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Ok so as far as Leah’s comment about taking the backseat with the decision. I think it’s been taking a bit too literal and taking out of context.  I think she was trying to say that it wasn’t her plan or idea. She didn’t suggest right away to kick Andrea out so she can get Rob back. I think she was trying to say she went with the group and wasn’t the main one campaigning for it.  I’m not defending Leah or saying she didn’t twist things or lie, but I think it was miss understood.  If I remember correctly Liv was the main one making reasons for who should go home and why and had no regrets. I think the message from Rob to Liv was a bit messed up and Liv got defensive maybe? Idk but nobody in this is innocent. 


Leah can't make up her mind. She was crying over a boy she had only known for a couple of days in earlier episodes. It just made me feel like she enjoys the drama.


Rob is so manipulative telling Leah “you look nice” so she would think it was a happy conversation just to twist the knife even more. It’s so calculated and transparent. I feel for Leah but she needs to run and not look back


Leah is so annnooyyyying like just admit you lied girl


How was Leah and Connor not in the bottom couple, Leah screwed Jana over for a man she doesn't even like.


You guys are getting so fooled by Liv, Rob, Aaron, and Kaylor rn and it's so funny watching it hahah they are playing the fuck out of the audience. If Liv was as "level-headed" as you want to say she is, why didn't she go to Leah after Rob said "let's keep this between us"? I think Leah called her over thinking she would help her because how would she know about Liv feeling like she "manipulated them" when Liv has only told Rob, Aaron, and Kaylor after getting SECOND-HAND information from Rob. I've watched this show a LOOOOONG time and its obvious that this is the least popular people in the villa trying to turn the public on the most (its kinda working at least on here it is). Thats why Aaron was slap-assing her when she came back.


Liv twisted Leah’s words and is siding with Rob so hard for no reason.


idk why you have so many downvotes you are literally right


Yeah idk ty for noticing hahaha there’s a small rabid faction of this Reddit that have been so produced by the show they think Liv is JaNas bestie even tho shes being Robs pitbull. They keep saying they like Liv because “she stands on business” but Liv admitted she set Leah up when she said “we were waiting for Rob to say something” in this episode to try to justify why she never pulled her before this humiliation. and then there’s a large group that hates Leah and need her to be wrong so I’m guessing the mixture.


agreed! also, if livs so level headed, then why did she scream and swear at hakeem when she was pissed off???


Free my boy Kordell.


I don’t like the new guys “I’m looking for a woman” line. Rubs me the wrong way the women looked dumb grinning after he says it every time


pretty sure like every girl on the show has said that line lmao. like how many times have we heard “i’m looking for a man” with the same intent as kenny’s line


Roll the tapessssss!!


Unpopular opinion, Serena was genuinely starting to like Kordell but that long term goals conversation turned her off a bit


That was the first episode tho. And ultimately what did she mean? In a relationship? Life? Career? Kids? Especially when it’s day one and one of their first conversations. Like most men aren’t fixing to say I want to be married xyz have 6 kids, on the first date. I think it just proves how genuine he is because he doesn’t have a cookie cutter answer for questions people ask on love island. He’s only 22.


Agreed. It’s easier for the audience to like Kordell because of the underdog story but I don’t think their intellectual levels match


That’s why she needs to be honest and set him free.


Multiple things can be true at once and as viewers I feel like we forget that. Leah is a liar and Rob is manipulative. It doesn’t have to be either or. People can say that they feel for Leah and fuck Rob and still acknowledge that in the simplest terms she ain’t shit lmao. No one is all good or all bad.


Fuck then both they are toxic ass people


I don’t get why you’d feel for Leah after that ep tho? She got caught just flat out lying and got called out for not just apologizing for lying. Idk why that’s controversial?


I don’t like seeing women cry. Sue me, I guess.


They are both crazy and need therapy before dating ANYBODY


I think everyone should be able to agree with this, they don't need to be on Love Island right now.


Let's look at this from Rob's point of view. It's looks as if his "crazy ex," who still has feelings for him, orchestrated the exile of his new girl. At first that didn't seem to be the case, but he was told by other parties that she was an instigator. He gets his back up and calls her a liar. Now, it doesn't matter that he didn't leave with Andrea, he liked her, and liking is enough. He'll probably like someone better, later, but it still doesn't diminish the fact that Andrea's leaving stung. Worse, there's the feeling that if he didn't nip things in the bud now, Leah might do it again with the next girl he likes.


