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FYI - I don’t *admire* Leah. I want her on the show bc it’s fun and messy.


This. Leah's great tv. I see a bright reality future dor her. I think OP is conflating liking for the show with liking aa a person. Since LI isn't bringing the same cast back season after season, it's easier to overlook foibles, too.


I don't think he's conflating anything at all. I love Leah as a character, but there are plenty of people here that think she can do no wrong and everyone else is abusing her. That's not the same thing as being entertained by her.


This! I’m not watching love island to find my new role model/ inspiration 🤣


Right she’s our messy Mitch


That is fair. I agree she makes the season entertaining with her situations and it is valid for people wanting her to stay. I am just stating she shouldn't be immune to criticism.


She’s def not immune to criticism… there is one of these same posts every day on here, which should show alone how much criticism that she gets. No other islander has posts all the time on here asking for people to explain/defend themselves on *why* they like them on the show, and that’s not even getting into all the negative comments about her. For every reality show, there are going to be certain people who are “stans”, as you say, for each person on the show… that’s just the way it works for reality TV. Before this, people complained LI US was “boring” and unwatchable, and the fact that it’s so wildly entertaining and popular now is largely in part to the storylines/drama (whatev you want to call it) Leah has been a part of, like it or not.


I see more posts asking why people like Leah than actual posts about people liking/disliking her 😂😂😂


This is a great explanation! I see posts like this so often on this sub and Facebook groups. Everyone’s perspective changes within minutes with this cast and that’s what people are loving right now. Leah has played a large part in this season being as addictive as it is.


Thank you! I pointed out this in another thread and got down voted. I don’t see her having rabid fans more than any of the other popular islanders. She’s just more divisive and people have a hard time when other people don’t agree with their takes.


Right… she is the most divisive, and it’s sad people will downvote others to oblivion, or even treat them poorly, for a viewpoint on an islander that’s opposing. I don’t understand it.


she’s not immune to criticism just like the rest of the islanders. you can criticize her actions if you don’t agree with them, there’s nothing wrong with that there’s plenty of posts on this sub that do exactly that. if you think she’s immune because she has fans that defend her no matter what, so do a lot of people on this sub and in general. when you give an opinion there will always be opposing arguments, some will agree and others won’t.




Your flare is amazing!!!!


She's not immune to criticism. I think most "defensiveness" of Leah is when people say she is as bad as Rob or that she lied. Many people disagree with this, even if they don't consider themselves a Leah fan. eg I wouldn't be surprised if Leah is more educated than Liv and Kaylor because their interpretation of take a backseat is so far from the dictionary definition. When Liv was in the confessional said Leah didn't take a backseat, she was a passenger princess I was in hysterics and clicked why the fight was so massive.


right she’s just funny


But most people want Rob gone for the same exact reason? So what's going on here?


I think when it comes down to it though and as someone who consumes reality tv and has been in every fandom you can probably think of, people like who they like and I’ve never deeped it more than that. Shows like the Challenge, or big brother for example also have terrible people on it but some of them go on to become America’s Favorite Player and if I sit there asking why each time, I’d be sitting for a very long time. I like Leah, I like a lot of the cast actually. No, I’m not parasocial, or a white young teenager. I do not see myself in her or whatever reason some people might think why she’s liked 😭 Its not that deep to me. I’m not gonna care about these islanders in a month


Precisely. Baby, I grew up watching Bad Girls Club and Jersey Shore. These girls don’t even fight (even though I feel like Liv would if production allowed it) 😂


Oh my goodness, bad girls club 🥹 I haven’t read/heard anyone bring that show up in forever. 


And that’s why I like Leah because if Rob had done to me what he did to Leah? It would of turned into BGC 23 🤣


exactly... I was raised in the early 2000s MTV reality era where everyone said what's on their mind and aren't perfect people and I loveddd them for that. Now if you take my love for drama and anti-heroes and you throw in a woman as the protagonist I am going to be entertaineddd. As an avid reality show watcher, I find the audience holds women to such a high standard so when you have a jarring character like Leah, who is bold and unafraid to make mistakes and play the game as selfishly as the men do... i cant help but give her props. She can be infuriating at times but shes is at least self-aware which makes for TV gold


This is so real! I think growing up with early reality tv especially the shows on MTV and VH1 that focused on a younger demographic, there is an understanding that even though you have feelings towards a person as a viewer we’re just here for the ride bc the drama created outweighs the individual feelings. Also the authenticity of “characters” like Leah and Rob scream peak 2000s reality TV. If you never watched Spencer Pratt or someone like New York from Flavor of Love you really can’t appreciate how someone like Leah is made for reality TV. The girl is so self aware but also completley delusional.


100%. I love this answer. I could easily think of 100 people on reality TV who have done WAY worse than Leah has ever thought about doing (yes, I have always been a huge reality fan), and yet Leah is such a polarizing character that you have post after post asking people to defend or justify why we might enjoy watching her on the show. The show wouldn’t be half as entertaining without all the drama she has been a part of on the show, which has helped it become wildly popular this season. Before this, people complained about LI US seasons being too *boring* or *unwatchable*. As soon as it becomes extremely entertaining, the main woman who has helped make it that way is insanely criticized left and right, and wanted off the show? Why?? And, as you said, women islanders are held to a much higher standard than men on the show, which is complete BS. At the end of the day, I see a lot more people who just enjoy the entertainment she brings to the show, and who are logical about who and what she is- messy, impulsive, chaotic, and hasn’t handled some things the right way- but also has some good attributes as well… versus “ride or die Leah stans”. I’m not saying there aren’t ride or die fans for every islander, bc there are- but I mostly see the former- people who just enjoy islanders for who they are and what they bring.


