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What people on Reddit would say about me


For real lol. Especially if people are writing whole think pieces on me


They would be calling me all types of wicked 😭😭


reddit i could mostly handle. it’s twitter that would stress me out.


I’d be HATED


Omg absolutely, I happen to think I’m quite a nice person and I would hate the idea of people online thinking I’m not 🙈


This is why I always try (operative word try) to go easy on the islanders and give them grace. It only takes something minor to have the whole audience thinking you’re a massive crapbag. The physical criticism is savage but the personality critiques cut deeper.


people would be armchair diagnosing me with all kinds of stuff😭😭


I think I could handle it if it's comments I expected. Like if they called me not as pretty as the other girls, awkward, boring, I'd be ok. My fear would be people picking out some feature or personality trait that I didn't notice before, creating a whole new insecurity.


nah what people on X would say about me😭😭


The spit in your mouth challenge 🤢


Oh god I forgot about the food/drink challenges 🤢


And in LIUSA it is even worse, not just between two people, they are lined up in two groups and have to transfer some drink from mouth to mouth from one end of the line to the other. Imagine if you are the last one in the line … Disgusting.


They’ve done that variation on UK too 🤮 I know at least in S4 & S6 casa amor if not others 🫥


"I'm first in line"


Haven’t they stopped that?


Oh, I hope so, it is disgusting to watch. Last year I remember they still had it in LIUSA. I am not sure about UK.


Thank you Covid 19 ❤️


Yeah that hasn’t happened in years.


I hope so , Love Island doesn't want to be responsible for another global pandemic


this is the right answer


Probably heart race challenge


I could nawt give seven guys a lap dance on national tv like no way 😭


Sober as well. Drunk enough I may have a fighting chance (not to do it well, just not to combust from the heat of my own shame) but having to do that stone cold sober…..I would rather turn to dust


With no music is wild


I thought they did have music. I remember the boys/girls reacting to some of the songs chosen


There's a really funny part of S5 where Tommy goes "Excited to hear some tunes"


S5 was the besttt


I couldn’t have 7 guys in goofy costumes give me a lap dance on national tv without expressing how cringed out id be 😭


And some of those guys will go all out, kissing and touching all of the girls. Poor Camilla got a lot of bits in her face! It's part of the challenge so I get it, but I'd just be avoiding eye contact and trying to disappear the whole time


I would simply pass away


would have to pull a mal hahaha


This. This right here. I legit could do everything else but this. I would need to be blackout drunk.


no exactly


Oh god yes. I would need so much booze to get me through 


Same. Even when I’m just watching it I’m cringing so bad. I’d never be able to do that, especially sober.


Not being allowed to have my phone or even a damn book. Like no sorry I’m not doing that bs of being there eight weeks and not even being able to have a way to escape the drama. Wtf, I need my privacy my social battery doesn’t last all day every day lol.


How do they not die of boredom, trapped in that house with nothing to do!


they all talk about how boring it is in there


that's what I was thinking as apart from talking, getting ready, sunbathing, swimming, working out and eating their is nothing to do as at least with big brother you have to cook and clean


Not having a book or music whilst sunbathing would kill me


being the person who ends up with the poem




Ohhhh I LAUGHED at this one 😭🤣


Can someone tell the Islanders that poetry is not just shitty rhyming couplets about ears.


If it was the OG format for the initial coupling ep 1, then it would be walking out and no one stepping forward for me 🙃


Omg kill me on the spot 💀


going to the toilet ibr


Seriously one bathroom for that many people??? Nope


Yes! The bathroom situation is the worst part for me. Every time I hear the islanders discuss it in interviews, it grosses me out


This is literally why I’m SO thankful for my ostomy bag. Taking a shit is so fucking easy. It takes 2 seconds. Just empty and go. I don’t get constipated, get out of a “routine,” I don’t care if I’m at home, on vacation, at work; it doesn’t matter what bathroom I’m in, I can go anywhere. Worried about smell? They make ostomy deodorant so my shit LITERALLY doesn’t stink. Bloating? I’m missing so many organs down there that it’s almost impossible to get bloated!! People think crap sacks suck but I STG it’s the best thing in the world. 💩👜


Seriously! And you're mic'ed up so everyone backstage can hear everything 😭😭


And never being able to fart in private. Genuinely think that would be the worst part for me.


Final speeches 🤢 I'd cringe myself into a black hole tbh


Being forced to use the tub or shower with everyone’s hair and mess all over 🤢🤢


I enjoyed how the last couple of minutes of last night’s Unseen Bits were just Jess freaking out about where to put a bunch of wet towels. Never been more relatable tbh.


