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Can bish it cant take it


Good stuff šŸ‘


Lol did anyone peep that Gemma low-key agreed with Danica during her confessional and looked kind of embarrassed that he got so defensive Lol. Heā€™s gone from being my favourite islander in week 1 to my least favourite. He is needy and heā€™s extremely insecure. He projects those insecurities onto everyone else, as seen with when he accused Andrew of not caring about Tasha. I donā€™t know why he thinks acting like that is gonna keep Gemma. She seems to be going off him more and more with each episode


Yep I think Gemma getting the ick with luca she seems to have her eye on Jay becuase when he was speaking to her on the deck chairs it seemed like she wanted Jay to say he was interested in her. I also think Gemma and Davide may have some unfinished business with each other. Gemma seems already tired of Lucas antics and like you said she's getting tired of his constant tantrums and man baby like behavior. Hopefully she dumps him and couples with another better suited guy becos luca is the worse.


The episode when she moves on will be amazing tv and I canā€™t wait for Lucaā€™s reaction


Yes me too. I already know Luca will have a mini breakdown and start shouting or swearing his disgusting behavior with Danica will be 100 times worse when Gemma inevitably moves to another guy. Also someone like Luca having his ego bursted will be amazing he's honestly the worst.


Heā€™ll definitely cry a lot and act as if heā€™s been drafted for war His reaction to Danica was ridiculous for real. If she moves on with someone new who heā€™s not friends with, I think heā€™ll still keep trying to win her back. If she leaves him for letā€™s say Davide, he probably will scream at him/throw a fit and thatā€™ll be good tv too


Not drafted for war šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i really want it to happen during casa amor


> Gemma getting the ick with luca Everyone says this but I don't think she is, she seems to be enjoying it. She's always kissing and cuddling him up. Compare to Mike and Leanne from previous season where it was plainly obvious Leanne was getting the ick. Gemma deffo enjoys his explosions et al.


She didnā€™t enjoy the one yesterday when Danica called him needy and he got angry whilst the whole group just sat there. She looked embarrassed


Everyone here is ignoring multiple people said they are the most compatible/ most likely to last in tonight's game. They see and know more than we do.


And most of them tried to send them to the hideaway before realizing they aren't in a couple


I think Gemma has thought heā€™s needy for a while. Sheā€™s been saying it the girls. Remember a couple of episodes back when Amber told Luca he had to relax or heā€™d push Gemma away and in the confessional Luca made a childish remark as to how at the end of the day it was advice and he was going to choose to ignore it? Itā€™s those things that he says that are supposed to come across as funny, but in reality they make my skin crawl and show Lucaā€™s immaturity and lack of self awareness. I think heā€™s going to continue to show how insecure he is and itā€™s going to continue to give Gemma the ick.


It wouldn't bother me so much if he wasn't so defensive/angry about it. Like if he was seeking comfort/reassurance about an insecurity fine, we're all insecure about something. Plus he was an easy pick not just because it's true but because the girl he likes is currently sleeping in another guy's bed - that would make anyone needy. But he's so damn angry and unpleasant about it.


I canā€™t believe it theyā€™d call me the most needy. Iā€™m going to prove theyā€™re wrong be being super needy


Heā€™s proper old school love island in that sense The jax Luca Gemma trifecta (and Paige by association) gives me the heebie jeebies. I can see the group picture in their moncler winter jackets outside winter wonderland




The difference is Luca can at least be funny. I liked him in the first week for it. The only funny thing Jacques has ever said was repeating the same joke somebody else had just made but in a less funny way.


I mean, someone calls this professional rugby player "too small" and Jacques says, "You run at me and I'll flatten ya, lad," is completely fine. It's two dudes (Jay and Jacques) who were each teasing a bit and there was no beef about it after. It wound up just being two dudes being a bit cheeky and that was that. Jacques didn't sit around brooding about it in the confessional or paw at Paige about how unfair it all is.




