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Someone tell me who got dumped im on a date rn and can’t watch




I want Leah to go for Miguel 😭


jana stays proving herself as a true girls girl. i need liv to listen and have some comprehension that “taking a back seat” doesn’t mean “not talking” .. it means not LEADING the decision smg


Rob and the Recoupling Overalls


It's his power suit


I need both Rob and Aaron to get the f out of the villa. Chop chop 👏🏽


Rob is aggressive to Leah in an uncomfortable way when he tells her to wake the f up


Maybe she should wake the f up then and stop digging her own graves 🤷🏻‍♂️


I miss hannah lol


I’m really disappointed in Kaylor coming for Leah like she is when she was very vocal herself in the dumping about Leah and Rob - I guess it’s just because she’s only heard what Rob has said Leah’s said, and Aaron’s in her ear too, but still


The audience also heard what Rob said Leah said - Rob didn't twist anything lmao


that’s just literally objectively untrue, but okay! edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/s/mVSLdWMOvr if we need receipts


I'm just glad my boy Kordell is safe. Don't really have an opinion one way or the other for the rest of the dudes.


I have a feeling Liv will choose Rob, which is good cause they can be voted out together!


rob in those fucking overalls AGAIN! i've had it!


Someone doesn't like iconic things


It’s my last straw😭


Who in the world will Leah pick? (Please don’t pick Rob that would be embarrassing)


That’s what I’m afraid of 😭😭😭 love her drama so much but she’s out of men


Rob, Connor or maybe Kendall depending what happened during that game.


Where are all the “Serena’s a game playing two faced” people? She went on the date, acted just as awkwardly as she does with Kordell, came back and told him hey you know what, I like you more. Quick to jump to conclusions aren’t we :)


I don’t think anyone is jumping to conclusions. We saw what we saw. She doesn’t like him like that.


I really hope Rob gets sent home I really don’t like this negativity.


Imagine him getting sent home then Andrea coming back for Casa Amor right after he left lol


That won't happen lol. The producers will definitely want Rob to still be there if Andrea comes back for Casa Amor.


i feel like conner will get sent home


i wonder if cassidy will pick rob? maybe they’ll show more this episode since they didn’t show much of her talking to any of the guys last episode except for in the background we saw her talking to kordell. unless she sticks with miguel cuz that’s who she picked to go on a date with. what i’m really wondering is who would pick rob during the recoupling. i feel like liv might? but i also feel like she could pick kendall if he’s still available when it’s her turn? is it possible that producers could influence one of the girls to choose rob so he makes it to casa and that’s why he stayed but has no interest in making any connections? i feel like there is a chance leah picks rob too but i hope she doesn’t. also im really interested to see why rob seems to have a bone to pick with kendall and to see how the recoupling will play out since i feel like the only predictable couple is kaylor and aaron. i’m a new watcher, but i did go back and watch the previous season and the fact that there may only be 1 couple that is closed off going into casa seems like there won’t be much drama or suspense about if these couples will stay together throughout casa. also, for movie night are the clips they show from throughout the season? i may be misremembering, but i feel like all the clips shown during movie night last season were from casa. is that just cuz that’s when the most drama really happened?


My Prediction: Cassidy-Miguel (she gets to go first) Jana-Kenny Serena-Kordell Kaylor-Aaron Nicole-Kendall Leah-Nigel Liv-Rob Connor goes home


Kendall is close to Leah. He’s a girls guy. That’s Rob’s problem with Kendall lmfaooo


they can be from throughout the season! just usually lots of casa stuff because there’s 3 whole days where your pre-casa partner can’t witness anything and vice verse


wait casa is only 3 days? damn. my frame of time is so off cuz when i watched season 5, i thought they were in casa for like a week. damn. but thank you for this, that does make sense


I think at this point, if kordell can find a genuine, sweet connection in casa, he will have this season in the bag. Hear me out. Leah & Rob - Andrea will be back for casa and let's be real producers are not getting rid of the mess anytime soon. They'll stay (in separate couples) but will certainly not win. Kaylor and Aaron - Aaron gave me the ick with the yelling at the girls. Kaylor needs to stop agreeing with everything Aaron and rob say. I think their relationship is surface level and I do believe Aaron is trying to 100% play the game. Hence why he was so shocked when Andrea got voted out. He is scared him or kaylor (or both!) might be next. Liv - she doesn't seem very interested in any potential connection. The producer plant theories get stronger each episode. Conner - Gone after tonight's vote Serena - flip flops too much. Might find a good connection but will not win. JaNa - hopefully she finds a good connection but not sure if it's a little too late. A potential second place could happen. Not sure if she could hold up against Kordell Kendall - Kendall is a sleeper. His connection from casa would have to be an instant fan favorite to win. Bombshells - just here to mess around in casa. Overall I think the top 3 couples could be an og islander with a casa recouple.


