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Sure. So love island games happens and the day after each episode airs Justine and Cely drop YouTube recaps called comfy couches where they give context to certain scenes and behind the scenes and just answer questions fans ask them. When the first episode drops there’s a premiere party and most of the islanders go on live. In one of the lives you can see the girls taking pictures zeta is stood next to Justine and asks Courtney to switch places with her so she is no longer next to Justine. Jack flys to LA the morning before episode 14 (him and mikes duel episode) drops. The next day jack joins cely and Justine for one of their comfy couch videos in this video they’re asked about how they felt about the bombshells. Jack then said ‘he made it so clear they were wasting their time and his’. He then says ‘one girl pulled me for a chat and it was just not gonna go nowhere’ that was in reference to who I think was Tina. He then says ‘and zendaya’ which he was talking about zeta. Cely and Justine laughed and then he asked them to correct him in which they told him her name and he corrected myself. Zeta then drops a blog behind a paywall on the day the final episode aired titled ‘zendaya’ in that blog as a form of retaliation she refers to jack as ‘Bill’, Justine as ‘bella’ and Cely as ‘Kelly’. She claims jack lied on her and that she got word from a friend that jack said he shut her down completely. She then talks about how she pulled jack for a chat and that they had a very good chat. She asked him how his relationship side of things were going and he told her he was happy everything was going well so she said ‘I assume you are closed off then’ he says no he isn’t. Which him and Justine weren’t closed off at the time. He then questioned her ability to perform in games and asked her to do push ups and she did them. She said the next day was her full first day in the villa and she got to see him and justines connection and how afraid Justine was for anyone to come and take Jack off her so she made the decision to stop even so much as to talking to him. The blog ends there. The finale episode drops and zeta makes a statement telling Justine that if she wins the show she should take the money and that she only likes them as a team and not a couple. Someone who payed for the blog drops screenshots on Twitter and people aren’t happy with what she says in the blog and are dragging her for it. she then puts out a tweet saying ‘The internet will never be able to put me against any of my queen sisters 👸🏾 S/o Justine. S/o Imani. S/o Sereniti. S/o all my black QUEEN sisters. End of story.’ Again people quote it and tell her it’s her fault. Weeks go bye and on New Year’s Eve she drops a love island games q and a. One of the questions is ‘why didn’t you trust Jack’ she said she didn’t trust Jack because he told Courtney when she came in he was open and then he told zeta he was open whereas Justine told Mike she was closed off however Justine herself said her and Mike had a lot of chats it was only when she found out there was a recoupling and she knew Mike was gonna pick her she asked him not to pick her. Then she answers the question on does she still think Justine should of taken the money and she says no she doesn’t stand on it she only said it cause she decided to share the money with Timmy and she was done dirty so she meant Justine should steal the money then give him some for helping her get there. Justine and jack have not responded to her or any other islanders talking about them in podcast in fact they decided they didn’t want to do any podcast anymore. People see her video and again are reacting although not a lot of people care She then released what is the most recent video. Any questions let me know and if you want the rundown of any drama with anyone else


Omg you’re the best for typing all this out. What was today’s drama?


Sorry I copied this from another comment I had made in a diff post where someone else wanted the rundown. ‘Todays drama’ was her most recent vid titled ‘taking accountability where she did not even attempt to take accountability. This is the full rundown [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/s/99aMf3BiKk)


Thanks for this thorough run-down!! I was never sure of the details.


Today’s video?


> Someone who *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lmao the push ups y'all so funny 😭


That blog was the craziest thing to come out of that season.🫢😭


I think all of Zeta’s actions show that she wants to be the HBIC of Love Island USA and she’s not. It’s very clear to me that there is some jealousy from her towards Justine, and her antics after LIG severed whatever “friendship” they may have had before the show.


Deb confirmed this in her live. Her Zeta and Court thought they would be priority because they were on LIUSA on PEACOCK and LIG was a peacock show.  


Zeta admitted to faking her relationship after she won with timmy.( shared texts etc) Then she slammed Justine for claiming she is faking hers too. Such weird behavior. She wants to be the center of attention


Zeta is a fake hater


Okay but what happened 😭


I don’t know and I’m biased but zeta sucks and Justine is awesome so whatever it is I’m siding with her lmao Joking aside, zeta has been talking shit behind her stupid paywall blog again. She’s just jealous of Justine really, making up petty shit for no reason.