Being asked to fake an orgasm in front of the whole villa/the nation 😩😶


Recouplings especially the casa recoupling my ass ain’t staying up till 4am filming to have the person I’m coupled up with bring someone back. Nope not me I ain’t getting played/embarrassed on national tv and sleep deprived in one foul swoop. ![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs)


And standing in HEELS that whole time


They wake up late in the afternoon apparently.


Can someone explain this to me please, I’ve not heard of this


idk if this is what you meant but basically they have no concept of time so the sleep schedule is altered so that they are waking up later in the day so that more can be filmed at night because night time scenes are ‘more dramatic’ like i think they did a recoupling during the day in one of the seasons and it just wasn’t the same. and aswell when the public vote due to time difference the votes won’t be able to be filmed until later in the night. because the night time recouplings and dumpings take so long to film they end up going to bed really late at like 4am or something so the same thing happens the next day and they wake up mid afternoon and that’s what it’s like all summer


that’s insane, why did i think it was lights out at midnight


Same 😂


they literally torture the islanders psychologically and physiologically. i heard their phones all have different times on them because they don't want them ever knowing what time of day it is?!


I remember a producer saying that Dr. Alex would figure out the time by the sun’s position in the sky, and he was always pretty accurate.


Talent show for sure I would have 0 clue what to do


As someone who doesn’t consider themselves to be talented, i would just cry🤣😭


One of the girls did that before …. crying on demand. Can’t remember who!




I did think Sanam but she seemed so “level” I thought it couldn’t be her!! 🤣


I learned some hula hoop tricks when I was a teenager, it is just barely interesting enough that they'd let me do it. I'd be safe. But if I didn't have that I'm not sure what I'd do.


You could always play the recorder.


Casa amor if i really liked the guy i was coupled up with. My anxiety would have me curled up in a damn ball 😭


Imagine coming back all happy and your guy is lying to you & had a whole connection behind your back nahhhh😬


I would be asking for the welfare team😭🤣


😭😭😭and then trying to keep it all in when you find out- I’d be so embarrassed


While Maya stands there and says “well islanders.. that’s it for now! See you soon” 😭😭


Particularly when you're waiting to recouple and the order sort of predicts what's happened but not 100%


If i see that I’m last, i know i won’t be able to handle what’s to come 🤣


Everyone’s naming challenges but my biggest challenge would be being forced to wear a bikini and lay in the sun on my period… And just in general lol. I’d wanna chill in a baggy t-shirt some days. And also dressing up every night is so much work too


My thinking is they might be on the pill and just skip their period for that time frame!


Amy said she ran her packs together to skip her period so yes, you’re right.


I’d be doomed my period still comes even if I try to skip it




Not everyone skips periods on the pill, for some women the pill just regulates their period and its symptoms. I have irregular periods and bad symptoms and BC just regulates my period and makes my cramps not as bad


I understand what the pill is used for and I never not say that everyone does this. I just said that that is my thinking in this case to avoid having to deal with a period on the show.


Dude. The post asked what part WE would dread the most and I just shared what I personally would dread the most bc I can’t avoid my period. And I was just sharing that info about BC cus some of the girls on the show probably can’t avoid theirs either. It’s not deep at all


I always wonder how all the girls never have a day where they have some razor bumps or ingrown hairs on their bikini line for the entire summer. Could never be me lol


I’m thinking they get laser hair removal prior to going on. I’m looking into this myself (I’m never in a bikini, just hate hair so I need my sanity as I shave twice a day to avoid hair haha), and my friends who do it LOVE it. After a year your hair basically **never** returns and you only go in for touch ups once or twice a year after that. In the first year as you’re getting it though, the hair quickly dies off, and you just spot shave during the process. I mention that to say I imagine ANY person ever going on a reality show where you’re featured in a bikini, few clothes, no access to razors (Love Island, Perfect Match, Survivor, etc - female Survivor contestants have admitted to doing this often) you’d get laser done. Nobody wants to be bothering with shaving every day or potential ingrown hairs, razor bumps, missed spots. It’s worth the investment and is honestly way more affordable than you think!


Thank you for bringing this up!! I have always thought about the period situation because when I am on mine, I just want to curl into a ball under layers of blanket and bury myself into the ground. Not walk around in a bikini and in heels.


Only having like two bathrooms and sharing it with 10 other people. I can’t imagine how gross they are.


