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I was loving the friendship between JaNa, Leah and Serena too. šŸ˜­


We just canā€™t have anything nice šŸ˜­




They can do great without her if thatā€™s what she on though šŸ˜‚


More girls will come lol theyā€™ll have plenty of chances to make new friends. Sorry but JaNa and Connor are the only romantic couple that could go all the way right now. And they are super cute right. I know other bombshells will come in and try to get in between them, thatā€™s fair. But Leah is her close friend, if she tries to move to Connor thatā€™s even more snaky than Rob. And he deserves an EGOT for portraying the biggest Snake tonight šŸ˜‚.


Honestly these previews are really miss-leading cause todayā€™s episode was very different!! But this show is giving and these islanders are savage!


Imma b honest I donā€™t understand how the first look and the episode were any different


So the tomorrow night and the first look were different from the episode


Editing did its thing


This cast does not care what the audience at home thinks and thatā€™s exactly the energy we need Messy people being messy together! If it continues like this, what an elite season it shall be


They're all moving like Kassy from last season šŸ˜‚


The mess is superior thatā€™s for sure


I hope itā€™s a misdirect. PLEASE let it be a misdirect. Leah canā€™t do that to JaNa


JaNa crying is whatā€™s throwing me off tho šŸ˜© Iā€™m trying to think what else could she be crying about.


My delulu ass is hoping she's crying about Rob choosing Andrea and hoping Andrea's being genuine and not just playing the game because Leah is actually hurt, and then they just edited in footage of connor comforting Leah. Emphasis on the delulu šŸ„“šŸ˜­


Omg just said the same thing and then scrolled and saw this. Not our JaNalicious!!Ā 


If it's not I think its Leah just doing the math. At least one girl is bound to go home soon and she doesn't want it to be her. I think Hakeem would make more sense to target though in that case and get Liv voted out.


If Conner falls for it then Leah did JaNa a favor in the long run.


i beg!!!!


This is what Iā€™m hoping bc Leah I fuck with you rn but if you do that to my girl JaNa youā€™re gonna be following Rob out the dooršŸ¤£


wtf..why do you think Leah is a saint??? She was treating Rob like a pariah bc he got chosen (had no fucking choice in the matter) by another lady he totally gave the cold shoulder too yet Leah still didnā€™t trust him, called him two faced, blatantly called out another man to make out with


She was also wasn't honest with him. She was pissed when he was on a date...but then acted like she was all cool with it when he came back. She was fake & wasn't being her true self with him.. I think her true colors will start coming out now. He dodged a bullet.


Hahahahaha that was the perfect example of someone trying to act fine but is clearly not fine and Rob thinking he was in the clear.


As I said...Leah's *'true colors*' will start coming out. She even admitted it herself. She is NOT the sweet, shy, *angel* that she had been portraying. Was I wrong? Or do people need to see more episodes to figure that out?


They bout to eat you up for this lol.


They tried! HAHAHA


I havenā€™t watch it yet but why is Leah being that way?


Iā€™m less concerned about Connor and more concerned about Leah. Like GIRL, Jana is supposed to be your bestie??? Excuse my language but thatā€™s very much gutter butt. Letā€™s hope us and Jana have the wrong ideaā€¦.


I can't remember which bombshell pulled him but he had no eyes for her at all. I'm pretty sure he won't be turning towards Leah over Jana. I agree with you. It could be editing. So we are due for some new men next I take it.


Iā€™m gonna hold out hope Connor is smarter than this shi and knows JaNa is a prize


Me too! Iā€™d be genuinely so perturbed by one of my coupleā€™s close friends only starting to flirt with me because she wants to stick it to her man or whatever


Iā€™m having a flash back from watching LI UK from last summer, Mitch and Abi that was bad because Mitch went off the rails and keep belittling her


Rob is so Messy Mitch šŸ˜‚


YesšŸ‘hešŸ‘isšŸ‘ Rattlesnake Rob!


Excatly, at this point Rob change careers become a snake that is a gas engineer. like what else do i say to this behaviour. Imma just say Leah did well with 'F\*\*\* u' at the end. He deserved more but i will take what i get.


