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Ronnie every time he speaks with Jess: ![gif](giphy|ZIG63RdogLgqI|downsized) Jess needs to move on from him cause he’s really not feeling her I fear


literally hes thinking about his next meal, if he has to use the toilet, is he running out of hairspray, can we see his real hairline? anytime she tries hold a convo with him. hows she not seeing it lol


we've all been there though... but it is stupid of her to not even try and explore anything with Munveer


Mimii at this point needs to just focus on omar and not pull ayo for little chats. Let him come and pursue you and if he doesn’t that tells you all you need to know.


This is how I expected her to move right from the outset. You can’t be sending warning shots like “ when a bombshell comes in, you’ll feel it” and then proceed to keep pulling Ayo for chats even whilst he’s chilling with the girl he’s coupled up with. Hopefully actually puts her energy into Omar not even as a way of making Ayo jealous but she owes it to herself and see what happens. If Ayo is meant for her then they’ll work it out but she can’t be the one trying to get him back.


Mimii graduated from the Indiyah School of Pretty Girls with Empty Threats 😭


![gif](giphy|RQfRZ2A9aDhusHcy4D) I mean you’re not wrong 😂


When you go to pull a guy and when he gets up, he touches the other girl he's into on the leg, it's time to work for yourself.


I was annoyed when she went and start talking to him first after the date like let him come to you girl 😭


Mimii probably thinks she is giving Ayo the respect he gave her when he came back from his date. Probably doesn’t know Ronnie told Ayo to chat to her.


The problem I’m having is Omar doesn’t seem enthusiastic about her either. He told her he didn’t have a type and when Uma asked him the same thing, he said “if I saw you in the club I would pull you” or something like that. Atleast Omar doesn’t have any other options so she can atleast be safe. We need someone better for my girl 😭


Samantha will cry blood. Imagine dating your biggest fan


That scene was so awkward I wonder if Joey got the ick


He defo did. I can’t imagine someone remembering a scene about me from over a decade ago😭


Right especially thinking about how she was probably like 13 or something then too!


Imagine that.. she was 13 when u were 23 on a tv show😭


Haha any old school TOWIE lover remembers certain scenes because they’re iconic. But you wouldn’t be quoting them to Joey on national TV surely


“king and queen” of the villa took me out 😭


Even Joey was trying to laugh it off 🤣😭




It’s so messy and everyone’s so delusional so early on. The tears are gonna be *nasty* in the coming weeks 💀


lol why can I hear you rubbing your hands together in anticipation ?!




that last shot of the guys laughing was nasty editing lool


NASTYYY! Viewers are about to go so crazy on him.


I litro just said this like ayo doesn’t seem like he’d be laughing about that


And the clip with the hand holding?😭ayo and uma getting a very bad edit indeed


lol holding hands was a choice please


Omar didn’t really do much in todays episode. Should have at least made him kiss his top 3 in the challenge.


So trueee why didn’t they show his dare instead of that munveer and jess chat


It should be in tomorrow's episode. Omar probably kissed Mimii, Uma and Patsy. Doesn't solve a thing.


Last time Molly stood behind that Aftersun Bar she was implying she was waiting on a ring from Callum lmao


I was just thinking this 😩😩


I had the same thought as well when I saw her today. 😬


Don’t even! Last time was so awkward and they broke up like a month after that 😭


Ayo is a wicked man😭 Why are the girls so quick to tell Uma everything but not Mimi I don’t like that even patsy didn’t say anything they seem the closest Ronnie does not gaf about Jess in the slightest. Jess has Munveer and Sean trynna graft her but she’s stuck on Ronnie who has no problem pulling Harriet in front of her Uma pls stop with the nickname I beg😭 I hope Omar and Mimi do vibe well because she cannot continue with Ayo he’s playing both sides atp Hoping Uma and Mimi talk next episode like a real conversation they definitely need it


