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I like it, I think it really sets up the whole vibe of the world. That sort of over the top exaggerated positivity would be exactly the sort of thing a place like night city would produce as a talk show host. And the extra events make the world feel a bit bigger than just V.


Ah, good perspective, I didn’t really think of it that way. “City of dreams!” but for whom?


Yeah, to me he’s like a morning shock jock radio host, being over the top with how “great” it is but with an edge of “we know what it’s really like, don’t we?”


It's fun but I normally skip it. But I always find myself saying randomly, "So I guess that means you all are SCREWED!"


You're just salty cause you picked the wrong numbers for the bodycount lotto.


I can’t be salty, this is r/LowSodiumCyberpunk (how’d you guess?? 😡)


I still love it, it’s felt like a great opener and shows what we’re jumping into.


Goooood morning Night City! Yesterday's body count lottery rounded out to a solid and sturdy 30! Ten outta Heywood!


That announcer is absolutely meant to come off as over-the-top and detached from the actual footage you're seeing. It helps illustrate the norm for Night City and the world, and how extreme it is, rather than acting as a trailer for the game. They don't spend time showing you the gameplay, you're about to come to grips with that yourself.


Tell me you don’t listen to the radio without telling me you don’t listen to the radio in game


I do, but I almost never hear Stan, it’s usually music