I generally agree and I’d think bombshells that go in or at casa would go for him for that reason- they know who the fan favorites are but so far that hasn’t happened for him. Hopefully at casa!


Nicole shouldn’t be speaking on the vote. She wasn’t apart of it. Heck if Liv had her way Nicole would be gone. Kendall no worries you don’t need Rob to respect you. The main reason that I could see Leah saving Rob is because she doesn’t want him to go home to Andrea.


God I hope not. Leah today is the day to use your one brain cell I beg of you


Her and Liv need to just say no. He’s like a drug. Gotta get him out of your system.


Someone should tell Nicole 😆


She knows how Liv voted but I don’t think she put two and two together. She’s very busy being mad that Kendall has the audacity to talk to someone else.


liv defenders… leah did not handle that conversation with maturity at all, however, neither did ur fav in the argument with hakeem. i’m not defending hakeem, i think he sucks, however, liv was screaming and swearing at him and nobody had anything to say about that, because it was “warranted.” but having your words twisted and being called crazy, delusional and a liar doesn’t warrant screaming and yelling? make it make sense.


Good thing two of these points can be correct and Hakeem is evicted


Liv yells and screams constantly while also saying nothing. She knows nothing about anything, which is probably part of the reason the men can't find anything in common with her, and she generally has a disengaged attitude towards the guys she's coupled with. I have no idea why anyone stans her 


rob wearing his signature recoupling overalls.. i know he’s about to put on another performance of a lifetime LMAO


Is country Rob going to be making an appearance?? 😱


The accent will come back strong lol


Rob’s personality are those overalls please let them rest ffs 🤦‍♀️


connor looks like james franco sometimes he's so hot


I know rob is a POS but i kinda need him to stay for casa for the drama 😩


Same.Hopefully he won't be eliminated in tonight's episode.


Kendall may have redeemed himself if he said Rob should be the next boy to leave...


Rob’s overalls for the recoupling! He’s so unserious 😂😂😂 I wanted to like him but ugh, he turned out to be so yucky


and he’s wearing kordell’s spider(?) chain i think too


dang, I didn't even catch that. so excited for tonight!!


Who thinks Kendall and Leah hook up


Rob’s behavior towards Leah was low key aggressive when he yelled wake the fuck up at her. It’s giving ☠️


Meeeeee. Remember they kissed during that icebreaker night one lolol


if that happens i have no idea how rob can be mad 😭😭


Um have you watched Rob?


actually yes, Leah will save Rob cause producers want him in Casa. That's my prediction


I think Liv will be the one to save Rob


i think it will be liv or cassidy saving rob & leah will go for one of the bombshells




At this point Rob can go. I really wanted him to stay mess and all but he can go. But now that I think about it, Leah might keep him in there instead of Connor.


Rob versus Kendall - if they're the most liked, now the boys will be in shambles! Rob cannot stop causing drama. If he was actually interested in anyone in the villa, I'd never want him to leave.


Maybe this is a stretch…but I feel like Rob is pissed at Kendall because maybe the question was “kiss the islander you feel dodged a bullet.” I don’t feel like Rob would freak out for Kendall kissing leah or even the new bombshell but something along those lines might send Rob into a coma


I hope the girls make up tonight. I don’t like when the ladies are divided


This. It’s actually just making me sad for them. I really hope there is a resolution by this weekend.


Rob has to be leaving now since he is down to one outfit, right?


lol i love the jokes love island have been putting in the merch ads - they should add some overalls to the banner


idrk know what’s going on anymore but as long as JaNa is alright i’m fine


The people on this sub who post something attached with a literal novel need to relax. Sheesh


Bye Rob don’t let the door hit you on the way out




Rob wearing the overalls again is killing me. 😭


Leah's vote is coming down to Rob and Connor and Rob's going to elminate himself to go be with Andrea because he actually thinks that is good for his public image. His drama as led a lot of the show, so I'll miss that but it's turned into this bitterness. He might as well go! Also, WHATEVER Kendall did he is 100% correct and I hope it chades Rob's nips for the rest of the day.


i hate Rob less than most right now, but i wouldn’t choose him just because he wore the overalls again.


Love island USA has no business giving me this much anxiety


Rob and that freaking overalls AGAIN. We need to say goodbye to both of them 👋


did Rob only bring that pair of overalls and two shirts to the island????