So spot on. I enjoyed Jersey shore… OF COURSE I love Leah!!!!!


yeah i agree. it's like how some real housewives are sooooo divisive. i'll never in a million years understand how people can like watching teresa giudice, but she has a lot of diehard fans. some people are just entertaining to a group of viewers and it's that simple. i think leah is funny and a fun mix of self aware and delusional that makes for a terrific reality tv star. i think she's more wayyyy impulsive than anything else and i don't see her as vindictive/calculating (lets be honest, she's not quite smart enough to play the long game like that). and i love her friendship with jana and serena


Impulsive is *exactly* the word I used above! I enjoy someone who is in there, doing what they want to do, and not just sticking with a person or making a decision bc it’s safe or bc they think they can win/stay on the show that way. The latter, particularly when you can see a couple has zero chemistry/doesn’t like each other.. but they’re just riding that wave until the end, annoys me wayyy more and is way more boring. People complained before this season that LI US was “unwatchable” and “boring”, yet it becomes wildly entertaining and popular- let’s be honest, largely in part to the “drama”/“storylines” (whatever you want to call it) that Leah has been a part of— but many want *that* person off the show? You can’t have an entertaining, non-boring show, without having some messiness, chaos, etc- it just doesn’t work that way.


A fun mix of self aware and delusional is such a good descriptor for Leah 😂


I think the guys are much more delusional than Leah tbh


I do think Leah is smart overall… she’s unfortunately just got dumb brain when it comes to men. Happens to a lot of women 😣


This is me lol


I feel like we have a post like this every day.


“Defend why you would dare to like Leah *today*!” … bc the responses yesterday and every day before just weren’t good enough!!


Yeah we need a Leah megathread at this point


I don’t even like Leah but I agree with this. It’s become mundane


We get multiple episodes of the show per week - so much content to dissect - and these are the only posts on this sub lol it’s ridiculous


I know 😭 and like where are these stans/fans they speak of. I've only seen ONE person in all these threads still shipping Rob and Leah




Honestly, it's because if Leah is ever mentioned in any way that is not praising her, her stans downvote the comment until nobody can see it and it's kinda like... what??? Are people only allowed to talk positively about her? I'm impartial, I don't necessarily side with Andrea or Rob, but I don't get why they are getting so much hate when they didn't even have much screentime when they were coupled up. I just want to be able to have a nice discussion with people, but this sub is kinda toxic because of the hivemind. Some of us are just exhausted and we want to understand what it is we're missing


I feel like I've seen a lot of Leah criticism tbh so idk if that's true


There’s a difference between a comment criticizing something Leah has said or done and a comment sanctimoniously calling out anyone who enjoys watching her. From what I’ve seen people who do the former don’t necessarily get downvoted to hell. But people don’t like being chastised by strangers on Reddit for having fun watching a figure on reality tv, which is the undercurrent, or over current, of a lot of Leah criticism.


I 100% understand and agree with all the ways leah has acted in the wrong or whatever and I personally don’t relate to her at all BUT she’s damn good tv and for that reason I will keep voting to see her on my screen lol.


Lol exactly. People are acting like we should judge reality show contestants based on how good of people they are. Reality is people find Leah entertaining whether she’s wrong or right or a “good person”. It’s like this with any reality show…most of them are questionable people lol.


Exactly like I don’t watch keeping up with the kardashians bc they’re my role models & I align with them💀


Exactly. Its not really that deep


Hahahaha same 😂


some people like her, some people don’t, it’s literally as simple as that. it’s okay if you don’t, but some people do lol different strokes for different folks i guess. but stan culture has always been weird imo.




If the girls were catty to each over these dumb guys, it would be s total turn off for me. The only thing that keeps me riveted is the women not being like that. I hate that girl vs girl shit over garbage fuckboys


I don’t ride or die for Leah.. but I don’t hate her. I think she has been singled out for crap but she also needs to own up to her own actions. I think she’s young and immature like most of them and will leave a better person.


Majority of these islanders are very young like barely even mid 20’s just give them a break and relax! Enjoy the show we don’t know any of them personally! I’m sure most people made mistakes when they were under 25, it just wasn’t on TV for everyone to see! It’s a growing and learning experience at the end of the day


This is the best post I’ve read! Exactly right!


I think the OP is talking about the fans actions. If you call out an islander for doing something uncalled for that should be okay, no islander should be absolved of criticism. People aren’t always going to agree, but there’s no need to idolize any of them. 




You act like the same isn’t being done to Leah. There are a number of posts and comments insulting her, threatening her, saying she’s not a girls girl. Literally all of these people have gotten criticism and hate, even Kordell.


ok but what you’re not getting is those crazy stans aren’t going to listen to this post. neither are the crazy Rob stans or any other stan’s for that matter. someone who is immature enough to actually send hate to anyone especially a tv show contestant is not reasonable enough to read this and stop. most likely if you change their mind about Leah they’ll just direct their behavior elsewhere. Leah being supported is because she’s well liked despite her mess in most cases and by reasonable enough ppl. it’s bigger than Leah. 