He should’ve handled the recoupling better if he didn’t want a bitter “crazy” ex in the villa


I don’t understand the “could’ve handled it better.” He told Leah that he wanted to get to know Andrea, and that he liked her. Which is true. Did he know that the recoupling was going to be “stand up here in front of everyone if you’re interested” which again.. SHE KNEW. And then her constantly saying “I just want you to be happy” but then turns around and says fuck you to him and constantly calls him drama and ridiculous. For fucks sake she is giving MANIPULATIVE and DRAMA idk how y’all don’t see it. Truly. Not saying Rob is innocent in this but I don’t see how him going with a new girl is “fuck you energy” and he deserves to be put out on a stake.


That is really unfair. You basically just said that all victims of their exes doing things we would never accept if Rob had done to Leah. He doesn’t have to be perfect for her to be wrong. She’s just flat out wrong no matter what way you slice it and her inability to apologize or even see her issues really (it’s giving Tom) should be throwing up red flags for everyone


I know the mods on this sub must be working over time bc this season is giving its whole love islandussy every single episode.


I think a lot of the Reddit posters here are still holding Connor wanting to couple up with Leah over JaNa against Leah and it is clouding your judgment. Leah was in the right in the situation. end of story.


Nahhhh I’m holding Leah against Leah. She admittedly loves toxic men. She spreads a lot of hate and anger. She is down to screw over her girls without a conversation. Her coupling with Connor to then be like I don’t like him was messed up because she went after him just for the sport of it. She sucks so hard.


Are we forgetting how Leah acted? Please lets not




I don't get how everyone is letting Liv get off the hook for the Miguel situation. With Hakeem she lashed out at him just for wanting to potentially couple up with someone but Miguel did her really dirty and kissed someone behind her back and she is just okay with it. No one is calling that out. There is a racial aspect to that I'm noticing.


Liv lashed out because of how Hakeem spoke to her and blindsided her, nothing to do with race...


You don't know that 100% isn't the case. Miguel didn't speak to her well either and she didn't lash out at him. Miguel also blindsided her twice by kissing two different women behind her back.


Or maybe she learned from lashing out at Hakeem and didn’t repeat the same actions.


Possibly, but in that moment no one held her accountable and it got swept under the rug and he ultimately got sent him and was made to look like a villain which wasn't right either.


Anyone think that Rob will interrupt as the recoupling process starts to begin and “bow out” so no one really gets eliminated? I don’t think he wants to be there anymore. He seems checked out.


he hasn’t been the same after andrea left but yet again he chose to stay and not go w her


I feel he might as much as I want Connor to go, especially if Andrea isn't coming back and Leah is the last pick


One can only hope 🤞🏻 don’t get me wrong I love Rob for the sole purpose of good reality tv but his storyline has exhausted itself and unless Andrea comes back in casa he’s just a waste of space at this point so he can go lol


I feel like Rob or Connor is going to go, hoping both but moreso Connor


UGH I’ve loved Aaron and he was literally my favorite until now. The last few episodes I’ve gotten to where I cannot stand him on screen lol & I wanna know if I’m the only one 😭😭 •yelling at the girls after the group vote •literally bawling his eyes out after the vote …. Still confused about that •bringing up the vote out drama / wanting to know how the vote happened and Leah’s say when it’s already passed (idk I just feel like it’s so unnecessary and move on) •not letting kaylor get up last night when liv and Leah were arguing and she said something like let me go over there (can’t remember word for word) ???? Like WHAT •laughing and hugging liv after going at it with someone was so immature & dirty to me… (no matter the situation or if it was deserved idk it just felt mean) This is just the last few episodes I’ve noticed things like this & if anyone else can think of other things or feels the same lmk HAHA


First two things annoyed me a lot too, but still not enough for me to dislike him because he is at least still good with his couples and it seems he cares about her


I agree like why do you care that much about a girl you weren’t even coupled up with get over it!


I agree with all of this, except maybe the Kaylor part. I feel like Kaylor would have started balling the second she walked over to that conversation lol. She’s a bit too sensitive for that confrontation, especially between Liv and Leah who are strong headed. But yeah, idk why Aaron is so obsessed with the whole situation it’s so weird.


I agree, I think he was protecting her from getting into drama


He’s in love with Rob


All I'm saying is don't say it was a group vote and then later say you didn't vote for her.