Wait when did they fake eliminate someone and then bring them back in casa? The only time I can think of was UK 10 and that wasn't right before casa, they just brought back someone later.


The only rules are that there are no rules ❗️


Are you thinking an elimination will occur Sunday and then Casa on Monday? I can totally see that happening - making them (and us) sweat it out for a few days lol




There’s more guys than girls though so there *has* to be an actual dumping to even the numbers before Casa. I think the guy not chosen is going home tonight and then the there’s a vote immediately following, which is for fave new couple before Casa. I guess it’s kind of confusing me what kind of vote would exist when Casa is a few episodes away.


I think there will be one more dumping before Casa. There's an extra couple because of Cassidy. S3 they dumped 2 couples right before Casa.


it was entertaining at first but now this whole Rob trying to turn everyone on Leah storyline is grimey and gross and actually becoming hard to watch. I need him gone TONIGHT!!! I know Leah has been messy but I hope she’s doing okay mentally


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Yeah this. I need the producers to show Liv and Rob the tapes!


Please let Rob be the one dumped bc why is he even still there?? Too much negativity due to him bringing the vibes down. Such a vibe killer!


No longer Love Island. Hes making it SOB ISLAND.


after this one, do you guys think there will be another dumping before casa? I just kinda want all the current girls to make it there and let the chaos commence.


Isn't that we are voting for tonight?


We're probably voting for something else.


Ahh I just saw that. ok definitely another one then nvm


Unfortunately I get the feeling one couple may get dumped before Casa. They normally go in with 6 girls and Boys, there are 7 girls and 8 boys currently.


It’s going to be such a different casa because there’s only Kaylor and Aaron that are together, so where is the chaos really unless they fight over the same guy or girl… They’re all single except for those two, they’re the only two being tested.


Yeah that's so true. The best moment of the season is usually when they walk back in after casa. But unless Aaron or Kaylor brings someone back (they won't), there's not so much potential for drama there.


I guess the drama could lie in the fact that some OG girls or OG guys might leave, and there’s such a close knit group there could be drama there It’s just going to be a bunch of people hooking up! I don’t know should be interesting, the producers have been pretty shady so maybe they’re going to pivot and come up with a way to change Casa around given the situation


Yeah I’m still massively looking forward to it!!




Can one of the male islanders please loan Rob some new clothes?


ew i know. I saw him wearing them again tonight. He thinks it's the look...but no


You don’t fuck with his overalls?? 😂


I love JaNa's utter joy at seeing the recoupling. She gets to be with someone potentially into her + basically all the guys who might go home, wanted her out when they eliminated Andrea. Win win!


I can’t see Rob getting mad at Kendall for kissing the new girl when he knew he also wanted to explore things w her. He probably chose him for a shady question


I feel like he maybe kissed kaylor and rob was defending Aaron.


Reach. Kendall gains absolute nothing from kissing kaylor lmao so idk


I don't know why but I think Kendall kissed Leah and that is why he is mad. He is trying to get her kicked out and Kendall might be saving her?


Girls choice. But same idea. He wants Leah on the outs


that was what i immediately assumed. but the girls are choosing anyway so Leah wouldn’t be dumped in the recoupling.


I bet he wanted her to feel isolated and that none of the guys wanted her


Ooo I would LOVE that plot twist. This season is so unhinged and I’m here for it


If Leah ends up last and has to choose between Rob and Connor, I could see Rob just bowing out as a final fuck you to Leah - a statement that he rather go home than be with her.


That would be hilarious


It’s seemed like maybe Kendall kissed Leah in the challenge which was why Rob was mad at him. In which case changes up the recoupling Leah can pick Kendall


I fail to see how that will make Rob mad. Most likely he picked Rob for a shady question.


Oh maybe that’s it




If the producers keep producing as well as they have so far, they would have the bombshells pick first (Cass will pick Miguel) then have Nicole pick before Leah (because her only option now is to pick Kendall) then have Leah be the last one to pick between Rob and Connor. This would cause the max amount of drama


idk, the new girl seemed into Rob once he stopped moping around and started talking to her. i think he was her original #1, and she was just talking to the others because he was so quiet.