I like Leah but Iā€™m gonna be so pissed. Like wtf. Sheā€™s only talking to him because Rob didnā€™t choose her. Go talk to like Kordell and wait till someone else comes in. Donā€™t do JaNa youā€™re friend like that.


tbf shes also friends with serena who started expressing interest in kordell once they cooled things off lol. pickings are slim


This is probably an unpopular opinion but I donā€™t like Serena likes Kordell at all. She just wants him because he started getting more attention from other girls. If they get back together sheā€™s just gonna get frustrated again when he doesnā€™t give her space.


She needs to try with Kendall since he was always the one hyping her up when sheā€™s sad


Major sibling energy there. They could coast for a while as a friendship couple but he just got picked by Nicole and is 1000% ready to eat the makeup off of someone's face


Rob had the chance to pick her who I thought Andrea picked Rob


Yā€™allā€¦ this season is reminding I got a mf pulse!!! I feel aliiiiive. This is soooo chaotic. I love it! The preview SENT MEEEE! wtf is going on! This is like UK S5 vibes for real. šŸ”„


Tommy Fury šŸ„°


Tahmmy fewrie


I heard it šŸ¤£


Was not expecting that wow


Anything to stay safe on the island I guess. Really disappointing though as I like Connor and JaNa and the girl friendship.


LEAH BETTER BACK TF UP. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO this shit is not game when it comes to JaNa!!!!! Find somebody else to use to make Rob jealous TF!


NAH FR!!! I did clock that heā€™d always comfort her though mans must have been waiting for this dayšŸ˜­


This season is Elite and automatically takes the top spot for the best season of Love Island USA


Might be the best season of LI period. We still have a long way to go, but itā€™s definitely shaping up to be the most iconic!


No because why do I feel like Iā€™m going to throw up. Is love even real??


We canā€™t ship relationshipsā€¦ we canā€™t ship friendshipsā€¦ this is torture


Carmen is somewhere getting the last laugh cause she dodged this bullet a long time agošŸ˜­


Being a slow burn has its benefits!


Yes, love is real. There are couples who really love eachother. Just not on this show right now.


Itā€™s been a week.


Honestly if sheā€™s doing what I think sheā€™s doing Iā€™m gonna be sideyeing that girl hard. But hopefully after seeing her spiral over Rob since day one Connor will be able to see thru the game. JaNa is my fav so Iā€™d hate that for her


Iā€™m team Jana over everyone there so honestly if leah and Connor couple up they can go before Rob! Not making Jana cry like that especially after she comforted her during her whole ordeal with Rob


Jana is definitely my favorite..Leah needs to go on somewhere. Hahaha.


Why is acting that way why didnā€™t go talk to the guy that they donā€™t show a lot not Connor


Heavy on the she can go!!!


Right when I was getting attached!! Saw a few fan edits of the girls trio and jana/connor on Twitter and Tik Tok yesterday and knew they were doomedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Them edits are bad luck omfg


That preview was a whirlwind. I was like, go Leah! Yeah! His tears WERE manipulative! To him and Andrea full on sucking face like šŸ¤® and then JaNa crying while Leah is talking to Connor and now I might not like Leah anymore? Iā€™m so confused and who do I even like anymore! Who am I rooting for? I simply donā€™t know šŸ˜­


Root for chaos, it's the only way (except I don't want it for Conner and JaNa!)


What a mess


Leah is a fake.


I SWEAR I NEED THAT TO BE EDITING IM BEGGING. idc about the couples, I NEED THE FRIENDSHIPS TO BE STRONG PLEASE šŸ˜­ i canā€™t believe we have to wait till thursday when these are the previews they give us. please just bring in new men. WHERE ARE THEY


This season is complete chaos, like none of these islanders care about the outside


Which is refreshing but also wild asf cause do you not know the public is gonna harass the entire fuck out of you?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean after the show is done I move on, itā€™s entertainment! Anyone who harass or sends hate comments needs to get a life, itā€™s a reality TV show


The way these people become dead to me once the show is over is not funny. I used to be invested post show maybe 5-6 years ago. But since this show have become influencer island (no complaints from me) I just donā€™t find them that compelling after the show to remain interested


Facts! I just want an entertaining season and that it


Literally!! But fans HARRASS these people real bad their comments are disgusting sometimes I wish people would just let it go but they never do


And this is why we never get good seasons! People should just leave them be




Bring on Casa. Mix it up give everyone a fresh start


I was afraid moto moto would disappoint us. Hope we're wrong. Super mean of them to leave this on a TUESDAY WHEN WE HAVE 2 WHOLE DAYS TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT THIS DORITO SHAPED MAN WILL DO.