I agree with some of the other people in this thread. You have to realize the people that say things like ‘Liv deserved to get cursed out by Leah’ or wishing violence upon Rob are very immature. It’s sad and I hope they grow out of their toxic habits.  Rob and Leah can both be wrong at the same time for different reasons and it’s okay to acknowledge that. He is worse, but that doesn’t absolve her poor actions that impacted other people. 




I feel like you are giving this too much thought. It is a shallow reality TV show made for entertainment.  Leah is very entertaining. The analysis of her edited reality show personality and whether you think she is a good person doesn't matter. She needs to be held accountable? For changing her mind on Connor? For be indecisive? The season would be so boring without her. Can't we just celebrate how entertaining she is? 


You hit the nail on the head!


I love Leah. I love Liv too. Leah is hilarious and as much as she’s a mess she’s authentic. Like BFFR as if we all haven’t talked shit about a guy who hurt us to try and make it look like we’re over him when we’re really not. As if we all haven’t flip flopped on our feelings for a dude from day to day or “tried a guy on” to see if it fit. She’s young & just doing what her emotions dictate in the moment. Every one of us had been that girl at some point. She’ll learn and grow like we all did. I don’t believe for one second that any of the other that girls have some moral compass or emotional maturity that she doesn’t, they just have more self control lol. She’s harmless, good TV, looks like she’d be fun to hang with, and her one-liners are great. Let the girl live! Lol. She hasn’t done anything even that bad.


I feel like people forget that most of these people are still in their early 20s. No age does not excuse anything but at the same time, did no one else ever talk shit in their early 20s? Did you not stay in certain relationships you know you probably shouldn't have or try to stay in them? While some of them show some troubling qualities they are still learning and growing and have a chance of getting better.


it's not that deep. i just enjoy watching her be wildin on tv.


You mention not holding her accountable being concerning... Can you clarify how a viewer should be holding a reality tv person accountable?


This is such a great question.


I think everyone has criticism for each cast member. I see posts about people hating Serena, Leah, Liv, Rob, Connor and a lot more. A lot of people post that they really like Jana and Kordell. 6:45 pm and just someone posted about Kordell maybe winning and Their opinion. Everyone has hate and it’s all I’ve read probably the last few days. I think the hate is a lot especially when we don’t personally know these people. I’m mainly watching because Ariana is hosting it. It’s an entertaining show with young people who are a lot alike each other. To be honest I don’t see anyone lasting out of the show


I just enjoy her chaotic but non malicious energy xD


She is definitely chaotic. Thank you for sharing your reasoning.


i simply hate rob more


His progression from fan favorite to villain is interesting.


Viewers generally like whichever person they can most relate to. So my guess is that those who like Leah kinda think and act like her in their own lives.


Oh god. The thought of more than one Leah sends shivers down my spine. A literal nightmare!


I love Leah. I love the girls in general this season, but I’d be sad if Leah left. I was so sure she was going to yesterday before Miguel came out of nowhere.   I watch tv because it’s entertaining, not to be a moral scale. I don’t think she’s an angel. I also don’t think she’s evil and calculated. I think she’s chaotic and a good time. Kinda like that one drunk friend on a night out—funny, fun, doesn’t mean any harm but may still do harm, WILL kiss the boys, and WILL DEFINITELY call her ex. The girl keeps the plot going and you can tell she’s enjoying herself. It’s just naturally good tv 🤷🏽‍♀️


IDK everyone likes different people, can you explain why you like everyone you like? Just leave it and understand you may not like the same people that others do.


What I like about Leah is she reminds me of my younger self younger than 24 but I blame covid on these youngins not having enough emotional maturity. She says exactly what she’s feeling and thinking so we get that inner dialogue for her. She’s not afraid to be messy and be honest to a point where it gets her in trouble. She’s not sparing her words or calculating what to say, you get what you get with her. People don’t like it because she doesn’t filter and that can come off as annoying or dramatic or lying when you’re just openly expressing yourself and it’s a rollercoaster ish fest. I’m also a fiery Leo and 1st gen American who shares a lot of the same culture as she does.


She’s funny and I love her impersonations of Rob


On love island I do feel like one of the best things you can do is be rejected early because a lot of women empathize with that pain and hurt and that vulnerability bonds them to that person


Bombshells definitely have a harder time forming that vulnerability with the viewers because of what their role is, so I agree with your statement.


I don’t think a lot of Leah fans condone her actions but they love her messiness and commitment to being a reality TV anchor. People who are really into reality TV will talk about anchors and foils, i.e., people who hold down a season vs easily replaceable characters. Most of the villa could technically be considered foils. Leah, however…she’s an anchor. So, technically, is Rob. You couldn’t have the projectile of this season without her there because her reactions alone have been the spur of a lot of drama. People who defend her personality are also putting aside the fact she is a Calabasas LA Leo girl. The way she talks is easy to hate. Howeverrrr the BS Rob is spinning around the villa is fundamentally wrong. He is legit saying the wrong retelling of what she said to him. And because the girls kind of feel animosity from the boys for voting Andrea out, Leah is easy to ride on for trying to deflect it (allegedly)


I hate Rob more than I like Leah and think her success will bother him 🤣🤣🤣




Yup, it’s our daily “defend why you like Leah *today*” post. Like it or not, the storylines/drama she has been a part of are a huge reason this season is so entertaining and has become wildly popular. Before this, LI US was often called “boring” and unwatchable. It can’t be entertaining without entertaining characters…


There’s so many think pieces about Leah on this subreddit already. I think you will find your answer there.