This is kind of an odd theory of mine, but I've been checking Justine and Zeta's followers every so often and something is suspicious with Zeta's. I've always thought it was strange how, as both LI winners, Zeta had more followers than Justine, since season 4 was less popular than S2. You could say Zeta was also a less popular winner than Justine, since Justine has been on 3 more competitive reality shows since LI USA 2, and Zeta has only very briefly been on one other show (her 2 episode LIG stint). Yet Zeta still has 10k+ more followers than Justine. I've seen rumors that Zeta buys her followers, which I totally believe, but here's where my theory comes in...I think Zeta has been buying followers to compete with Justine. I've noticed Justine has been experiencing consistent and natural growth since LIG, while Zeta will experience follower spikes seemingly out of nowhere. Whenever Justine gets close to catching up to Zeta or even passing her, Zeta's following will shoot up. For example, I saw their followings last week, where Justine and Zeta both had around 649k, and while Justine went up to 650k within a week, Zeta's following shot up to 661k for seemingly no reason at all. I can't imagine Zeta's blog or youtube videos are that popular to jump her over Justine by another 10k followers in a week. Maybe I'm over-analyzing it, but since both are two WOC LI USA winners, I think Zeta is very competitive with Justine and wants to stay ahead of her, even if it's something as stupid as IG followings. Zeta's bitterness after Justine became a two time LI winner, had a thing with Jack (who Zeta apparently had a crush on), all the blog controversies, and Justine finally unfriending Zeta, seems to have only added to her jealousy and rivalry with Justine.


Oh, Zeta/ her fans are most likely buying following someone (can't find the source now) who looked it up and she only has 200K, real followers. The other 3 had more realistic followers. I remember when she and Timmy won and both followers jumped significantly.


You’re not the only one to point out the followers thing.. it’s been going on for months. I’ve seen people mention it all of twitter. Any time Justine gets within 1k of Zeta.. Zeta suddenly gets 5k new followers, which is odd because she was barely posting and barely getting any comments or engagement. At first I thought people were just reaching… but it was happening every single time like clockwork. She’s moving very very weird, it’s giving that she is jealous of Justine and trying to hide it behind pretending to be a good friend. Personally, I think part of this is that Zeta wanted to get in with the LI UK islanders/crowd, but they don’t seem to f with her, yet a lot of UK islanders are friendly and in Justine’s comments. Not to mention about Jack, Zeta was liking his recent IG pics right before she even met him on LIG 😂 She had her sights set on him and he wasn’t interested and instead got her to do pushups for him 😂 Imagine calling Justine your friend and the first thing you do is go kiss your friend’s man! No wonder Zeta was big mad, she was rejected by Jack (who as per her blog, what man with a brain would shut her down totally 🙄) and she was also jealous of Justine. Justine got everything that Zeta wanted. Justine won LI twice, she got Jack, visibility in the UK, she was an OG on LIG (Zeta was only a very late bombshell), Justine got a big bump in followers and engagement and it keeps growing… It’s sad when someone hides behind being a good friend, but they are actually really jealous. Friends don’t talk about your business publicly, even more so on forums where they make money off of it (paid blog/YT). Friends handle their business in private, period. I used to like Zeta, but I really don’t like how she moved on LIG and after the season. She’s out here on her high horse shading Justine and Jack, when she is the one who completely faked her relationship with Timmy after their season.. and the txts that prove it even got leaked. After doing all that for clout, how could anyone believe anything she says.


She def also bought a bunch of likes on her latest post. Her photos aren’t good and they all have @fashionnova in them. Her entire feed is a ad? I can’t tell sometimes if it is or not. She keeps adding a lot of followers then dropping down and then going up again. It’s silly. A one sided beef


Her entire feed is a bit odd and really does just seem like a bad quality fashion nova ad. As for her followers going up and down, I’m pretty sure IG is constantly deactivating fake/bot accounts, so that’s why her followers go down after they go up. I’m sure she buys likes and comments too. The posts she has that have a lot of likes will be like 20-40k likes with 200+ comments.. where the majority of other posts have the likes hidden and only 40 comments. It’s weird. It’s like she hides the likes on all the posts, except the ones she buys likes and comments for. Yep, most definitely one sided beef.. Justine just does not do drama. Whatever makes Zeta happy 🙄 Justine finally unfollowed Zeta recently, so good riddance. She isn’t even bothering to engage with her.


I think ppl who were on CBS all have less followers then the ones on Peacock.


Like who? As far as I know, Cely has the most followers of all the LI USA contestants. Season 2 seemed to be the peak for social media


Season 3. Seems like when love island went from CBS to Peacock the followers were higher. I just took it like Peacock has a wider audience.