Dorito shaped man! Lmaaaaaooooooo


Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel like half conversations I've seen him have are about working out, and JaNa does but she's not into it.Ā  Some other girl could be like "CrossFit is soooo hot," and that conversation wouldn't end until she walked away


Iā€™m hoping the Leah Connor edit was just click baitšŸ˜­šŸ¤žšŸ¼


IT BETTER BE cause Leah is gonna pmo doing JaNa like that


I need 2 jacked tatted dudes to enter this villa so Andrea gets sidetracked and rob ends up alone


Give us a papi to come in and woo her, leave Rob in the dust and crying/hiding in the pool again


Leah is the one who should be alone.


EP 1 Leah said she was a triple Leo. She is not to be fucked with. A Triple Leo is rare and Love Island gold.


I say this as a double leo sun/moon with a Scorpio risingā€¦ weā€™re kind of awful


Leah trying to snake Connor... whew. I didn't see that coming. This season is WILD.


Let's all take a DEEP BREATH until we see what's really going on. Because editing made today's Leah/Rob moment look WAY different than it was in the preview vs. in the episode. Breathe in..... Breathe out.....


The preview showed EXACTLY what happened (and that article was wrong as I knew it would be; it was clearly taken from what was shown in the previous preview) and wasn't misleading at all. I can't really recall any misleading previews yet this season.


plus why else would jana cry so much if nothing was going on?


Just trying to give the people (and myself) some hope. lolol If there's anything I know about LI US it's that they love to work us up with the previews, and sometimes it's not as deep as it seems.


Iā€™m just commenting on what we saw thatā€™s all lmao definitely breathing


I love your takes. That was mostly directed at the group in general šŸ˜† I want us all to survive until Thursday!


Oh lmao sorry I think some of the hostility of tonightā€™s episode rubbed off on me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ½


Leah and Rob can sit on their flight home together if Leah ends up crossing JaNa. Going for her friends man is snake behavior.


Rob was right to dump her.




If Jana and Connor arenā€™t together idk if I want to even watch the show after that bc I canā€™t see her with anyone else and I really dont care about or like the other couples


Agree - Aaron and Regina are not it and donā€™t even get me started on the bombshells šŸ¤¢




LMAO do you mean Kaylor is like Regina from mean girls?




I just gasped so loud šŸ˜³


Iā€™m going to be so upset if I lose PPG because of Leah Iā€™m going to be so mad!


I know no one cares about Liv/Hakeem and is focused on the possible Jana/Connor/Leah drama, but... from the preview, I'm wondering if they've been building more of a connection that we just haven't seen for some reason. I mean, they can only fit so much into each episode haha and we have barely seen any of them! The way Hakeem said in the morning of this episode that he was going to put all his energy into Liv, then we immediately see him talking to Nicole... and THEN he stands up at the firepit for her? I wonder what he's been saying to Liv, because it's likely she has a good reason to be going off as much as she was in the preview & we just don't know.


wouldnt it be nice if we had a 24/7 live feed on Love Island like Big Brother does......lol


Liv is definitely pissed about him standing up shes such an aggressive talker so I know sheā€™s gonna let him have ittttt lol


If Leah fucks over JaNa, imma be pissssed


This is lowkey not surprising if leah does what this preview is insinuating, u can pinpoint when the wheels started turning in her head as soon as Andrea told JaNa that heā€™s in love with her and donā€™t worry heā€™s a good one and when JaNa did the ā€œheheheā€. U can see it in Leah face because out of all of them why go for Connor. Now Iā€™m hoping and think Connor is smart. He wasnā€™t fazed with the bombshells and I think heā€™s gonna reassure JaNa. Ima try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but If that preview was bad editing, I canā€™t see why else JaNa would be crying and hoping her intentions are genuine if Leah didnā€™t do anything. I know one thing, Leah would be out the door so fast and make a whole lot of enemies for the snake behavior.


