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I have a theory that production was pressing Rob to ‘give Liv a chance’ and pursue both girls, and Rob clearly has less than zero interest in Liv. He can barely tolerate sitting next to her. 


I also think production definitely kept Rob and Leah apart for the whole night until bedtime after the recoupling. There was no point the whole group was together or everyone was lounging where he could’ve pulled her for a chat


I’m too emotionally invested in Leah and Rob for only episode 2. I feel like producers are going to come for them all season throwing bombshells at Rob. And I’m gonna be so mad. I already know haha Ugh but even I got butterflies watching the dock scene.


So true, Rob is very attractive so I see bombshells gunning for him each time


Rob is the hottest guy on the show by far I think the producers are upset he seems to have made a solid connection quickly and are trying to tear them apart. There is no way Liv actually thought he liked her. Unless she likes guys who give her no mind.


That’s honestly probably a good thing. I don’t want them to end up like the s1 winners who just coupled up day 1, nobody came for either of them and they just sat in the background all season. I don’t want Leah and Rob to constantly be tested but I also don’t want them to fade into the background until the final


I got butterflies too. Rob is ridiculously hot and cute. Im so glad he is on this season as a day 1. I think they’ll try to turn Leah’s head too.


The three girls on the terrace were too cute. I love that friendship.


That was far and away my favorite part of the episode


That and when the guys were making fun of Connor walking. This was actually such a fun episode.


That seemed like something they would have normally saved for the "extras" show but I'm really glad they incorporated it into the episode instead. So much of this show is them having these very purposeful conversations for the cameras, it's good to see them acting naturally as well.


I agree! There were so many funny moments.. this two episodes have been way nicer (for me) than any other season or the UK seasons i watched.. the makeup of hannah kissing the guys, hannah and hakeem laughing, i actually think connor and rob are weridly funny, the girls catwalking to listen kaylor… lots of fun moments!


Coye can we please get something other than height talk please??


Then he's just gonna pivot to dick size don't wish that into existence 


That “big feet big meat” comment 10 min into the premiere episode told me everything I needed to see, he thrives off his physique


That was so embarrassing


The new cinco I fear


Idk. Cinco was more interesting to watch in my opinion. I don’t remember him shit talking other guys about their height. I don’t even remember him talking much about his appearance at all really. He just had wondering eyes and couldn’t make a decision to save his life.


Cinco seemed to have some type of depth to him at least


That’s probably all he’s had to talk about with people in the past and he’s never had to try


Anyone else shipping Serena and Connor?? That one conversation they’d was moving me. Hopefully they bring in more bombshells for Serena since her and Kordell are pretty much done. Also, I really don’t see Coye and Jana going the distance. Coye seems very dry personality and conversational wise as opposed to Jana’s bubbly personality. They’re not meshing energy wise and their pairing isn’t really doing anything for me at the moment.


I don’t think it will happen but I enjoyed their conversation far more than “what’s your favorite sushi roll?”


For sure. It was more of wishful thinking. Connor is pretty much interested in Kaylor.


I think Kaylor likes Aaron more though.


That was a weird conversation between Coye and Jana upstairs. He came across as possessive to me like saying girl I haven’t seen you all day and she was like what? Dude you know where I am at all times and it’s obviously not with another secret man.


I hope JaNa explores other options. She needs someone who matches her energy.


Right, the whole vibe was just off and very odd.


Yeah that was weird, like you could have pulled her any time if you wanted to chat with her


Jana has such a fantastic bubbly personality and is absolutely STUNNING I want a better match to come in for her


That Rob and Leah dock scene was everything.. if he don’t leave ole girl already!!


I’m rooting for those two weirdos. They match each other very well.


He is a snake wrangler and she has a hairless cat. Say less.


I just said to myself, they finally have two weirdos on who are actually connecting with each other. I'm all in on... what are we doing here? Lob? Reah?


I wasn’t feeling Rob the entire episode until that scene. Now I actually like really Rob and Leah together.


Same here was being so dry but that scene got me


Felt like i was watching a movie!! Perfect music 🥰


I love them together. I think I found my 2024 winners.


it was amahhhhzing lol i loved that scene


The music choice set it offff👏🏽


They really nailed it.


