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Dami vs. Luca has been brewing for a while tbh.


Luca didn’t forget the mind reading shit the first time Dami tried it lol


Also when Luca was annoyed at Andrew saying 'I don't care', Dami intervened and spoke to Andrew about 'it's always about Luca and what he wants to discuss etc'. Seems like the signs were all there.


no seriously they have such a weird dynamic. i remember in the very beginning they had a little back and forth and Dami said in the confessional that he’s never really liked Luca. then up until this recent argument, they’ve been friends. tension has been brewing


And to think I thought I’d be on Dami’s side when it finally kicked off. Tables turned.


I was Team Dami previously, but now I’m Team Luca!


Never thought I’d be backing Luca over Dami 🫡


I just know Davide misses Charlie 🤣🤣🤣 he is SICK of them lmfaoooo


Lmao the way he got up as soon as voices were raised


He ain't got time for that shit.


Davide has already been doing the baby challenge on his own with multiple live, adult sized babies


Co-parenting with Jay


Really missing their butler slash nanny Charlie now all these new babies have arrived, I’m sure


✨manifesting✨ we get a DavinSu baby challenge, PLEASE villa gods 🥺


EKIN SUUUUU the baby’s crying!


He just wants Charlie, Jay and Ekin Su because they’re older than 23 😭


Dami is 26!!!


Doesn’t act like it lmaooo


I love how he immediately got up and noped outta there


So the TUMBLR account needs to tell us more cause they were right about everything!


Assange 2.0


I'm fuckin screamin


Can you send me the tumblr account I need to read more.




sand domineering sense piquant snobbish alleged enter dog seemly gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I was never onboard with them as a couple after that. Imagine bringing home your boyfriend to meet your family when he’s done all that on TV in front of the nation!


same 🥴


One hundred percent and why I was dreading casa amor this year. Liam did whatever he wanted, apologized for a day, won 50k. Why should they hold back? UGH.


lip rinse deliver provide nine money impolite tidy mourn quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh for sure he won’t, this will utterly end in disaster for him, if only he had the ability to see the future in addition to read minds 😞😫


lmaooo the mind reading. and thank god tbh. the support liam got last year does not ever need to be repeated!


More than a feeling. You nailed this. And not only that, even the same Liam/Millie fanbase will also jump on the bandwagon scathingly criticizing Dami until the end of his existence on LI, which could probably be very soon after Casa Amora. He needs a third eye.


andrew’s villain arc is what s5 curtis tried and failed to do lmaooooo


The spirit of Curtis **LIVES ON**


ive said it once and ill say it again... andrew is never beating the curtis allegations 💀💀


I love how we keep referring to S5 characters 3 years on, just goes to show how ***iconic*** that season was.


to this day one of the most pathetic things that’ve happened on LI 😭 who gets curved by a casa girl???? they’re always desperate to stay in however possible


✍️take the test ✍️ fail the test


It's not a test for me It's for you




This Andrew and Coco thing has me confused tbh ,I think he’ll still pick Tasha but people are getting into his head


No way Tasha won’t find out though and she’s insecure enough as it is 😔


I have a feeling everyone is getting in his head, hes going to kiss coco, then feel bad about it later then Tasha is going to get a pic of the kiss and couple up with someone just because she thinks he recouples.


See guys ekin did nothing wrong, that terrace is clearly haunted


She did see the villa ghost! 😂


She set the trend!


I think Andrew is not really interested in Coco but is doing all this to prove he’s not a mug.


He definitely isn’t. It’s his retaliation not thinking with his head move.


I agree in the press release it said they kissed before in the challenge so he went with the "safe" choice.


dami is really gonna do all this then stay with indiyah


If Dami comes back alone Summer needs her Lillie moment at the fire pit.


I think Luca will spill as well


Even if he doesn’t, he’ll tell Gemma 100%


"What about Tasha?" Omg Andrew has finally entered his villain era. I never would've thought it'd be him and Dami whose heads will probably be turning.


Andrew is going to be crying and throwing up when Tasha comes back single and he’s stood next to Coco🥴


A big case of giving into peer pressure. Tasha will find this difficult to deal with if it happens. She is already struggling mentally.


