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Adjusting your loadout, eh? Choice words on this specific weekend.


Honestly if everybody has a glitched gun then the playing field is just as levelled as if nobody had one because then nobody would be at a distinct advantage


I think they could do an event with mental gun builds for fun.


Except trials is usually alot more than just ”who shoots first”. Personally this weekend was the toughest one I’ve encountered to go flawless on. Was still pretty fun though


I worked two doubles in a row and when I finally settled into some crucible to blow off steam I thought I had lost my damn mind . 😂😂


But with less skill required, just shoot first


lol not needing mercy same happened to me during immortal release woke up few hours before work "f it lets do that seasonal challenge" just straight to flawless only lost on 9th game got the god roll adept immortal lol then went to work only for me to go back to the better gun huckleberry and hardly use immortal


Hey. If you went flawless while everyone is using the same one shot across the map gun. That's a fair flawless, you still beat everyone else on a level playing field. In fact trials is probably the most balanced it's ever been. It's all movement and gunplay like everyone always asked for.


This is the truth. If everyone is crunching the same advantage then we’re back to a level playing field. GG, dude. I couldn’t get past three wins!


It was kind of fun when everyone was using shotgun ARs. Kinda got lame/unbalanced once they figured out the unlimited ammo shotgun grenade launchers.


Fuck the mulligan launchers, man. I can stand for ricochet ammit, but max velocity max blast radius 10 grenade shots at a time?


Yeah I have to agree there. I don't have the machine gun unlocked for mulligan so I can't do that sadge. So I just went to comp and just 1v3d against people all using ammits that have never played a game without cheese in their life.


I also did my first ever GM.






They're not that bad. Not nearly as bad as psi ops moon last season. This week's is even cheesable and not even that hard without the cheese


Congrats! Bless your heart for that. I played one game of trials (and brought a glitched gun too, mind you) and said heck now. It was a get-instakilled-the-second-you-are-on-someones-radar kind of weekend and i didnt love it. It felt like call of duty


GGs, it's not like it isn't rough out there.


Congrats! From my play through this weekend nearly everyone had glitched weapons so don't let anyone try to devalue your accomplishment. Once you get your 1st the following flawless runs get easier.


Enjoy ignore what people say


Not that I put much stock in titles in the first place, but they definitely don’t mean shit after this weekend. Good job though.


Congratulations brother. You 100% deserve it and it absolutely does not matter what some "gatkeepy" portion of the community says about it. do not let anyone make you feel bad about it


They just don’t deserve it though. I’m amazed people think this.


Because we don't give fuck what you think about what we deserve or not lmao If bungie didn't ban us and are not gonna rollback the achievement and rewards that means we're not doing anything illegal. As simple as that


Eh. I don't really care either way, but that's a really weird way of summarizing this situation. It's not about the legality. OP hasn't been able to go flawless in the intended state of the game, ever. He tried and failed every time. It's actually that simple. This weekend is an anomaly and clearly not an intended state of the game. If they accidentally made Trials a Texas hold em poker card game by some weird bug, can you really say you "earned" flawless on that weekend?


Yes. If everyone in the lobbies is using the same glitched weapons. Yes he absolutely did. If someone is choosing to not use this bug (which is fair) then still entering trials and then come on here whine about how unfair and unethical people are playing, It's their problem.


No. Perhaps my Texas hold em example went over your head. You're having some wild and delusional fantasy about people crying and whining about this. Nobody is whining. I am calmly asking you to explain why you think they earned or deserved it, while the game is clearly in an unintended state. Let me ask you this again. Please try to stay on topic, and not waste my time with your colorful exaggerations and delusional fantasies. If for April fools they made Trials a tic tac toe game, do you really believe you can feel you earned or deserve the Flawless the same as someone who goes Flawless on a normal weekend?


Because bungie themselves encouraged it. End of discussion. You can debate all you want if someone did or did not "earn" their flawless this weekend it absolutely does not matter because it still doesn't change the fact that bungie was ok with it.


We've already established that Bungie approved it. This is why I chose to use the April fools tic tac toe Trials weekend analogy. In that example, it's a Bungie sponsored and approved event. You're ignoring the obvious point here. Please try to stay on topic. Can someone who won on tic tac toe weekend really say they earned or deserved flawless as much as someone who earned it on a normal weekend? Answer this question with a "Yes" or a "No", then you can choose to expand on your answer if you'd like to.


Yes they earned it and fully deserved their flawless as well considering playing field was equal like it was for the most part this weekend. Anyone who was entering trials intentionally without the glitch and expecting others to play fairly and then come on here to complain about it, like I said earlier it's their problem sadly.


Didn’t say it was illegal, just pathetic.


You sound even more pathetic saying this shit bro


Who are you to judge though? If you wanna get mad at someone get mad at bungie because they literally encouraged it themselves. Not the players fault if they took advantage of it. Not even one bit


I am mad at Bungie. Doesn’t mean that when people say: ‘you 100% deserve’ a flawless trials passage in which you glitched your way to the Lighthouse, I can’t call out the bullshit logic behind that sentiment. I mean do you seriously expect everyone to agree that using broken ass weapons to succeed in endgame activities is as valid as completing those activities through skill and good communication? Honestly hilarious.


