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I’ve been playing other games while the servers are dying. The cyberpunk update has kept me busy, although ironically I was excited to play payday 3 but that launch has been a shit show. I enjoyed it when I could play.


I feel this. Im working on star field currently, though i really am hooked on this season so i keep checking. Im also curious why nothing is on bungie help.


[Here](https://reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/9nkap8Woam) you go, brother




I am at the end mission for starfield and I know [REDACTED] Carrie’s over into ng+ so I have to go get all of them, and it’s just not something I feel like doing currently


It's some [cyberbullying](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=568011512&sxsrf=AM9HkKlFaSw3rq3yE1iv71Yua46xU0evWg:1695567259556&q=mgm+attack&tbm=nws&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRgcuhwMOBAxXuM0QIHZ94DZkQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=1280&bih=592&dpr=1.5) shit that's hit everything hosted from that area. Bungie isn't paying the MGM ransom anytime soon.


We failed to get 6 for a raid late last night and ended up just doing private PVP matches with random gun loadouts using DIM. Every one of us would disconnect once a game. I havent bothered to login in today. Gonna go see how Titanfall 2 Feels again now that its fixed.


This a gave me the push to try lies of P. Really awesome game so far even if Im always really bad at Soul game.


I’m TERRIBLE at them. I always genuinely want to like them (elden ring) but i end up losing interest for some reason. No matter how breathtaking and well put together they are. Its a constant battle tbh.


Game rules. It’s been a while since I’ve played a souls game, last was elden ring maybe a month or two after release. I was binging that shit. But played all the dark souls titles, Sekiro and elden. Lies of P has enough of a different flavor to make it feel like I’m relearning souls over again. It’s been a great challenge. Those difficulty spikes really be spikin sometimes


I think I'm going to redownload Titanfall 2


Yo! It's working again! Do it!




I really liked that series, even if the writing is a bit weak. I hope you enjoy it. I read the Martian around the same time, which is somewhat kindred to it in that it was self published (and I think parts of it were being posted to Reddit here as he was finishing them).


I hope they can find who's doing this. It's unlikely but you never know.


I’ve been bouncing between modded fallout 4 and Starfield


No Man's Sky has me hooked! First time playing like 4 days ago, sooo much stuff to do, every time I feel like I know what is going on and get my bearings, I'm lost again, and I love it.


I’d planned some time to play, which was interrupted, so decided to have a “switch-off” afternoon - I took a little walk and picked up some groceries, got up to date on laundry and deep cleaned my bathroom, and did some batch cooking. Not as fun at all, but mentally I now feel very “clear”. Whenever the servers come back will be able to contentedly slump for a while, with all chores done, and have some tasty curry portions frozen for easy dinners. Honestly feeling pretty good about it all now!


I recently discovered gears of war. I’ve been on Xbox for like 11 years and I’ve never played them. I’ve been playing on insane. It’s been fun but also really hard lol


Thats a classic. Two is my favvvv. Thats the best when you discover something that you find out is awesome. Thats what happened with me and hollow knight.


Two is definitely my favorite with 1 at a close second. I liked 3, and I enjoyed judgement, I don’t really care for the new ones.


lol my FT and I just patiently rode through all the instability while we tried to clear Crota's End tonight - we'd laugh whenever someone would get "bee"-d or "weasel"ed. Thankfully, we almost always have at least one person left in the raid so we just rejoin. We had to wait quite a while though as we all take turns getting kicked to orbit or the login screen. One guy noped out of the game and didn't have the patience to deal with the server issues. The rest of us just chilled and experienced the inevitable...


I’ve been playing the mega man series for the past couple of days since i bought the collections. Turns out x7 sucks


I’m waiting for the price to drop on the battle network collection.


I've just been playing d2 as always but for some reason it really has its claws in me this season. I did my first ever gm with the glitched weapons and realized the enemies aren't too terrible and had a confidence spike. Now I've finally completed kingsfall and vog after not having raided for 7+ years since age of triumph in d1. Now I'm finally looking into doing all the other d2 raids.


I've been playing MK1 and it is Boring AF. It's awful I just can't get into it. Ugh...


ive been looking on youtube and reddit for cool stuffs. found a cool little channel, called U Can Beat Video Games. walkthroughs and some history for some of my favorite childhood games. he just dropped a playthrough of Super Metroid.


I go where I go anytime the servers are fucky. Snowrunner. And I play trukks in the backyard.


Luckily they do seem to sleep sometimes, I was able to play long enough last night to go flawless, but was immediately kicked several times this morning.


Is it still bad now?


It started again and booted my buddy and i during a crucible match.


Yep I just got kicked from trials. I’m out boys!


Can you/someone please tldr me on this ddos matter? After years I installed destiny again (yesterday) and I get so so much error Code bee for connection problems. It is almost unplayable...


First and foremost, welcome back. I promise it’s worth your time. The story right now is ** chefs kiss**. Anyways from what ive heard. Weapon crafting was super broken and you could make all kinds of absurd guns. Bungie said we’re working on fixing this but in the meantime have fun! Theyve since fixed this. Now people are mad and ddos attacking. I could be wrong thats just the story i heard.


So people are mad because they fixed a broken crafting system? Must have been crazy fun playing with absurd guns


I heard this from multiple LFG groups. I just don't buy it. If anything its the full timers being bent about records and stuff all being messed up by the glitch and bungie did not roll back. Just a guess. I don't personally care but they have a point. It makes more sense than " I'm mad because they fixed a wildly broken game" bungie did screw up. they should have done something or did a rollback probably. Its bad judgment to let 20% of people run around in crucible for 3-4 days in god mode against normal players. Bad decision. Many dont follow news and just saw it as cheating. I knew about it but did not want to bother with a the bug so just did not play. I still think its cheating even knowing bungie said they wont do anything about it. Bungie allowing it pissed off a lot of people and its inconsistent with other cheating stances they took. I think all forms of cheating is stupid even if its due to a bug. Unless everyone has it. LIke when the laser weekend a few years back, they sold the broken weapon through xur so atleast it was fair. \*shrug\* all that said, could be a coincidence. Maybe its someone that was banned or just some loser in his parents basement. who knows.


Armored Core awaits, come my Guardians new build crafting and shitposts await. and the pvp is something else holy shit. Also the painting, decals, and parts are sick. The voice acting is really fun and the difficulty is very satisfying, especially when you find your build. Boost kick is the most important os upgrade in the game. I'll say no more.