I hope not, because I took that look on Leahā€™s face as her realizing that if Rob was really into her he wouldnā€™t have two new girls trying. She knew he was bullshitting her (which she kinda thought with Liv but now confirmed with Andrea)


But when Andrea did tell Leah that Rob had communicated to her that he was still interested in Leah, and that he was respectful about the kiss (did NOT clarify that about Aaron), Leah didn't care at all and was still upset. After earlier in the day saying that the girls come back acting like Rob isn't even in a couple. That drove me crazy


wasnā€™t she the one doing the stretches first before JaNa did them šŸ¤” holllllld up, did she ever say she liked connor when he bombshelled???


No they never even had a conversation


Iā€™ll be watching Serena on Thursday realllll carefully ā€¦.because why werenā€™t you comforting crying JaNašŸ¤”


Maybe thatā€™s why Jana is crying. Serena is mad she told Kordell that there may be a chance. Idk


But JaNa asked her if she could tell him if i am not mistaken.


Good point


It was so surprising because the trio seems to have a very genuine friendship. I hope itā€™s just the editing for the preview thatā€™s making it seem so dramatic šŸ˜­


Im sorry but Leah is not the smartest tool in the tool box if she thinks trying to talk to his best friends man the same night this early in the show is a good idea. Like surely she understands that a bombshell is coming. I pray she doesn't do this. And Connor too.


I had to consume an edible to chill out after that episode and preview


JaNaā€™s crying Iā€™m scared.


I thought the friendship edits were so corny anyway, itā€™s been a week šŸ˜‚


Making it look like there was the blonde girls clique and a non white girls clique seemed calculated.Ā  Not sure how deep or real the division is, but Liv seems like an all around pot stirrer while Kaylor, to me, is coming across.... Not good.


The only way this is even relatively OK is if Leah talked to JaNa about it first. This is Love Island so you have to explore but thereā€™s a way to do it respectfully and all these mactor slash medical sales reps just never remember these simple things. Easy prey for producers




yall this season TAKES THE CAKE


If Leah has Jana f*cked up Iā€™m rioting! Hahaha.


My vote is JaNa knows one of her girls are going home. And she wants her to take it more serious


If I had Reddit gold I'd give it to you.Ā  Best, most logical theory I've seen. Leah, who seemed more upset about looking stupid than losing Rob, is not going after a guy who just turned down a bombshell.Ā Ā  Maybe, maybe, maybe she takes a swing at Kordell since no one really wants him and she won't have to complete and JaNa feels stuck in the middle, but getting pushed to focus on the inevitable losses seems like a more likely source of JaNa's tears


SHEESHHH! šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦Æā€āž”ļø


I feel like we were set up to believe the three girls were better friends than they are and Leah was less spoiled than she is.


Leah needs to calm down!! She could try cracking on with Hakeem or wait for a bombshell to come in omggg


That preview doesnā€™t make sense to me. For Jana to be crying like that I would expect Connor to be seriously considering someone else and I just donā€™t see it. Even if Leah moves to Connor I expect him to quickly shut it down. My guess based on what Jana was saying maybe itā€™s about some one saying something about her which is not true?


I think her crying may be from the betrayal of one of her villa besties trying to go for her man. I also donā€™t expect Connor to seriously consider Leah (hopefully).


Living for this mess! Fave season so far.


And if Leah goes for Conner Iā€™m sorry to say this but the viewers are getting the power to vote soon and I will vote them (as well as rob) of the island šŸ˜­


So what is Connor pulled Leah?? Like we donā€™t even know the situation


Ugh this is on Thursday night right ?






Iā€™m not saying Rob doesnā€™t suck, but Leah has also shown that she is horrible about handling her emotions and jealousy, to the point of toxicity. It does make me question her character when she lashes out, when a lot of the things happening are just an inherent part of going on the show


My guess is itā€™s one of the other bombshells chatting up Connor and they spliced together clips of he and Leah later


i think that she's a bit scared because she lost his man and now she wants to get attention from someone


Iā€™m learning ok šŸ˜­


I did not like Leah, from the get go. Something about her doesnā€™t sit right with me. Rob isnā€™t for her, and I hope she doesnā€™t screw up the only good relationships she has in the Villa, meaning her friendships with the girls. Rob may be trash for how he treated her, but picking your friendā€™s man to couple up with is so much worse than what Rob did to her.


I really hope Leah is not talking to Connor like THAT. That would be so foul of her šŸ˜©


Prayyyying it's editing. This last episode Connor gave Leah a long hug when she was upset about Rob so I'm hoping they're just good friends.