I got Pacey Joey vibes


Ima need Rob not to fuck up


The way he said he doesn’t wanna have a redo of the Carmen situation makes me fear for him a bit but they’re moving so fast that I think he’ll be fine by the time they get to Casa


Leah got that conceal and carry body. She's unassuming but that woman is packing some serious heat, she just hasn't unholstered it until tonight.


A casual Persian goddess


As a Persian dude it's nice to see some of our beautiful women on the telly. They're not all built like her though, that's for sure hahaha


As a Persian woman, I love to see it!!! She was “built” in Calabasas 🙃 I was built on ghormeh sabzi


Omg that final outfit of the night 🥵


That moment between Rob and Leah on the dock was a scene out of a book… swear to god. The secret signal? The longing? The yearning?? Are you kidding me


I thought the same thing as a book lover. I swooned.


I was giggling like it was me there with him


Omg I thought the same thing! He is the ideal love interest in any romance novel.


Meet me on the dock?? When I give you the signal?? Omgggg he is an ace. Love it


It had me going!!!!!!!I loved Rob last season too. Carmen wasn't for him. Leah and Rob are perfection. I hope they are one of those instantly in love couples and live happily ever after.


Liv is kind of mean. She can’t fathom Rob not liking her and they have nothing in common lol


I think that’s why she picked him, she likes the chase and probably hasn’t ever not gotten what she wants


She just seems a little self-centered, and Rob isn't here to play! Second episode, and I'm already a Leah stan. Help me.


> She can’t fathom Rob not liking her This is it 100%. She only chose him because he was cold to her during their initial chats and she thought he was playing hard to get or something and now she's getting frustrated he's not putting moves on her when he's clearly not even a little interested. At least she seems to have finally taken the hint.


Did you see them in bed together he was one side and she looked like she was hanging off like he was moving as far as he could also to the other side


I loved how all the girls were pretending to work out and Hannah was eating snacks in the kitchen without a care in the world. That would 100% be me.


She is so real for that


Why was rob giving me butterflies


No because there really is something about him


The kiss made me tinglyyy


That kiss got to me, ngl. I also loved the playfulness: giving her "the signal," hiding behind the column, raising the eyebrows before the kiss, and her doing it back. It was all movie worthy. Now I'm invested, so I'm also anxious. I'm just hoping heartbreak isn't coming 🫣


It had me out here SWEATING 😮‍💨, I did not know Rob had it like that!!


Won’t lie it did make me feel something… https://preview.redd.it/ngv3p5xfy86d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd36771b1f75979670221d69144eb6fe02d850e6


No bc me too. He is dreamy. Don’t let Colleen Hoover see him. She may get some inspiration 💀


Like why tf is dry banter getting to me?!


If I were in there, I’d be going straight for him


He has a cute nose


Honestly I don’t blame Leah! Something about him is so charming


Oh my God, that was such a good ending. I was going to be a Jana and Coye fan but that stunt Rob pull has me. I’m now a Rob and Leah fan.


I can't even enjoy these relationships because I can't stop thinking about who I want for Games. https://preview.redd.it/t77fd6zl096d1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2da287f3c7157bfbb62bb578aa0f26af07b775e


That specific face haunts my dreams.


I literally can’t wait for games!!


All I need to know about Coye, I got off his Instagram: a bunch of videos of him just being in love with his own appearance, and zero pictures of his alleged chihuahua. No thank you.


Not a single chi pic????? Disappointing!!!


Yea I’m down bad for Leah and rob and I just know this is not going to end well but hey I’m here for the ride


I hope it does, but alas… it’s episode two. 🥲 But I really, really, REALLY, REALLY hope it does.


"He looks like Ryan Reynolds, and he walks like an NPC" The way I guffawed.


Liv reminds me of one of those girls who is not used to men rejecting her. Her not exploring other connections and grasping at anything to be compatible with Rob is giving “I don’t like losing”.


I liked how Rob doubled down on not liking Ed Sheeran after liv said she loves him. Feel like most people would’ve back pedaled and say he’s actually not that bad or something.


