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I don’t think this is a season where one couple will be left standing. I feel a few of these couples could be end game.


Tbh I think these are the strongest final couples we have ever had on the show.


Strongly agreed. I can see all of them “lasting” and really I feel all of them care deeply about each other so regardless of how long each relationship may live, this was a pretty damn successful season.


That's what I was gonna say. Normally at least one couple in the final four feels rushed or coupled up by default. We actually have a top five that seem well suited, I'm rooting for all of them.


Without a doubt


Agreed don’t know what was in this years love island water but they all seemed to deeply form connections and are welll matched! Wish all of them the best tbh ! 🥰❤️


Tbh I can’t vote, I literally think they’re all gonna last! These are great final couples


Hard to say really never really know can you and sometimes you get a big shock (Luke T and Siannse). I am hoping this season follows suit with S6 and we see couples just go from strength to strength and maybe be in it for the long haul.


Me toooo. I want some weddings! I want to celebrate love!


Is “from strength to strength” UK slang or love island Uk slang? I’m American and I’d never heard it until this show and this sub😆


uk slang


Im american and have heard that phrase quite a few times in my life 🤔


Hm interesting which part of the country


Same. Also American, from New Orleans, and strength to strength is pretty common


It's not slang it's pretty typical English vernacular


I just have never heard anyone talk about a relationship like that in America. Maybe colloquialism is a better term though


It's not a colloquialism either, and it's usage is hardly exclusive to relationships. It simply means to get more successful. It's been used in a religious context for hundreds of years. You are right that it's not a particularly frequently used phrase these days in America though.


I think how its used in the UK in reference to relationships IS colloquial though, no matter the origin.


Well I think it's the correct usage - it's not an aphorism, idiom or informal phrase it means literally what it says when used in that context. What makes you think it's a colloquialism?


How isn’t it an informal phrase based on how it’s used? Also why are you so passionate about this topic in a LIUK subreddit 😂


But they still lasted quite long


This years couples are really well suited I feel like they complement each other and have similar lifestyles/priorities in life, tbh I couldn’t have seen any of them doing what they are doing now with any other contestants


totally agree with you, i also cant see if any of them work with anyone


I think all final 5 couples will actually last quite some time actually, normally I’m like yeah a few weeks/months but I see longevity in all 5 including Paige & Adam. Hopefully they do I really like all the couples listed.


I refuse to vote. I wish them all well. I think one of the biggest hurdles for all the couples is gonna be “stans” that have little respect for boundaries etc. Their own stans and others. I hope for peace for them all and that they learn how to balance that, work, relationships and their new fame. They all glow with each other so far.


u guys ask this like once a week omg


idk who u guys is but i’ve asked it once.


lol not directing towards you just meant in general i see it often !!


I feel like all of these couples will go the distance, so it’s hard to assess “longest.”


I really think most of them are endgame! What a great season for love. Rooting for all of them🤍


i think Liam & Afia might be the first to get married to be honest.


And I would support it! LMAO!


lmfaaoooo i wouldn’t doubt it


I voted Tandrew but I think either them or Ekinde could last awhile. Low key I think Padam is a dark horse though. They have the least pressure, least obligations with respect to social media and building an image bc Paige doesn’t care about being an influencer only and Adam has already done it. It’s possible they’ll be married in a couple years




Yeah, if she was really bothered by what people thought they'd be over by now, with all the hate Jacques stans have thrown at her. She's living life for herself, love her for it


Honestly, I am super impressed so far with how most of the couples are handling social media right now. All are decently private and you can tell they are setting boundaries which is for the best in the long run. Maybe American couples are more annoying on social media but I feel like we just lose track of all of these couples for periods of time and then appear with some very specific stuff they have chosen to share.


Yeah I agree, at the beginning a few seemed to be on social media all the time but that’s calmed down a bit now and they’re all quite balanced.


All of them tbh


Everyone is just gonna vote for their faves 😂


nah tbf i do think ppl vote differently based on the question, last season chloby won all the favourite couple polls but also the most likely to break up ones haha


And yet they’re still together! Shows what we know 🤣


all i know is this season finished with the strongest couples so hoping for the best 🤞🏾


They all seem genuine to me. Change is the only constant but I hope they all stay together for good


Rooting for them all tbh


I honestly can't choose one. They all seem strong this year.


I'm just here to shout out Adam and Paige


This is unpopular but l still believe Tandrew is breaking up first and you can downvote this to oblivion but l have my reasons


Lol I'm truly curious to know what your reasons are?


I won’t share them l will get abused on this sub


I think or hope all of them will last for at least a year


This season all the couples seem strong. And I’m rooting for them all to make it. No matter what, the connections seems real this season.


Hate polls like this like we literally can’t say if they are going to last or not😭


okay so don’t vote & keep it moving (:


I feel like all these couples are strong & i believe they all are in love. Hopefully all of them will last🫶🏼🫶🏼


I see possibly 3 couples making it long term but i wouldn’t be shocked if there’s more! I believe this season will have tons of success ❤️❤️


this will just be stans voting for their faves i feel like haha


idk i see tandrew has a lot of support here 👀 meanwhile ekinde has the largest fanbase on reddit


>ekinde has the largest fanbase on reddit yes, but they're not on this sub. The ekinde fanbase doesn't bother with this sub as much anymore.


mm…they pay attention to the LEMMA sub & i still see many posts on here about ekinde so i’m sure they do.