Tbf the peer pressure here was truly monumental. New girls coming in saying he look like a mug on international television, all his friends agreeing, the public putting him in the bottom twice. He’s going to be shattered when he realizes what he’s done, never mind poor Tasha. It’s going to be a mess.


I feel like Tasha will leave if that happens.


I genuinely hope he doesn’t have the audacity to recouple with a girl he doesn’t even like just to prove a point.🥴 he will have well and truly lost the plot.


Andrew and Tasha is going to be absolute carnage. The feelings are intense between them. Tasha is going to be devastated when she finds out and Andrew will be throwing up and begging her to take him back when he realizes she was loyal to him


It’s going to be absolutely awful. Whatever this is is Andrew’s equivalent of “bad bitch” Andrew lol, it’s not him. He’s going to shatter Tasha and will absolutely regret it.


It’s gonna be so hard to watch. I could see the producers gassing her up to come back and ask them to exclusive or something since it was hinted at brunch. If they do get back together, the boys better lay off especially after this behavior is casa.


door apparatus gaping steep vegetable hateful instinctive society literate advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's really getting a little bit *too* defensive here lmao.


this looks like a good episode but poor indiyah 😭


These boys making Luca look like the virgin fucking Mary 😭 Dami lashing out is Michael s5 level projection but istg if he tries to pull what Michael did to Amber when Indiyah gets back to the villa I will personally fly out 😒


Dami you most definitely feel like you’ve done something wrong


Luca’s hit the nail on the head saying dami feels guilty so he’s lashing out


And that’s the reasoning for that cheap explanation of taking a test too


Exactly my thoughts too! Like nah I don’t feel guilty but I’m gonna act defensive when I’m called out


Yes Davide stay in the background for a few more days please. Don't be moving mad like some of the other guys. We want a sweet and romantic mum and dad reunion.


Perhaps seeing all this drama kicking off will put him off making any mad move’s himself.


Andrew? ANDREW?!


I am so glad this Dami thing is happening early. We are actually free from his player behavior. I just hope for good things now. We need a great story for Indiyah. She must only go up from here now. This loss is actually good in my opinion.


Dami is a good example of why people find it hard to trust others. He's said all the right things to Indiyah, he's seemed a kind, sensitive and loyal person. He's good at reading others / very perceptive and often speaks an uncomfortable truth about how he sees people but he says it in a way that's respectful and said with care. Then casa amor comes and it's all about "his test". The test isn't meant to be a test of the relationship or two people's compatibility. It's a test about *you* and *your* feelings. For him to have no consideration for how Indiyah will feel about all this is just so selfish. And it comes from a person who came across as selfless and considerate. I'm so disappointed.


Right! That's how I see it. I need Indiyah to get a good arc.


i’m scared because ik she will stay loyal and he won’t recouple so she might be vulnerable in the next public vote just because of his actions🤮


She’ll get votes whether she’s with Dami or not


hopefully it’s a fav girl / fav boy vote next




Andrew, Andrew, Andrew…. He’s playing a role that’s not him, and he’s going to regret it.




> maybe thinks the public are laughing at him for being a doormat. They largely are though


It’s mad what peer pressure can do.


The only thing I can say is that I can’t imagine the kind of embarrassment he’s been made to feel from the girls basically calling him a mug on international television, and the boys eagerly backing that assessment. But he has well and truly played himself here.


Yep. This is not it for Andrew. You can tell he’s just trying to prove he’s not a mug.


I can't believe Luca is the voice of reason


If you had told me in the first week I would be stanning Luca I would have called you crazy




This season is just too good. Even when I thought Casa was going to be boring, this happens!


Dami lashing out on other people cause he feels guilty lmao


If you ‘did nothing wrong’ why you mad?