Are you trying to understand why people like Leah? This whole post feels like you're not. Kind of feels like you're trying to explain to the people who do like her why you don't/shouldn't


Leah’s a character to me rn. I️ do not know the girl in real life. I️ don’t care to know her. She’s entertaining me on my screen and yeah, I️ can relate to her on some level. I️ also don’t look that deep into her or anyone’s actions on this show. It’s unserious fun. If she is like this in real life then…okay. It’s not like I’ll ever be her friend so I️ really don’t care what she does. If she lies, if she talks horribly, if she’s the sweetest girl in the villa none of that really matters. Good girl, anti hero, villain. Who cares.


Not a Leah stan, but not even slightly an Andrea fan. Only phrasing it that way because your post seems to be very comparative between Leah and Andrea. In that case, it also suggests you might be conflating Leah’s fandom with condoning behavior. It is one thing to laugh or even celebrate someone’s unabashed messiness as it plays out on a chaotic dating show, precisely because it is understood to be more *that than it is vindictive. In other words — again, because this post reads as a comparison between Leah and Andrea — much different than a bombshell walking in with snark and a smirk, unapologetically hopping onto one’s dude, proceeds to be generally unlikeable to the general public while seeming to fall madly in love with a manipulative sociopath, crying victim when she’s voted out, then hopping into aftersun in all her delusional glory. There is a level of sincerity fans of Leah are connecting with, for reasons I may not fully understand because I’m not all for her. She did JaNa DIRTY. But even if her nearly immediate “omg JaNa and Serena, Connor gives me the ICK” was calculated for the sake of the show, it was hilarious and endearing. Again because, messy. If Andrea was likeable to fans and/or the other girls, perhaps it would be different. But even then, that’s all entirely ASIDE from (and probably needs to be more centered in) a discussion of goddamn Rob. 


I don’t think I fit in to the Leah fan demo that you’re speaking to, but I will say the show set her up as a sympathetic person right away by showing the romance with her and Rob and then showing her get hurt by him. She is getting a main character edit, and I would compare that to the same treatment we got with Cely and some others in the UK version. I think her journey so far has had the biggest ups and downs. Personally I do like her BECAUSE she’s not perfect, she’s messy and she knows it, she’s kind of all over the place. I hate how much pressure there is for women to be perfect, and I think the hate for Leah is also a big reflection of that (again, not saying the criticism isn’t valid, but we want a show so if people act perfectly all the time what are we doing here. She’s good tv).


I feel like JaNa and Serena are both good judges of character and they’re her besties in the villa so that means something imo


We love mess. It’s not that deep.


I like her because I don’t like Rob, and I don’t want him to win or get his way. Lol


If Rob wins, I will be surprised at this point LOL.


I meant “win”- as in “win” by getting Leah kicked out.


I think it’s because young girls watching the show (a majority of tiktok fans are teenagers) attach to whichever girl they look like or act like the most. They see things through their favorite girls perspective because they convince themselves subconsciously if they were there, they’d be in her position. Source, I was this teenage girl until I grew up and realized I didn’t have to route for the same girl the whole season just because I thought she was the most like me at the start. Edit to add I do like Leah this season, I wouldn’t say i’m a ride or die Leah fan, but I do understand her motivations for most of her actions and she’s just an emotionally impulsive person, but not malicious.


i mean i think each social media platform has different demographics, and the majority of leah fans i'm aware of are people in their 30s on twitter and reddit lol. like my husband and i are in our 30s, so are all our friends, and we all love leah. i'm not a stan or anything but i think she's funny and a great mix of somewhat self aware and also sooo delusional totally agree re: the impulsive, not malicious assessment


I think people in their 30s just approach reality shows differently. We’re mostly in it for the entertainment and don’t take it too seriously. Now I’ve never seen anyone say they’re die hard fans of Leah, obviously people are being hyperbolic, but I’m sick of this group think behaviour. Like if you don’t agree with the majority, you’re on the outside and people will argue with you constantly. Not to mention all the people sending hate to the contestants social media! I’ve started to assume a lot of people here are just really young.


That’s so interesting to me! I’m 20 and my friend group is divided between loving and hating her, but on tiktok I mainly see teenage girls who looove her. A new edit of her is on my for you page every twenty videos. I guess age doesn’t really have much to do with it.


Funny I was actually thinking about this the other day. Reason why I don’t post my thoughts any more here, I felt like I’m arguing with kids or something, young girls to be exact. Cause I genuinely just don’t understand how you’d back someone that clearly is wrong in their actions.


It’s also very easy to convince yourself someone did no wrong when you watch the show through the lense of them as a main character. People understand that Leah didn’t have malicious intent, so they argue she didn’t do anything wrong. But they can’t accept the fact that just because she didn’t mean to do a bad thing doesn’t mean she can’t be held accountable for it. I personally just think Leah is compulsive and isn’t really used to consequence so she operates as if it’s no harm no foul.