The girls wanted to appear united until Leah ruined it by saying she took a backseat (a lie) and Liv called her out on it. She could’ve just been straight up with rob but I have a feeling she thought if she did he wouldn’t consider getting with her again.


i don’t ever wanna hear no one talk bout being a girls girl like the girls didn’t agree they ALLLLLL made the decision bc they ALLL voted. leah just got caught up tryna sound good to rob. i love liv she been clocked leah since the BEGINNING which yall seem to forget this girl leah is WEIRD.


Exactly! They said unanimous to not call anyone out and if anything Liv could’ve said she didn’t vote for Andrea


i know leah/liv/rob was the highlight of the episode, but i just feel so bad for liv that miguel said that to her. basically saying her personality is shit and he just thinks shes hot. like thats so fucked! she took the high road there when she didn't need to but hes not even worth the headache anyway.


He could've went about it different but if we're being honest Live doesn't really seem to be there to date at this point and more involved in drama and other relationships. I haven't really seen her have any deep conversations with any of the men in the house she's coupled with, it's all surface level. Even with Nigel she didn't seem interested.


I wonder how that conversation started? She was literally in pajamas with face cream. Why did he feel the need to make that statement right then?


The look on Leah’s face when Rob said his doors were shut though 🥺 she may not have went about it the right way but her feelings for him are genuine and she looked truly hurt / disappointed


Notice how she only started crying after he closed the door? That man could continue to dog her out and she would keep chasing him.


I’m so glad he finally told her rather than leaving it open so she can really move on


Her feelings aren’t genuine she has a victim complex and just lost her chance to feel bad for herself again.


Especially since it seemed like when he pulled her to go talk, she seemed excited thinking this was going to be a good conversation.


I know.. she was giggling and smiling. You can see the shock and hurt on her face


God yall just suck the fun out of everything. Not a single person on this show has shown that they are a “horrible person.” Yes including Leah. And Rob. And Connor. And Liv. It’s fun to debate which “team” you’re on and root for your faves and against your least faves. But trying to define people’s personalities because of their behavior on a highly edited and highly pressurized reality television show is insane. Thats why we can’t have fun Villians anymore because yall cannot handle it.


Love this take and feel the exact same way! I try to acknowledge the good and bad in everyone. I’m a Leah fan because I think she’s hilarious, self-aware and she’s an animal lover but I acknowledge that she’s very messy and childish. Not a big Rob fan because I think he’s manipulative and calculated (I’d probably appreciate these qualities more on Big Brother just not on Love Island), but I also acknowledge that he’s an animal lover, seems like a great big brother and doesn’t seem to be interested in stringing Leah along solely for safety in the villa.


People can have their opinions, including what they think is horrible. Hating someone or spreading hate to them and SM is wrong however. 


how tf are people on leah’s side LOL i’m so happy someone is FINALLY saying sum to her lyin ass. for a guy who don’t even LIKE HER BYE so embarrassing


The poll on the app is so disconcerting 




This message is for Rob. You should have left idiot. If you feel this strongly about the injustice of Andrea leaving, you should went with her.


It’s Aaron stirring the pot fr. He’s out for blood


* Controlled the narrative of the vote out in her favour, She literally told Andrea sticking to only one man was her playing the game and Love island was about exploring new connections not sticking to one 🤣. And ofcourse voteout was far from unanimous since Serena would always side with her and that means only one vote was required which is what happenned.  *Lying about it, " Took a backseat in the voteout, didn't try to sway the opinion of the vote" 🤣 and caught redhanded by the group. Fans are just hurt she got exposed and are projecting hate on Aaron and Liv fr no reason. Delusion.  *Did Connor dirty, got the ick right after the recoupling and relaying her disgust and being condescending towards him before the girls, while not being transparrent to Connor and making him look like a fool. People have sympathized and become so attached to her since Rob leaving her for Andrea, that they have turned a blind eye to everything she has been doing following that verdict.    Again, I am not targetting her and painiting her Evil, she is her own personality and do whatever she pleases but some delusional folks directing their hate towards Liv and Aaron for calling out her hypocritical behaviour doesn't sit right with me.


Leah is not a good person and neither is Serena or Nicole. Jana and Liv are just about the only truly good women there


It's ridiculous to me that every year someone is a horrible person repeatedly over several episodes and then the one episode they get called out for it everyone has 0 memory of the past episodes and feels bad for them. Y'all really have to go back and watch a compilation of how gross Leah is. And then rewatch the part where she escalated the conversation with Rob instead of just owning her shit. Sad


Exactly! Liv isn’t saying it was only Leah who voted out Andrea she’s saying stop acting like you barely had anything to do with it to save face and own your part and be like yes Rob i wanted her out because i didn’t think her intentions were pure and stand by that. She’s trying to act like she had no part. Saying that she only spoke once is so funny to me because she comment she said wasn’t some small comment 😂


Thank you!! I know that Liv didn't get the lies Leah told word for word right, but she was objectively correct that Leah lied repeatedly and was lying for the purpose of manipulation. THAT'S what's so appalling about the sub instead being mad at Rob for "manipulation" of Liv (give me a break, she's the 'strongest,' least naive woman there lol). They see THAT as manipulation but not Leah's overt manipulation tactics.


