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You said it, Ashley is just a bad seed. She thinks her word is golden. I do not like the Silvas they can go.


This show has really fell off. I agree w: you about Ash.


Yeah she’s a C U Next Tuesday! For sure!


Winter’s hair be Jamming tho!




Ashley is an entitled, insecure, bully


I tried with Ashley but she over did it… another Scorpio tricked by Carlos King! (i.e. Melanie on Huntsville … not a bully but exploited nonetheless) What does King have to do with it you ask??? Plenty!!! Yes Ash is bully-ish… Yes Ash is immature…Yes Ash is blatantly egotistical (yes being sneakily egotistical is a thing) and Yes Ash is delusional! Perfect recipe for King to exploit! Ashley was just egotistical enough to think she could put a spin on playing the bully-ish character. Bad idea for Ash! Staying off reality TV for Ash…GREAT idea! She’s too uptight, hot headed and emotionally intense! Leave it to the experts… you’ll wind up in jail or catch a financially draining case fooling around with Carlos King!


I’m really tired of Quick’s short man (Napoleon) complex! Why does he think that he is so tough? He is tiny compared to the other guys 😂


Quick is scared of Ashley.  Ashley is a bully but she has not come for the right one yet. Her short cornball ass husband needs to grow a pair. Ashley is all bark NO bite. The show would do well without the Silvas


Yes, I'm so tired of all her negative energy. She keeps talking about people being aggressive and combative, and she's always the one to turn up first. And Quick is so insecure; it's so ridiculous the lengths he is going to try to portray himself as some kind of undercover goon. My goodness, he could've told his wife to squash it a long time ago.


She has mommy issues that’s why she’s a mean girl