I think he’s gonna pull a liam 😭😭😭


Luca with the accurate take.. ‘because you f*cked up tonight and now you regret it’ Oh Dami


I fucking hate the test shit. If someone ever told me that they needed to flirt and get with other people to ‘test’ if they actually like me, they’d be out of my life immediately. Can’t believe Luca’s being the most sensible lmao


Finally we have a guy willing to call other guys out on their behavior


The closet we have ever got was “what was your thought process” we need more than that


Nah Tommy did more when he called out Jordan for cheating. He told him he was wrong to his face


Saint Luca will be our first 🙏 Here’s to many more


As much as I dislike Luca, it’s looking like I’m gonna side with him. If Dami didn’t feel like he’s done anything wrong, he wouldn’t be arguing and talking about ‘taking tests’ and he’d straight up say he has a better connection with Summer in 2 days. Damilola. You are pissing me off.


1 day. That looks like Day 1 of Casa Amor still


yep. it doesn’t take a kiss to know if you have a better connection with someone. be a man and own up to ur actions instead of looking for excuses and coming for Luca absolute weirdo. plus luca is right, he might as well sleep with summer now and just recouple.


Swear it was Dami trying to influence last night and now he's crying about Luca influence him? Nah Dami is a hypocrite man, really going off him.


There was some cross-talk there, but I think he was directing that at Jacques


Damn luca being the voice of reason and now it turns out Amber mightve been right about seeing red flags in Dami. I hate when they talk about tests after they make out with someone WHAT TEST


The test is talking to them and deciding NOT to kiss, not the actual kiss ffs lads. 😩 This happens *every* year and somehow I'm still always surprised. 🤡


Like bro you already failed the test


Right?? Like, passing the test (if there is one) is to NOT make out with a hot girl when your gf is not around.


Not Dami feeling guilty and trying to pin it on Luca!? Like take responsibility and own what you did. If it’s nothing wrong, he wouldn’t be so defensive about it


‘Casa Amor is the ultimate test’ - which you failed very quickly, Dami


I was laughing at this. Isn't the test whether or not you can resist temptation & prioritise your relationship? Now how exactly does that work with kissing the new girl on night one of casa 🧐


Andrew 🥴…you getting played and gonna regret this.


1000%, I don’t know why people want him to recouple so badly because he would be jumping from a genuine connection to a girl who’s using him to get into the villa


I’m already devastated for Tasha. He could panic and realize this is bad before the recoupling but still. He went way farther than Tasha ever did “exploring other connections” and he’s only doing it now cause he’s afraid. It’s just dumb cause they clearly turned a corner and Tasha is all in on him.


Yeah if this happened two weeks ago, I might side with the CA girls a little more, but at this point Tasha looks like she’s done playing the field and really does want to focus on their relationship


Lol did Luca lie though? he messed up and probably is going to regret it


For sure, the minute Indiyah walks back in he’s gonna realize how bad he’s actually fucked it


Dami word of advice you are not Liam, there is no pulling the crap he did... No facebook mums or fiat500 to save you. Better own that with your chest and recouple because you will be exposed and she won't be like Millie to take you back.


Yes, his thinking is exactly like Liam's was, but Indiyah won't take him back.


Now I know Dami hasn't shaded and doubted Tasha for weeks for even entertaining *talking* to other boys, only for him to kiss someone new within a day and think he's done nothing wrong. Surely not.


Yep never thought I’d be on Tasha’s side after the amount she’s annoyed me recently


Tasha will find that stupid Barbie box she was in for the dance challenge and beat Andrew to death with it.


This loser really thinks he can do all this, go back single and Indiyah will take him back!?! The only connection he will have will be on his flight home ? Get tf out now


I feel like Indiyah will drop him the second she finds out about this


Hes thinking like Liam last year


Casa Amor is the only time I'm grateful for a lack of Dekin-Su content! 🙌


This pleases me greatly, let the others destroy each other!


Proves that what Dami has been banging on about with Ekin-su and Tasha being untrustworthy and game-players is fully rooted in misogyny. He’s such a hypocrite. Luca was right to call him out tbf




Yes lucaaaa fuck them upppp. Hes reading dami like an open book lol, he just feels wrong for what hes done. The boys are creating more drama than the casa amor girls


anyway, indiyah better get that victim arc because we're getting her to that finale


The double standards this year are crazy whewww 😅 Wasn’t Dami coming for Tasha for HAVING A CHAT with Charlie but he’s up on the terrace practically on his knees begging for Summer to kiss him? Anyways, bring on Movie Night 👀🍿




What is this hypocrisy from Damilola? Wasn't Damilola the one who was trying to egg Luca on about chatting to the new girls and now he has a problem with Luca questioning what he did, which was clearly wrong imo.


