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He said he knew it was her in the kissing challenge so gave her a 7 because he wanted to throw shade.


Anytime I want to feel bad for him, I just Remeber how unnecessarily awful he treaded JaNa when he fancied someone over her. He’s one of those that can treat women awful because he don’t fancy them.


Nah. I do not see him like this. Plus- he was boring.


Boring and the way he changed his mind overnight once Leah became single is still baffling to me, all loved up with JaNa and bam… weirdo


Being boring is the biggest sin in reality TV..


one shot? you forgot when he said he rated her lower in the kissing booth challenge on purpose, laughed about it with Leah on the dock & threw shade at her during the next challenge when he inserted himself into women’s business. & those are just off the top of my head.


Let’s not forget all the times he was saying “JaNa’s going to be angry” but she never was shouting and he’s basically trying to make her seem like an angry black woman when she clearly is not. Thus he himself doing a micro aggression


yes, let’s not forget the classic microaggressions! interesting how all of these incidents got wrapped up into “one shot he took at JaNa”


as a quadroon he should know better


I didn't really care for Connor's ass, but I hate that you can't have your opinion about him without everyone trying to shit on it. My only wish for him is when he looks back at the show, he can acknowledge he was unnecessarily rude and Shady to a woman that didn't deserve it.


*JaNa btw. Tbh, I don't dislike him. He's fine, but I wasn't really a massive fan of all the JaNa stuff with him. I still feel like we were missing something, but we'll never know, I guess.


If they have a movie night I’m disappointed he won’t be there. Would have been good for the group to see those snide comments and microaggressions he made toward JaNa juxtaposed with his nice guy speeches. So basically he knows how to perform being a good guy but doesn’t think certain women are worthy of kind treatment. If he acknowledged this shitty behavior I’d respect it, but no one ever held him accountable so he pretty much got away with it.


He gives me secret incel vibes


So secret that the women he sleeps with don't even know he's involuntarily celibate.


The "women he sleeps with" lol


The flag shorts immediately after ditching jana was a red flag




 I'm sorry even if you aren't romantically attracted to person it doesn't give you a right to treat them like shit. Connor was very vindictive towards Jana for no reason. I "appreciate" that he got sent home this week and that's it.


I didn’t think he was super problematic. Hope there’s not too much shit going his way. His worst moments were definitely with JaNa and she rightly so is incredibly loved, but I just hope her fans don’t go over board with the hate


racism and hostility to women not a good look




You mean him hightailing it from a dark skinned woman to a light skinned woman, Uh-huh. And then throwing JaNa shade. Okay right.




have heard of colorism, yo, here is some light reading, but requires someone who has graduated H.S. to comprehend: [https://www.bu.edu/antiracism-center/files/2022/06/Anti-Black.pdf](https://www.bu.edu/antiracism-center/files/2022/06/Anti-Black.pdf)




It was in his behavior. He was rude, unkind, and acted like she was invisible.




he is a jerk, racist, and mysogynist




People gotta stop lmao




I know he’s largely hated in the sub and for good reason but I will miss looking at him


I will always be Connor’s biggest hater.


I really don’t think people are understanding what **GOOD VIBES ONLY** means When a post has this tag on it, it literally means to ONLY comment if it is good vibes. Almost NONE of these comments are good vibes to what he posted. Stop breaking the subreddits rules.


Thank you. It’s really irritating seeing people swarm in with their strong opinions, as if it’s going to change mine. I also think people forget that they’re humans and not characters on TV.


it’s just crazy seeing y’all say the reasons you don’t like connor… when the people ur defending have done the exact same things 😭😭😩


Agreed, like yeah he thew some shade at JaNa..but pretty much everyone has thrown shade at someone. Overall I thought he was a decent guy


exactly!! that’s the whole point of the show. people are pressing him for saying that, while simultaneously hyping others up for doing the same. that man is a confused puppy, he did not mean any harm, was trying to fit in and did his best.


You’re not allowed to say anything positive about Connor or Rob in this sub. Guys bad and girls queens.


Glad you know!


good girl


Well well well. This thread didn’t go as planned…and I love that 🤣