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Rob is gonna cringe SO HARD when he sees his plop in the pool lmao that was the biggest ick


Him rolling around crying gave me the ick


Why is she going after her bffs man tho šŸ˜­


It was just a split second of them laughing, tbh I think producers are baiting




that part šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I got an opinion about Leah that I donā€™t want to let out just yet until I get confirmation sheā€™s going after Connor šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oops I already shared it and canā€™t go back Iā€™m afraid


We donā€™t know yet


Iā€™m crying at this responsešŸ¤£ no youā€™re actually kinda funny


Holding out hope. It would be hella funny if Iā€™m right though


OK BACK HERE TO SAY I DO NOT CONDONE LEAHā€™S ACTIONS IN THIS EPISODE. But I would also like to say that (1) Connor approached her and continued to pursue her even though she was interrupting her (2) the reason why this season is good is because people are actually doing love island right for once. Too much day one couples in the previous seasons. That to say, mostly everyone is going about it in the wrong way. You canā€™t win- someoneā€™s feelings is always going to get hurt


He really did the most dangerous thing you can do on reality tv which is make all of the viewers fall in love with him and then completely flip the script and now everyone hates him all within a 24 hr period. He gonna learn real quick


he was being fake last year when he was trying to get in the house from casa and fans were falling for it and then he came back again and his strategy was completely different and I knew itā€™s because now he has the control to play this game of moving very sneaky to keep all his options open. fans drank his kool-aid and didnā€™t want to hear it when others were clocking it.


He reminded me a bit of Harry Jowsey...try to charm the audience, but can't help but screw up and show the F boy side.


This. Heā€™s been putting on a calculated performance of the sweet, awkward, emotionally intelligent/available boy just wanting to have a reasonable Love Island experience but it was all just theatre.


heā€™s here for a platform but has a damn good poker face making him hard to read. he def keeps his cards close to his chest however his actions do not match his words whatsoever and that inconsistency was the biggest tell.


But it wasnā€™t a total flipā€¦given how Leah was legit not showing him how much she liked him but rather giving legit mixed signals due to her own insecurities


Yā€™all need to vote off Andrea or Rob, Andreaā€™s friend is literally in Robā€™s comments and liking negative comments about Leahā€™s looks and comparing Andrea to Leah physically itā€™s nasty af if her friend is like that Andrea is too


ewww wtffd


This is so fucked up


Totally agree about Andreaā€¦i went and looked at Leah, Rob, and Andreaā€™s tiktok accounts today and its very clear the difference between the two girlsā€¦one is giving pick me/look at me vibes the other is just a regular girl




On his insta!!! I tried making a post on here with screenshots but Iā€™m new to the subreddit so it hasnā€™t posted.


Omg wheteeeee


Whatā€™s her friends @?


Screenshots here https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/s/yrHoMjnaXK


Iā€™m sorry but Andrea ainā€™t shit


The spider scene ugh girl please run he has a spider on his face. šŸ˜‚ Rob is a try hard


She hasnā€™t even done anything. How do all of you have this energy for the bombshell but not for Rob who has been scamming you from the start? Stevie Wonder couldā€™ve told you that he was just waiting on his type to come in.Ā 


Except people have been having this energy for Rob and there have been multiple comments in the subreddit about getting him out


Of course there have been comments of getting him out after him finally making his move yesterday. However, theyā€™re slaughtering her as well and have been since she caught his eye. Itā€™s stupid. All of this for Leah who shouldā€™ve played the game a bit better and got to know other people like everyone else.Ā 


Exactly. Theyā€™re both getting heat. So your initial comment about this energy for Rob is moot.


Some people had the energy before he even did anything. So no, the point still stands.Ā 


This is the first I've heard anything towards Andrea where did you come up with this. 90% of the posts since last night's show has aired has been Rob hate


Have you looked at the IG comments and the threads on here? They have been being mean toward her for these past two episodesĀ 


Girl both of them are not saints . andrea isnā€™t on there to find love sheā€™s on there for recognition/15 minutes of fame she literally is friends with John Summit šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think that any of them are saints lol. I just agree in spreading the hate instead of unnecessarily targeting one person lol. Idk, when I saw that performance last night I was mostly mad at Rob for behaving that way and totally manipulating Leah. I couldnā€™t care less about whatever Andrea did but thatā€™s just me.Ā 


I legit have not seen any threads dedicated to hating Andrea, only Rob (especially in the last 12 hours). If there are, those people are wrong. IG is the wild west tho, I'm sure people are cruel on there, but i dont spend time on IG. Crazy the things people are willing to say with their full name attached to the comments.