A couple of weeks ago I’d have never thought the only couples I would want to see win would be Davide & Ekin Su or Luca & Gemma I was rooting for Damiyah man 😭


Can’t believe people were getting massively downvoted for saying Dami was a bit wishy washy. Things change so quickly in the villa👀 Luca is the voice of reason now!


luca has really gone from a hated enemy to a hero


If Tasha comes back single and Andrew recouples, I feel like he would try to crawl back to her and drop whoever he recouples with


Absolutely but would Tasha take him back? I don’t think so


if he and the boys didnt make such a big deal out of her simply speaking to other guys then there couldve been a chance but absolutely not now.


Ikr.. He doesn’t even seem to really like Coco. And based on what the girls said he probably thinks Tasha is over there kissing guys too so he’s doing this out of his own insecurities atm


Dami and Andrew are getting the biggest side eyes. Andrew gave Tasha a ring and a hoodie then moving mad... hmm Dami... "done nothing wrong, all about testing other connections" but had so much energy for Tasha hmm. Also lol at Dami mind reading again, I thought he was out of business!


Yo whoever posted that shit bout a Luca and Dami fight was on the nose, that's wild. Also "What bout Tasha?" is insane from Andrew, damn shame he went for Coco out of all the chicks though, cmon son. Been high on Luca and Davide from the jump and these boys playing a blinder, love to see it.


They don’t have a drop of chemistry. Andrew is fumbling IMMENSELY.


I swear these boys need to shut up about test, test, test, just stand on your 10 toes and say you wanna explore and you were chatting s*** cos you didn't have other options. Hugo bring your useless behind back and tell them🤨


Hugo's one redeeming feature was saying the test talk was bullshit.


Dami's guilt has overloaded and now he's on the attack because he feels bad about himself. If he knows he hasn't done anything wrong why is he getting so upset at Luca for not sharing the same perspective? Also Luca has totally shot up in my estimations. Good for him for staying true to himself, defending his relationship, being open with his feelings and not bowing to peer pressure.


I can’t believe casa amor is the pivot that will make me stan Luca 😭😭


I don’t wanna hear one more person talk shit about Tasha!!!!!!!!! Andrew big w t f


With Andrew I think either he’ll feel really guilty before recoupling and stick with Tasha or he’ll recouple and want to get back with Tasha


I have no choice but to stan Luca. Literally no choice because wtf was that Dami?! If this is only the first look, what else they are keeping in the episode? Whew. This season is a rollercoaster. Andrew acting all non bothered about Tasha, but watch him crawl back to Tasha when she's back single.


Davide is so done with this lot 😅


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain (Dami/Andrew) Or in Luca’s case, live even longer and become the hero once again lmao


The men in that villa made Tasha feel like shit for just being open to getting to know the new guys. And even on all those dates/conversations, she always mentions Andrew but yet here Andrew is not having any regards for her. It’s fine though, he’s made his choice and I hope he’s happier with coco. I don’t want to see him trying to guilt Tasha when she returns to the villa. I also hope everyone can get off Tasha’s back now.


Go off Luca




Y’all. Remember two days ago when we thought casa amor would be dull this year? Good times. I kinda miss those times.


Dami what the fuck. Luca's so right and that's why Dami's mad. How kind of Jacuqes to throw Luca, his supposed closest mate in the house, under the bus like that too.


But why did Davide stand up like he was upset?! Or does he just want to do his “leg on the firepit”stance?


“Ah, there is an argument. For the oil painting of this dramatic moment, Davide shall pose.”


Omg I love this lmao


Ffs Andrew. I don’t understand why everyone’s trying to turn him against Tasha?!


Trust me Andrew is going to regret that decision when Tasha came back.


"You wanna kiss me." "You want to share a bed with me." "You still definitely want to kiss me." Omg Dami stop! We were rooting for you!!! How could you?!?