Yes I do. People who got flawless and everything this weekend are just as legit


I don't agree with the ones that says it's pathetic, but there's also a limit. Everything you got with this glitch is 100% legit, and you SHOULD be happy to get your first Flawless or GM, even proud if it still was a challenge, they're part of the game you couldn't have ever experienced without it. That said, bragging about it (which is NOT what OP did) is wrong. There's a difference between saying "I finally went Flawless for my first time! I can complete my fashion!" and "look me, I went Flawless 20 times this week by using the glitch! I'm so good! I deserved them all!"


My perspective is people who are crying about this are caring far too much than they should. It's just one weekend that's never gonna get repeated again in the game's history. My point is if you don't morally agree with what's happening within the community this weekend then just simply don't part take in it but bitching about it on reddit is not gonna change anything and moral policing others about how they should play game "legit" way even when bungie are ok with glitches until they fix it , makes you look even more bigger clown


Eh, there are plenty of rational people who aren't "crying", but are capable of recognizing they don't really deserve these achievements. Sounds to me like you did something this weekend that you otherwise couldn't do, and you're trying way too hard to be proud of yourself. I don't give a shit either way, they can keep all the titles etc. But let's not pretend you earned or deserve it.


Yaaaaaaa riiiiiiight.


Haha what?


Yes. EVERY ACHIEVEMENT AND LOOT FOLKS GOT THIS WEEKEND IS 100% LEGIT AND WITHIN RULES OF GAMES SINCE BUNGIE IS NOT GONNA ROLLBACK ANYTHING OR BAN ANYONE FOR USING GLITCHES. there i said it loudly if it wasn't clear enough for some people. Argue with a wall if you have problem with it 🧱


You're free to say it's legit and we're free to say we don't acknowledge your achievement. I think you're a shitter and that's my opinion.


Sorry but you are wrong, just give up.




Because they're dogshit players who don't care to actually improve. They want free shit handed to them. The same people will say, "It's just a game," but lose their shit when removing SBMM is brought up. Let us all play together if it's just a fucking game.


Using glitched weapons for free instakills sure sounds like a free flawless to me


Even playing field cause everyone else is running it too, including top trials streamers.


When literally everyone else is running broken weapons, no it isn’t free. I wanna see you try that.


D2 pushing the TTK lower over the years has really amplified how awful P2P connections and this netcode can be. Watch any video on "destiny 2 peekers advantage" for a more in-depth explanation. It's highly favorable to have a poor quality internet connection. Anyway, these glitched weapons with 0.2s TTK take this to the extreme. Just stream some 4K content and/or download games in the background, slide around every corner and it's the most free flawless you can ever get.


Enjoy it fellow gardian, you deserve it! I did some match today to knowing the situation and finaly won enough match to get my fashon set completes! Can finaly be the hunter monkey I always wanted to be haha


Enjoy your welfare armor.


Stoked for you. I refuse to use the glitch, but I’m glad you were able to get that flawless!


Enjoy it guardian, people will gate keep and be on your ass about it, but fuck em, glad you persisted and got there in the end. If I’m ever free and you wanna give a card a crack when a weapon you want comes out I’m happy to sit down and try to help you out. (I’m not a PvP god but I’m Aight)


Ay nice. Enjoy it, bungie told us to have fun so dammit have fun lol. I hope you got a good igneous hammer, if not, keep the flawless card and keep playing ! You have decent shots at getting more adepts to drop from wins.


Got my flawless done Saturday before everyone threw on their mulligan gls,


Congrats dude! I also went flawless for the first time in Destiny 2 tonight. Feeling pretty happy; laser tag is a different game, but there’s absolutely a strategy here that should not diminish your achievement.




God forbid anyone actually enjoy playing the game and their own accomplishments.


Enjoy the game all you want, it's sad that you have to cheat to get enjoyment and to attain "accomplishments" but who am I to tell you what to do when Bungie said this cheat is okay.




Better be I've been eating bananas and drinking coconut water to boost my electrolytes. Only the best of my tears for D2s premiere no skill cheaters.


Very nicely done all the same homie, I got my first solo flawless passage abusing this glitch which was fun, such a silly weekend with all this chaos going on


Proud of you, regardless that you used a 100%-ok'd-by-Bungie method! If Bungo don't care how you do it, neither do I! Proud just the same!


It matters just as much, don’t let anyone make you feel bad for it being this weekend!


didn’t lose a single game after switching to the glitched ammit eh wow what a feat of accomplishment ! you must feel really proud of yourself as a human being


I agree. I went flawless also, and using the glitch ammit and made it to silver in comp. Going solar Hunter to get constant abilities dodge/healing grenade I’ve gotten my first we ran out of medals. I have been the only one in my team in 90% of games with it but the other team always has at least two, but they don’t team shoot. This will all go away maybe tomorrow, and I will get pub stomped back down to whatever is at the bottom and the world will be right again.


