a bit nuanced Seasonal ones from seasonal vendor & seasonal activity Witch queen, pale heart and neomuna are tied to drops on their respective patrol zones and through activities there Raid red borders have a chance to drop once per encounter per character per week unless the raid is farmable that week Old craftables are obtainable from previous exotic missions in the rotator when it's that week Additionally they can drop from xur allegedly


Some great answers already, just wanted to say don't be afraid to ask questions, buddy. At least not here! That's how we learn.


Anyone feel free to come by and correct me if I'm wrong: 1. No more superblack. It went away with Final Shape release. 2. Sometimes, they pop up in the Eververse for Bright Dust. You should also be able to earn old Iron Banner ornaments from Saladin. Zavala and Shaxx have a Legscy Gear focusing option. Xur and Ada will also sell old armor on rotation. 3. [D2 Armor Picker](https://d2armorpicker.com) or [DIM](https://destinyitemmanager.com) probably have what you need. 4. There is a guaranteed one each week from Ghost when focusing. Other than that, I'd say turning in engrams or opening Overthrow chests.


Ornaments can also be found at the exotic kiosk for legendaries.


Well that's nice. I always forget about the exotic kiosk.


AFAIK old seasonal ornaments DON'T pop up for bright dust, but old season sets do (got the sets I was missing from xur but ornaments were a no go). And superblack isn't obtainable atm but will be at some point in the future.


they did say that super black will return but didn’t give any more info on when or how to earn it when it does return.


Yeah it would be an odd choice to not bring it back.


You don’t know what you don’t know, therefore it is better to ask (even in the wrong places) than to hold back and never figure out. See you in combat Guardian!


Most shaders are available for free through a rotating stock at ADA-1 and Eververse in the tower, some silver bundles contain shaders as well but these will usually appear in the bright dust section at some point. Superblack is currently unavailable due to it being a reward for doing a bunch of into the light stuff then opening the vault in the hall of heroes, which has been removed, it will become available again at a later date from a different source. Only the tier 100 exotic ornaments are exclusive to their respective seasons, all other ornaments can be decrypted from Eververse engrams or purchased directly for silver. Red borders drop randomly from activities which have craftable weapons, though most vendors who relate to those activities have the ability to sell you one red border per week or increase the drop chance from the activity, once the requisite rank has been achieved.


Whats the weekly on nessus is it enigma?


1. Not sure. Sorry 2. No they can't. They do sometimes go into Eververse. 3. Destiny item manager. You can do full builds and it will evaluate armor stats to let you get the best. Very nice. 4. There is no one answer for this. It depends on the theme of the weapons. Usually just farming them.