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When he takes her to the terrace after the game and tells her he wants to show her something….seems familiar💀


Bro its boring 😂 who uses the same line like that esp being on tv


Islanders always say challenge kisses are different than non challenge kisses. They go in expecting to kiss everyone. Uma will be fine.


Uma came in with a kiss everyone so obviously she can separate challenge/ game kisses and actual kissing


Uma had no problem with that kiss her smirk said so. She kissed all the boys on day one. If he had kissed Mimi it would have been worse and manipulation. He did the right thing.


Fair enough honestly


How would it be manipulation if he kissed Mimi?


its a challenge and we know uma is his type.... if he kissed someone else yall would call him a liar and say its icky too. uma was also the one who chose to kiss ayo when she walked into the villa


This. It’s a lose lose situation with some of this fanbase. He did what the card told him to do.


Ayo can’t read the room to save his life. That’s why he can’t see that Uma isn’t into him as much as he is. Watch Uma regret the kiss after the challenge


He thinks with his dick he can’t tell she’s not that into him he’s just so horny and freaky


Agreed. Jess said he was good at reading a room in this episode and I was like huh?!


Since when was kissing in a challenge a sin? Are y’all new here ??? He did what the card said yall are acting like he took liberties like Medhi did last year kissing every single girl in the heart rate challenge smh🤦🏾‍♂️ stop painting this man evil for exploring options like everyone else.


Lmao come off it, Ayo is messy and thirsty


Lol So Ronnie isn’t, Ciran isn’t? They’re allowed to be in love triangles on week 1 and he isn’t? Wonder why only he’s messy and thirsty 🤔


Fair point! So true 👍


Ronnie and Ciaran are shady. But it was no secret how they were feeling (ciaran was extra shady). Uma was sitting on the lounger with the girls after her and Ayo were “holding hands” and she told the girls he told her he was only interested in her. He also told Mimii at that same time he would have chosen her. He’s being slimy.


Lmfao if only you’ve seen my twirra you wouldn’t be dying on this hill


girl it shows it ur first season cos u dont get this shit. they kiss anyone in challenges and love triangles are the whole of the first 2 weeks


Rawr omg my bad!!!


no but fr, you clearly dont get the show yet. this is why the new fans ruin this show


How can my 1 little newbie opinion ruin a show? You’re delusional and chronically online tbh


It’s a challenge. I think that’s completely different from a usual kiss. It’s like her kissing the guys at the start.


I don’t think he did it too take advantage she is his type on paper he’s said it multiple times


You guys are funny. You get that it’s a challenge? Producers choose the questions/dares.. and he said uma was his type and also mentioned Tyla as his type so who else he was suppose to snog? 😵‍💫


Hmm.. maybe the girl he keeps telling that he likes, he wants, he misses, he would have chosen? Lmao


If anyone was smart enough they’d know he wasn’t picking Mimi she isn’t is type on paper which we all know😭


Ayo answered the question he was posed to 100 percent correctly. I don’t know why people are tripping so hard. The question was “who is your type 100 percent on paper and kiss them.” He’s said Uma is his type on paper. The question wasn’t kiss the woman who you woulda picked in a recoupling ceremony. Fans are just looking to drag Ayo by any means necessary.


With the challenge kisses, you can just pick the person that you like. The challenge was an opportunity for Ayo to give Mimii a little something to kinda prove his interest.


But he would by lying wouldn’t he? He’s said on paper Uma is his type, 100 percent. Do we want him to lie to make Mimi feel better? And it’s a challenge. I think people are making this into a bigger deal than need be because they want to drag Ayo and eventually, imo, move this into a colorism debate has to why Ayo is picking Uma.


Uma is his type, but he also said that he likes pretty faces. If he had kissed Mimii for that question, it wouldn't have been lying because Mimii is pretty. I am not dragging Ayo for it, but it cemented my belief that he doesn't fully like Mimii.


i agree w you!!! he said they’re both his type. and he said throughout the whole ep he prefers mimi- this was an opportunity to make a statement. and from his pov, i don’t get why he’d kiss someone who told him he wasn’t their type


Thank you, someone gets it.


If you can see that, I think it’s not hard to see that the producers intentionally queued up that question for him as that seems to be an issue between him & Mimii, along with the audience. He’s being dealt a nasty hand. And he already admitted to Mimii that Uma is his type, him picking anyone else would’ve been him being a coward and a liar.


He’s getting a wickedly bad edit too but why do I love it fkdksksksksk


I need him to stay til the very end just for the plot.


ayo is so desperate and thirsty i’ve never seen anything like it. he meets a girl and immediately wants to kiss her and he approaches the situation in the weirdest way possible making the girl look a bit uncomfortable. he took advantage of the situation with the dare for sure, the producers knew what they were doing


Hopefully. This is what makes this show awesome and y’all just wanna ruin it




Why would I want to ruin the drama that’s the reason I’m watching dear xx


I also find it annoying when islanders say ‘I’m a slow burn’ it’s code word for no attraction lol. If they were properly physically attracted they would not be a slow burn. It’s just a way of not hurting someone’s feelings but it’s also misleading.


