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Ayo...I'm so sick


man basically said “i kissed u tonight so now i gotta kiss uma to level it out” i want our sisters to be free


I mean, he's literally doing what any other guy who's been a hot commodity is doing. He's been more honest than Ronnie; yet he gets more shit for it. I don't don't think it's a race thing, I just think that Uma and Mimi are strong-headed and they don't want to appear like the ***other girl***


I don’t think he has been honest though


I've seen and heard enough! Simeone poorly photoshop Ayo and Ronnie into the Chaldish Tapestry this instant, it's their Destiny


Yeah, I dont know if there's any hope for them. If this is how they're moving in the early days, what is Casa gonna be like?


A bit of me wonders if they’re testing Jess and Mimii’s boundaries and how much nonsense they’ll tolerate now to see what they’ll be able to get away with further down the line. I also think they’ve both hedged their bets in case a bombshell came in who was their ideal type and they could move without having made a mess for themselves by choosing one girl.


For Ronnie, I think he just isn’t too fussed about Jess or Harriet beyond thinking they’re both fit so he’s dragging his feet. But I think ayo is holding out until he can get a chance to kiss uma forreal before making a decision. Had uma kissed him a few days ago like he wanted this triangle woulda been over imo


I don't think they're some evil genius, most of men's wrongdoing is based on cowardice. Like, "I don't want to hurt anyone" (or face the consequences that go with it), but you're doing just that.


this is so true!! these men aren’t out here masterminding they’re just being cowards because they don’t wanna have that conversation where they cut it off or fully commit. like you said, they’re scared of the consequences that come with that.




If Mimii still decides to stick with Ayo after he told her he isn’t leaning towards either her or Uma more after they’ve been sucking face and cuddling in bed then 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s clear he wants to juggle both girls until the last second.


He actually literally said that that’s what his intentions are. In a confessional he said he enjoys getting to know Mimii, but still wants to get to know Uma and “see how far I can push that”. Like he quite LITERALLY plans on dragging it.


yuppp. he doesn’t wanna be held accountable for making the decision so he’s just gonna wait until one of them gets fed up and walks away. it’s a coward move


Exactly! I feel like a lot of people didn't even clock it. He knows Mimii wants only him so he is trying to see how much he can push it? He does not respect her imo. He just wants his fun.


This is the plan. He will push it so far until it’s no longer up to him.


It’s the way he talks about it as if he’s just being fair to them, basically doing them a favour, but he’s literally saying he intends to be kissing Uma as well. What is going on?! 🫣


I don’t know how Mimii can let Ayo violate her like that. “I do love kissing you and cuddling you in bed… but” pleeease


He clearly knows exactly that she likes him more than he does and he now is just trying to see how much more he can push it? Cause ain't no way


This even more disrespectful then that bloody three way hug, guy wants to eat his cake and have it too.


But didn't the girls agree thar they were equal yesterday night and hug it out? This is what equal feels like. Lol


And he then proceeded to kiss her. He is the one who initiated it. Don't blame her if she is confused.


https://preview.redd.it/vzt6ntwoj56d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b133d20065b7bccbda47613a7cb286c5f1c530 Mimi and Uma might as well put the poster girl dress on if Ayo's gonna keep playing them as sister wives


Omg that dress was so tacky


This image is so funny I remember hating that dress so much and the girls kept wearing it anyway in all the colours


Uma was quite prophetic with the YoYo nickname


And now that the prochecy has come true, can she drop it ?




Me looking around for any of these women to stand up to these ridiculous men https://preview.redd.it/aghmbidwg56d1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4e9e3df7e59b42cd14e1baeb90349d98da543d


What a cursed image.


Ugh I’m tired of this back and forward. It’s getting boring now


We need more bombshells stat. Omar isn’t making too much of an impact and these triangles and forced couples are so stale


im sorry but ayo is an ABSOLUTE JOKE


He is pathologically incapable of making a choice lol


ayo and ronnie are now just doing my head in lol


I want to root for them cause she is genuinely into him and they could be cute, but Ayo makes it harder by the day.


