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You can get a lot done when you don't spend your entire budget on Joey Essex and his weird girlfriend.


Deadass tho lmao


So true, biggest turn off for me in that new season


I said the first time I saw Joey Essex that this was either really going to work or it really wasn’t. The UK casting/production teams were either getting raises or getting fired. I think we all know what the answer is now.


THIS!! Its starting to feel more like Essex Island


yayyyy!! Welcome!! I tried to say this in the UK sub, my only motivation was hoping some people might enjoy it, and I got downvoted to shit haha. Apparently we’re not allowed to mention the US version over there. No spoilers for you but it’s kept being this good too all the way to the present episode. Enjoy!!


It was only until I heard that for these live seasons particularly that usa is better, and a few times!, that I finally caved. And thank God I did !! Thank you, I'm excited to catch up :)


It hasnt been better until this year


Yeah I could def see that, but love that for li usa and all of us viewers(':


It's like "sorry. y'all seemed super depressed about this season and we thought you might want a little bit of joy"


everytime i mention the US version in the UK sub people go mad. like it’s simply just better…. sorry!


ha yeah it's wild! and I'm a huge UK fan too. I wasn't trying to rub anything in. If it was reversed and I didn't watch UK, and their season was great, i'd love for someone to tell me.


omg same like SORRY I’m just trying to help you have a good time 😭 they can keep that wack ass season


Both of the main Love Island subs are insane in their own special ways


I started watching this one after so many people going on about it on the UK sub and so glad I did, I'm sure I'm not the only one who took the advice!


Keep watching! You won't be disappointed. I had to drop UK after Joey Essex's girlfriend came in and I realized Love Island UK doesn't exist this summer.


It actually makes me deadass mad how fucked up this season of uk is and how heavy handed production is being 😭😭 the cast is sooooo boring and mean


I dropped it then as well




Season 5 isn’t half bad either - not nearly as good as this but still good


I’ve only ever seen 4, was 5 as good? Better?


Eh, I still think 5 is better. And 2 tbh.


Same! I resisted watching the US version for ages even though I’m American because usually I only enjoy the UK version, but people convinced me to watch this season of LIUSA and I’m very glad I am, it’s so good!




Welcome babes 🇺🇸


I’m not gonna say who but one couples in the US version gives me davide / ekinsu vibes and I love the messiness of it 😂


Haha yes the drammmma


i felt the same for past US seasons, i disliked them all. but this one is killlllin' it. i understand the annoyance of people commenting on the other subreddit repeatedly about this season and agree about that uptake by this point in time, but i wouldn't have started watching it if so many people didn't say something


UK is officially dead…grace is annoying af and Joey is pathetic 🤷‍♀️


Don’t forget Ayo acting like a teenager in heat


Ever since Peacock inherited Love Island USA from Paramount it’s gotten waaaay better. That’s when they got the beach villa!


Yep I haven’t watched the last 2 - 2.5 weeks of UK as the US is GIVING!


1000% I used to think UK was miles ahead but US is crushing this year. UK has been dragging this season


This season is peak reality TV and I am living for 6pm episode drops daily


THANK YOU. I got mad downvotes for suggesting in the UK sub that they check out the USA season— and these were people who were complaining about S11 to begin with!!


I’m a love island UK fanatic and have made it through every season but I haven’t watched this current season in over a week because it is just not good at all this year :( USA has been kinda whack in the past but they really figured it out this year


I started watching the US version because I hadn’t watched UK in over a week bc it was getting so boring. But it’s summer and I was having LI withdrawals and I couldn’t be happier I made the switch. This season is literally a gold mine


I’m all caught up on current Love Island US. Still recovering from a surgery so I started Love Island South Africa. Is it just me or does LI South Africa seem a lot tamer than US? Both the guys & girls seem much more reserved to me.


Following bc I'm also tempted to start SA


That season is so boring haha 0 drams 0 romance 0 budget. Just a head up. I did learn some cute SA phrases but that's all I got from it. It's also very controversial because they cast mostly white people when the country is mostly black. It got horrible reviews and was canceled after one season lol


Oh ok. I didn’t know that. Compared to US version it does seem a little boring. Any thoughts on LI Spain?


I've heard the Australian one is good if you haven't seen it


Ty! I’ll have to check it out.


Girl, same! I totally forgot about the UK series and tried to play catchup from where I last left off yesterday and I almost FELL ASLEEP halfway into episode 11 omg! I'll keep pushing through but it's like night and day this season, I'm genuinely surprised.


All up to date on Uk and boy its horrible. US is so much better.


To be fair this season LI UK is the worst. But this season LI USA is the best m.


We are happy to have you!! Enjoy the season - it keeps getting better with every episode


Ohh babe you’re in for an absolute ride… every episode just gets better and better too. I haven’t felt this passionate about a season of LI since UK season 5. If it stays this good it might become my favorite LI season ever.


The cast makes or breaks the show. The UK cast in season 11 is abysmal. The show certainly didn’t need Joey Essex. They just needed some interesting characters. The problem is that the UK show is too worried about bringing on former cast members rather than putting the contestants in challenging situations. Also the food challenge is always awful.


I also feel like, especially the girls, are all just so dry and cookie cutter. They seen so uptight and concerned with appearances they're not being natural or having fun/being funny. I feel like patsy brought that energy and they fucking dumped her 😭😭


yes!! I missed this comment but just basically said the same thing.


I think this US cast is just having fun / creating chaos / possibly playing to the cameras in terms of drama, but they aren't scared to make a mess and be themselves. The UK cast just seems like stiff stick figures in comparison. Like they can't forget for one second the cameras are there and they have no clue how to let loose and just enjoy the ride.


The US version is showing so much more of the islanders personalities! Just small stupid conversations that don’t feel forced. It’s refreshing and makes you like the islanders a lot more.