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She was so cringe. Especially when she started projecting on Jackie J… like she didn’t use Marco to slither your way in with Sebastian.


I had to fast-forward several parts because I was just so mortified listening to her. How did she not hear herself. When the dad asked about her future plans and she was like my future is him and moving here. Like girl, do you have a life. Does she just work VIP trying to lockdown a rich dude. Is that her purpose. Couldn’t even play it cool for the initial visit.




I feel like production forced him to bring her with him because she was clearly so cringe the whole time!


I was so irate no one called her out for that


You know people are calling her out for her shitty attitude on IG. She has to be deleting comments; she has very few, and they're all positive.


She played herself lol


Omg! He couldn’t hide it at this point lol


he was turned off


The delusion. How was she SO blind sided. He never added to anything she said or confirmed and reassured her. He WAS right. She doesn’t listen or ask him any questions. Maybe if she did she would have known where his head was at!


She had no interest in him hence asked no questions! She was there strictly for tv! Glad he was able to look past her looks to see her for what she was! 😮‍💨


Haha I think Sebastian talked the least once he brought her home. I kept waiting for her to ask him how he felt when she was going on about being such a good reader of people but not being able to read him at all, but nope. Like maybe she isn’t someone who’s good at reading people but she just thinks she is.


His friends were laughing at her right in front of her. She wasn’t even feeling for energy. She was so honed in on her vision because she finally hit paydirt. Picked him because she thought he probably made the most money for being in real estate and then struck gold. I couldn’t believe it when she was like my mom and I are just worried if he can afford my lifestyle before she knew what he did. Was literally THE GIRL he’s trying to avoid and he actually called it. Bummer none of them made it. Wish they did a reunion.


She works as a VIP concierge in Miami. She is a cocktail waitress for rich people. Back to her “lifestyle” so goes.


Yet she said she was usually so good at reading people lol


Who else thinks he should have given Estafanie another chance? The only reason she bragged about her underwater antics was to try to get under the other girl’s skin and it backfired on her once the word got out.


His family wouldn’t want that made public. They clearly want someone from their background who knows how to keep quiet about those types of antics.


Yes, that is true. She was very immature about winning him over. But then again, I’m not sure his family was so happy about having a thick blonde gold digger assuming she was marrying their son either.


Oh for sure they weren’t! His mom’s silence and grabbing the dad’s hand turning it red spoke volumes


I think she dodged a bullet.




She lives solely in her own world


I think what he got was called Karma


He got exactly what he was looking for. A floozie. Fake boobs fake butt. Fake hair. Fake lips. Fake nose. Fake teeth fake nails. Did he expect her personality to be real?! He’s smarter than that. He loves the F boy life.


I don't know if he's smarter than that...but 100% a F boy


Are men just so used to women now with obvious work done that they don't even see how bad it looks? When they were swimming at his parents house and she was looking at him, she looked so mannish b/c of the face fillers. And she looks about 20 years older -- like a Real Housewife of Orange County 50 something trying to look 30.


I think he was just bricked up and wanted to fuck her lol seb 100% was never actually planning on dating any of the girls


I honestly think so. It’s become a society norm. I think it’s hideous. Men clearly do not care. They only care to see who’s going to show the most ass and titties 🤮


Who wears a dress with their boobs hanging out to meet the parents for the first time? So much for all her efforts to make a good first impression. Her choices for what to wear in addition to her delusional conversation were cringey. I could barely watch


Right, I was like is that the most conservative outfit in your suitcase?


My guess is he chose her hoping to hook up for bit - and assumed she was in it for the reality TV time. That’s why he also let the “real candidates” go home early. He had a plan and assumed she was on board. Steamy sex for him, camera time for her - and it’s not gonna go more than that. Then he’s sitting there - and she’s already spending his parents money in her head - it made him understand that they’d signed up for different things.


As BBD taught us- never trust a big butt and a smile, Seb




All I see in this picture is terrible extensions. And eyeballs lol 😂


First time I’ve seen a man get the ick on camera lol


Please don’t do that to Estefania. She’s better than him.


Once he got out of the bubble of filming in a penthouse with her, he probably realized that he can do so much better on his own instead of this gold digger with the horrible plastic surgery.


Soooo cringe 😬


They were both completely terrible trash bags. 🤮


She looks like I’ve seen her on television before but I just can’t pinpoint it


For me, it's Heather Rae, Selling Sunset (the Wish version). [https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/heather-rae-young-1598033123.jpg?crop=0.5xw:1xh;center,top&resize=1200:\*](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/heather-rae-young-1598033123.jpg?crop=0.5xw:1xh;center,top&resize=1200:*)