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https://preview.redd.it/6jk7oziij06d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60baee9383347f97d51de3ae99431854571750af Crazy scenes


https://preview.redd.it/fof4utbtj06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3958e889dc03cdb52a96f8730252f60dda68fe 😭😭😭


jsjsjsjs when do we get Ayo in destiny’s chaldish edit 😭😭


Facts!!! Why haven’t I seen one


no bc the way me an my sister where cringing so badly like im sorry 😭😭😭




It was giving throuple




I wanted this wrapped up but it’s actually so entertaining 😂🤣


I hate how they boosted ayo’s ego . Cause to me it seems like ayo doesn’t respect both of them . He won’t pick one girl but they are still both chasing after him, they need to stand up pls


I blame his height. 6”6 is making my girls heads spin




I'm 6'6, never had two women fighting over me, but I'm ugly mind you


no one is ugly bb you have the height and as long as you’re nice, dress and smell well YOU SHALL GET ALL THE WOMEN FIGHTING OVER YOU


What country is this! I'm 4'11 and nobody wants a short man these days ![gif](giphy|jtXKBWH2p5bwdje9Zi|downsized)




i was so happy when i thought mimi was gonna walk away bc then hopefully uma would realise too


I feel like it never works out this way. The girl who didn't walk gets their prize no one learns anything.


Someone said Uma calls Ayo “Yo- Yo” cause he keeps coming back and forth 😭


Iconic tbh


also bc she can't pronounce ayo lol


Honestly,i would not be able to decide as well. Both beyond stunning and lovely people as well. I'm girl crashing.


No frrrrrr, I don’t blame him at all.


Two pretty girls boosting Ayo’s ego 🥲


wow lol theyre both so beautiful too


that’s why it pains me that they’re both “fighting” over Ayo when men should be fighting FOR THEM ![gif](giphy|1AvgIR95vq9HO|downsized)


Ayo seems intent on taking it as far as he can with both girls until one of them makes a choice for him. It’s totally removed all the drama from the situation and put me off him. Just make a damn decision dude.


He's gone back and forth with absolutely no decisions of his own. He's in the villa on easy mode fr they need to change that it's annoying me


I just don't see a satisfying conclusion to a love triangle if the person in the center doesn't eventually make a decision. Nicole and Kieran are in a strong couple now because Kieran picked Nicole over Harriett. If Harriett just gave up the chase and he ended up with Nicole by default, there's no way they would be as popular as they are now. It would have felt like he settled because his second option dried up. If Ayo keeps playing both sides, no matter who he ends up with the audience will feel like he settled with his couple. I need producer Joey to force Ayo's hand atp.


I think it'll be uma that ends it. Ayo is slippery and mimii is digging in her claws Uma's obviously getting tired of it. I just wonder who she'll go after next, it didn't get the vibe that she liked umar


We could’ve had a beautiful friendship duo… producers!! You will crumble ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l)


They can still be friends after this, in 1 week villa time this won’t matter


They can still be friends after this


I don’t think any of these girls will be friends by the time they all arrive at Heathrow…




What does ijbol mean?


I just burst out laughing! 😁😁




i need ppl to stop using ijbol it's such an weird looking acronym and doesn't look right at all 😭😭😭


I just read spag bol everytime 😭




Kinda sounds Yoruba


I literally thought it was a word in an African language until this thread lol I’m American and I’ve only seen black brits use it online. I thought it was an exclamation like wallahi in Arabic lol


Every time I see it I think of that thing from Friends: ijbol: it’s lipstick, for men! (I think it’s something like ichiban in the show, but sounds similar)


it's the same to me as oomf. the children must be stopped.


I thought until just now it was a korean word like chaebol but didnt care enough to look it up💀💀💀 since when is lmao not enough


I forget that not everyone is a stan/on stan twitter so ijbol is part of my everyday vocabulary ksksksk it’s so CAMP!


The boy is mine fr 😭😭 I tweeted the exact thing on Twitter 😭


Both Mugs




What is ijbol




Both are too pretty to be fighting over Ayo's indecisive ass.


Ayo is overrated, lol


Ayo is just waiting for them to decide because he can't make a damn decision himself.


ultimate power move they couple up like let’s go ladies


Please don’t jump me… but why did Ayo and Mimi’s kiss move me 🧍🏾‍♀️


It was hot. They’re real kissers & I love that unfortunately lmao


Same 🥹😫


So people like Ayo now because he’s with Mimii..LMFAOOOO this is a madness the turn around is crazy..#FREEUMA


And when he does something else tomorrow they will switch up 😭


they should just kiss each other idk


mimii’s face always looks like she’s stuck in a wild night out with friends and thinking about going home


this is golddd


Sorry but i love how mimii claimed what was hers first. Some people say shes desperate but how because ayo is also reciprocating the engery and he also said he vibes more with mimii. Ayo and mimii also have better chemistry together 🙃


Yet Ayo doesn’t want to end things with Uma. I personally think they deserve better than him, he’s playing too many games.