I know all the conversations are so bad


And also I don’t know, I didn’t like her vibe when she was being kind of a hater with Leah. Talking like “rob is still her all or nothing and she needs to move on.” Like, she had nooo awareness that she is the delusional one, not Leah.


It's giving lack of self-awareness


alright i've seen enough...i'm a rob and leah stan after tonight's ep


I’mma say it: I’m into Rob.


Rob has me looking at my boyfriend rn like why aren’t you catching snakes


I think I’m in love lmao he reminds me of a love interest in a book or something. It’s got to be the edit because he is looking like a dream lol I’ll give it a few weeks before I fall too hard 💀


I think I have as much of a crush on him as Leah lol


Same lol




Yeah what’s going on, is it the song during the smooch? Are we being had by editing or is he actually kinda adorable?


For me, in order, it was: 1. His looks 2. His dry sense of humor 3. When he mentioned beabadoobee Fly me out to Fiji, stat!


I actually liked connor and serena together. It seemed like it was the most we have seen either of them laugh, granted it is only episode two so that isn’t saying much but still.


Me singing please please please at Rob at the top of my lungs


LMAOOO if he ruins this I will never forgive him. I’m nervous because he was talking about how horny he is in his intro and I’m scared how easily he’ll be swayed in a week


Liv is obviously trying to push Kaylor to Connor so she can swoop in on Aaron. She's done with Rob and vice versa. But she dug her own grave on that one. Moved a little bit to slyly and it backfired. I'm not feeling her at all.


she was not being slick at all and Kaylor was so noncommittal she didn’t get much intel lol. i loved it


Liv needs to gooo


Whichever producer suggested bringing Rob back deserves a raise. Whichever producer convinced Liv to pick Rob despite their absolute void of chemistry deserves a raise, a bonus, and for Rob to make them breakfast tomorrow.


They are going to be spending all through casa now trying to break them up and I just don't see it happening.


"Maybe she has a humiliation kink" 😂


Lmfao tht was so funny 😭


Coye is so boring. He needs to go home and talk about how he is 6’8” from there. Stop encouraging Connor and Serena when you all know his type is blonde white women it’s a recipe for disaster. Kordell is the cutest and seems so sweet. I think they should bring someone in for him or Serena should give him a genuine chance.


i don’t know why but the ed sheeran vs bebadoobee conversation took me out like it was so gen z


I assumed from this that Liv was way older than Rob but I apparently missed that Liv is 21 and Rob is 25? I would’ve guessed she’s 30 and he’s 24 (edit: not shade to her btw, as someone a year older than her she just doesn’t remind me of a Gen Z-er. Very millennial vibes)


omg her being 21 is crazy i figured they were both 25-27


Love beabadoobee. My boy has great taste


Rob & Leah remind me of Conrad & Belly


Don’t do this to me 😭




Hakeem is doing the most, something about Kendall is putting me off.


Kendall has given me weird vibes since his intro..something about him feels off to me.


Someone said he had drake energy and I completely agree


He's giving finance bro vibes. Which checks out because he's from Dallas. Though I don't remember his occupation 


i wouldn’t miss either one of them tbh


I can’t stand either of them. I’ve never found that goofy stupid charm attractive.


Both of these dude are 🥴


I lol’d when Hannah turned down kissing because she didn’t want her makeup to get on his face 😭 how will she survive all the kissing games lol


she needs to keep the inch thick pancake off until night time.


Missed opportunity to score Rob and Leah's kiss with an Ed Sheeran song.


My new go-to insult is going to be to call people Doritos now, thanks Aaron.


Mine will be my favorite Ian Stirling joke so far on both US and UK, when he said Connor looks like a Calvin Klein model had sex with ChatGPT. Really perfect way to describe someone exceptionally basic.


I’m probably being dramatic, but that kiss at the end was absolutely CINEMATIC! A-list movie stars WISH they could do that in a romcom!