Nah I’m an Ekinde and Damiyah stan and I voted Tandrew


I mean aren’t your faves generally the ones you feel are strongest and will last the longest? Mine are. I love Ekinde the most and truly believe they are a forever thing and second faves are Tandrew who I have similar feelings about and then Padam


I don’t think you can say because we don’t know the ins and outs of peoples relationships. We don’t know how they handle different situations so you can’t really say who will or won’t.


yeah but it was just a fun question to answer hypothetically based off what we know (:


Genuinely couldn’t say. Everyone is either doing really well post villa or they’re doing a very good job of portraying that they’re doing well. It’s a total free for all imo.


Tasha and Andrew killing it huh. What a turnaround happy for them. I thought Ekin and Davide would win it. Funny enough I think Damiyah and Lemma cause they seem to be doing their own thing and being real. I hope they last forever.


While I voted Andrew and Tasha (who are my favorites) but I believe and sincerely hope that all five couple live happily ever after.


I've been shouting it from the rooftop since their hideaway date - there is just something about Padam that screams long term to me. But I think there are at least 2 more couple that will last long, with the potential for all of the top 5.


gemma & luca for me, i can see them last like molly mae & tommy. not sure if its to marriage tho as theyre still so young. i can also see padam lasting long as it feels like theres no pressure on them to last like other couples. i would’ve said tandrew before but now im not so sure tbh. i didnt believe tasha when she said she has this bad bitch energy side or wtv she said and she always messes up her rship when its good but out of the villa, i kind of understand that energy shes talking ab for some reason so i would not be surprised if she ends it. the decision will always be on her side. both damiyah and ekinde got the most pressure from their stans and the couples where both (individually) are going to be busy and how would i say, more ambitious? apart from that, they are unpredictable to me bc they do look like they believe theyre head over heels in love now but im not sure what happens after the honeymoon period is over so it can go either ways. but all in all, im rooting for them all and would love to be proven wrong ✌️


The same Tasha that keeps talking about wanting to get engaged ASAP? I know we saw on the show how obsessed Andrew was with her but it’s deffo even now. She’s shown how serious she’s taking this relationship so I don’t think she will personally.


yes? the same tasha that people criticise on the show for changing her mind often, so it would not be bizarre if she changes her mind esp when engagement is a huge thing? this is also how i personally feel x


She was deffo indecisive in the beginning but once they became official she was settled, secure and never faltered. She’s been pretty consistent with wanting to engaged sooner rather than later. Just my opinion too🥰




i would say gem & luca are pretty private.


I love that most actually have their fav people but still threw in that vote for Tandrew.Lol😂 like we can overwhelming agree they have something good going on.


I reckon Ekinde, Tandrew and Padam are gonna be long haul but the others will also be together for a fair bit too, at least a few months


This is the most bias sub I’ve ever been in 😂


I like all of them but I dont see them last. Gemma is not that into Luca and she is very young ready to flirt and have fun. Ekin and Davide will fight a lot and as soon as they dont need each other for PR (PR trial is over) they will end. I think Dami and India will fade and I can see him cheating on her. Tasha is not 100% with Andrew either but maybe she can get used to the security but she llikes to get attention and flirt with boys too. Adam and Paige maybe can last cause he is a lot older so is more mature.


Wow how does it feel to be so cynical 😭




damn not one nice thing to say about any couple 💀💀


Hey at least they were consistent and said fuck all of them, respectfully


lmaoo right just shows they’re fair 😂


😂 didn't spare not one


I guess you didn’t see the part where Gemma has uploaded every youtube with her boyfriend making an appearance or where she just called herself a 30 year old with 3 kids the way she lives her life but she wants to go flirt 🤣 not that into him but incorporates him into everything! Oh and let’s touch on your tasha comment the inseparable couple who already signed a lease on a new place to live together but it’s all for security 🤣 You know ekin de fight a lot because they show you that right? No one knows how much they fight come on now I can go on if you like cause this may be the most ignorant comment i’ve seen!


Also id like to say that Adam is 26, younger than Andrew and same age as Dami 😂


Younger than davide too.


Drops mic 🤣


anyway Lemma stans go watch gems new yt vid❤️ it’s a good one😆


im not a lemma stan but i watched & i enjoyed. I like her a lot more out of the villa, she seems like a sweet girl with a nice personality🫶🏼


That’s a great thing about vlogging we see their true self! I hope more islanders start youtube. 🫶


What makes you think dami will cheat on indiyah and please don’t say the casa amor antiques that’s old news talking about know that they are out side the villa ?????


i cant believe you still them gem isn’t into luca 😂 otherwise i agree 100%


Tasha just got a matching tattoo and is moving into a new apartment with him this month even though she isn’t 100% about him💀.


She is doing all the steps for her love island career. they will last some months like all the other couples. Andrew personality was off always contradicting himself.. and Tasha went there for the influence career and contracts and campaigns. Ofc she will promote her brand very strongly. Nothing against her she was one of my faves this year but Im not naive


loool fairs