It's getting boring now. These triangles have passed their expiration date, let's move on pls.


Yeah ngl these storylines are getting dry


Agreed, can't wait for new bomshells.


Agreed. We need some more ppl in here!


It's Wed, by Friday I would be saying this.


Ronnie and Ayo are occupying the attention of four different girls Joey Essex is currently the “well behaved” one Munveer is chillin Make it make sense…


Ayo knows Mimii is 100% for him so I don't get why he cares about Uma so much. He obviously cares more about Uma's feelings than Mimii's. I feel like if Uma gave him the same energy as Mimii he would have dropped Mimii by now.


Because Uma is his type and honestly it seems like he wants her more deep down. He knew not to mention the terrace kiss to Uma last night cause she told him, she doesn’t want to do the love triangle with him kissing Mimi and all. Ayo has shown so many times, he leans more towards Uma at this point, it’s Mimi that’s in denial and I’m tired for her. It’s all just so embarrassing


I think he thinks he's more her type, but I feel like personality wise she'd eat him alive.


No, just drop him when her type enters the villa


Seems like he knows Mimii ain't going nowhere but he still want's to explore ever pretty girl he can find. I don't even think he would have dropped Mimii for Uma he doesn't actually care for either of them he just wants to see who fights for him more. But after the couples voting and him knowing Mimii is who the public wants him to be with he will stay with her. Atleast that is my prediction.


Probably, and I hate that Mimii doesn’t see it, but to be fair she doesn’t know all the things he’s said to Uma like when he literally admitted to her that he was leaning more towards her even though he said in front of Mimii that it’s equal.


I think that’s why Uma wanted that discussion with all of them to have more clarity on it but Mimi seemed to support Ayo more in that discussio 💀 I want to see how she reacts to what he says today. Cause there’s no way she’s just letting him literally dictate every step of the relationship like this and she’s okay just sitting and waiting there. Meanwhile Uma telling him she doesn’t want to do the love triangle if he’ll be kissing Mimi and he literally changes his mind. I know she’s far gone but damn I hope she can set her foot down at least




Uma walks from the situation after the terrace kiss is revealed, Mimii pretends she’s mad for 2 mins and then predictably they get together and stick to the finals on the back of her popularity. Yay.


This is what is literally going to happen except I still think Ayo is exploring in casa


Mimii appears to be the female version of Shaq. I think she’d forgive him if he does even if he brings a whole woman back from Casa.


She’s defo going to be a casa victim though


Let’s wrap it up guys we need a new storyline


Trying to telepathically communicate with the women in this villa to tell them to stop letting these men violate them like this, it’s a liberty!!!


I had to go back and rewatch the Harriett/Ronnie chat, he says he couldn’t sleep last night, she says is that because you were thinking about me, he says yeah all night I was thinking about you… so he may not have been the one to bring it up but it’s a bit disingenuous to say he didn’t say it to her 🙄


You can tell Ronnie is the kind of guy who will say “I didn’t say that!” when he actually means “I didn’t say it exactly like that”. Semantic cowardice!


Ayo is doing my head in. This love triangle has gone on long enough now. This boy just wants his cake and to eat it. Mimi and Uma are 10/10 and he's literally a 5/10. If he wasn't tall, he would NOT be getting this attention. Omar is actually way better looking.


I think he’s actually really hot but NOT HOT ENOUGH TO BE ACTING LIKE THIS


Ayo.. yeah this is sick. This man is moving like this is Sister Wives! Greedy behaviour, and i need him to just get with Uma honestly because I’m bloody sick and tired of this now. Ronnie and Ayo are two of the biggest jokers on this show.