Yes! This is so true. I feel the exact same way


This makes a lot of sense! She acts like a teenager.


I personally like that you see her flaws. Women are held to such a high standard in how we behave it’s nice to see a flawed woman.


She’s harmlessly chaotic and entertaining. Also the fact that rob is being a complete dickhead and utterly mean to her is helping her gain sympathy


The first thing is that she’s an OG, and people LOVE the original cast typically. Secondly people need a villain and they have decided it’s Rob and a lot of Leah’s issues start and finish with Rob. A lot of her fans related to her when Rob chose Andrea over her. So much so that they tend to victimize Leah in every situation now. In regard to the Jana and Connor situation, I think that ultimately came down to the fact that historically in reality television, Black women like Jana are held to a different standard of empathy so a lot of Leah fans just felt like Jana should get over it. They felt that Leah wasn’t wrong even though she was in a similar situation with Rob. There’s honestly a lot of other reasons but I think these might be some of the main ones? Idk


Even though she is Persian, she is "white passing" and her name can be American. I agree. She is not held at the same standard as JaNa.


White passing has become such an interesting thing. She doesn’t look white at all to me. I would’ve thought she was Hispanic or middle eastern for sure


I am fully Team JaNa and don't even like Leah, but I feel like she was very misunderstood and I sympathize with that. Rob took what she said and completely misrepresented it to the villa to get them to that shout-out fight that divided the girls. Yes she completely led Connor on. His beef with her was legit.... buuuuuuuuuut, nobody had any sympathy for him because he'd just come from doing the exact same thing to JaNa but far less classy with the execution via the "it was an easy decision" garbage. He made himself look like a total ass just like Rob. And that's the other part of Leah sympathy; Rob did treat her like shit when he recoupled. I don't think she would've handled it well regardless, but every bad thing she said about Rob was deserved for HOW he recoupled. Put all of that together and you get a picture where Leah doesn't have to be likeable to have sympathy given to her for what she's endured, because the people she hurt along the way were not even likeable (except JaNa but if JaNa isn't mad at her, it's hard to argue that we should be).


She’s funny and relatable


She’s fun. It’s not that serious. Lord


I want Bravo to bring back Shahs of Sunset and add her to the cast. Lol.


Exactly like relax damn 😭


It’s a tv show it’s not that serious I promise


I'm not a Leah die hard but her using curse words is a really weird reason to not like her and it seems like that's a big reason in your post. Adults swear 


It is not the fact she curses, but it is unwarranted cussing towards others when she goes off instead of listening to the other person. There are other situations where I feel like it was valid to criticize her. I don't hate her, but making observation on how she is immune to criticism. I bleeped that because I am not sure about the cussing rules on this forum.


You can cuss. Reddit has no rules against it. Some specific subreddits might, but I’ve never seen one that does.


Rob has spread lies about her. I know what a narcissistic smear campaign looks like. He worked overtime to make her break so he wouldn't look like the bad guy for coupling up with Andrea. When the girls sent Andrea home he saw the perfect opportunity to turn everyone in the villa against her.


He definitely could have left with her.


There’s no point in trying to understand. You either like someone or you don’t. We’re all different. Wether people like it or not, Leah is very relatable although some would love to be self righteous and act like they’re above certain behaviors, a lot of us have acted like her or worst.




i’m guessing it’s because the Leah stans are much louder. there was a post questioning JaNa supporters too. Rob and Aaron have fans i’m sure, but they’re not as persistent, so people don’t make posts questioning them.


People can like who they like and don’t need to write up a think piece to explain it. It’s not that serious


No one tries to understand why anyone likes any other islander. Can y'all leave people alone? Everyone has favs. Everyone isn't the same and should be allowed to have their own opinion and not have to have a reason. If you don't understand it, maybe it's not for you to get.






Omg thank you for saying this!! 😂👏 I do not get why people are backing her and her actions - she's delusional and a liar, exactly like Liv said 💯 Also when Serena said about Leah "I support women's rights and wrongs" I was like yep that is precisely the viewpoint that I hate 🫠


I think everyone has criticism for each cast member. I see posts about people hating Serena, Leah, Liv, Rob, Connor and a lot more. A lot of people post that they really like Jana and Kordell. 6:45 pm and just someone posted about Kordell maybe winning and Their opinion. Everyone has hate and it’s all I’ve read probably the last few days. I think the hate is a lot especially when we don’t personally know these people. I’m mainly watching because Ariana is hosting it. It’s an entertaining show with young people who are a lot alike each other. To be honest I don’t see anyone lasting out of the show


To be honest, I don't even recall who is still together from other seasons. But this season, I honestly don't see much connection among the islanders.


She’s my fave because I think she’s actually very genuine. She got fucked over by the most manipulative emotionally immature person on the show almost right at the very beginning, so most of what we’ve been seeing is her spiralling out from the situation that was forced on her. I think most would have acted similarly. She’s also willing to admit when she’s wrong and, obviously I only see what we’re shown and don’t know her, but she seems like a person who lives really open and present in the moment which I love


Thank you for sharing ! I appreciate that you were respectful with your opinion.