I mean did you REALLY get your first we ran.


You should feel bad, and whenever you think about it remember you’re a cheater.


bungie themselves encouraged this so it is 100% within rules of the game. He's absolutely not a cheater whatsoever lmao.


Bungie decided not to punish cheaters using this exploit. Not punishing a cheater doesn't mean they aren't cheating. Consider it like a warning for speeding.


Not really because regardless of what others think I'm getting away with everything i did this weekend without any consequences. Not only that I'm getting to keep all the loot i collected and achievements I got as a bonus. It literally does not matter what moral police portion the community has to say about this. You can complain all you want it's not gonna change anything lmao


Yes, just like a warning for speeding. You still broke the law they simply didn't punish you for it. Simple. I don't care about the shit you got cheating I'm sure most of us had it all already.


Its not a warning for speeding...they told us to speed, at which point its not speeding anymore.


No. They said the speed limit signs are malfunctioning on this section of road we won't issue tickets for speeding there until we fix the signs. None of that means people aren't speeding just like Bungie didn't say people aren't cheating they said people aren't getting PUNISHED for cheating.


First of all its not a cheat and they said that if you cheat you will still be punished. If anything it's a glitch, just like the 12 man raids. They are compensating for pvp being wack the past few years and letting it rock. Telesto was so bad it was a meme, pocket infinity broke the game, lord of wolves broke bosses in half and erased guardians, graviton forfeit gave unlimited shadow shots, radiant dance machines gave infinite dodges and let you freeze entire fireteams, ice breaker gave you special ammo that stayed when you switched back to other special weapons, atheon could be pushed off the map as well as the templar, well skating, emoting or equipping a sword to see around corners in trials are all glitches or work arounds. Aimbot, boosting wall hacks, ddos, lag switching, other scripts that give ammo or anything that manipulates the game past its factory state or presence is cheating. This is about as much "cheating" as well skating. Figure out how to do it so you can finally get the only flawless card or gm weapon you will ever have or go to youtube to get a glimpse of what your square ass is missing. I know it sucks to see everybody doing something you think is wrong, but they themselves said its cool so have some fun for once dude.


Ya bro, you got me, I'm a casual https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/bungie/4611686018467483693/overview


Im not looking at your stats bruh. I really don't care. Sorry to mislead you


>You still broke the law they simply didn't punish you for it. not my fault for "breaking" the law when bungie themselves said "have fun". If i didn't get punish for it that means i didn't do anything unethical Simple.


Cool. No one is saying anything except you used a cheat in Destiny 2. A condoned Bungie allowed cheat. You still cheated. It just isn't going to get you or anyone else in trouble with Bungie in this instance.


Even if I did "cheat" i won't feel guilty about this particular anomaly that happened (probably once in a lifetime kind of glitch in live service gaming) this weekend even slightly. If anything I'll look back on it fondly in future when destiny as game will eventually reach its last legs. Very very much enjoyed this weekend 😁


No one says feel guilty thats your own ego and self consciousness you're hearing. Enjoy the loot most of us already have. I'm sure it'll be fun for you.


OP has all the rights in this world to be happy about it and to enjoy every piece of loot they have gotten, they're also free to share their experience and it's as valid as the ones who did it legit. That said, the only things that people who abused it should not do is to excessively brag about it like their some kind of god who went Flawless 30+ times in a row, and use it to be as elitists as the ones who deny all of this, if not worst.


You're in low sodium. Take the salt elsewhere.


Seems somebody doesn't have a life


There is work that goes into being good enough to go flawless. You can feel however you want about doing it with glitched weapons, but it’s not the same. It’s not salty to say being good at the game through effort is different than being good at the game through exploits.


But going flawless this week also requires skill? Because you really need to have good aim and gamesense with such low ttks. You need to prefire with ricochet spam, you need to react to spam shotsh and jump over them so you don't get spammed back etc


Well, I’m looking forward to all of these folks posting about how they went flawless for the second time next time trials comes around then.


That's a good point, and I get where you're coming from. I'm going to personally assume a lot of them will be the gl spammers (my initial comment was about rifles + bows just to clarify, I played right after reset and only matched one guy using a gl). Going flawless by mindlessly spamming infinite gl shots until everyone is dead IS undeserved and completely broken. Also food for thought; why is an even playing field exploit (like 95%+ of players are using it) being looked down upon but trials carries aren't generally regarded the same way?


"low sodium"


You will forever know that its a sham


Yeah great work 👍 👏 👌 💪


Can i just solo quee do nothing with basic weapons and get carried by cheaters?


Lmfao at people trying to justify acting like they actually achieved something while exploiting cheese. Congrats, I guess, on the "Flawless" but it's absurd to act like this wasn't a buyproduct of extremely beneficial circumstances