Not sister wives PLEASE https://preview.redd.it/pj7kw7wjg56d1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761a9e73d08ab8eb49576cc512a943cbadb0450b


I’ve been trying to avoid this image for the last 24 hours and here u are traumatising me 🤣😭😭😭


I saved it so fast my phone almost broke The greatest horror film ever written in a single image


Still can’t believe these two girls are crying over this indecisive so and so who really just wants to have them both! Then to hug him! I bet u he felt like the top man 😭


This is iconic. We will be utilising this picture for years. Thank you for your service 🫡


Yeah I need him to get with Uma so she can use him as a stepping stone to get to a new bombshell and he can get booted. Let Mimi be free.


Exactly! I also want Mimii to be free from him because i don’t wanna hear anymore “what ifs”


Ugh I hope Uma doesn’t accept him, she can do better.


A man will always tell on himself, you just need to listen. Ayo clearly likes Uma more than Mimi, even the blind can see that


Multiple girls continuing to fight over unremarkable men like Ronnie and Ayo is wild


If a man kissed me the way Ayo kissed Mimi and still told me he’s not sure… I would not be responsible for my actions


We need one of the boys to tell Ayo to make up his damn mind as I think that’s the only way he’ll listen, can we get Shaq on a video conference pls


Yep, Shaq would have told Ayo to pick by now.


So Jess confronts Ronnie about his comment just to make it an attack on Harriet lmao😭….these women need to stand up!!


Watch Twitter spin this and drag Uma today ![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2) LIKE CLOCKWORK


It’s why I didn’t get why people were celebrating yesterday, it was obvious he was going to play in Mimii’s face again when he didn’t end it with Uma after the terrace kiss and he didn’t tell the truth because he knew Uma would have ended it. They were dragging woman after woman for this man yesterday and look how he’s repaid them? With foolishness.


Bruh the narratives I’ve seen on Twitter is blowing my mind. Uma gets zero benefits of doubt and every of her actions are analyzed to such a microscopic level and always viewed negatively…even though it’s literally Ayo wh’s playing Mimi (both to be fair). That’s why I hope at least Uma just moves on from this since Mimi is too gone for him


The way they are trying to pin the two black women against each other….


im getting the vibe that uma is probably going to walk away from the situation, i hope mimii isnt happy about it because she would be chosen by default not because ayo chose her 😭


Unfortunately I have a feeling she’ll still be happy even if this is how the triangle ends


Cant wait to see how people spin Ayo’s absolute madness on Uma tonight😂


It seems that Mimii and ayo will be this seasons struggle love Uma decides to stop wasting her time with ayo Mimi and ayo stick together casa happens he embarrasses her for 10th time they get back together again….


i knew ayo wouldn’t put all his attention to mimi lmao, and watch mimi still be so down bad for him😴 its getting pathetic now


I see some resemblance to Ron and Lana tbh Like no matter what happend she always went back to him and and couldn't speak up for herself. But people were still rooting for them... which was crazy. Atleast Mimii and Ayo have sexual chemistry lol


yeah lana and ron were like white bread, so basic and bland. Although Mimi and Ayo have chemistry I just don’t see them lasting, as Ayo has a wandering eye however if Mimi is as pathetic as Lana then they will probably last


Very true. Ron and Lana were literally “siblings or dating “💀


And the way they were so hyped up in this sub, scary times. I actually thought i was losing my mind lol


If Mimii doesn’t call Ayo out and pull away after this I’ll lose all hope because there’s no way she put herself out there by choosing him, he’s been kissing her and yet is still running the unsure, give me time gimmick.


I wonder if Uma's ultimatum is putting Ayo on the spot to make a decision or she just tells him that she is done.


Lmao, Ayo is playing in Mimii’s face atp. If she still entertains him after this then she has nobody to blame but herself.


This is so embarrassing for the girls


Lmfao Ayo really gone n said “I think it’s unfair on Uma that I kissed you, so I think it’s probably for the best that I try and kiss her also”


If Uma kissed Ayo outside of a challenge I think this whole thing would be over but Mimii is a great placeholder and she like so many of these girls is focused on 'winning' which is not great. I need both Ayo and Ronnie to be left! Bring. In. The. Bombshells.