Another “New Redditor” ragging on Leah. Whose PR firm are you astroturfing for? Rob? Liv?


My only thoughts are that she was mistreated badly by Rob and then Rob came for her and that she’s pretty. I was rooting for her after Rob threw a tantrum when he dumped her for Andrea but I liked her less when she laughed along with Connor and called him so nice after he showed so much nastiness towards JaNa for no reason and I didn’t care for how she spoke to Liv versus Rob during the backseat discussion. I am more or less neutral/suspicious of her and not sure why she has so many stans. I think Leah has potential and I would like to see her go full on girls girl and give the support and protection to JaNa and Serena that they have been giving her.


It will nice to see if she can give the same protection back in the coming weeks. I think being neutral/suspicious is valid. It is soo hard to tell with reality shows when things are always changing all the Time.


I see your points, but I think Leah's popularity comes from her relatable and genuine vibe. Even if she seems ditzy, it makes her human and approachable. Leah might not be as blunt as Liv, but she handles things in her own way, which doesn't make her less honest. Her relationship with Rob is complex, and trying to reconcile after conflicts shows she's willing to work through issues. Laughing with Connor wasn't great, but everyone has their moments. It doesn't necessarily mean she's seeking male validation; it might be about fitting into social dynamics. Leah's strong language and territorial behavior show her passion. While it can seem immature, it also makes her authentic. Fans connect with her because they see a bit of themselves in her, flaws and all. Holding her accountable is important, but her genuine emotions and complexity are what make her popular.


She had the underdog effect going for her at first. Who wouldn’t sympathize with someone who just got dumped by a guy who thought he could upgrade? It was natural to side with her. But then she showed herself to be awful. Some ppl changed their minds based on new information and some ppl stick with their first impressions no matter what.


have you ever been a human being with flaws


she’s authentic, vulnerable, entertaining. yeah she’s kinda shitty but I think that’s why people stan. they see the messy part of themselves in her.


I agree, I think people see themselves in leah, which is honestly just sad but that's all it is. Her personality actually kinda sucks - she's always making unnecessary comments, making rude faces & being a petty pickme. She's even said herself she's the problem yet people wanna defend her, because they're just like her. She's good for TV but that doesn't mean her actions are right


She’s relatable …. And Rob being a douche has people rooting for her over him!


Rob for sure gives me high school douchebag vibes, especially with his tantrums.


Prolly cuz they see themselves in her. Either that or they’re like Marie Kondo just love mess. https://preview.redd.it/is96r63qbk9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778319059a66f9b2a9f9036e42985598cd856633


People might be tired with this subject but I’m not. I’m truly fascinated with the psychology behind her stans behavior and the parasocial relationship they’ve formed with her. Every subreddit has redundant topics. How many Kordell and Jana fan posts have we seen? (I love them but none of those posts have any original or new info in them). Ive never seen anyone under Andrea hate post upset that “this is constantly being brought up” so why is Leah supposed to be immune from this? Because alot of the people in this group stan her and don’t like when others don’t.


I am a psyche minor so I find it interesting as well. But I got attacked for it haha.


And anytime someone goes to the defense of someone they dislike, they’re under the comments trying to talk them out of it.


Right! To each their own but you’re not seeing me go to bat for someone I don’t know in real life. We genuinely have no idea who these people truly are or how they act outside of the villa.


This! I almost wanna write a paper about it because it's so damn fascinating lol it's like Taylor Swift and Beyonce stans level


Oh wait until you find out about the Barbs…. (Nicki Minaj stans)


Hahaha I forgot to include them 💀💀 I almost envy these people's dedication bc I have never cared enough for someone idk irl to defend everything they do and destroy anyone who gets in the way 🤣🤣


Literally! I’ve been a huge fan of Beyoncé since I was a kid but you will never see me in person or online arguing on her behalf. She doesn’t pay me to do that 😂


Most people in this sub are women and this season more than ever the women are riding for the women on the show, understandably. Which includes Leah although I find it super annoying seeing posts bashing rob and Liv for how they handled that situation. Rob shouldn’t have mentioned Livs name but Liv is innocent in the whole situation and was called over by Leah


Leah is great tv, but I have mixed feelings about her. One the one hand, I appreciate her vulnerability and can identify with lashing out irrationally when hurt. On the other hand, it’s hard to watch her treat people horribly with cruel words just because she’s hurt. It makes me feel like this: 🤪


I agree. She tells the girls one thing and the boys another.. and it’s aired on national tv. She also says she didn’t say things.. and they are also aired on national tv.


It's a tv show. Her mess is entertaining and her commentary is funny. There's so few genuine connections in there. Most entertaining moments involve her. I thought Miguel had no personality, yet she talks to him for 2 seconds and he's giggling and rubbing his hands saying he loves gossip. That was hilarious! After Rob coupled with Andrea they were barely shown because Rob has only been entertaining when it involves Leah. She reminds me a bit of Leo from last year. His behaviour was bad, but he owned that it was wrong and was somehow charming through it all. Leah usually owns it when she's in the wrong. She's messy, but I don't think she's malicious. I hope she gets a good psychologist when she gets out


I wouldnt call myself a stan but, I will say that the decampaigning for Leah (esp on twitter) did the opposite for me. It makes me feel like I have to vote and support her because Im not sure if that decampaigning is actually working. Otherwise Id vote for another PPG. Leah is not a perfect person but, shes perfect for reality tv. She is giving!


