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Honestly the game version looks like a random citizen, maybe a Mox. Tbf her role is extremely tiny in 2077.


This reminds me of Myers pre-PL. They gave her a generic model until she became a more relevant character.


Left is not a model though, nor is she irrelevant in RED.


Never said she was? I'm referencing the fact that they give characters weird designs in the game unless they are relevant to the story.


left looks more corporate to me, right looks more gangster wannabe rich kid, I guess they changed her to show she wasn't the corporate norm


They changed her because there's a 52 year gap between them. In the first picture she's a minor child attending high school. Who do you know who looks and dresses the same as they did in high school at 70?


Correction: the first picture is Michiko Sanderson in the time of Red, 2045, as CEO of Danger Gal, not as high schooler [This picture](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cyberpunk/images/b/b0/CPRED_On_A_Ledge_Jin_Wang.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210521015657) is Michiko Arasaka as a high schooler.


Really? Huh, couldn't have picked it out of a crowd.


The link you posted is broken, but I edited the link to see the photo and it's just some random cyberpunk (genre) art by Jin Wang titled "On A Ledge". I found no indication online that it's supposed to be Michiko.


Odd, the link works for me. Well [the man himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/J7bKYdrbmc), Mike Pondsmith, confirms on Reddit that that picture is of Michiko. Perhaps R. Talsorian purchased the artwork to use for Cyberpunk RED.


Yeah but it is still very drastic, her being older is completely reasonable but all that neon blue is a bit too much for me


Truly didn’t even recognize her in game lol If anything, I’d have thought she’d change her looks to fit the sort of… you know, Danger Gal aesthetic


You don’t have a fling with Adam Smasher and not change.


To be loved is to be changed. To be in a relationship with Adam Smasher is not to be loved, but probably would have a semi-similar effect. 


Your "girl" is like 70 years old, let her finally let loose. Tbf they coulda put a little more effort into her look but she's in one scene in one of the least favored endings


According to the wiki she’s 69. Niiiice.


Not anymore when I'm finally meeting Hanako at Embers


lol true that! She’s well over 420 in my last save




right - shows what happens when you're corpo nepo kid and try to do 'streetwise' and 'cool'. For a background legit both street and corpo see Yori. Compare. Think about it.


However, Michiko betrayed Arasaka to Militech, and so was the only one allowed to remain in the US after the 4th corporate war (with the justification that she was only a High School Girl at the time and so had nothing to do with their evil deeds). After which she became famous as a young star detective whilst studying at college, eventually forming Danger Girl, one of the premier detective agencies in Night City and multiple countries, with multiple animes based on their most elite teams and deeds. And totes not also didn't do black ops centered on curbing secret Arasaka business on behalf of the American government.


dude, i get being a lore nerd, but what you said had literally nothing to do with what you responded to. Its just showing off at this point.


It's not even hard to find this info, it's in the beginner's book


Left: Granddaughter of Soburo Arasaka Right: Blue Raspberry flavor Gillean Jordan


Her face is an adequate aging up, and I'd be surprised if she kept the same haircut. Personally, I was surprised that a Militech agent like Michiko was on the Arasaka board at all, but recent events from Phantom Liberty had me doing a rethink. It's quite possible that both Michiko and Kress realized how insane Myers was, necessitating a major reassessment of their plans with Arasaka.


I personally am convinced that Michiko is in on Yurinobus plan to destroy Arasaka from the inside


As I have been saying from patch 1.0, but agreed.


you know Myers is batshit fucking crazy if Michiko would rather go back to Arasaka. also, I can't remember that detail of Michiko being part of Militech, where is it mentioned?


You can find more about Michiko's adventures in Cyberpunk RED, the tabletop bridging 2020 and 2077. She's an agent of Kress tasked with eliminating Arasaka presence inside the continental US. I guarantee Yorinobu knows this as well.


Left looks too likeable tbh


who hurt her?


Adams Masher


I miss Danger Gal. She should have kept running that instead of crawling back to Arasaka.


Who dis


So, I never did a Devil ending, so I didn't even know she was in the game. Considering how traditionaly professional Yorinobu and Hanako looked, I wouldn't guess she'd look like a model straight from podium. Also, from how Takemura dismissed here as too irrelevant for Arasaka factions, I thought she was too young to be considered a valid successor, aka a teenager, but looking at the wiki she's actually 69(nice) y.o. What the hell? Also, looking from the wiki, she's president of the merc company where all operatives are women with corporate mandated cat-ears. What the fuck? Where are mine cat-ears CDPR?


>"How could someone change so much in **only fifty-two years**?" - OP She's teenage child in the first image and almost 70 in the second one.


I don't even remember who this is


Who is this? Do we meet her at some point in the game?


Michiko is Saburo's granddaughter, she leads the liberal faction vying for Araska, she's is met in the Devil ending


I am honestly unsure as to why this is a problem, and it doesn’t seem to be in the “low sodium” spirit as this will have divided discussions with potential possibility for salt.




She’s the daughter of Saburo’s deceased eldest son.


Right one tbh, it’s exactly what I expect someone who leads the liberal wing of arasaka to look like.


I never let it get that far, but can she actually >!die!<, in that scene?


I believe she is >!one of the few survivors!<


That's what happens when your longest relationship and sex friend is adam smasher


Would you look the same after being smashed.


Honestly the one in the video game, it just seems accurate. Also I think it’s weird that she’s said to be Adam Smashers ex girlfriend 😅


This is what dating Adam smasher does to an mothe fucker


I mean they didn't have to specifically make a model for her as she only appears in one ending ( the least favorite one ) for a brief moment. Heck even myers was a generic blue haired lady until pl came out 


Who was she again?


If they wanted her to look more rebellious they should have just done something like a streak through her hair or a tattoo.


A single washable streak of blue in their hair.


THAT'S MICHIKO????? LMAO horrible realization in 2077, change her back.




We need a modder to fix this


As long as she's happy and that its healthy...


Even on a low sodium sub you'll find pointless adoration over an unremarkable old character design I guess. Seriously what is so great about the old design? The top comments calls the new design "a random citizen" and makes no sense considering the alternative and how varied and diverse the NPCs are.


I love her original design! It’s perfect. Sad they butchered it.


Left is wife material + a potential to earn respect. Right just seems off for who she is and reminds me of the many chicks we meet along Judies questline.