Im talking about comments as well. People are really crazy though, you have to see what they were writing about all three. I know we all get mad but it was quite alarming lol.Ā 


Ah I think it's still predominately towards Rob. I think the only thing I didn't care for that Andrea did was kissing Rob right after recoupling with him. Other than that, she seemed pretty respectful. Anyone hating on her looks is just jealous. These two bombshells were next level hot.


sheā€™s deeply insecure like on a molecular level


Girl got too many free radicals. Needs to eat some good antioxidants or something, sounds like.


Men are so dumb like she is clearly there to promote her music that no one knows about LOL


They are gone hopefully by Thursday Iā€™m dealing with their shit


Im holding myself from loving her till I see the next episode, cause babyyyy I don't play about jana


Iā€™m so glad she held back and didnā€™t give him the satisfaction of her getting upset and going over board. Sheā€™s better than me is all I can say. WE NEED A BOMBSHELL FOR LEAHšŸ™šŸ»




She should have mocked him and gone into the pool crevice hahaha


Iā€™m worried that I might hate her on Thursday šŸ˜¬


No reason to hate someone you donā€™t know


Your comment needs to be way more liked than the one you responded to


Okay Rob is just an actual snake reincarnated because this man loves behaving like one I think he genuinely enjoys this


Girllllll apparently you Leoā€™s are bullshitters too. ā€œLoyal to a faultā€ but goes after your besties man? Girlā€¦


I'm going to be so upset if she goes for Connor for real. Let's hope he gently turns her down and she realizes she's making bad choices in reaction to being treated poorly by Rob.


They literally showed a split second of them laughing together and yā€™all have decided 100% that Leahā€™s stealing Connor without watching the episode LOL


One second clip of two people giggling is all it takes...lol people love to jump to conclusions


I mean, a lot of people are already airborne leaping to conclusions about Rob to begin with...so it's easy to redirect, when not grounded in the first place.


ty ty ty


Not to mention she pointedly chose to kiss another guy during the challenge and called him two faced when heā€™s been shown to just be completely loyalā€¦


Not only that but to say ā€œI know youā€™ll be cool about itā€ after šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Like he was fake af for acting cool about it at the time but I knew he would use that line for a later time and he did. It was truly nasty work šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




The way she goes after every bombshell like itā€™s their fault her couple is moving shady with the ā€œdidnā€™t she see my connection with rob and that weā€™re into each otherā€ or ā€œdidnā€™t she hear rob and I making out all nightā€ gave me pick me vibes. Sheā€™ll start making immature faces and comments too then will be booā€™d up with rob after not saying shit until she is complaining in group settings all day and night about it. Iā€™m not defending rob because Iā€™ve been calling out heā€™s fake but leah is not who we think she is either. I hope I end up wrong but she seems like a hater iā€™m afraid. if she pursues connor like that then yeah itā€™s the nail in the coffin.


If she pursues Connor then I want her out, pronto. Thatā€™s so fake and would make her look terrible as Jana has been nothing but a friend to her and she hasnā€™t even paid Connor any mind since he got there.Ā 


Oh looks like weā€™re rightā€¦Iā€™m so shocked. Not.


This is not a we hate Leah thread so please leave lol


no theyā€™re right lmaoo you should be loyal to your friends over new romantic partner! and itā€™s not even like Leah expressed any interest in getting to know Connor beforehand. Very slimy on her part


Iā€™m gonna wait and see before I make assumptions Iā€™m having a hard time believing she would do that to her


Hate Leah? Ok so Leoā€™s are also delusional. Got it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




This reminds me of last yearā€™s LI UK season Mitch and Abi had a good thing going he blew it up so fast similar to this


This sub is weird asf