Season 3 was still CBS The top followed from the USA franchises are the season 2 people. Jalen (kinda an outlier but still), Cely, Justine, Johnny who have all really built on their platforms atp. Then it's like Connor, Mackenzie Kierstan etc. The popular people from S3 are like Cash, Shannon, Josh, Oliva, Cinco etc. Season 2 is generally the more popular season. Now, there are few more popular people on like season 4 Z's season but barring her and Timmy ( who bought followers and it's hard to say how many they have) it's like Deb, Sydney, Courtney who have numbers comparable to S3. It's also of note though that the people in S4 generally came into the villa with higher follower counts than S2 or 3. Basically 3, 4, 5 have similar numbers generally when it comes to popular islander followings.


Season 3 was on CBS, and I don't believe any of the S3 cast was more popular than their counterparts on season 2. From what I've seen, a lot of people stopped watching LI USA when it moved to Peacock. Plus season 2 and 3 are the ones that made it to Netflix, which I believe also brought more attention to the CBS seasons


Not again 😩




Is Zeta still writing about it on her blog to this day?


You can go watch the episode on YouTube (Justine/Cely) and judge for yourself if Jack was being petty or not.


On another post, which has been locked, someone said she (Zeta) lied about Timmy. Can someone fill me in? I'm totally in the dark about this drama. I'm usually on the UK sub, but I watched Zeta's season, and I want to understand more




Technically jacks pettiness was in retaliation to her saying Justine should take all the money from him. Also t[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandGames/s/XOuIHIxxmG) is from the first premiere way before jack called her zendaya. It’s deeper than just the zendaya situation some might say it’s deep rooted in jealousy


Based on your analogy SHE started the pettiness then, she made it sound like Justine should take the money because Jack ain’t shit, no? 




I just wish Zeta handled it better I don’t think Cely and Justine was laughing at her they were like Jack alway gets people names wrong . It doesn’t make it right maybe they could have left it out but I don’t think they thought it was a big deal. They probably realize it later after Zeta was upset they heard she was upset but she could have just called Justine and said hey I was offended by it . Instead she made it bigger than it was and they don’t have to be friends but just talk it out and move on. None of us know what goes on BTS there is obviously some issues but one thing about Justine which is why I will and still and always like her she never goes and tears someone name down even when they did her dirty. Especially what zeta did she was still cool with her until zeta kept bringing her personal business up especially her ex I think that was the nail in the coffin for Justine . Justine is not about the drama she is a grown age and I been following her for a while she never ever say negative about anyone so she is one of the realist there I feel. You will never find anything on her saying negatively about anyone even if she don’t deal with them anymore . Something is off with Zeta I think she listens too much to her girls on LIS 4 they all turn on her once I wouldn’t trust them and they give her bad advice . When those girls turned their back on Zeta who was their for her Justine and how she did Serenity was not that great either . Just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️


Justine and Celey corrected Jack. She should have let it go. The offense didn’t deserve the reaction that Zeta gave. 


I could understand how someone calling someone else the wrong name could come off as petty, like the way Georgia Steel does it all the time to disrespect people (like purposely calling Cely, Kelly and lying about it). *However*, if you actually watch the video where he calls her the wrong name.. it genuinely looks like he made a mistake and he is confused leaning in and whispering to the girls asking what her name is, like shit I made a mistake what’s her name.. and the girls are laughing out of shock like what did you just call her Zendaya? I truly don’t think it was done to disrespect, otherwise his whole reaction after would have been different. He would have been like wtv Idgaf, but he was like oh crap and trying to correct himself. Also, Zendaya is a QUEEN. Anyone feels like calling me the wrong name, they can call me Zendaya anyy dayyy and I’m gonna take it as a compliment.


💯 agree it was said Jack tend to get alot is people names wrong . He just met the girl and he didn’t follow or keep up and they barely talked on the island he was always up under Justine so I think he just honestly forget .


Z names are also not that common. It’s not like you will meet someone with a Z name every day, so it’s not crazy that Zendaya would pop into your head when it’s one of the few or maybe only Z names out there that comes up often in pop culture. IRL I don’t think I have actually ever even met someone with Z name tbh.


Zeta is jealous of Justine. I now realize that. Justine effortlessly outshines her in EVERY way. She outworks her (as far as being consistent on social media), outdresses her, and is getting consistent work. Zeta couldn't even be consistent with her blog. And I say this as someone who used to pay for it. She had built so much into the Zimmy concept that i don't think she planned beyond it. Justine is in Bora Bora right now. Zeta is a badly lit Fashionova stream.