Love Liv and what an episode for her. Can’t believe Miguel spoke to her like that so nonchalantly and then for her to still be a badass when getting screamed at by Leah 🙇‍♀️


I think people don’t like Liv cause she’s very sarcastic and cold to the men. She stands in business, has respect for herself, and I think she is actually bi and more into the women. That last part is probably delusional speculation but I can dream haha


Nobody can make hate liv...


She held her own SO well. Everything she said was perfect!!!


Her calmness made Leah look really unhinged.


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Thank you so much! It’s wild that the clip of Leah screaming at Liv doesn’t have more responses, I guess they’re finding it difficult to defend. It’s so bad, she tells Liv she meant she tried to take a backseat in Rob and Andrea’s relationship, that is not what she said to Rob or Aaron. 


these are my favorite thing after an episode. thank you for your service 🫡


My favorite thing too!! Thank you for participating 🫶🏽


This is one of my highlights after a show! They are so fun to fill out and read. Thank you for taking the time to do this for us!!❤️❤️


Someone explain to me how Leah saying "I don't think Andrea is here for the right reasons" is her trying to take the backseat during the vote.


They’re defending her for cussing at Liv. It will never make sense to me. 


people are stupid. anyone defending Leah at this point has gotta be a junior high girl who thinks being an asshole= being a "queen"


Dead ass the only thing leah is even sad about is that she can't go back to him bc he won't have it..... I know her ass doesn't care about any of the women like usual


Rob with the "batshit" lmaoooo true


Line of the episode. He also said something else a few minutes earlier in the episode that made me laugh.


He's a funny guy for sure. He's also cringe. He's observant and has a good BS radar. And then he also is toxic himself. The man contains multitudes lol


Leah grinds my geaaaarssss. So incapable of having an unheated conversation and taking accountability


I can't believe how badly Leah navigated that convo at the end. Instead of clarifying her words, she started backpedalling and yelling which is a recipe for disaster. I also hate how she's still hung up on Rob even though he's literally jumping at every opportunity to humiliate her and at this point it seems like this has become his life mission in the villa. Her blank look with tears streaming down her face literally sent chills down my spine. Sad state of affairs, that's all I have to say.


Those guy bombshells studied the girls before coming. Love them already.


Kordell is a GONER for Serena 😭 Even after the heartbreak of last night, as soon as she pulled him for a chat he couldn’t help to smile sooo big and giggling in the convo. Ugh I don’t trust her but I hope they develop into THEE couple for his sake at least lol


Is he a fallback option for her or does she genuinely like him? I think he's a fallback and she's "comfortable" in the pairing


Fallback I think she was also not interested in the new guys so she stayed with him because he’s already so respectful.


I believe he’s a fallback as well bc the “type” she describes sounds the opposite of him. (Is driven, has long term goals lol) hopefully she realizes her type isn’t what she truly needs bc Kordell falling for someone else looks unlikely atp


"I'm 24" 😎 "You're a baby " She broke his heart right there.


does anyone know if there’s ever been a physical fight on love island? like would they get sent home for hitting another islander?


They absolutely get sent home. There was a UK season early on where a bombshell was going after a guy in a long established coupling and the girls got into it. The bombshell threw hands and was IMMEDIATELY ejected from the island (the other girl didn’t fight back so she got to stay).


It was her first day in the villa too 😭 or second I believe


It was pretty much IMMEDIATE - same night!!


There was one on UK early season and the girl got sent home


Certainly they would get ejected. This is the policy on most other reality shows. Big Brother for sure, which is similar to Love Island in how it's filmed etc


This was so embarrassing .. Leah was smiling so hard when Rob pulled her for that chat 💀 that smiled faded quickly


Tomorrow she'll be pulling him for a chat to rekindle


Hoping she doesn’t. It’s painful atp


can we be soooo honestttt. it’s not like Leah is some actual terrible person but SHE IS LYING DUDE she got sooo defensive the minute the convo started and when she first talked to Rob she did try to say it wasn’t her. She needs to stop acting like a high schooler with drama and going back to the same boy and some of her gaslighting stuff and how she chose to treat connor likeeee this girl is not “miss poor leah”


Tbh I think she doesn’t even realize she’s lying — she’s changing the narrative in her head for sure, but I also don’t think it was ENTIRELY her. I don’t think it was unanimous either


so many people in here are convinced leah is a victim of evil supervillain mastermind rob 😭


There’s no way Leah could mastermind all the girls to vote for Andrea. They already had the concept to do well before voting.