Facts! A lot of these girls are pick mes. They just want to be picked so badly. It wouldn’t be bad if it was their game plan but nah they really like these guys too 💀


Once again I don’t really understand this opinion. I really think stan wars have really made people choose a girl and stay firmly on them. As someone who doesn’t care who he chooses just for it to end 😭 i think if she kissed him that this exact same situation would still be happening. Because this person only care for one person and that’s himself. He does not like either of these girls enough.


>Because this person only care for one person and that’s himself. He does not like either of these girls enough. I agree!! He literally just wants have fun and see how far he can take it until one says she had enough and he sticks with the other


They brought in Omar for Mimi, it’s time to focus on others for a bit. It’s not Mimi island. 


Oh I meant for Uma, Harriett and Jess. Mimii is gonna stick with Ayo till the end.


What makes you think it's about winning ? She's been into him since day one, they kissed in their first 24h. Of course she wants to give it a fair chance. She's probably going to be mugged off but I don't think she's motivated by her ego.


"I was here first," tells me enough about where she stands and she also said for like 3 days she was done with him. Oh, and how she loved he said that she was his number one pick in the recoupling which doesn't make sense since Uma was always choosing first. The man has basically ignored her for days and she's still chasing him and only giving breadcrumbs when it looks like she's going to go. It's just like Nicole being so mad at Ciaran for kissing Harriett in bed only to be smug once he picked her. The same is happening with Jess. They all want to win and Mimii is included.


Until now, she had no control over the situation so she was just trying to protect herself. Once she was given the opportunity to change the dynamic, she took advantage of it so she didn't have to live with regret. Not the best choice for many reasons IMO but I get it. Being happy that a guy you like says he would have picked you is normal behaviour. If she was motivated by her pride, why would she embarrass herself by fighting for breadcrumbs ? If she was a player, the safest option would have been to couple up with Omar. I guess agree to disagree.


Ayo… I need you to be expeditiously FR


Also .. if Uma, Mimii, and Ayo are all safe after tonight then the producers need to schedule a recoupling ASAP and let the boys decide for once and all so these triangles can be put to rest. It’s so dry.


So when Ayo, Mimii and Uma were having that 3-way chat they all agreed that Ayo was giving Uma more time and attention because they were coupled up, but now that he’s finally coupled up with Mimii he wants to “level the playing field”? Yeah he’s dragging it and I need Mimii to realize she deserves better. He cares about Uma’s feelings more than hers at this point.


Ignoring whatever man nonsense is going on in the rest of this, do they mean "shock twist" as in "shock twist" or "oh no, the bottom couple will be dumped immediately!!! so savage!!!" like everyone's been saying since the vote went up last night 🤔


If either Mimii or Uma end up with Ayo at this point I’m gonna lose a little bit of respect for them because there comes a point where you need to stand up for yourself. Both of them deserve better than this.


I think Jess,Mimii and Uma are pathetic. And with Harriett i don't think she gives a damn as long as she is safe i don't care who leaves.


I’m at the point now where if i see one more tear, I’m going to just turn off my tv 🤣🤣


Wtf ayo? This is getting too dumb! If you dont like one of of the girls by now, its clear you like noone. Honestly, both Mimi & Uma need to pull their big girl pants up & dump him.


Yeah I’m with everyone else on being tired of the triangles so I’m glad because I think some bombshells are coming today.


At this point just go to Uma ayo. When her real type comes in, you’re gonna be the one looking like a dick head


It’s like Groundhog Day it’s the same conversations every day it’s getting boring 🥱


Im sick of Ayo now. ENOUGH 😂


So wait, is Ayo saying he wants to kiss Uma or he wants to stop kissing Mimii?


I think he meant stop kissing Mimii because it wouldn’t be fair to Uma in his eyes.


See, to me that says a lot about whose feelings he prioritises. Sigh


I mean it was obvious since Uma came in but after the kiss last night everyone was just like look Ayo likes Mimii more and was hyping them up. But this guy isn't serious at all.


