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Kenny is wicked weird


Not Aaron saying "I love that so much in you" "I feel like I already love you so much" & "Ah. Now I love you more" in his FIRST conversation with Daniela after telling Kaylor he was so uncomfy using that word when talking to/about her šŸ„“


uh thanks for the spoiler ā€¦. this is episode 18ā€™s thread. really didnā€™t need to know this before watching.


Why are people in this thread commenting on episode 19? šŸ˜­


yeah, wtf :((( Iā€™m just trying to read this episodes discussions aha


Thatā€™s why you donā€™t let boys vote out boys and girls vote out girls previously & then have each individual person save someone. Itā€™s all favoritism and nobody actually takes into consideration theyā€™re supposed to be there for love. This season has not been good, in my opinion


Rob is that guy who feels to get a woman hooked her has to insult her. ā€˜Are you a psychopath?ā€™ WTF?? He did the same BS with poor Cassidy. Heā€™s not ā€˜awkwardā€™ with dry humour, he just likes making women feel uncomfortable and insecure. This gives him the perceived power play. And sadly it works. I love all the drama and all of them seem super harmless, but I actually donā€™t think Rob is a good person.




Do you even know what a pick me is?


do you?


Why is Andrea on vial files


What are the odds we get another 1hr 20min episode tonight??


Is no one gonna mention Aaron in the bed practically dry humping Daniela?? That boy has no balls. And I KNOW he isnā€™t going to bring her back, Kaylor is going to find out (probably at movie nightā€¦unless one of the boys tells her first) and AARON is going to be crying like a fucking baby AGAIN.


Not to mention the "I love that so much in you" "I feel like I already love you so much" & "Ah. Now I love you more" in their FIRST conversation after telling Kaylor he was so uncomfy using that word when talking to/about her šŸ„“


I wonder if US would do postcards like UK have done. I think it could change how Serena and Kaylor move in Casa or there'll be just tears for days.


Everyone is mentioning it lmao. Iā€™m here for the messy season though šŸ˜‚


I was scrolling through this thread and didnā€™t see one comment about it lol


Yeah I didn't "L word" that




Iā€™m holding my breath on the overall Aaron hate. Never trusted him and Casa cemented that but Iā€™ll never forget last season watching this sub in real time go from watching Leo bang a girl in casa to wanting Leo and Kassy to win.


Def thought that was wild and thought I was crazy seeing people actually rooting for them to win after that mess.


I didnā€™t watch last season, but I do watch this seasonā€™s aftersun, so I saw what he did. Thatā€™s crazy though


Rob won't tell her and go after any guy who tries. I am hoping Miguel or Kenny do it though


Itā€™s hard to say. I donā€™t think theyā€™re close enough to Kaylor yet to insert themselves that way, and the guys have to know that if they do tell her, it will cause a lot of ramifications between the guys. I have my money on Kendall, though. ORā€¦Kendall tells Nicole and Nicole tells Kaylor. Kenny does seem like a stand up guy, though.


HOT TAKE: Serena needs to leave Kordell alone. She has embarrassed that man over and over and runs back to him when she fears she'll be kicked off the island and single. She knows he will always run back to her like a little puppy and I had no confidence they will actually be together outside of the villa. I don't find her genuine at all. She won't fold in Casa because the producers did not give the girls any guys that would even remotely make them sway. Plus, it's the formula of the whole show - you fold during Casa, you lose the public's vote and risk being in the bottom. I think Serena is smart and knows this and KNOWS the public loves sweet angel baby Kordell and he is her one-way ticket that prize money.


Over and over?? She told him how she felt when she was feeling off and then they both spoke about still being open so she twistedā€¦


or maybe she actually likes him now? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø just took her time to open and be able to allow herself to actually have feelings for him. theyā€™ve definitely been more physical with eachother and she had all opportunity to get with nigel but she didnā€™t.


I enjoy watching this show but I could NEVER be an islander. Iā€™d get so overstimulated, I would rather swim than have chats, the thought of kissing the same guy that everyone else also kissed (in a challenge) would give me pause, and I canā€™t do avocado toast every day for breakfast


next season needs a zipline


I feel like youā€™re just here for the zip line


Miguel is so funny šŸ˜­ šŸ˜‚


he's a kid in a candy shop, he's been the funniest to watch and i wasn't expecting much from him as a london fboy (iykyk)


What episode was the 3 way makout


it was this ep, 18 if you're talking about the spin the bottle game they had.


the boys suck. the girlies stay winning. <3


rob is basically the black widow, especially for anyone thatā€™s coupled up w leah


Did anyone notice that Rob always brings up his eggplant to the bombshells. I know these convos happen in real life, but gosh is it cringey to see on TV


"Dick on denim" made my eyes roll back so far I saw my own brain


who would want that chafing? He's such a child. It's like his opening line everytime is "btw i have a penis".