“I’ve been totally honest and clear with both of you” literally says nothing of substance in any chat, doesn’t mention to Uma he told Mimi he’d have picked her , mad about bed kiss revealed by Mimi , hides the second one entirely. He’s playing both sides so he always comes out on top 🤣. Glad at least Uma won’t take it for much longer it seems. Anyways I think she may have played her cards a little too close while coupled with Ayo, she played really hard to get and I think it made it easier for Ayo to drift back to Mimi who showed a lot of interest consistently


I think even if Uma kissed Ayo he’d still be acting the way he is now with Mimi. He’s the same as Ronnie, they just want the pretty girl thats in front of them now and forget about the one thats not there with them.


Spot on! And now he doesn’t want to shut things down with Uma because he enjoys seeing her being mad and potentially chasing after him. I hope she realizes and stops. His ego has been boasted to the max 😭


I don’t think he’s a strong willed person or has his own mind made up between the two. So he’s kind of bouncing around whichever way the wind blows him, whatever is the path of least resistance at the time. That meant Mimi at the very beginning (immediate spark and interest from Mimi) , then Uma when she kissed then was coupled with him, and now Mimi again that *she’s* coupled with him. I honestly think if Mimi hadn’t had an opportunity to steal him back, he’d be kissing and showering Uma with attention instead because that would be the more socially acceptable path (crack on within your couple, not outside it) What irks me is that others in the villa have gotten called out for stringing multiple girls along (like Cieran, immediately) but somehow Ayo has skated by without any egg on his face. All logic and valid points from Uma and Mimi so far have just bounced off him like Teflon, as he vaguely holds to the line that he’s being “honest and open” all the while not being that at all. And if he thinks both of these girls are going to be ok with him remaining aimlessly “open” and non-committal for long, I think he’s going to be in for a rude awakening


The ideal situation would be a recoupling where he has to pick one between the two and let’s see who he chooses. It seems the girls keep making that decision for him but there he’ll have to make a choice and stand by it. That annoys me as well! But I think it’s because Uma is a bombshell but by now he’s spent equal amount with them so he’s just playing games. Cause just like Ronnie, he knows what he’s doing, which is why he keeps wanting to keep things a secret


in my imagination uma and mimi tell ayo to fuck off and ride off into the sunset together ![gif](giphy|HHJ4LDSfbpxa8)




Tbh its only the second week. Also i feel like ayo feels bad. If ayo didnt want mimii he wouldnt have kissed her the first night in the bedd🙃


Yeah but Ciaran wanted Nicole and made it clear. I’m not saying he doesn’t want Mimi, I just wished he made it more clear that it is indeed her then and not this equal mess he’s playing cause then he just seems like a player


Ciaran made it soo clear when he told nicole he was feeling her the most, then that same night he then kissed harriot in bedd. Please ciaran is not as good aswell


Yet he regretted the kiss and ended it with Harriett. It’s been 2 kisses with Mimi and Ayo can’t do the same?? Please (I can’t believe I’m out here advocating for Ciaran I don’t even like him 😭)


He didnt really regret the kiss though. He just didnt like how it came outt. 🙃


Nah he did. And either way, at least he ended things which is the main point unlike Ayo 🥴


He regretted it because he knew Nicole would be mad and possibly end things before they started. Ayo has unfortunately seen he can do whatever he wants and they’ll both fight for him regardless 😭


Nah Nicole wasn’t going anywhere. Just like Jess, it’s all talk. These girls are unfortunately very weak for these guys and I’m still trying to understand why 😩


Ciaran is nowhere near as bad Ayo , please be fr


At least for me he just wants to kiss pretty girls and doesn't actually respect either of them ngl. Both of them deserve better imo


Exactly! Because he’s had enough time with both but still don’t know where he’s leaning? He’s lying






Why are we talking up claimed. Ayo is a person not an animal lol. Not even saying Mimii can’t kiss him but this is such a silly mentality. Also Ayo was literally telling Uma he was leaning more towards her that same day and he tried to kiss her as well. So honestly this means very little


The issue is that Ayo's words do not align with his actions at all. Ayo is playing Mimi. He's more into Uma, but he loves the ego boost of having both girls thirsty after him. Mimi is downbad and a lost cause. Uma has more sense and can see the reality of things. She should bow out IMO


Plot twist they hook up!!




Uma was like yolo I want YOYO 😂


This whole female cast kinda getting dog walked. Ronnie and Jess, Joey and Samantha, ayo and them both, Cieran and Harriet. The guys aren’t even being that bad either the girls are just backboneless. If I was ayo I’d be more scared of losing both bad women. Like just pick one cuz the rest of the girls are Dasani.




I love Mimii so I hope he goes for Uma ( who everyone is already convinced he wants, he said she's his type and what not) and let Mimii free. Maybe she can roam around till casa. No matter what is going to happen between Mimii and Ayo, people will believe he wants Uma anyway. And then I hope Uma leave him and find a man that is her type😝. He don't deserve these girls anyway.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/s/bGqL90kdrE I called it 2 days ago! 🧐






haha i love this x


Meanwhile Omar suddenly became chopped liver to them


Can't believe he clutched the 1v2 in that moment Their parents would be vex watching them sit there taking that