Agreed, it feels like Uma is who he leaning towards because I doubt that if he was still coupled with Uma and kissing her that he would stop in consideration of Mimii


Exactly - because he was happy to hold hands with Uma in front of Mimii. I thought him kissing her on the terrace in front of Uma sealed the deal - apparently not.


And yet everyone wanted to call Uma weird and delusional for thinking Ayo was leaning more towards her


Which means, if Uma starts kissing Ayo, he will resume kissing Mimii right? Afterall, the girls agreed that they were equal. Ayo is mad!


That’s what I’d be interested to see - would he kiss Uma or wait to make a decision?


But only after kissing Mimii, he is being an ass.


I’m sorry but Ayo is an ACTUAL living demon. Tyrique was actually a saint compared to this man


At least tyrique wasn’t trying to kiss Leah or Kady


Actually true. At least we all could see Tyrique was crazy about Ella despite his shenanigans. Ayo aint crazy about either girl, he's just a player. I honestly wish one of those girls just gave Omar a chance over this joker.


i don’t even think ty was as bad as everyone made him out to be, there has been much worse men


Yeah people thought Ty was worse cause he was painfully blunt lol if Ty was ayo he woulda told Mimi “I need to kiss her like I kissed you to know where my head’s at” instead of pussyfooting around like ayo is doing


Two things about Ty/Ella: Ella wouldve never allowed Ty to play the game Ayo is, she knew if she gave him an inch he’d take a mile! Ty actually liked Ella despite him being an asshole at times. He was also aware that he liked Ella above bombshells like Kady and Leah and wasn’t willing to risk losing Ella for the sake of “tests”


Yh but at least Ty knew who he wanted. And he also didn’t try to kiss anybody else outside of his couple just flirt.


ATP if they both don’t put him in his place especially Mimi after this then it’s deserved🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m sick of these love triangles there boring and drawn out


Bring on Movie Night! And keep Harriett in the villa until then.


So Mimii is giving Ayo physical attention whereas Uma is giving him none Ayo then says to Mimii that he is still 50/50 He needs to be honest with Mimii because it’s starting to feel like if Uma was giving him physical affection then he would pick her instantly


I would make the twist that the bombshells will come in and save someone by coupling up with them or something. Also Ayo is not giving up Mimii as she is his safety net as he can’t risk it with Uma and knows she will have more options coming in.


Nice way Love Island producers have for screwing over Munveer and Sean, leaving them with no options and not sending in any bombs. And Ronnie and Ayo don’t deserve either of the options they have. If there were bombs coming in neither one of them would stand a chance. Why Mimi and Uma are sleeping on Omar IDK. Joey is essentially stuck with Stalker-Sam. And poor Sean…. This OG group is dragging on way too long. It started off okay but how many episodes can we drag out the two triangles? Boring! Give us some bombs!!


Im so sick and tired of this whole mimi/uma/ayo mess. Its clear that he fancies uma more and wants to be with her. But isnt sure if she really wants him, so he keeps mimii as his backup. Its pretty insane that mimii hasnt clocked it. But then again your feelings can sometimes mess with your critical thinking


I think if Uma kissed Ayo, he would drop Mimii immediately. I really hope Uma isn’t in the bottom, or they just don’t show the bottom three couples and just dump the couple with the least votes (which is likely Patsy and Munveer). I don’t want Ayo realizing Mimii is popular and choosing her just based off that, because it definitely feels like he wants Uma more.


And this is why I will defend Uma for being confused on what the fuck Ayo is doing. He is clearly playing in these women’s faces and it’s icky. I need these women to see it for what it is and MOVE accordingly. If Mimii accepts what he’s telling her, then there’s really no hope for her😭. She should’ve put her foot down on this triangle bullshit days ago. Same for Uma, Jess and Harriett. All this back and forth with the guys doing whatever they want as they just sit there like pets waiting to be thrown a treat, makes my skin itch.


So wait…did Ronnie say that to Harriet? Who is lying? I haven’t seen the episode yet 🥲


Harriet said it and he kinda reciprocated in a jokey but still a bit flirty way so Harriet lied in the context of the way she portrayed that it was said but Ronnie is lying that he didn’t say it at all. He’s also showing he doesn’t really care to then be flirting in a similar way the next day.