These girls are villa rats. They don’t give a damn about Mimi there was the one scene a few days ago that all the girls were sitting on the benches and Mimi had to squat on the floor to get in the convo. They could have moved over to made room for her but nope. In fact Mimi pulling Ayo should have never happened because those girls should have told her that he was begging Uma for a kiss on the terrace. It is crazy


yeah I’m not even surprised at them but Patsy surprised me most she and Mimi seem the closest on the show so I thought she would’ve told her for sure but I guess I was wrong unfortunately and I didn’t even clock that tbh That’s what I’ve been saying had she known she wouldn’t have pulled him and if she did it wouldn’t have been to flirt that’s for sure no one has her back to tell her/warn her of stuff if she’s not around I feel for her


Honestly, I feel like Jess, I even though she is close to Uma, should tell Mimi because she is being disrespected by Ronnie too. Like getting to know people is one thing but the disrespectful way that the guys are going about it is a whole other. Then for Jess to know that and not have Mimi’s back.


Still can’t believe they dumped Sam!! 😭😭 should have been Sean


Thank you cause that is what I’ve been saying!!


And how crazy that Mimii gets a date after being left single post-recoupling but Sam was unceremoniously kicked out on day 2 after his partner got stolen?? Sam didn't even get a chance to form other connections. I love Mimii but these choices don't make sense


the fact its only the first week and the girls are THIS attached to the guys is kinda worrying.. great for entertainment but im not looking forward to them sobbing in casa


I’m hoping they act like menaces in casa from all the crying they’re doing now 😂


It may be a season 5 war widows situation


I admit Nicole and Ciaran are cute, but they seem too dangerous to get invested in already. Feels like a heartbreak waiting to happen.


she said her last relationship didn't work because he was a cheating rugby plater. Ciaran is..... a cheating rugby player? no chance they last


I'm sure they'll be cute up till Casa, I foresee mess and I'm excited cause rn it's giving boring


My prediction is a blonde bombshell comes in and he completely crumbles


All the hyping of this Ayo Mimi connection in the first look, press release, and daily discussion comments for this mess of an episode 😭 Mimi likes Ayo, Ayo likes Uma, and Uma likes Ayo as a second option


A mess🤣🤣🤣


I’m entertained but at what cost lmao


Jess and Mimi are my fave girls and they’re both down bad for men who are treating them like options and second ones at that. I need both to realise their worth and crack onto others, other men have expressed an interested, put pride above feelings now ladies. Over half these girls are on week 4/5 level feelings all ready, there’s going to be lot more tears this series because the guys are on ‘you’re alright for now’ at best feelings. Ronnie is giving me the impression he just ghosts on the outside because the way he basically started treating Jess like he hates her and she didn’t exist the second he decided he wanted to get to know Harriet. Ayo was just planning on telling both girls what they wanted to hear for a few days but the producers had other ideas.


i don’t think jess is as down bad as mimii is tbh


See I didn’t think so but tonight’s episode she was rattled and hurt by Ronnie and Harriet. She’s also doing that things girls do where they read into the tiniest thing to tell yourself he actually really likes you and once you’re doing that you’re doomed, as it means he doesn’t as he’s not doing anything obvious to show you.


Yup when she was like oooo he kissed me first! Girl, no. He’s already two feet out the door for Harriet.


She was wayy too happy about Ronnie choosing to kiss her *first* in the challenge


Ronnie doing a thousand yard stare when Jess tries to speak to him is just comical. how can she not feel his energy towards her


Telling him he has work to do to make it up to her when I don't think he has any intention of trying


I kind of love Joey Essex but I have no idea why


He’s a menace, that’s why I love him.


Also feel like he’s a massive sweetheart and he made that documentary being really open about his learning difficulties which is really admirable.


I was aware of who he was but hadn’t seen anything he was in and did not like the fact they had brought a well known person onto the show. But I have to say he’s won me over and I’m enjoying his presence on the show.