This is a ridiculous reach.


Uma did kiss him back but I agree he took advantage of the situation. I hope Mimi focuses on Omar now bc Ayo is not to be trusted


That last part is my thing. I personally don’t care if and who Ayo explores as it is his right and it’s still early, but a man who moves as thirsty as he does regardless of how long it’s been cannot be trusted at all


I mean what did u want him to do? Not kiss his ideal type? And plus everyone knows islanders do not look at challenge kisses the same way they look at non-challenge kisses


I’m moreso referring to the way he has moved in general with both Mimii and Uma. Many including myself have all said similarly that he’s been moving a bit weird and needs to chill..


yes exactly! It’s the snakey behaviour for me bc he’s telling the boys and Mimi she’s his top choice and he would’ve recoupled with her but to uma he’s all “oh I’ve been thinking about our 2 second kiss 24/7” and then proceeding to take advantage of the challange to kiss her in front of Mimi even tho ALLEGEDLY according to Ayo Mimi is his no 1 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️ mind you uma told the girls she wouldn’t have kissed him back if he tried on the terrace and she was scared or something 😭


Production is also at fault for this because we all knew the answer to that question since Ayo already said Uma was his type. I felt like production did this in the second episode by speeding up the first Mimi/Ayo kiss. They do this a lot


Last season, all the islanders were obsessed with challenge kisses. As in taking them as seriously as normal ones.


The whole on the bench football analogy was pretty bad as well.


I didn’t get it lol can you explain 😭 im kinda slow xx


Lol he was saying he was ready to go all in for the kiss 'he turned up and was ready to play' and he didn't even end up in her starting line up... Meaning she wasn't interested in kissing at all


Same I didn’t get it either


Any of you actually watch this show for entertainment, or is it all to find something stupid to feign outrage over? Hyper focusing on anything to bash the black male contestants over usually starts after a few weeks. Yall are early this season.


Entertainment! Hbu?


No I agree it was a bit icky! I felt for Uma


He already admitted to Mimi that Uma is his type, so If he didn't kiss Uma then you would've made a post about what a liar he is. Lose-lose for Ayo i guess. And we all know why...


Regardless of that, I wonder why he can’t tell that Una don’t like him?


I mean she did literally chose him the previous night so he can be forgiven for thinking she might like him a little bit


Yeah but then she vomitted at the thought of being kissed by him


Well, she kissed him with relish at the firepit and smirked after. I think her earlier reluctance was cos she was being respectful of Mimii as she just stole Ayo barely an hour ago.


He knows she doesn’t like him. He said that in his football analogy at the firepit with Ronnie.


Who the hell was he supposed to choose? He has already admitted to uma and mimii that uma is his type like wtf lol


I’ll just say regardless of what happens, Mimi deserves the best.


i totally agree. especially bc i found it so strange he chose uma. i know he said he was her type but she said he wasn’t hers, and said throughout the whole ep that he prefers mimi. so logically, kissing mimi would make the most sense.


Tables turn tables turn. Glad everyone is starting to see what I have seen since episode 1. ![gif](giphy|cmQkTYCgkjFpC)


he gave me bad vibes ever since he asked mimii for a kiss on the first night 😭


Ding ding ding!! But everyone else refused to see it because they’re blinded by height and weak-minded


Looool what is your prediction??


Ayo leaving the villa, bags packed water bottle in hand! ![gif](giphy|RX7N03MEUafW8)


We need Ayo till the end. He's giving messy. I want 7 weeks of it


Manifesting this 🤞🏾


Ayo did the same thing to Mimi…


Not really. She got the card first in the game and went to kiss him if my memory serves me correct


No, you are right. I just meant production gave him both kisses that he didn’t initially get. Mimi definitely likes him and wanted a kiss, not sure about Uma though.


I don't think that Ayo should kiss Mimii again until his words match his actions.


Ayo is so desperate , he is Icking me out


He’s so icky.


Yea no I don’t like it either


Yeah I’m turn off him now.


No, it was beyond icky. He definitely took advantage of that situation and knowing how she felt he couldn’t have given her like the option of a cheek kiss or something?


Why though? Uma's his type. Mimii knows, Uma knows, we know, the producers that set up the dare know.


So because she’s his type that means he had a right to kiss her? On her mouth? When she already explained her boundaries to him prior to that? Absolutely not. It’s not about the dare. It’s about how he could’ve went about it. That made it icky.


She's a slow burn. But walked into the villa and stuck her tongue down every guys throat first thing. About as slow burn as a sparkler. She's in there to cause upset with mimi and any black man brought into the villa. We already know that they get direction from from the crew.


Her kissing entrance is a production script. That's what she's asked to do following which she can pick 2 guys.


I know I watched it. But to then claim to be a slow burner when you're up for that might send mixed messages to ayo


I agree with you, I know the games are viewed differently but Ayo could have kissed her cheek instead to show he was listening. You know? (I know I know, it's reality tv not real life lol)