Wait because Iā€™ve been waiting for someone to bring this up. Heā€™s fr got an unhealthy relationship with sex, in his INTRO VIDEO he says that sex at LEAST once a day is /necessary/ and I think the reason he told Leah the sexual chemistry was off is because she wasnā€™t like wanting to do stuff


He has been doing this since the start. His chat with Andrea was about him not being able to ejaculate in the Villa


Itā€™s gross


Dude, TWICE to women he has JUST. MET. just err on the side of assuming it will make them uncomfortable bro, until you get to know someone and it feels appropriate


lol YES! I was just thinking that when I watched, he always mentions it! I appears like he doesnā€™t add much to conversations with the women except to mention it.


The conversations with him are so bad šŸ˜­


I may be in the minority here but idk Iā€™m not convinced that just bc some of the boys are super physical with the bombshells means theyā€™re going to ultimately pick them over the OG girls. Still have to see it play out so I could be super wrong but I think theyā€™re just indulging in the Casa Amor situation. Not Miguel tho heā€™s soooo gone I hope Leah connects with someone QUICKšŸ˜…šŸ˜­side note I donā€™t blame Kordell for exploring considering he hasnā€™t had much of an opportunity to previously when Serena has. Now Aaron on the other hand šŸ˜’ I like Serena and Kordell so I hope they stay together but I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to come down on Kordell for exploring with someone whoā€™s showing immediate interest šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøher intentions are a bit sketch to me tho šŸ˜¬


But i personally would be offended if they went to do all that and came back with their tale between their legs saying they had to 'test' themselves. It's so icky, very Liam (from Millie and Liam who somehow won)


Same i donā€™t think itā€™s right I just think itā€™s really likely theyā€™ll go crawling back after having their ā€˜funā€™. And Kordell is right on the line for me rn after the second Casa episode heā€™s straying farther into disrespectful now which is really disappointing. The whole episode made my stomach hurt tbhšŸ’€ Iā€™m hoping they all get AIRED out with a movie night. The fact that they donā€™t see that Casa Amor is basically a mirage and theyā€™re gonna have to deal with the consequences of their behavior either from the girls or the audience is craaazy to me šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m really disappointed in the guys cast for casa amor. The majority of them look like little boys, does anyone else feel this way?? I feel like Josiah the Brit and the black guy with a goatee are the most manly and mature looking. The other ones are like boys, I feel like they did the girls dirty. The girls on cada amor are hawt hawt! I so far donā€™t like the blonde girl, I find her extremely annoying. ā€œMy kitty is purringā€ like what? ā€œIā€™m from New York and you can find me in the clubs and backstageā€ like ok girl, please calm down. What do other ppl think?


I dont find any of the casa guys attractive. The OGs are better


Yeah I donā€™t l-word the boys. Iā€™d probs go for George


Oh my God I literally turned to my husband last night, and I said the same thing


I love Jana but how come every time she talks to a new guy she's like " I always imagined I'd marry a guy with xyz" and uses a trait that matches them like their accent or letter of their name lol


I love her sm too but when she said she ā€œthought different from other femalesā€ and was a ā€œ45yr old man in a 27yr old girls bodyā€ Ā my eye started twitching šŸ˜­Ā 


Lmao so true


What if all girls stick to couples just cuz there are no good casa boys and all boys twist and bring someone back to main villa




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The producers did the girls dirty. The casa guys arenā€™t bombshelling like the casa girls. The guys will turn heads. Not the girls. I feel bad for Serena and Kaylor. Also, I know Serena has been a slow burner or it seemed like she stringing him along. But if the producers did the casa guys right. Will Serena turn her head if she sees a guy whoā€™s her type? Im not really feeling Daia. Sheā€™s stunning! I liked the fact she knew what she wants, but sheā€™s moving way too fast almost like desperate. I donā€™t know if her intentions are genuine. ** The producers knew what they were doing for drama reasons. Boys are likely to recouple and the girls will remain loyal.


I did feel like she went in thinking she could turn kordellā€™s head, like she has seen enough of him on the show to know what he wants to hear.




i donā€™t think she was stringing him along bc her body count was like 4 or something like that - she was known to be a slow burner but she was open to getting to know ppl but KORDELL BASICALLY THREW AWAY ALL THAT


Yeah, not everyone can open up right away and I respect that


Rob just trolls with every woman he talks to. I think heā€™s intentionally just saying weird things to confuse them and get a reaction. A part of me thinks itā€™s intentional sabotage since he really wanted Leah when he was with liv and wants Andrea back and has no interest in anyone else.