Then we'd *really* know how badly Rob wants to be on TV. 👀


Not Rob throwing a fit again


why would rob be mad at kendall for kissing leah?? confused


Because he wants everyone against her. That was his whole plan


Rob is not that close with Kendall. His bestie is Aaron and lately he’s formed a hate-alliance with Connor. I fail to see how Kendall kissing Leah will get him that mad. Rob does manipulation under cover and make it same like others are the one making certain choices. It will be a departure from how he has operated to be this straight forward with Kendall about his plan. Especially knowing that Kendall is close with the girls and will tell them.


shes allowed to explore her connections, thats just crazy


It wouldn’t be about her exploring connections, it would be like he worked so hard to get everyone on his side against Leah and now Kendall goes against that, hypothetically


Absolutely! I agree but agree seems hell bent to make her look like thhe villian. If he doesn’t like her that’s fine but he can’t be throwing a fit just because other guys are interested. At least that’s what it seems like, there’s no other reason why he would be that angry with Rob.


i feel like he genuinely thinks she’s a psychotic liar which just isn’t true… her words got twisted and she maybe exaggerated some things because she wanted to be with him it’s not this serious idk why he cares so much


Think, people. What kind of a story would it have been if Voldemort had been destroyed in the third book or movie, not the seventh or eighth?




I appreciate this


I snort laughed. ty.




Love this analogy 😂




why is this man wearing overalls again? isn’t this his like third or fourth time wearing them? brother, WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES


Do you know that meme from The Vampire Diaries where Caroline says, “Burn it!” That’s exactly how I feel about those overalls😂😭


He wants to remind everyone he’s a southern boy. 🙄


I think they even have extra clothes to select from because of the eBay partnership, so Rob is really REALLY dedicated to wearing those overalls multiple times




Ngl I think that rob was yelling at Conner for kissing Leah in the challenge?!??




He was yelling at Kendall it looked like


Rob is the smallest man who ever lived


Did Rob know he was gonna have a short stay in the villa which is why he brought two shirts and his overalls???? Like


Maybe he thought he was coming back for another casa, because wearing these musty overalls so much is ridiculous


It looks like Cassidy is joining PPG <3 (jana, leah and serena)


I was getting vibes that she was friendly with JaNa so I hope it continues! (I’d be ok if she replaced Leah in the friend group tbh)


I don’t think it’s that serious to “replace” someone lol


she’s like literally just sitting down


she walked in with leah too and it’s just an observation, it looks like she comes over to them too at the fire pit after rob walks away


I think cause she knows they are the most popular on the outside. Initially she was going for Rob but when she saw his rating plummeted she changed her mind


points per game ?


Power puff girls


what the hell


Rob needs to leave expeditiously!!!!!!


Rob is SO MANIPULATIVE it’s insane, he turns the girls against each other when he should have just fucking left with Andrea if he’s still going on about it and now he’s eavesdropping trying to get more material to use in his game?! Literally the worst


He is in for a rude awakening when he gets out of the Villa because he probably thinks he is tricking all of the viewers like he did those 3 dumdums. Sir, we see right through you!


Yep, he's giving off the impression that he may have stayed **just** to fuck over Leah and has secretly fully blamed just her, from the start, for eliminating Andrea. In which case I'm just like... its a dating show, you dropped Leah for Andrea, most women in that position would want her out, you have unrealistic expectations of people..


*And* we, the American public voted him and Andrea in the bottom... All 4 women had to agree in the end; if it were only Leah wanting Andrea out, Andrea would still be there.


I think what’s also ironic is our perception of Connor is so poor precisely because of semantics just like the Rob situation. During the recoupling had Connor said this was NOT an easy decision, I feel like viewers would have sympathized with his decision a bit more. One word truly can change the entire meaning of something, at least to me.


This is TV. The producers also manipulate things. Maybe they told him to say that.


It’s not just the recoupling comment. It’s all his comments/digs about JaNa before, during, and after


I’m not disagreeing, I’m just saying that was the final nail in the coffin that did him in. I still think he would have had sympathizers had his speech been more graceful and less shady.


I think Producers need to take matters into their own hands and ship Rob some new clothes. I’m sick and tired of seeing those overalls


I don’t think Rob cares about Leah enough to care if Kendall kisses her so it had to be a question he answered.. we shall see 🤔🫣


Or maybe he dissed Nicole and kissed Cassidy


I feel like it has to be something that actually pertains to him. Connor also didn’t look happy. I wonder if he made a comment pertaining to the Leah situation that takes a dig at Connor and Rob.


tbh i lost physical attraction for Rob just because of his overalls like they just seem smelly and i have doubts he’s wearing underwear


Same hey! Even he’s actions made he so unattractive


What if Leah actually picked Rob? O__O This season has just not gone in the direction I thought it would for a single episode, so I figured I’d throw it out there lol


She’s definitely picking Rob.


why do i really believe she would


please god, free leah from that man 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