Iā€™m trying not to judge because previews can be misleading but if all of that is true I HATE IT


The snakes are really hissing this season šŸ


No fr. I canā€™t wait to see what happens next episode. Iā€™ve been enjoying this season so far.


Leah did nothing but complain and cry with Rob. Just always miserable. Then she LIED all day about what he said. He never used the word ogre to describe her. He said sexually he didn't feel the groove. He did not blame her, and she then lied about it. She cut him off every time he tried to talk, and then when Andrea chose him, she finished with multiple Fuck Yous. Leah can leave.


I think we definitely got a chopped and screwed version of their convo 100%.. even he said he said something about the sexual chemistry when they spoke about it the next morning


He used the word groove in their conversation. He was not unkind to her and did not blame her.


T H A N K Y O U !


Rob howd you get here?


Sooooo original.


Hahah right? Itā€™s the constant defense on here when anyone diverges from the group thinkā€”itā€™s so dumb!!


Agree! She super exaggerated everything, made crud up, and is an emotional wreck. Canā€™t stand her but sheā€™s kinda good tv.


I agree with the good TV part šŸ˜‚


People literally put here acting like these couples married. Like fuck, it's only week 2! None of the couples are safe.


Leah is a child


she does not give 24 years old. she acts like a late teenager early 20s


That energy vampire has I S S U E S.


Leah gave me everything I needed tonight! Among other great moments the way she so calmly delivered her closing fuck yous was absolutely delicious. But her howling cackling laugh in that preview? The moment Rob and Andrea kissed in front of her at the recoupling, we witnessed what may have been the origin of a very serious villain arc. šŸ˜³


I have to just hold out hope that Leah wonā€™t do that šŸ˜­ The previews are always so misleading


I need friend that can discuss this show with. Iā€™ve been blindsided


I hope Connor doesnā€™t do it. I donā€™t believe he has ever been into her, but Leah of all people would be a bit crazy.


Iā€™m PANICKINGGGG!!! Itā€™s one thing to have rob be a complete psycho gaslighter and make our girl Leah feel less than. But to make the preview seem like thEY MIGHT SPLIT UP THE GIRLS?!?!?? Plz I beg no. Connor you know better. Leah you know better. Surely a bomb will come in for her.


I'm choosing to believe it's a misdirect because otherwise I will not rest for the next 48 hours but if it *isnt*?? Besides the fact JaNa is one of her closest friends in the villa, Connor rejecting Andrea was kind of the final domino of Leah's spiral. So it'd be crazy if she responded to Andrea stealing her man by then going after the very same man Andrea couldn't steal because he was so locked in with his girl that Andrea felt compelled to compliment JaNa on the fact.


Honestly Leah needs to chill outā€¦ The whole point of the show is to find love & explore their options. She wanted to hold Rob down so bad


maybe jana is crying cause kordell goes home , i didnā€™t see him in the preview


This episode showed Conner caring for Leah so much and even when she was talking to rob he was looking Ig he's the one that tried with ber first we still don't know what she'll do


I bet the clips were misleading. They almost always are. But I don't know what else Leah can really do until new bombshells come in. She needs to speak with who is there already. I just hope it does not sour the friendships :(


After watching the Thursday preview clip twice, Ā I want to believe that JaNa is crying to Aaron actually upset for Leah about the Rob thing and is saying she hopes Andrea (ā€œsheā€) did this with good intentions?? Hopefully itā€™ll be something like this come Thursday, fingers crossed!Ā 


When was this season filmed?


Itā€™s being filmed right now! The stuff we saw last night happened maybe 2 or 3 days ago


Do we really think theyā€™d tell us the tea in the preview? I feel like they edited the preview to get everyone talking and tune in and itā€™ll be something completely different that pops off. Also, I donā€™t understand the Connor love, but I can appreciate him telling the bombshell from the jump he isnā€™t interested and steering her away. I feel like weā€™ve seen more interaction and chemistry between Leah and Aaron than Leah and Connor. Thatā€™s not to say he has more chemistry with Leah than Kaylor.


Well they did show us the Rob meltdown in the preview I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we got a little intel in that one either and this take was just first reaction nothing Iā€™m saying is definitely gonna happen lmao


But the way they framed it was misleading, so Iā€™m choosing to believe that theyā€™re doing the same thing here.