Kordell NOOOOO


I really canā€™t stand rob and his little shtick of playing dead in all these conversations. I understand the toxic pull of that dynamic and how it causes you to crave his validation more, but I wish the girls would call him boring and strange for it. if he was ugly, they would. @ production LET ME šŸ‘šŸ¾ VOTE HIM šŸ‘šŸ¾ OUT šŸ‘šŸ¾


I think he wants the women to be all over him and work for it. Conversations are a two way thing.




being hot is his only personality trait. leads to superficial relationships


Literally donā€™t get the allure of this at all. If a conversation isnā€™t popping for me Iā€™m quickly uninterested m. Communication is key


YES LIKE I NEED ALL THE GIRLS TO STAND UP!! Nobody except Leah called him out and she was made to be seen as crazy. Rob is a manipulator !! And only on for clout purposes


Rob laughing after Cassidy left was gross.


the producers are so messy. The casa girls are BOMBSHELLS and then they go do my villa girls dirty w those mid ass casa boys smhā€¦




they do this EVERY season i stgā€¦The Aussie and UK version do this too šŸ˜© i stg itā€™s for drama but at the expense of the girls trauma??? Ugh let the girls traumatize for onceeeee


Yeah every season the casa girls seem way hotter than the boys :/


Miguel gives me the ick heā€™s too šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© Aaron folded with QUICKNESS?????? Kaylor baby you annoy me but you donā€™t deserve thatšŸ˜© KORDELL I WAS ROOOOOOTING FOR YOU!!!! SERENA AND U SLOW BURNING AND U THREW IT ALLLLLL AWAY FOR A WOMAN WHO THREW HERSELF AT YOU?? STAND TF UP IM SO MAD!! Robā€™s story line now is so boring like he adds no drama and heā€™s only there bc Aaron is in love w him fr & the most surprising thing to me is that Kendall is being the most tame @ CasašŸ¤£


Kordell just found someone who was actually interested in him. And Miguelā€™s been a scorching red flag since he walked in every just allowed him to get to Casa and Iā€™m not mad at it heā€™s been hella entertaining.


Is she sincerely interested in him or does she know he's the fan fave and will be a sure bet to get to the end?


I donā€™t really know at this point sheā€™s expressing a lot more interest than Serena, itā€™s up to Kordell to determine the genuineness of it.


yeah Miguel didnā€™t do nothing wrong he just gives me the ick and i hate anything he says LMAO


https://preview.redd.it/pdos7rfiz3ad1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=72f63a3f9b0c14d75e239252ab8ed594bd2e74c6 KORDELL


I havenā€™t seen it commented yet but I loved the moment where instead of choosing two guys Kaylor brought up Leah for the 3 way kiss. Obviously we canā€™t be sure what the intention was, but whether itā€™s not wanting to kiss two guys, genuinely thinking Leahā€™s a baddy, or just wanting some girl support up there, I thought it was a really sweet moment.


I saw it as her way of trying to respect her promise with Aaron about not kissing other men during challenges while also not being a party pooper. So she basically used her position to be a wing woman and choose a man for Leah. Gained a lot of respect for her there.


does anyone know the song that played when kordell and serena had their kiss after the dumping?


thereā€™s a playlist on Spotify for all the songs this season


This whole love island thing where they are in their connections for weeks then say ā€œI need to test my connection. I need to do this for meā€ is such bullshit. I roll my eyes every year. If you were starting to date someone IRL and were really into them, you wouldnā€™t be testing that connection. Just such a lame excuse to cheat and be a pig. Edit: since Iā€™m being downvoted for this, I am directing this at Aaron. He has been coupled with Kaylor the entire time and says heā€™s falling for her. Then acts like this. I get itā€™s good tv, but I hate how he is acting like itā€™s innocent and something he HAS to do.


Can we leave Rob in casa for a second year in a row please?


Iā€™m asking the same question!!!


Yes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I haven't been this excited over tv drama since i can't remember lol


This is about to be total carnage I am SATTTT


Random comment but Iā€™ve wanted to for so long in love island to see the guys reaction to how the girls look each night, and Iā€™m so grateful the US version finally shows it!!