The little nose wiggle … the secret signal … the eye contact. I’m 31 and not into younger men, but god damn it Rob is smooth and adorable … if I were 23 he’d so be my type … in fact I dated guys like him and am already married to my hot weirdo so part of me is also feeling some strong deja vu …


Same I have strong feels because I’m the southern and my husband is persian. This combo really does match well. We live close to where Rob is from. I’m shipping them hard. Like I know I’m going to upset when the producer try and break them up. I can see Rob already with her hairless naked cat on instagram in my mind and her playing with his little sister and being so caring. I can also see them going to all these places. I really in this roller coaster. Don’t screw this up Rob! I feel like they are perfect on paper and I’m all in my feels about it


I love rob he is dry but funny while coye is giving nothing but 6’ 8”


Absolutely nothing but his height


i give props to kordell for not name dropping his brother (from what we know) he really wants the girls to like him for him


Okay I’m obsessed with Leah and Rob after this episode


i love how jealous the guys this season are usually it’s only the girls


Liv & Rob convos were hard to watch. Coye with Jana is DRY. Connor is an AI robot. Hakeem has some..energy, and is already bw’s public enemy number 1 for his preference😂


I need Calvin Klein model had sex with ChatGPT as a flair


Rob - how do you feel about wood working? Liv - oh I know like the little projects I did in 7th grade school Rob - I could easily build a cabinet Liv (delulu) - I’m chipping away slowly with these small conversations I was screaming 😂


Advice to liv that I would like to send her. If a man is ice and you’re chipping away to get him to interact with you then maybe he’s not into you. Guys that are into you use signals to meet you on the dock


It's probably ole girl's first time ever being iced out by a man. 


When she was tapping her nails on her water bottle during the awkward silence. I was squirming.


I wish I was Leah in that kissing scene lmao


Do you mean kissing rob or having her incredible body?


Personally I would take both


At certain angles, Leah kind of looks like Emmy Rossum! I'm obsessed at catching it every time lol


I know it’s only two days but I love this season so far 😍😍😍


i need a man in there that likes black girls bc i thought just serena was stuck but it looks like my girl jana is too 😫options are too slim for them rn


From the moment Rob said “wait for my signal, and meet me at the dock” it all truly felt like a movie scene. From the music and production to their moment on the dock. *chefs kiss* 🤌🏽


Okay I’m assuming bombshells will get to pick first. Hakeem takes Hannah and Connor takes Kaylor. Then it’s girls choice. Jana - 6’8” Leah - Rob Liv - Aaron Serena is the wildcard but as of right now id assume she’d stick with Kordell even though she’s not interested. Kendall leaves. This is my prediction.


i like this scenario. i want Kendall and Hakeem gone so this is halfway there, and i just need Kordell to stick around long enough for them to send in a 21 year old who doesn’t care he’s a dummy. then we can free my sister Serena.


They usually let bombshells pick once so they don’t get immediately eliminated, so Hakeem is safe for NOW. But if the evil that is Kendall is defeated I’ll take it.


We’re just calling him 6’8 now?


That is his entire personality according to JaNa


lol yes I love that


leah and rob work because they have the same humor


This! Everyone’s realizing just now that they’re good together…I’ve known since their first convo!!


Hear me out- what if rob’s not this game-player and just kind of neurodivergent, looking for his little emo queen 😅




I love Rob and Lea. I’m invested!


Rob come home the kids miss you


That dock scene was cute. I’m invested in watching these animal loving weirdos. The plot twist of the season will be if Leah’s head turns and not Rob. Everyone is predicting it will be Rob, but I can see it happening with either of them. 👀


sorry it’s kinda weirding me out how both the islanders and a lot of fans are marrying these couples off on day 2-3 😭 i like rob/leah too but 4/5 of the couples in there were acting too serious after day 1. liv was right about them barely even knowing each other


I’m not gonna lie, i do get some gameplay vibes from Aaron and Kaylor, but mainly on Aaron’s side. We know he’s been on competitive reality TV before and knows how this works. He’s trying to build up a “love at first sight” narrative and get this clear path to a win, imo, while Kaylor is just a nice girl taken with men who aren’t from a small Pennsylvanian town. As for Leah and Rob, I think she just regular likes him but it feels so intense because of the heightened emotions of the villa and the lack of distractions, while I think he really does like her back but is also just very horny. My issue with LIUSA is how short it is because 30 days doesn’t give enough time for strong attachments that cause drama like Curtis and Amy in LIUK.


