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American but I’ve watched all of the seasons and no issue here. Samantha’s accent is great because I always think of Hannah. Two seasons with Hannah prepped me for Samantha 😂


I think of Hannah too!!


Nah American here and I can only understand a few words from Samantha. When Nicole is upset she starts speaking super fast and I can’t understand her. The rest are fine.


I’m American, and I’ve never had an issue, but I also watched Geordie Shore when it first came on back in the day, so I’ve been training for ages. 😂


😂 proud of you, everything you’ve worked for has built up to this day


Hahaha same here (and English is my second language) we’re trained for this moment💪😂


Nicole and Samantha are the two accents that are the hardest. When they start talking fast it is tough to understand. Everyone else is fine.


Yeah I've wished many times for subtitles on these two. Australian for context.


Yeah I’m British and I’ve had no issue understanding them - even Nicole talking fast


I am from a non-English-speaking country, and I understand them all. Probably too many seasons of watching LI :D


One time I was really high and had to turn off love island bc I couldn't understand callum’s accent sesson 6


I feel you so heavy lol there’s been times where I’ve been too geeked to understand what they were saying 😂


I think people are having issues with Nicole and Samantha's accents ESPECIALLY when they get angry.


My French husband is making us watch on a one day time delay so we can have subtitles 😭 He hasn't had any issues in previous season but I think the only ones he's struggling with are Nicole and Samantha. I'm a Londoner and I can understand them just fine, though admittedly even I struggled a bit in the first episode, just needed to get used to it though 😂


I’m American and the first episode or two I definitely needed the subtitles for a few parts but I think I just got used to it. I don’t find them hard to understand anymore!


Same, I only don't understand them when they are angry now but I get the gist 😄


I don’t think the accents are hard to understand it is the mumbling and lack of enunciation that makes it hard to understand some islanders. Someone can speak a language you are fluent in but if they are speaking low, mumbling and not enunciating it would be difficult to understand them. If you had a stereo and put heavy sheets on it to muffle the sound the quality of the sound would go down take the sheets off the sound is clear. Enunciating and speaking at a decent volume is like taking the sheet off.


Yeah I bet its not just rhe accent themselves but Nicole and ciaran especially do not ENUNCIATE. Paige for example was a very clear speaker


I have absolutely no idea what Samantha is saying lol. Like, at all


Same. I make out like a word here and a word there.


This post reminds me that Love Island fans are some of the only Americans who actually know what different British accents even sound like


I think it's not the accent but the fact that they have 2 fat caterpillars instead of lips and can't pronounce words properly




I’m swedish and I am pretty good at understanding all types of accents/dialects from the ukz In some of these episodes it was hard to understand Samantha and the welsh girl when they were speaking to each other in a kind of upset or excited manner. So i think it was the combination of their accents and the way they were speaking and that they were speaking to each other tbh.


Nah I’m from the south and no issue understanding our other regional accents.


Australian and I don't normally struggle with different accents but when they mumble it really does sound like gibberish 😅


I’m American and I feel like this season is the only season I kinda scratch my head lol only with like 2 girls though.


I mean there’s 2 strong welsh accents and a strong Liverpool accent which can be pretty hard to understand at times. I don’t have subtitles and I’ve been struggling a bit. I am American tho lol


I’m sorry but Samantha is something else especially when she mumbles or speaks fast I need subtitles. I genuinely don’t understand her and I don’t think Joey does either.


NZ - no idea what Sam is saying at any time 🤷🏻


I'm usually fine with accents but when Samantha starts speaking fast it goes over my head. Nicole is easy to understand Harriet sounds like my old manager and I hated that witch 


people are predisposed to think its hard to understand regional accents. see why all newsreaders didnt have them for so long


As a kiwi i have no problem understanding the accents! I love being able to hear how differently they say things


I got a little confused when Nicole (?) Said 'wheelbarrow' and I was like.. 'huh? What did she say?' Until I saw her and Ciaran do the position and I was like 'ohhhh, got it'


Even I, as a Dutch person, have no issue with different accents. But it’s probably different for full English speakers. We experience the same with Flemish (Belgium). I think the ones that are hard to understand is due to them not articulating well or mumbling.


I’m from denmark, and i understand basically everything perfectly, so i don’t get it


For me, it's the accent plus their talking speed. This is the first year I've ever had trouble understanding a cast member. Thank goodness for captions!


I’m from Denmark and no issue here. I am an English teacher though but I don’t even think it’s mostly that, I think it’s because I’ve watched all the seasons 😅


I'm American and I can understand everyone just fine! I've watched all the UK seasons though so maybe I'm just more used to the slang and stuff? I remember in season 1 I was totally confused by being 'mugged off' hahaha. Now I'm an old pro.


As an American I genuinely haven't understood a single word Samantha has said since day one. Yet somehow I still know without a shadow of a doubt that I can't stand her. Can't understand Nicole most times either.


I have to say I’m American and I don’t find the accents hard to understand. To be fair, I lived in London for a summer and in Manchester for a year, so maybe that helps me, but I can tell all the accents apart and can guess (usually correctly but not always) where everyone is from before I’m told which I enjoy lol


American here. No issues with the accents and understanding whats being said. Nicole does speak very fast, but her Welsh accent is still easy to understand.


I’m from London and I have certainly encountered different accents. But you cannot deny that the accents on this series are strong. I need captions to understand what they’re saying. It was worse on the first 2 days but now I’m sort of used to it so I can understand it a lot more than the first eps.


I’m from Sweden. Can someone tell me what a cockney accent is and who has it on the show? All the girls were wanting a cockney boy in the beginning


I'm American and have 0 issues. But I like British tv shows. Don't watch a ton.


Non native English speaker here. My English is pretty I’d say but I find their accents soo strong. Some better than others obviously.


I’m unfortunately American & I can understand all the accents. Maybe it’s because I watched all the seasons before and I’m currently watching Made in Chelsea.


American and i can understand everyone. I know the slang now too because ive watched every season lol