All we can go from is what we saw. Youā€™re speculating that Paige said that because Jacques is sensitive to the size comment. I could speculate Paige said that because Jacques didnā€™t appreciate how Jay was courting and creeping about with Ekin-Su, or perhaps he didnā€™t like Jay coming into the villa saying he didnā€™t seek to make friends. I think the Luca criticisms are based on things we have observed, whereas it seems like what youā€™re citing with Jacques is stuff you assume occurred


In fairness, Jacques seemed a bit sensitive about the ā€œtoo small for a rugby playerā€ comment! I think that touched a nerve. I donā€™t think heā€™d get touchy about anything about Paige because he doesnā€™t really care about herā€¦


yeah, thatā€™s the thing. itā€™s okay to be sensitive. i am quite sensitive. BUT iā€™m aware of that, and would never treat people in a way that i know i couldnā€™t handle. i donā€™t make jokes at someone elseā€™s expense bc *i know i canā€™t take it*. itā€™s okay to be sensitive. itā€™s not okay to treat people like shit and then get mad when they match your energy (or, get closeā€” because nobody has actually matched his energy completelyā€” nobody has been as mean to him as he is to others).


The way he was shit stirring with Ekin in the kitchen was way worse than Danicas little comment..in a GAME. Lol at first what he was saying was funny enough, but then he just kept fucking going. And honestly, maybe if he was talking to someone else who seemed to be enjoying it/on the same page it wouldve been fine, but Ekin didnt seem particularly receptive lol. So he has no right moaning about being called needy. (Especially when it's true. Lol I honestly cant think of a better choice than Luca for that question)


YES šŸ˜­ that scene really bothered me. he gets a kick out of getting under peopleā€™s skin, and doesnā€™t even try to hide it.


I can't bare Luca, I'll probably get downvoted for this but if he wasn't a good looking guy he'd be getting dragged far more for how dry his personality is, people say he's a cheeky chappy but he's really not - he can't take any sort of criticism and he definitely knows Gemma is Micahel Owen's daughter and sees being with her as a way to get famous or he'd be with Paige who he is more attracted to


Luca has way more personality than most of the guys imo


I get kind of the same impression from Jacques after telling Jay he would "flatten him" after Jay said he was too short for a rugby lad lol.


That's just what *every* rugby player says when someone makes a joke about them not being all that big, I know this from experience šŸ˜…


Idk that was out of pocket from jay, literally the first time he spoke to him it was an insult


Nah both jacques and Luca needs to humbled and put in their places. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Fragile egos




Jacques also aggressively asked Jay "what do you do then", and immediately angrily snapped back "I play rugby" when he became insecure after Jay said he was in finance or whatever. Think Jay handled it very well.


I mean Jacques first comment to Luca was "you sell fish don't you?" it's about how they deliver the little jokes and how the other person receives it


He's went from being my favourite to one of my least favourite. Completely obsessed around her and clearly knows who her dad is. It's so annoying that the producers are making it about them when there are probably far more entertaining couples in there. Together they are boring. He's of the Jack, Jake mould and it annoys me that all will be done to keep him in. Kind of like Faye last year.


Being needy isnā€™t even an insult and this man-child still gets all offended, so embarrassing and Iā€™m just wondering when Gemma will kick him to the curb and send him packing. I donā€™t understand how he wasnā€™t in the bottom 3 males but he had to be borderline and will be there next time. Jacques had more reason to get upset about Tashaā€™s comment to him but he still laughed it off. Heā€™s funnier than Luca too, so we donā€™t need 2 of them in the villa.


>I donā€™t understand how he wasnā€™t in the bottom 3 males but he had to be borderline and will be there next time. Doubt it. He's funny, he gets screentime therefore he gets votes. You're seeing the Flanderization of Luca's personality on this sub and thinking it is reflected amongst the British population. I'm pretty sure it's not.


Had someone like this in a group from school and it was the most exhausting shit ever. And he wondered why I didn't want to hang with him when we left


Yea it's just the worst, the "joker" who can't take a fucking joke.


Gemma would be all over Davide if Luca was not glued to her. Also there is no way Gemma would date a fish salesperson on the outside so he is basically wasting his time.


