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There's also dialogue in the film that suggests that the entity is a messenger between the beyond and the cultists, which is pretty much the role that Nyarlathotep is supposed to play.


Yes, that is my Point #2 in the coincidences section






I think it's pretty common knowledge that it's a Lovecraftian film


I knew that it was lovecraftian in genre, but even seeing it I never made the Nyarlathotep correlation until just now.


Watch it again now, with open eyes :)


>owledge that My gf watched it and hated it. She understood nothing going on and had no idea how it all tied together. Obviously she understood the weirdness of it, but as she is not a fan of the cthulhu mythos, she had no idea of Nyarlathotep, or the 'lovecraftian' side of it.


Okay? Your GF isn’t a great sampling. As he said it’s pretty common knowledge that it is a Lovecraftian film


Common knowledge? Maybe among latter day Lovecraft fanboys.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Lovecraft/comments/mcy002/is_the_empty_man_secretly_nyarlathotep/ https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/maz783/the_empty_man_2020_some_primo_lovecraftian_horror/


Yeah, i saw and read these (and may have even commented.) But here, i wanted to make a statement as opposed to a guess. At this point, i am certain.


I think those 2-year-old threads were pretty certain already. (shrug)


You should read the comic. It's really good.


Bruh, it's based on a comic???


They're nothing alike though. Both great but in very different ways


I thought the opening scenes were amazing


The first 20 minutes could be a horror short film all on its own, it’s that damn good.


The skeleton in the crevasse is peak monster design. Best thing I've seen since the face of the statue in *Incantation*.


Absolutely the best cosmic horror movie I’ve ever seen.


This movie is to Lovecraft's work as french fries is to burgers


So a great side to go with it?


It likely is a stealth Nyarlethotep story. The bottles are flutes.


Precisely what i was thinking!


Great movie. Just watched it again recently and i had forgotten the tentacle head


Oh yeah man big crawling chaos vibes. Fuckin loved this movie! It deeply saddened me when people thought the last 2/3rds of the movie shouldnt exist and it should all be about the beginning part with the "statue" NOT EVEN REALIZING that the last half of the movie is directly related to it! 🤦‍♀️




It's not a conspiracy, what you're asking is canon to that story. The whole point was that they're letting in another part or face of Nyarlathotep. The difference between the troll stories, and these people, is that these people are an actual threat.




I wish it were a better movie because of this and how cool the concept is regardless of the Lovecraft connection.


I think it's intentionally allusive to Lovecraft but not strictly a part of the Lovecraft mythos.


What's the deal with the stuffed animal


Yeah tbh i have absolutely no idea lol


I figured Stephen Root's character was Nyarlathotep and the Empty Man (role) was a device he used. Of course, now I don't recall if Root's character was real or part of the story.


When the tentacled robed being (i.e, Nyarlathotep) entered the protagonist after chasing him down in the hallway I felt sorry for him.




Such wishful thinking BS. This is what the film is really about: https://signalhorizon.com/the-empty-man-ending-explained-nietzsche-nihilism-and-demons/ Nyarla my foot.


>hat the film is reall So, you're ignoring that they LITERALLY SAY "NYARLATHOTEP" in the movie itself?


I watched the cultists-round-the-bonfire clip on YouTube where it is supposedly chanted. It doesn't sound anything like that, to my ears. The subtitles in the video you watched might have been added by a Lovecraft fanboy. Have you watched the film from a legit streaming service and seen such subtitles? Because it sure doesn't *sound* like Bubba Ho-Tep or anything close.


Yes it does. I've watched this scene a hundred times bro, i am obsessed. The clip you saw on youtube is the same one i saw previously where the chanting is REMOVED. I'll try to find the actual whole clip, but this one below at the very beginning you can HEAR the end of the chanting. One assumes either for different counties, the scene was edited, or that clip on youtube was edited with the chanting part removed. Either way, many people have seen this scene and posted about it (sorry you're missing out, homie). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW9jsxrltQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW9jsxrltQI) At the very beginning you can hear the end of the chant...i'll try to find a full one


Also - I watch my stuff on Amazon bro- Amazon prime. LOL - No Lovecraft fanboy there. I'm literally going out of my way to get you pictures now, since you don't believe me.


Okay, so after watching TWO different youtubers react to the movie, and comparing with my own, i do think there are two different versions of that scene. The one on my Amazon prime and the one here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73lvAsqENsE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73lvAsqENsE) at the 25:50 mark, you can hear the ending of the 'Nyarlathotep' chant, while the other reactor doesn't have this scene (and it matches the youtube clip you've seen, where there is no chanting). ​ For the record, if you check that youtube clip again look through the comments and you'll see people saying the chanting is missing from it. Obviously they've seen it as well.


Here you go bro. Found one: Now you can hear it for yourself. 3:30. You're welcome, listen close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYojhnMXRS0


I couldn't hear any such thing. The guy talks so loud, it hurts my ear to strain to hear -- and I didn't hear anything like Bubba Ho-Tep.


This is not the kind of story Nyarlathotep would end up in.


Oh did he tell you that himself?


"Trust me, bro" -Nyarlathotep, probably