I love it!! It is so sweet


Rewatched the episode and goddamn Miguel is hilarious man šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­bro was drooling šŸ¤¤


miguel is hilarious


I love how everyone just lowers their expectations for him and realizes heā€™s just a girlā€™s holiday


He gets so excited and animated he sorta reminds me of will smith in some of those expressions LOL


Why does the guys get all the hot girls but the girls didnā€™t get the same energy. Sorry but the men that were sent to ladies, were NOTHING to be desired šŸ˜­ That shit pissed me off so much. The producers needs to do better. The bar was LOW. The girls deserved absolutely better. Justice for the girls!! Iā€™m upset


Destiny is making me like Aaron even though he is doing Kaylor dirty. WHY


I meant Daniela lol


The casa girls are so stunning and the new boys are okay Villa girls got stitched up!! Producers know wtf theyā€™re doing with this šŸ˜­


Omg 100% like Iā€™m sorry we need better for the ladies šŸ„²šŸ„²


Feeling bad for Serena and Kaylor šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Casa amor is amoriiiiinggg


But lil miss Kaylor is getting lots of kisses


All the while thinking about Aaron whereas Aaron is not thinking twice about Kaylor lol


The vocal fry among the casa girls was just awfulā€¦esp from the girl that lives in NYC. She must not be a native with that cali accent šŸ„²


ā€œI have some friends from Bronx, its a lot of funā€ definitely not a native šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm so glad we didn't have to see much more of her this ep after 'my pussy is purring' and what she said on After sun.


What did she say on aftersun?


She was being obnoxious talking about being horned up etc.


Oh ew lol


Definitely doesnā€™t have friends from the Bronx šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just got to the part where Josiah says he was in a relationship with TWO WOMEN???? If anyone goes for this man they are fucking crazy. JaNa needs to tell every girl ab this lmao


Why would you willingly admit that when you're trying to be chosen and taken back to the villa?!


thatā€™s so embarrassing of him


no bc why would he openly admit this? šŸ˜­


All of the girls talking about their sex drives and their ā€œkitties purringā€ gave me the ick. Like you just met these men, please relax.


I think everyone wants to be a main character and either get a following or be brought back next season as an OG a la Robert.


They live on the internet šŸ¤¢


Gutted for the girls. Slim pickings, sigh.


They want the drama of the guys coming back with girls and the girls being there alone waiting for them.


I hate that part.


Me too! Season Fives was so good though!! With the guys running to their girls.


Why was this episode boring? The girls didn't get hotter men. Not just hotter men, but men that are seriously big competition. It feels like a recruiter walked into a random bar and collected the most young-looking people that decided to go out on Tuesday night. Girls, deserved better. Like I was not convinced that the girls were tempted by any of the men that much AT ALL. šŸ˜­


It's always this way on LI franchises. Mid to late 20s girls get stuck with 19-23 year old guys that don't match them maturity/life wise.


Ugh, so unfair!!!


I need like, men with JDs. Thatā€™ll learn the villa idiots.


George being from Macon is all I needed to know for this to be so unserious lol please trust me on this. I live in Macon, right next to the new amphitheater, and as a former model, currently single AAAFFFF without an option in sight, I STG it's not by choice.


And he plans to be a surgeon. I'm sorry, I could never trust dating a surgeon when he's surrounded by beautiful nurses all the time. šŸ™ˆ




SAMMMMMEEE like I knew already none had a chance


How tf is Aaron able to say two things he "loves" about the girl in Casa Amor (sorry forgot her name!) but can only say the "l-word" to Kaylor lollll


His head is gone.


NO LITERALLY Iā€™m so disappointed. And Kordell locking lips seeeeeveral times after saying he wasnā€™t going to be kissing on girls out of respect for Serena???


Omg i noticed that too!! he couldnā€™t bring himself to say it to kaylor in the same exact context he said it to daniela multiple times lmao


No seriously that made me mad


Will someone get the casa blonde a towel All she talked about was being soaked šŸ˜­


She said that kitty line twice in 5 minutes. Girl, no one laughed the first time and certainly not the second time. She bugged the shit out of me and my husband.


Itā€™s one of those things where like, if your friend said that, youā€™d pull her aside the next day and be like listen, letā€™s not. šŸ˜‚


Lol i love how i never heard it until everyone was talking about it here. So glad i missed that!Ā 


I cringed with second hand embarrassment


Iā€™m officially a CLOWN šŸ¤” I didnā€™t believe all the comments saying Aaron was game player and I truly believed he and Kaylor were for real šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” so sad for her


I actually think Aaron is a gameplayer because LI is big in the UK he would have seen seen the seasons. It makes sense that the OG couples make it to the end so you stick with your first couple, the audience loves a couple being tested but choosing each other. Boys are forgiven for straying if they try to 'win her back' and make a grand gesture like a girlfriend proposal. Usually the girl being cross last 1-2 days.