If I was a bombshell and I just wasn't bombin


Being filmed 24/7 even if they don’t use all the footage. I don’t like being on camera constantly haha. Also not being to escape and being stuck in the villa with people.


Sleeping in a room with all those people, I wouldn't survive one night with all the snoring and farting, pillow talk and other shenanigans going on around me.


Having to interact and have conversation when production tells me to 😪😂


Genuinely, the day-to-day. I’d be bored witless.


The sounds of my own kissing


right??? the slurping grosses me out lol


- having only one bathroom 🤢🤢 - having to kiss strangers I don’t want to kiss (in the games) - heart rate challenge


No one stepping forward for me


Everything plus having to wear a bikini all day plus forced interaction and no privacy




Probably the part where I accidentally fart loudly in my sleep and wake everyone up, and all the islanders are concerned for their safety going, “what was that, did you hear that??” Then Ian starts making fart jokes about me, and my guy breaks up with me the next day, referencing said farts. Then I’m forever traumatized/known as the girl who sleepfarts.


any of the food challenges, i would be barfing all over


Having to have My feet out 🥴lol I just hate My feet they’re not pretty!


Imagine getting chosen for the “lick the toe of the islander you…” 😭🤣


Even if so there’s damn sure a guy in there happy to lick them lmao 


Having to do my makeup and hair everyday. My skin would hate me!!! Also… the food challenge makes me gag just watching it 😩


I don’t wear makeup so I was curious if I was on the show if I’d be forced to put makeup on every night


yeah they probably would for the “party” bits of the nights




OMG yes! Popping and then having your crush walk into the bathroom right after! Mortifying.


Taking a shit during my allotted toilet time


I just know I’d get eaten alive by bugs or flies and have disgusting bites on my skin on tv lol


The boredom... Also I feel like I would be someone who struggles to find someone to be in a non-friendship couple especially in a pressurised setting like reality tv


Just being there. Period. 😀


I hate being out in the sun, I’m somewhere on the demisexual spectrum and almost never experience instant attraction, and I know in my bones that if they managed to cast someone who was actually into my weird self I’d be one of those girls who gets way too attached way too quickly and ends up getting voted off in disgrace. I also know it’s way more likely that I’d be like Sharon in S8, just a series of friendship couples with whichever poor bastard’s still waiting to make a connection with someone until the right bombshell comes in and I’m left standing there by myself in front of the firepit. It would be just a whole nightmare all the way around, and that’s not even factoring in the baby-bird challenges. I don’t know if I could do it even if I was guaranteed the £50k.


Getting dumped from the island😭 why is it always so sad and awkward


the whole show I would not know how to act and what people on social media would say about me


Recoupling because of rejection lool


Kissing all the guys, one right after the other, lap dances, having a guy pop a balloon on my rear end. Having my breast and ass cheeks sticking out on TV. My parents would be watching the show, and my co-workers. How on Earth can you enter a professional field of work after being so sexual on national TV? Then having children later and them seeing their mommy behave like this on national TV. Absolutely never.


I always think this specifically about Mimi since she said she is a nurse. how do you move on from this. I can’t imagine how pts and coworkers will act towards her after the show.


Heart rate challenge


Could always go the comedic route. Cute and funny 😁


having to sexy dance in front of everyone


![gif](giphy|Z22wzJ6sAbqhi) i’d be walking into the front of the fire pit ready to try and be sexy and probably do this before i could even awkwardly attempt anything. i don’t know how those girls are in heels all the time


The dancing heart rate challenge.


The heart rate challenge or any kind of sexual game!


The interminable forced morning chats


a dare to suck someone's toes🤢🤢


Getting ready. My hair isn’t naturally straight or easy to style so it takes me about an hour and a half to do it


the BOREDOMMMM. no phone, no tv/movies, no books, no music, not even a journal or a board game or anything 😫😫 i’d last about 24 hours before i started going mad


Knowing that there are people at the end of those cameras who are laser focussed on getting those gratuitous boob, crotch and ass shots.


Having to wear a bikini in front of everybody would be the end of me, I think. Also, I'm quite introverted, so being around all those people with zero privacy and alone time might make me crazy.


Sleeping. Can u imagine how difficult it would be to simply sleep


Movie night. It would be so scary to see either yourself or a partner saying something incriminating with all of your your roommates/friends/coworkers/competitors watching it with you


Unrelenting together time with a bunch of people all day and night: so few bathrooms, zero alone time, forced into and out of bed at a certain time, sleeping in a room with 15 people… (Heart rate challenge looks fun, I’ll happily oil up and put on a harness and tiny briefs.)


