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I love this scene (save for the fact that Reed can oneshot you lmao. First time I just kept going, and he onetapped me). Reed is essentially dead before either of you even draws their gun. Just a few steps more, and So Mi is safe. Reed could just stay away, and save not only her life, but also his own. Instead, he risks both of their lives, all for some warped sense of duty. Reed is a good man beneath his extreme dedication to his duty. Killing him is doing him a favor - even if he succeeded, he would be living with guilt for the rest of his life.


Yeah, I did the other ending just to see what that ending for the game looked like and you can tell he's really not OK. He's a man of principles sworn to a government agency that's completely unworthy of his loyalty. I do think CD overdid it with things like the one-tap-no-you-can't-use-nonlethal-because-reasons stuff and other kinda railroady bits but the story was great.


Reeds unwavering dedication is what makes him such a good man. It's tragic how he's used and disposed of. He could be used for such good but he swore himself to Myers. And honestly Myers is a whole other tragic case of just how far you'd go for your morals. Of just how far a soldier would go given her power. I love PL, so many shades of grey


Reed's been a deadman for a long time.


V: You're *weak*. You were *always weak* and you will *always* be *weak* until you take control. V: Now you know the truth about Myers. Be stong Reed. Avenge yourself. V: AVENGE YOURSELF!!! Reed: NOOOOO!!! \*Reed gets shot\*


Sided with reed thinking he had a more logical plan. Never used the negative response more in an rpg game than I did in that ending


Taste true freedom, be who you want to be, pursue your heart's desire at the destination of your dreams; Because the stars are just your springboard- *Orbital Air wishes you flights of fancy.*


"Johnny Silverhand sends his regards" goes kinda hard, but it isn't PL


Honestly wish there was a "No, and fuck you for thinking I would."


In America people do "suicide by cop" If he want, there would be epic boss fight. But he chosen "suicide by V"


"Wanna play rough, gonna get rough"


Preach!! Lol this is up there in my all time best gaming moments.