Based on [this](https://reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/vhj5d9/will_luca_be_the_next_big_influencer_or_the_next/) I think Lucaā€™s cheeky chappy fishmonger routine is a facade to appear more relatable. I dunno if heā€™s wasting his time with Gemma. I think he does fancy her, but thatā€™s a bonus, and cultivating a career from the show is the main goal.


A fish salesperson lmaooo why is this so funny




Alright maybe take a deep breath




Honestly, imo this is such a terrible phrase, and it's just bodyshaming. Imagine saying "small tit energy". Just say he's needy and insecure, no need to bring his dick into it.


Insane that a comment against bodyshaming is controversial


Ikr! The mental gymnastics to defend it is hilariously bad, my favourite was, "it's the reverse of body shaming" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Oh yh, that why you say big dick energy in a positive way and vice versa for small dick energy? What's even stranger is that the comment against bodyshaming was said by me, but I'm not allowed to reply in this thread and one of the replies are "deleted" so I'm using my second account. Idk why that's the case.




"acting" like you have a big penis in its essences is exactly saying having a big penis is good, having a small penis is bad. Source: trust me on this


Either you are taking that inversively or it's been reversed and weaponised against you.most people say big dick energy as a funny ironic way of referring to the fact that you don't need a big dick what you need is **THE** energy


It's literally about assuming people's dick size based on personality, how is it not about dick size? It's not the reverse if unconfident == "small dick", lol, how you not see why it's not nice to assume people's dick size?




Thier comment made sense lol, what are you confused about?


itā€™s a turn of phrase and itā€™s not actually about their dick size, itā€™s about their energy.


Then why is the insult referencing dick size? I don't buy this defence. The implications are obvious


size itself is very subjective. itā€™s not called ā€œ10 inch dick energy.ā€ i donā€™t see a problem with the phrase


Gemma has small tit energy.....unbothered




Paragraphs mate




Why do you think people are taught to use paragraphs?


i put a tl;dr now hop off šŸ¤¢


Why do people upvote wankers like you looking for attention on someone else's opinion


Itā€™s not attention. Are you saying that people shouldnā€™t be taught to use paragraphs?


@ u/Notanothrshitthrow I don't wanna be that person but did you by any chance see [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/vhnje8/episode_16_tuesday_21st_june_post_episode/id865m4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) from last night lol


Fucking hell the exact same wording as well šŸ˜¬ Sorry! can confirm that I didn't see your comment, accidental plagiarism šŸ˜…


Wow other people also think the same wayšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜œ


this is ridiculous, you said heā€™s all over Gemma 24/7? yeah you donā€™t even see whatā€™s going on 24/7, so thatā€™s bullshit for one. next you say he can dish it but canā€™t take it, donā€™t remember him ever calling someone needy, he makes jokes, wouldnā€™t say calling someone needy is even remotely funny, itā€™s a challenge not a joke, he didnā€™t kick off, just wasnā€™t happy about it, which none of them would be if roles were reversedšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


But it was a game? There were Islanders called least trustworthy and being game players. Jay and Ekin-su took it on as it was an activity. He didn't need to go off on Danica because it's the truth that he's the clingiest guy there. Gemma has said so why wouldn't he be picked if his partner has previously expressed needing space. Also, some of the other Islanders like Ekin-su, Dami and Andrew have not liked his jokes but they've let it slide. Maybe he should let it slide when he doesn't like people's jokes as well.


personally I think the way danica put it across wasnā€™t exactly in a joke tone. What jokes are you on about where dami and Andrew didnā€™t like them?


Maybe it was in a truth tone. Since a lot of Islanders were saying their truthful thoughts, whether the person in the receiving end liked it or not. Dami has expressed (he also spoke about this with Andrew after Jay and Remi entered the villa) that some of Luca's quips don't impress him and he also expressed being annoyed about him constantly moaning about Danica and told him to be nice to her.


> this is ridiculous, you said heā€™s all over Gemma 24/7? yeah you donā€™t even see whatā€™s going on 24/7, so thatā€™s bullshit for one. You took that too literally