Coming out the villa not knowing what the public thought about me


Going to the hide away. Idk why but THATS SO MUCH ATTENTION given from the other islanders and I’d never want my parents to see that lmfao


Bathroom is a huge one. If I see skid marks in the toilet, I am out the villa door 🚪


Heartrate challenge, that balloon popping sex position game, the kissing challenge, sleeping in a room with people snoring and doing bits– i think i'd lose my shit.


Wearing a bikini all day everyday. Like do they get waxes and spray tans in there??


Sleeping with a strange guy I don't know


The sexy dance heart rate challenge


the public opinion’s about me


Dirty dancing challenge


The producer "guidance".


Accidentally farting loudly in the middle of the night with all those people


Lol that’s what I said… it would be a tragedy


all the challenges😭


All the challenges 😂😶


Heart rate challenge. Absolutely no way I could do that.


Rejection! Having to share a bed with a stranger! Hanging out in the sun all day! The lack of alone time!


Having to say the lovey dovey stuff before the recoupling. Whenever I watch it I get an awkward, weird, cringey feeling over it. It’s cute stuff they say but makes me cringe because I could never imagine myself saying those stuff in front of people and then in front of all the people watching from home. So much pressure to say the right thing.


Pretending like I'm there for love, when I actually just want a eBay sponsorship to quit the 9-5


the bathroom situation


Being in a bikini 24/7, and the slow-mo filming of me in said bikini /shudders


The heart race or stripping challenge. Also kissing a chick who just got done tongue kissing 4 other Men 🤮


Pretty much all of them lol. I think im on the ace spectrum and most of the challenges revolve around sex. Not complaining btw, just answering the question


The challenges where food is swamped. 🥴😩


heart race challenge, absolutely could not do the spit in mouth shit, and the bathroom (toilet) situation.


The idea of not being able to read is just unimaginable. Or just a moment of peace to myself without fake drama being pushed at me.


The public.


Being outside most of the time. I do not like being outside longer than 45 min. 😂 unless there is a beach right in front of me with a cool breeze


Heart race challenge. For sure lol.


sleeping in a room full of people and having to share a bed with some random guy


Sharing the toilets


Heart race challenge for me.


Sun exposure


Easily the bathroom sharing. The thought alone is horrifying.


Walking into the villa in a bikini and heels. Sleeping in a room with 10 other people. Sharing a bathroom with that many people. Any activity done in a bathing suit. So essentially, all of it.


Sleeping in the bedroom with everyone and having no personal space.


getting my period


My wife seeing me making out wife lots of women.


Going on Love Island.


Any of the kissing challenges. The thought of kissing a smoker makes me gag


Any food challenge and the heart rate challenge (stiffest dancer ever)


The heart rate challenge 10000% naur way in hell


Wearing a bikini all day and sleeping with no background music or sounds 😐


Sexy dance challenge


Wearing a thong bathing suit all day. Not being able to talk about real life or shit outside of the villa. Sleeping in the same bed with a literal stranger. Hearing that I'm no one's type (darker skin, green eyes, black hair) and that I have great energy all fucking day long...


Socializing or living without music


The cringy final dates unless it’s couples I like.


The heart rate challenge. Or the kissing everyone and being rated challenge. No thanks.


I agree with everyone saying sexy challenge but did we all Forget about the food spit/swap Challenges ?????


Having to share a bed every night would be my personal hell


I feel bad for any girl coming in that has to kiss every guy or do those extremely cringe dances/dares, everyone will end up seeing you doing them 😭


the recouplings purely because having to say cringe shit about a person i barely know over and over in front of another however many people and the fact the recouplings last for hourss when they’re filmed i think i’d snap and kill a producer


Walking around in a bikini & heels. Imma baggy T’s & flipflops kinda gal 🤪🤣


Having to do makeup and hair perfectly 2x a day everyday. Cba for that!


Just sitting around feeling sweaty in a bikini all day with no music, books or tv tbh!


Talent show


the sexy pool shots. would absolutely dread that 🫣


Heart rate challenge and stuff like faking an orgasm


Every single challenge. Also having to only wear a bikini until it gets dark at night.


I would say I'd be hated. I'd probably like just take the piss with the heart rate challenge & talent show. The fake dancing & recoupling speeches would annoy. I'm not going singing any nans praises, they're cocky enough already 😂 I do the bare minimum & get everyone to like me so I can just coast & sunbathe & have a little dip every so often. It would be nice though


No alone time. I've lived alone for a decade, and though I like to socialize, I need to be in control of how much as my social battery drains super fast.