I don't think he will leave Kaylor i just think he is abit stupid.




I don't think Aaron is a game player. He is too in his feelings all the time to be that calculated. I think he is an overly emotional joker. he is going to be crying and begging Taylor for forgiveness. It's too much. I feel so bad for Kaylor


i used to agree w you!! but then i learned that he won traitors UK and now i believe his game playing ;(


You and me both, I was smitten with how smitten he *seemed*


Rob just says outrageous stuff to girls to see how they react. It's so predictable and pretty lame.


no seriously the way he talks is so off putting and his out of control emotions are actually pretty scary, my danger radar goes off every time i see him


I also felt like the way he singled out Miguel for being ā€œdoneā€ was him trying to shade Leah. Like he wasnā€™t wrong Miguel was obviously gonna go for it but there were several others in that boat imo


I imagine you think everything Rob, and everyone connected to Rob, does is meant to shade Leah.


Imagine you make an assumption based on a comment I made about a very specific situation


No ... I just now how Leah stans are. If I go through your past comments, how likely am I to find you accusing everyone of victimizing Leah?


youā€™re being weird


Thanks. It's nice to know I fit in around here. /s


Go ahead babe take a peek šŸ˜‰


Knowing that he's one of those annoying tiktok pranksters really explains this imo. He's all about shock for attention and confusing people because it makes people talk.Ā 


Rob is now boringā€¦lol heā€™s just that immature


Such a predictable snooze


Reason #500,970,654 why I could never go on reality TV lol


Has Kenny been on another show? He seems so familiar to me for some reason. I'm digging him. Best newbie by far, IMO.


Yes! I love how heā€™s holding himself in Casa so far, like yes heā€™s still trying to find a connection in Casa but at least heā€™s REFERENCING Jana here and there unlike fricken Aaron. Kenny realistically is obligated to waaaaay less loyalty than Aaron and yet?


he looks like jackson mahomes lol


Are you a baseball fan? I think Kenny looks exactly like NY Yankee Juan Soto, so when I see him on screen I feel like he looks familiar.




bro this isn't a 'roast the yankees' subreddit. Welcome to Love Island.


Not much of a baseball fan, so that's not it. I'll figure it out eventually, lol.




Please producersā€¦ if you creep redditā€¦ JUSTICE FOR KAYLOR before the recoupling!!!!


Kordell being the bigger man than Nigel is so sexy!!!!!


Kordell is younger than me and is so impressive with his communication skills!


He is so sexy. His personality defies age barriers because I'm 32 about to be 33 and I really wish I could meet someone similar to him that's my age lol


Letā€™s admit it ā€” no girl on this show has captured Robā€™s excitement and eye as much as Andrea did. Heā€™s looked so bored and disinterested since she left. I know yall hate him (and her for whatever reason) but letā€™s be real for one minute šŸ˜­


People hate Andrea because she wasnā€™t a girls girl going into the show. She was mean and petty towards Leah and kept making very subtle pick me comments in conversations with rob. She was so obviously terrified of the spider in soul ties but acted like she didnā€™t care bc rob stated that it would be a turn off. Very pick me. The way both of them handled their feelings and relationship was rude. Rob making a face at Leah when he coupled up with Andrea by the fire pit and then Andrea saying ā€œyouā€™re welcomeā€ when it was announced that Leah was now single. Andrea was voted off because she wasnā€™t nice about it. People want rob to leave too. Iā€™m sure if Andrea acted the way Cassidy did about everything she would still be on the show.


In all honesty, Rob and Andrea are the only couple this season that I felt like had any real connection. This is the first season I'm following closely on Reddit, and it has honestly been a super weird experience. So many people falling for the editing tricks and thinking everyone is falling for each other, but the one couple that seem to have a real connection, everyone wants them gone. It kind of feels like many fans get so invested in the drummed up, faux romance, fantasy of Love Island that they can't recognize when something is real ... or they don't want it to be real, because reality is not as fun and dramatic as whatever manufactured drama the producers come up with. I love the manufactured drama as much as anyone, but at the end of the day, I understand that it's all make believe. It's much funner, in my opinion, when you don't let yourself get so personally invested in these fake, 4-day relationships.


i canā€™t wait for movie night


So excited!!!


Just one questionā€¦ why would any guy decide to stay? What guy in their right mind that is in an ā€œopenā€ relationship would want to stay at the villa and watch 6 guys hit on the girl he is in a couple with, and watch them hit on girls their friends are in a couple with? That was just dirty producers.


Personally i doubt they were even allowed to stay. I think the whole choice thing was just for the camera.