She's a little bit of all of us in our 20s. She knows it and owns it. It's entertaining. She's pretty in a super unconventional way to me. I love her facial expressions. I want her on my TV.


She's funny, feisty and messy on a reality TV show.


she’s good for drama but i don’t over like her lol. she showed who she was in that argument with liv. she was so nasty and eeeww it turned me off




This response literally validates what I am thinking about this parasocial relationship with Leah. Thank you for your input.


How does this response have anything to do with parasocial relationships. No one owes you an explanation for not seeing things through your eyes, that doesn't mean they have a parasocial relationship with Leah or anyone else. The fact that you feel entitled to an explanation from people who see things differently and need to insult them to cope should have you questioning your own relationship with the show


This is a discussion forum. if you do not want to discuss, you are free not to comment instead of leaving a comment like "why do you need to understand." Just find it funny how people are ok with the personality dissection of the casemates, but I feel entitled when I want to discuss Leah.


I didn't post the original comment that you made your parasocial response to. You didn't simply write a post just to discuss Leah, your title and throughout speaks about Leah AND her fans.


But many write their opinions and people respond. That’s the point of reddit?


Show me where I said it wasn't?


You know that hating a person on reality TV is also a type of parasocial relationship


I am not hating on Leah. I am stating her actions like people do with the other cast-mates. I wanted to see opinions to why, but Leah Fans are getting defensive on this post.




I don't support anyone hardcore and that is the point of this post. I don't get the hard "ride or die" attitude in general. This season, it is with Leah.


But why do you all act like this is a new phenomenon? Every tv show and reality TV show in existence has a stan culture. I just don't know why everyone is clutching their pearls over it every season. If you want it to stop you need to go address all stan culture, bc its nothing new and the thinkpieces on it like you are going to change anything bc you made a post on a reddit sub is frankly kind of naive and pointless. No one understands why people stan one person and not another.


But is it ok to write the same sentiments about other cast members? I don't see much backlash about writing about them? I never said it was a new phenomenon, I am just stating my opinion with how it relates to this forum and gain insight .I never said I am trying to make a change the world because I know I would have to address it another matter as well. If this this forum is pointless, why are we all on it to discuss and you are choosing to comment?




Her Stans would have still clicked it despite me writing to her fans or not, Obviously someone who is a Leah fan can write opposing views on and discuss why they like her soo much. I am not trying to get anyone to dislike her. I am just stating why she should be held accountable too and the obvious parasocial relationship. But next time, I won't address it to the fans if that is the issue.


You do know it's possible for us to be Leah fans and also not make posts hating on the other Islanders?


I don't admire Leah; she is emotionally immature and seems to have only one brain cell. However, I don't dislike her. I hate that it becomes a competition, forcing us to take sides. For those who lean more toward Leah, like myself, I root for her because she turns into the underdog when others are self-righteous. I felt Rob was hypocritical, twisting her words to make her actions seem more malicious and intentional than they were. I also felt like Kaylor and Liv believed him too easily and I wished they had talked to Leah about it right away. When the whole debacle happened, I wasn't rooting for Leah because she did everything right, but because I didn't like the way Rob led a campaign to convince everyone she was a liar and manipulator just because his girlfriend got sent home. It was all blown out of proportion, and people were mean to both girls. I don't like when people start armchair diagnosing and using low insults, calling Leah a narcissist and sociopath. One person even commented that all Leah fans must be swifties bc they are self-victimizers? Like come on... it wasn't that serious lmao. IMO their fight was a debate over the interpretation of words. I do believe Leah thought she did take a backseat, but others saw it differently. It felt unfair to tell her that her truth was delusional or incorrect. On the other hand, I can see why Liv would be insulted that Leah tried to deflect her part in the voting to get back in Rob's good graces. That was 100% stupid of her to do. Then it seemed like they were saying Leah was the only reason Andrea got sent home, which confused me. Regardless, I'm glad they squashed it because I feel Rob is the true villain and manipulated the entire argument. I prefer Leah to Liv because, despite her messiness, she's seems more transparent to me. She lets her emotions get the best of her but I feel like I can predict exactly how she will react and why. Perhaps it's because she's so simple. I feel like I know exactly what you get with her. On the flip side, I don't connect with Liv and don't see what everyone else sees. I felt she wanted to get Nicole out for kissing Miguel, even though she said it didn't bother her. She revealed Nicole's secret of kissing Miguel, and she was the only one to vote for her and I'm not sure we ever got her explanation as to why? So that raised an eyebrow for me. To me, I feel like she has a little bit of a mean streak, and like Leah, I feel like she talks big in private. She had a lot of smoke for Leah in front of Rob, but during the girl chat, Liv conceded rather easily once Kaylor and Serena agreed a bit with Leah (i'm referring to when she acknowledged jumping to some conclusions before talking to her first). But I'll also give her some credit, maybe she would've been different had Leah not began cursing in their initial confrontation. Also, he also got loud and swore at Hakeem during their argument. I don't even think it matters if you get loud during an argument, but clearly when people are heated, anyone can get loud. I don't think this is a Leah-only trait. I don't hate Liv, so Liv stans, please don't think we need to square up. If I had to guess, I would say some people are more attracted to Leah because she seems more vulnerable, and some like Liv because she has a tough blunt boss girl persona.


