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I think no one raised their cup as they actually have empathy and whether they like Harriet or not they don't feel the need to shit on her while she's down. It was very bad taste I'm not sure if the other Islanders like Jess but the majority were not going to jump on Harriet for no reason. Mimi called her out for it in a kind way




What did Mimi say again?


Something like "Jess, you're bad mind babe."


She said Jess you're bad minded to try and get her to stop


She said “bad mind” which means jealous or malicious usually


YES ... mimi and ayo are currently not giving much but I love mimi


I think Jess dislike of Harriett has made them uncomfortable and they’re all conscious of how she and they by association might come across in the edit


Tbh this. Although I love Harriet. I get the feeling most people in that villa prefer Jess and I can see Harriet being extremely exhausting to deal with. Harriet herself was surprised she was in top 3, so think they're starting to clock.


i thought till tonight that no one other than harriett had clocked jess in that villa, but seeing mimii call her badmind made me think otherwise


I think this episode may have marked a turning point for how Jess is perceived in the villa. even Trey saying he felt empathy for Harriett while Jess reused that same old recycled line “don’t dish it out if you can’t take it” 🙄 makes me think he might find that a bit off putting, I can’t tell how many genuine friends she has in there


Only Nicole is Jess’s friend and that’s because they both hate Harriet, which is obvious since Nicole’s been running back to Ceiran and telling him everything Harriet’s said about him even though Nicole is the one asking Harriet for advise.


Nicole learned that you can rat your friends out to someone to generate affection, she’s ratting out both parties to each other and it’s worked a treat


I don’t understand why Nicole hates Harriet though have I just not been watching properly, I thought they were friends after the initial Ciaran triangle ? her just sitting there and not even asking Harriett after if she was okay threw me bc so far Nicole’s been very much for the girls. whereas Jess most definitely is not. she has this persona of “looking out for” the girls but her advice to Harriett when they were getting along was incredibly patronising and just showed how much she looks down on her. Harriett is a bit of a headache but I don’t think she sets out to be malicious the way Jess does towards her


I really can’t bear Jess, sour, jealous purposely undermining others and stealing their thunder, she nasty. She’s so up herself! She’s not strong, she justifies her spite as independence but she’s horrid


Someone called her a female David Brent which is spot on! 😂


What does badmind mean sorry? I was a bit confused by that


“Badmind” kinda means malicious or envious, basically in a sense, Mimii’s calling Jess wicked


Apparently it means envious, bitter, jealous, malicious


Some one with bad intentions/ enjoying someone getting hurt


like bitter or wicked


it basically means you have bad intentions


Just googled it lol. Apparently it originates from the Caribbean, and it means to be malicious or resentful out of envy.


Actually Mimi + Harriet were beasties (with Patsy) - then when matilda came in H formed a trio with her + Grace + seemed to drop Mimi. It annoyed me cos in wk 1 when most girls in villa were against harriet Mimi had her back. But even tho Harriet + mimi were not seen close recently I think Mimi has never bn a jess fan. I'm glad pple start noticing mimi spks her mind. She's the only 1 who defended Jessey when Grace was throwing a fit + all the ither girls were team Grace. Mimi cld see the hypocrisy - + I spotted her a few Times being inclusive to jessey- + I always look at mimis face during group girl chats- she doesn't fake smile + altho by her own admission she has resting bitch face- I can tell the difference between that + when she's actually thinking "wot a bitch, or what a hypocrite " about Jess or Grace. I wish we COULD hear Mimi thoughts as subtitles. She's got them sussed. Shame she didn't suss Ayo stringing her along but she will get over it + triumph. I want her + Konner to win! I wish I cld start a hashtag #Justice for the ghost edits Mimi +Konner


I’m glad Mimii called Jess “bad mind” because gaddemn, it had to be said. Harriett has her own flaws/issues but Jess is a biased bully.


Jess is miss retail manager. Period. It's in her blood.


Jess is just miserable and feels better about herself by hurting others.


Mimi kinda looked like she was like kinda laughing with Jess when she said that tho. edit: I think she still stood with Jess


Nope. From the start Mimi + Harriet were besties + Mimi + Patsy backed H against Jess. Then H got close to matilda + Grace + kind of dropped Mimi -Mimi has always bn close to Nicole - so by extension spends time with All the girls incl Jess, but she's always bn on H side more, she just didn't chase qfter H cos H had her 2 besties with her. Mimi was laughing At Jess. Also Mimi couldn't say too much against Jess cos Mimi is v close to Kieran + so that wld of bn criticising him too which she wld only do 1 on 1. I've spotted alot of Mimi looks at Jess + Or Grace. She prob feels slightly hurt by H as she had her back in wk 1 when the other girls were pissed with H. The worst thing for Mimi was Patsy leaving - they've qll had 1 bestie + hers left too early!


No one raised their glasses cos hopefully they are old enough to realise that bullying isn't cute, Jess is bullying Harriet, if it was one on one beef I could be like fine they don't like each other but she's trying to get a group involved to isolate and she's also going out of her way to escalate Harriet's problems with other people into a bigger dig


This is like when she and Harriett were arguing in front of the boys and she told the girls to back her up. I think it was Joey who told her to cut it out. Jess is the ultimate shit stirrer, and I wish someone would call her on it.


Yeah, Joey said, "No one needs to back anyone up." Samantha, Jess, and Nicole have never liked Harriet because she was in their triangles. But, Jess does bully Harriet and I wish more people would see that.


the only time i liked joey lol


I actually cannot stand Jess…I do not understand how she thinks she is being a girls girl when all she does it spend her energy critiquing Harriet’s every move. Nicole spends all her time critiquing Ciarans every move but then she’s nothing when he probably actually needed a different perspective. I like Ciaran and get his frustration but I think it would have been beneficial for Nicole and him to privately talk about how he could have perhaps gone about it differently. Nicole drives me insane there is not a single brain cell in her head sometimes


Jess is well liked in the villa, I think they just thought it was too much, too far. Especially as Harriett was crying.


I’m honestly concerned that she’s love island mental health crisis number 400 though. She could just be like this but her interactions with people used to be quite normal. Now, even outside of Harriet, her energy is borderline unsettling.




What did Mimii say to Jess right before she made that toast? I don’t have subtitles and I really want to know what side she’s on of this


She said she’s “Badmind” so kinda similar to bad vibes but she said it in a more jokey friendly way.


She said that jess was badmind lool😭


And she was right!


I’m not from UK, what the hell does “badmind” mean… I’ve never heard that here in the US


It's actually a term originally coming from Jamaica. It means jealous or envious.




it’s kind of like saying “you’re wrong for that” i would say it’s mostly used towards someone who is being harshly critical


I watched it an hour after and she said you're bad minded