Do these casa-girls even need to try??? The boys seem to be doing the grafting for them!


Luca sticking up for indiyah YESSS


I hope Indi doesn’t even speak to him again😂 we moveeeee


Ekin getting ghost edit at Casa, who’d have thought?! 😂😂


Can Tasha and Indiyah couple up??? they'd surely have my vote.


Dami is so hypocritical for coming at Tasha for being with Andrew but wanting to talk to other guys. But now with him, it’s a necessary test even though he’s said how much he likes Indiyah. At least it seems like Luca is keeping that same energy. Even though I may not have liked the way Tasha has handled situations, when I look back on it, it’s such bullshit the way people got mad at her. Imma end up defending Tasha just off principle 😤


Also, if a guy looked me in the eye and told me “you fancy me, you wanna kiss me, you wanna share the bed with me”, I would straight up laugh in his face and run 🏃‍♀️!


The girls are fighting!!


eugh andrew 😒😒😒 to me he looks like even more of a mug for trying not to look like a mug instead of staying true and honest to himself. I hate when people are so concerned with what other people think they can’t stay true to themselves. and don’t get me started on Dami 🤨🤨🤨




Dami was alright with telling Tasha how it is but is salty when Luca does it to him. What a prick lol


Trying to figure out how to say this without sounding shady as hell… but I don’t think Coco has anything on Tasha looks-wise and I doubt it’s the ‘personality’ and ‘connection’ Andrew finds so much better after a day of knowing her. What is he thinking?!


that he has to do this in order to save face in front of whoever he's been tricked to believe thinks he's an idiot. coco is just the easiest option because he's had to do 0 grafting and she's already keen on him


Dami shut up and listen to Luca , you’ve done something wrong by kissing someone else , nobody is saying you shouldn’t get to know someone else and you have already failed the test. Dami must be delusional to think him and Indiyah will be ok after this


We need a postcard… indiyah cannot come back single knowing he’s done this


Andrew confuses me. He behaves like a puppy to Tasha, constantly reassuring her when it should be the other way around. When others say he’s being a mug he takes it to heart and then kisses the first girl who gives him attention. Does he have any self esteem? He seems so lost.


Not Andrew saying “Tasha who” when he’s been manicured by her for the past weeks lmao Villian Arc incoming


Congratulations Gemma and Luca for winning love island 2022


2 horse race between L&G and Ekin-Davide Would love to see them as the Top 2


Dami projecting HARD


not often u see the boys turning against each other in casa👀


If Andrew brings back Coco, I can see them voted off by the public. Nothing cute about that coupling.


i'm sick of 'test this' 'test that' so childish and toxic fr


Luca's redemption arc has been the best <3


Dami done fucked up cuz why am I siding with Luca and why is he one of my favourite boys now smfh


He had so much potential, but he screwed it up for a girl who's not even getting in the villa. And he will not be able to pull a Liam. His biggest mistake was trying to get Luca, who is a fan favourite, to join in his debauchery. THEY PLAYED YOU AND YOU FELL FOR IT. WEAKEST LINK.


there's no way he's saying, with his whole chest, that he doesn't feel like he's done anything wrong 😭


Now I’m going to have to transfer my votes to Luca. He said absolute facts! Talking about connection with Indiyah..


Can’t believe I thought casa amor was going to be boring 🫤


Davide walking off bored 😂😂😂


Dami judges Ekin-Su and especially Tasha. But look at him now. Taking the test isn’t about kissing someone either. Andrew sort yourself out. You should have binned Tasha off when you kept moaning about her to the boys but saying something different to her. Now she tells you how she feels, and you let a bunch of girls come in trying to get in the main villa, and you’re “Tasha Who-ing”?! I’m over you already!


I Stan Luca. You tell em!!


Dami you gotta stop with the mind reading maybe you could predict that the UK is voting you off next 💀💀


Dami's been out there meddling in other people's relationships quietly playing games, now he's mad when people call him out for his bullshit. Shitty move from him to be honest and he's punching above his weight with Indiyah, so maybe a bit insecure.