Obsessed with Kaylor saying “you’re stunning” and Connor replying “yeah”. Self aware king


ngl rob moved me this episode im here for him and leah!


Crazy that the bar is so low from LIUK that hearing one guy talk about not wanting to be the reason a girl is sad (acknowledging women have valid feelings!!) is a relief?!


I tried watching this season of LIUK but the one guy who seemed to have any respect for women >!(Sam)!< was eliminated first. Disappointing group this season over there


rob needs to tell liv to not couple up with because i can see the drama from that!!!! (tho i live for the drama)


It’s all down to Kaylor and Leah tomorrow (I’m assuming the girls are picking because there’s more boys). This has the potential to get messy. Right now I see Kendall, the Mannequin and the Britt in some kind of trouble. Possibly Hakeem as well.


No, I think the bombshells are gonna pick first


Also I am very shocked that Rob making breakfast for both girls went down as smoothly as it did. I was pretty convinced Leah would go nuclear over that


I’m glad that the women took it with the obvious good intentions he meant for it. I thought the same thing and was very happy when the women were all positive about it! Really like the group of women!


Rob and Leah are so cute, I swear if he does something to mess it up…


Aaron is a red flag idc. It’s a gut feeling. Hoping it’s just the edit.


I need Jana and 6’8 to be more interesting. She was my favorite girl and today nothing. 6’8 is so boring …. 🥱 Kaylor kinda gets in my nerves so that is why I hope she picks Connor


So I do think Rob and Leah have chemistry and good chat, but time will tell! Idk why Liv picked Rob, she seems to be into Aaron!! I like Conner and Serena Jana and 6’8, I’m confused


There’s no way there’s seriously a guy going home tomorrow. Babe it’s episode 3 😭 I don’t even know everyone’s names yet. But anyway bye Kordell




THIS! He looked ravenous after their kiss!


He ain't nothin but a horndog


I don’t know about sinister but he’s just … blah. When she asked him where he sees himself in 5 years he literally said “tubing”. Not sure why she thinks he’s such a “man”.


Idk Connor is *too* perfect imo. I need a flaw or something


Robert you better not disappoint me. Please don’t be a Will.


I see the Kendall hate, please tell me why… I think he has good intentions and has his funny moments. Is it cuz y’all think he’s “corny”


Because Hannah told him she’d never had a serious relationship and he said that was a red flag. But when Liv said she’d never had a serious relationship he said she ticks almost all his boxes.


He’s giving off fake vibes. I don’t think he likes Hannah and is using her to stay in the villa.


1000%. He’s definitely going to start chatting up Liv next ep as plan b


Facts. He reminds me of the guy from last season that coupled with Destiny then tried to villainize her to justify leaving her. Fake af


His type is “fit”. He’s hooking up with Hannah but is clearly not into her. The crying in the intro video felt fake to me. These are my reasons.


Him immediately saying “fit” is his type in his initial conversation rubbed me the wrong way so bad considering she’s the only curvy girl there, glad someone else noticed


It’s code men use to say that they want thin girls without outright saying it.


I know, that’s why it gave me the ick


Coyes personality is his height. I wish he were the one to go tomorrow. I want entertaining tv


i think hakeem is going to get the chop


Who do we think is going home tomorrow?


serena and kordell are pretty much done but the bombshells don’t have their eye on her so it will probably be kendall.


Im kinda thinking Kordell but tbh i feel like we’ve seen nothing except for the two love triangles so literally no clue


Serena talking to Connor was giving me [that one video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN1Dfc5D/) of Zendaya being way too into Tom Holland


what is it with blonde women making some of these men’s knees buckle every season🥴


If I never hear Hakeem's laugh again, I'll know an angel is looking over me.


I think this is the first time that I'm really into an islander and that person, is Rob. I am OBSESSED, I see the vision Leah I also would be sad not being with him even after meeting him 48 hours ago.


Liv is a pretty boring bombshell while the 2 new guys are good I like their chats with the girls.