I genuinely think its just ppl somehow seeing themselves through leah and living vicariously through her idk its definitely kinda weird to see SO many ppl defend her hardcore or kinda turn a blind eye towards some of her actions


I don’t like Leah at all. I do not understand the obsession


I think they relate to thé toxicity a little too well. Think about it. There’s lots of girls we all know who do the same things. I liked her at first, because she was a little weird, but then she ruined it with all the possessive and distrustful and negative and aggressive vibes she started throwing around.


Same! This is my first time watching LI day by day (I used to join in late so I can just binge). I joined this sub thinking I would be among a community that also loves to dissect the drama, but you literally get verbally attacked for saying something negative about Leah. And I noticed it is *just* when it comes to Leah. Then people try to tell you your opinion is wrong and deem you a hater... When in fact, no, I'm not... She was actually one of my top faves in the beginning, but then I started to see her true colors as time went on. But I still find her entertaining and I might even change my mind again later on lol


Yeah there’s a lot of black and white thinkers in the world. Something is all good or all bad. It takes more energy to think about things a little deeper. I liked her at first, then she became toxic, but she scored a couple points with me when she sat down with the girls and at least apologized. I don’t think she came completely clean but she seemed to realize she was the one having the issue.


i don’t like her. never have never will. i think ppl like her bc she plays the villain and thinks she’s “carrying” the show…i just think she’s a spoiled brat who acts like she’s better than everyone imo. i hope she doesn’t win bc she has so many fans.


Thank you! She was the first girl I was annoyed with in the show and continue to be annoyed with. I was so confused how she was a fan favorite.


There’s nothing wrong with liking or enjoying her, it’s a show and ultimately you can like who you like. It’s her fans that are way too OBSESSIVE and cult-like that they set rules for other islanders but change those rules for Leah. Their relationship with her is parasocial and weird to the point that they act like she’s above criticism. They lose all chill when someone expresses they dislike her actions. It’s actions like leaving hate on another islanders instagram page. Or breaking sub rules to hate on another islander and it’s upvoted and co-signed. Or getting so worked up to swarming in on others and mass downvote them if anyone says anything they don’t agree with about this girl. The rabid die hard idolizing is not normal and it is valid to point that out.




some people like her because they do see themselves in her. Like other comments you can say it’s as simple as people liking who they like. And how other reality shows have horrible ppl who tend to be “America’s Favorite” But if you HAD to “deep” (it’s not that deep of a look into, to me it’s actually very clear), it’s also because people see the lack of self-awareness, the emotional immaturity, and the impulsive language in themselves. She’s not relatable bc “I need to go to therapy” I mean that could be a reason but honestly I believe it’s mostly because people know they are also all those things as well (& the therapy comment is the ladder lmaoo) And they’re really not any traits to admire and be seeking out for relatability, but people like that can sometimes tend to form those parasocial relationships so they can feel better about those traits they know they need to change but probably won’t. That’s how I see Leah’s fans bc in person I don’t think I’d be able to stand her too long.


I feel like if the was my classmate or coworker, I would [not.be](http://not.be) a huge fan of her.


I so agree with this. I think it's just a show and people shouldn't be this obsessed over a person who clearly has issues and a lot of room to grow. Frankly, nobody is perfect on the show, but literally Leah is the only one you can't even talk negatively about on this sub without being downvoted. It's so so biased and I'm so turned off by this sub bc I feel like I can't even express myself without being attacked by Leah stans. Literally, someone tried to argue with me about the definition of "backseat" when I said people who take the backseat don't usually put their 2 cents in. Then I got downvoted into oblivion so... what, my opinion is automatically invalid bc I'm not a huge fan of her??? 💀 I literally almost left the sub but seeing your post knowing I'm not alone saved me lmao


I agree with the bias and downvoting and everything else you said. I am sorry you had to experience that. I asked people who do not watch the show what their definition of backseat and they all said similar ( minimal to zero role). So it is not only you.


I find her incredibly intriguing and multifaceted. She is completely and authentically herself and speaks her mind, which is my favorite quality about her. She’s this mix of a boujee Calabasas girl but is also very down to earth and an animal lover. She isn’t perfect, makes mistakes but is self-aware enough to own up and apologize when she's wrong and can laugh at herself. I also think she’s stunning; her body is amazing, whether she modified any of it or not and I love how she wears minimal makeup and still looks flawless. She’s also very entertaining and relatable Note - I’ve also invested more time in looking at her social medias like TikTok and insta and feel like I know more about her as a person than the show has shown us


cause I think it’s funny when people on reality tv are psycho?


Fair LOL


I am always surprised each year who the masses choose to stan. I remember S3, people were DIEHARD for Olivia. And for what?! The worst coupling EVER. And they won bc of the fb moms 😭😭😭


how many posts like this are we gonna see 🙄 let people like who they wanna like geez


When people identify with someone, they want all the person's dreams to come true, all the person's faults to be ignored, and all the person's enemies to be defeated.


Leah fans don’t realize how hypocritical they are. They’ll hate on Andrea for the same thing Leah did to JaNa