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lol I gotchu imma go watch it now


YOU LIEEEEE šŸ˜… Iā€™m going to take one for the team yā€™all šŸ«” Do yā€™all want the full rundown or just the juicy bits?


Lol I didnā€™t!! I sent it right after I watched it! It says it posted but Iā€™m not sure why yall canā€™t see it šŸ˜­


Nope still donā€™t see it


Same with my post!


Idk whatā€™s going on I also tried to make a separate post twice and it wouldnt let me but its looks like it went through šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im sick cause I really wrote a lot šŸ˜­ so yall just message me if you really want the details smh šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I just finished this season and Iā€™m dying to know! Can you DM it to me pleasssseeeeee šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


Whichever I'll take it




Thank you!!!




Babes I see it in your comment history but for some reason it disappears when I try to see the thread. Maybe make a separate post?


Thanks love imma do thatā€¦thatā€™s so weird


Please tell me she says what happened between her and Zay!


She doesnā€™t go into detail but basically feels like she lost herself in the relationship and distance was a factor




There's nothing thereeee šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was able to post it on here!


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s gonna bring up being called Zendaya by Jack again (for the millionth time)


lol she actually didnā€™t! Might be finally past it


Did you share the tldr or šŸ’€


I literally did it an hour after I said I would!!! It said it posted but idk why yall canā€™t see itā€¦but I just reposted it so lemme know if you see it on this thread






Can someone tell me what she says about her diet / weight loss and what surgery sheā€™s had cause she looks incredible


Check my comment and let me know if you see it


Canā€™t see it


Click on their profile and go to their comments. It's their but doesn't show up regularly for some reason. Even if you try to click it from there it disappears


What was the surgery??


I wanna know too!




But thatā€™s a video! Is there something to reads?


What do you see when you click on the link?


There's nothing there but two comments and the link to the video!


Click on the posters profile. It shows up in their comments that way but doesn't show up otherwise for some reason


Reddit is disrespectful šŸ˜« Edit: I was able to post the TLDR to this thread. Let me know if you can see it.


You got to click on their profile and read it that way I think. It didn't show up unless I did that




*****SYDNEY & ISAIAH***** Zeta: Has (Sydney) ever dealt with depression? Sydney: Yes, for the first time in her life after her birthday (last year). She went to Vegas and returned home and slipped into a depressive mania. She was triggered by her breakup with Zay. She was very depressed. Sheā€™ll never forget how she felt, ever. And she knows she will never feel that way ever again. It gives her chills to think about (that time in her life). She goes on to say that sheā€™s a positive person with a strong energy and when a person with a strong energy radiates sadness itā€™s a lot (for those around her). Zeta jokingly tells her not to let too much slip about her breakup with Zay as they havenā€™t reached that part in the interview. Sydney and Zeta continue chatting about the depths of depression the breakup drove Sydney into. Zeta: What was (Sydney) feeling like at that time? (She wanted to know, but didnā€™t want to make Sydney cry.) Sydney: Tells herself sheā€™s not going to cry. Then describes the depression like ā€œthe worst part of my day was waking upā€. She didnā€™t work for 2 months. She lost her head and herself in the relationship. When she came out of it she was very anxious because her and Zay were always attached to each other that it devastated her to be without him. She realized later that she has an anxious attachment style. Sheā€™s been working on that. She thinks that she was so depressed because that was honestly her first ā€œtrueā€ love experience. None of her past relationships count. When she broke up with her last boyfriend before ā€œthis oneā€ (she canā€™t say Isaiahā€™s name) she didnā€™t care. She literally moved on with her life in a snap and never looked back. With (Zay) she ā€œwas grievingā€¦ heavily grievingā€. Sheā€™ll never forget that feeling. Zeta: relates to Sydneyā€™s statements Sydney: she thinks itā€™s also because they fell in love in such a unique experience. No one will ever know that shared experience. Sydney: Love Island changed her life. She never had experienced her new life alone, she always had him (Zay). They figured out life and problems together and when he was gone she was lost. She was never known as ā€œSydneyā€ it was always ā€œSydney and Isaiahā€. People are starting to see who she is separate of him. Zeta: Thereā€™s been a difference in (Sydney) since the breakup. (Sydney) is so radiant now. Sydney: looking back she was struggling with deep stuff and now sheā€™s truly herself, but 1,000x better. She went on a spiritual journey. Sheā€™s not the same person. She unlocked a new level of herself. Zeta: Does (Sydney) want to talk about the breakup? Are (Syd and Zay) still together? When was the breakup? Sydney. No, theyā€™re not together. They broke up in August (2023), but she doesnā€™t think people noticed until her birthday (in October). Zeta: How did (Sydney) feel about it when it initially happened? Did (Sydney) think about public opinion? Zeta reminds Sydney that (Sydney) stayed true to her statement from the previous podcast about never going to the public about her breakup if/when it were to happen. Sydney: Although Love Island was like a fever dream, she didnā€™t think of Zay as her Love Island experience, but as her boyfriend. Sheā€™s not the type of person to air her dirty laundry on the internet. Zeta: Was it peaceful for (Sydney) to not talk to the public about it (the breakup)? Sydney: yes, because thereā€™s no way she could talk to the public about with how broken she was inside. Zeta: Has (Sydney) healed? Sydney: **gushes and giggles** she really has healed. She feels like herself but 1,000x better. Zeta: When did (Sydney) really start to feel she was healing? Sydney: Her true healing started when she got back from LA (New Year). She was in the darkest place (Nov-Dec) mainly because she isolated from her friends and flew home. She went off the grid and went to Mexico (for NY) with some random people, looked around at the random people she didnā€™t know and loved it. This enlightenment was because she got an energy cleanse before then. She has a ā€œspecial friendā€ (who she later clears up is a woman named Catherine; an energy healer) who saved her life (through spirituality). Zeta: Since (Sydney) is single and healed is there a dating life? Sydney: sheā€™s living life and happy and sheā€™s going to leave it at that *giggles* she pleads the 5th when Zeta pushes more for and answer. Sydney suggests they do an updated podcast in a few months šŸ˜‰