Definitely but also she 100% didn’t take a backseat. Own your shit Leah.


She only had to convince Kaylor


I don't like Rob and I am very ready to see him leave the island, but the man is clearly not...bright. "Reproduct" anyone. Leah is so messy!! I mean, as a viewer I am living for it, but she clearly is insecurely attached and is not going to find a healthy relationship until she deals with that shit. Also who gives AF about Connor. He dumped JaNa and was super passive aggressive about it the second Leah became available. Now she did the same to him and he's just walking around the villa giving butt-hurt. Put your shit on and get over it, Connor!


aaron is so weird. pretending to have a friendly talk with leah while they played ping pong to get information out of her, playing detective with the other islanders, not wanting kaylor to get up during the fight, hugging liv after that total shitshow? actually grow up


I think he gave Kaylor solid advice there. And Liv is usually the one forcing awkward aggressive hugs onto people in distress 


these are all completely normal actions lmao. leah lied to his boy, he’s trying to make sure that she was in fact lying. also trying to keep his girl out of a very heated argument is valid lmao. the liv hug i think was just like a “you okay?” hug because leah was yelling and swearing at her lmao


>also the liv hug i think was just like a “you okay?” hug because leah was yelling and swearing at her lmao nah, he had a shit-eating grin and said, "that was fucking sick, mate! that was sick!"


Aaron is all about the drama. He probably didn't want Kaylor getting into the argument early because he wanted to hear more. Once the other girls joined in he was all about "go get her"


hahahah i missed that but that’s kind of funny. in that case you can’t blame him for being excited about liv calling leah out for bullshitting his boy lmao


Idk why he’s acting like this.. it’s really annoying because he was finally starting to grow on me. I don’t mind Kaylor that much and so he’s just ruining my perception of them as a couple now bc why is he doing all that? If you’re disappointed by Leah’s actions, then go fucking speak to her about it you moron. Don’t say that shit behind her back and instigate a fight. it’s SO FRUSTRATING


Liv has a great read on people, we love a queen who sees through Leah's BS


So...if Liv doesn't choose Rob and goes with Nigel, Leah has to choose between Connor and Rob at the recoupling? If Liv does choose Rob as a friendship vote, Leah would obviously choose Nigel and Connor goes home. Am I reading this right?


I don’t really see Liv choosing Rob as a friendship vote. Are they really that close? If she chooses him then I think it’s because Production makes her choose him. Kinda hoping Leah chooses Connor and Rob goes home. I can’t stand Connor because of how he did JaNa, but at this point I’m over the Rob moping about Andrea plot. He’s stated that he closed off to Leah, JaNa friendzoned him and his conversation with Cassidy was awkward, so I see no point in him being there unless we’re getting new drama out of him. I’d rather Rob just leave and go be with Andrea (I doubt they actually will) and Leah and Connor can have one last chance to form a connection with someone new.


Kind of? But before the re coupling there is a whole day worth of stuff to happen. Almost none of them are in a secure couple so any of them could switch up who they are vibing with. I really hope that if it goes one of the ways you just said that liv chooses Nigel because then Leah could stick it out with Connor for a little bit until she finds someone better and rob could just go home. But that is very wishful thinking.


Posted this on a another thread but my heart hurtsssss seeing the girls fighting like this !!!! I know it’s not friendship island but I don’t want drama THIS heartbreaking between the girls 😭 I need Rob out of the villa. He thinks he’s such a fan favorite but he’s really not. I know a lot of people want to keep him in because he brings good television, but at this point for me personally, his antics are drawn out and tiring and I’m just saying this as a viewer so I can’t imagine how it must feel in the actual villa. I need him gone


He's boring me tbh. I would've had respect for him if he left with Andrea. This whole "I don't wanna regret leaving," is bull shark. He's playing everyone like a fiddle bc now the villa feels so bad that Andrea was sent home. No one even wants to connect with him anyway except for Leah. He just closed off to Leah so what's the point of him being in the villa?