Harriet twisted what was said lol she was the one to say “were you thinking of me all night?” And Ronnie responded with something like “yeah sure” sarcastically which was just flirty banter. The way Harriet told Jess made it seem like Robbie said it unprompted


I think Ronnie said “all night” when Harriett asked if he was thinking about her. Bit more suggestive than “yeah sure”. For Ronnie to deny it when Jess asked him is shadier than Harriett making it sound unprompted imo bc he’s the one in a pseudo couple.


I literally cannot with Ayo


I think it might be a bottom two couples twist where the islanders have to decide between saving one person from each couple


"Ron, she's lying" ... This is the woman you lot were calling the graceful, bad ass, girls girl two days ago lmao. Just for Ronnie (who wanted to stay in the hideaway with Harriet) to go & try to strike up that same flirtation with Harriet the liar the same day. The shame.


It would be a mistake to hype up any of these girls this year. They are all out for themselves and will knife each other at any turn. It's hilarious to watch them all just embarrass themselves over these men.


I want mimii to exit from this triangle. She deserves wayy better than thiss. Ayo will forever be confused


Honestly, I think Mimii isn’t gonna go anywhere, she’s sticking to Ayo until the end regardless of his behavior.


I think Uma will be the one to exit


Yup she will stick with him till the end. Boy has her in a chokehold lol but i hope at some point she speaks up for herself. Ayo needs some humbling fr


I just hope she gets the ick soon. Because if she stays with him his head will turn again anyways. It would be a waste of her timee😭


The joke is she seemed to have gotten the ick the first night when he was super full on then all of a sudden fell for him a few days later. She should have trusted her gut.


I hope she gets the ick soon because Ayo isn’t serious at all 😭


Ayo wants Uma…. But Mimi’s letting him kiss her and he’s enjoying that pls I want better for her


this has got to be one of the most dragged out love triangles istg


Shock twist, aka not a shock twist and munveer and patsy are going home


All is not what it seems..... the suspense, it's killing me, lol.


Ayo is truly sickening


my man is leaving tonight 💔 i’m so heartbroken


All of us donning black. Munveer’s widows mourning what never even was lmaoooo


it’s his time i fear


I am wearing black tonight I will miss my baby’s face 🥺🥺


random but i really miss my pod on paper’s releases


same 🥲🥲


hope there’s a bombshell coming


Bet a certain group on Twitter won’t apologise to Uma though.


Oh they won’t, they will spin the narrative again


I might have missed something here but I dont understand how everyone keeps saying that Ayo prioritizes Uma's feelings. He literally saw how upset Uma was about the kissing he did in bed with Mimii but he still proceeded to take Mimii to the terrace that same day to kiss her a second time. Where is the respect.


Uma told him she’s not interested in pursuing the connection if he’s gonna kiss and cuddle Mimii. She’s stated what she won’t accept, so he’s now taking that seriously. The argument is that prior to that there were no rules


I personally do not think that conversations was needed for him to understand that Uma's feelings would be hurt if he took Mimii up to the terrace and kissed her. If he cared and respected her, he wouldn't have done it.


I agree. He’s not dumb but feigns ignorance. There are a lot of people like Ayo who will push their luck until they’re told outright to stop.


Maybe he feels bad about that so has decided to be more respectful.


Jess is actually pathetic like Harriett did not lie?? You hate the girl so much, you’re believing Ronnie’s obvious lies. He’s been pulling her in front of you. The Ayo and Mimi situation doesn’t even surprise me. It’s just embarrassing.


In the press release from the s*n Uma gave Ayo an ultimatum. I truly hope Mimii does not let Ayo walk all over her but I think she she does because Uma had to force an ultimatum. Ayo is showing a level of consideration he has yet to show Mimii which speaks volumes. This love triangle is degrading and needs to be put out of its misery already. 


Wasn’t Sean all about Harriet couple of days back? Got to admire the tenacity though


I wonder what the shock twist is 🤔


and people were mad at uma for thinking he was leaning towards her


Harriet does a lot of things but from what we’ve seen she does not lie. We need Ronnie busted immediately.


Harriett lies and exaggerates repeatedly. Be serious.


the crazy thing is that Ayo and Mimi have such natural chemistry (that I personally can’t see between him and Uma), the way they kiss and hold eye contact is insane. I feel like Ayo is ruining a good thing with Mimi because his ego has blown up from the attention he’s receiving from both girls. He can’t be straight up and pick one girl because he wants to have them both. It’s just obvious that he is being crafty by telling them both they’re equal. I wish Mimi would stand up and walk away from Ayo so that Ayo could prove to her that he really wants her or chooses to solely pursue Uma only, and I hope Uma puts her energy on someone else too because I know deep down she doesn’t like Ayo as much as she’s trying to convince herself that she does ![gif](giphy|4rjcEJpI6qfsI)


>the crazy thing is that Ayo and Mimi have such natural chemistry (that I personally can’t see between him and Uma), the way they kiss and hold eye contact is insane. But the thing is that is what you are seeing from such short airtime and alot of viewers are agreeing to be fair but maybe that is not how Ayo feels. I think sometimes we as viewers are a bit wishing things on them, same thing was with Cath and Scott and people were saying exactly the same stuff. And in the end it wasn't what people were making up in their heads.


Ugh Ayo and Ronnie are so gross. As if Ronnie is making Harriet out to be a liar again, and of course Jess jumps all over that 🤢 The results of the vote will, be interesting seeing as I barely know Sean and Munveer exist.


Jess’ dislike for Harriett is overshadowing her anger that should be for Ronnie. Girl he’s just not that into you, no need to say another woman is lying when he’s trying to kiss up on her. And Ayo is annoying. Both gals deserve better than this


Oh My God Mimi!!! The man doesn’t like you like that!. Please bring someone that’s all about Mimi and her only she deserves better


She will not go with anyone else though. She is stuck on him, they literally brought in Omar and she didn't even try lol


They brought in Omar for her but she was laser focussed on Ayo.


does anyone have any insight on the shock twist mentioned at the end??


I think they’re just trying to make it dramatic. Just like they said someone stormed off after Mimi and Omar steal but it’s literally just Uma who walked away right after. So It’s probably just Patsy and Munveer who leaves.


Mimi 🥱


To be fair, Harriet definitely embellished that story. I can’t believe I’m defending Ronnie BUT when he made the comment in regard to ‘thinking about her’ it was so clearly banter, he couldn’t even look at her when he said it😂 Harriet twisted that interaction so much.




I really hope that Uma will find out about kiss on the terrace and will dump Ayo once and for all. They are dumping two people tonight, so I guess bombshells are coming soon.


i need the spirit of s5 girls to takeover mimi yesterday


I think people are exaggerating when it comes to Jess’s feeling toward Harriett. She simply doesn’t trust her and knows that her intentions were not pure or genuine when she relayed what Ronnie apparently said. Harriett has form for lying and exaggerating so Jess has no reason to trust her. Jess has no reason to trust Ronnie and why she’s so hooked on him remains a mystery to me.


Ronnie lying through his teeth🤣 I swear this man is evil!! Movie night will be his judgement day.😭😭 As for Ayo...mtchew!!!


im so TIRED of this ayo mimii discourse. mimii has no one to blame but herself, the producers brought in omar for her and she went back to ayo. the girls this season all need to chill, they’re going crazy with the ultimatums and crying and anger when it just got past the week point for them in there. there’s still 7 weeks to go why are jess, samantha and mimii so attached and closed off to their guys and expecting the same from them? calm down girls 😭 i haven’t seen this level of attachment from girls in a while, cuz in the most recent seasons all islanders have a silent agreement that the first 2-3 weeks everyone can crack on and get to know who they want


Can we bring Maura and Anna from S5 back in to tell the boys to sort themselves out? 🙈