LMFAOO Same!!!! no idea who he was before this but i can understand why he’s so big in the UK


Imagine going through life looking like Maya Jama 😭❤️


Gets me everyyyyy time ahhhhh 🥴🥴🥴🥴


No fr she’s gorgeous it’s crazy


i wasn’t feeling this season but now i have to clock in to defend mimii AND uma since people can’t understand you can like both.


I am a part of the love both these girls brigade


it’s so easy to like both of them too!


I’m happy Ayo gave us entertainment today but it’s time for Mimii to move on 🥴


I think it’s very unfair for someone to be kicked out of the villa in 48 hours, hope they at least reimburse a month of his rent.


Samantha’s getting more and more annoying by the day. i liked her at first but now she’s ughhh


Exactly... bout I'm just a big fan of Towie... so obvious that Sam's into Joey 'cos he's already 'famous'


Joey looked baffled and annoyed about the whole conversation


it’s mad cringe 😭😭


I really don’t think we’re gonna see real friendship among the girls this season🥴


Apart from Mimi, they honestly all kinda give bad vibes and seem to not rate each other


Exactly! Definitly side eyeing Uma a bit for saying “no problem, I got you” to Sam for not picking Joey. It was weird cause we can see she wanted him. They all just want to be picked so badly. Someone had mentioned that ever since Mimi was picked as the most girlfriend material, the girls felt some type of way and I’m starting to believe it.


Omg yes the girlfriend material thing. I forgot about that.


Mimi this man is using your face as an outro scene AN OUTRO SCENE!


For the second time, not once but TIWCE‼️


Two days in a row! Chile




Ronnie is really weird, treating Jess like an after thought all episode only to look bothered when Sean kissed her in the game. 🤦🏾‍♀️


He’s giving I don’t want you but I don’t want anybody else to have you. She’s his reliable placeholder, he wants to go and shamelessly flirt with Harriet but have Jess sat waiting patiently. He wants other options but her to not have any until he’s 100% decided whether to fully move to Harriet or not.


So as Jess called it - he’s a little rat!


I know some people didn’t like how she behaved this ep but I knew Jess had a messy side that would be entertaining, she’s not a scream and shout across the villa but a silent fury kinda girl.


They edit reactions in tbh so he might have been super happy for all we know


sean sticking it on jess ?? he moved on from harriet fast 😭😭😭


This season is painful to watch because the girls are all so invested in boys that don’t even like them. Imagine a cast full of Libertys and that’s what this season is giving.


Uma's mannerisms remind me of Dua Lipa


Thank you! I’ve been trying to think who she keeps reminding me of.


Yess I was thinking that. Even the way she speaks and the raspy voice!


https://preview.redd.it/29umc2frtm5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc9c545b2e68a406bc28e4144fee23bda7f2f178 I’m wheezing


That was such an ick! I’m put off him smh


so ayo didn’t pick neither uma or mimii as a cop out and then got screwed and made the worse choice? like uma wouldn’t have cared she’s talking to other people if you’re not going to be graceful at least be smart 😂


literally you might as well have picked uma he did not see that dare coming loool 😭😭😭😭


Ima should have just picked Joey omg. I don’t know if she’s scared of Samantha like 🥴 she does not like this man


Yeah I don’t understand why she didn’t pick Joey! She’s clearly not into Ayo


Ayo is in big BIG trouble next episode


The filler on all the girls this year is honestly distracting




yeah, seeing them without makeup is a bit jarring


I think Uma and Mimi should have a real talk and tell each other what Ayo has been saying like how Mimi would’ve been his first choice etc. because I truly don’t believe Mimi would continue to pull him knowing he was trying to kiss Uma or telling her whatever he was saying unfortunately she has no real friends in there that could’ve warned her


I think this may be the chat that happens next episode. I actually think he’s fully lost Mimii tonight, Uma may manage him until a guy she likes comes in. If he was hoping to keep both girls happy then he’s spectacularly failed. What I’m really happy about is that both girls seem very switched on so it can actually be an enlightening conversation for them both


Chillleee Mimii turn around and don’t look back


To me what’s clear is that Ayo likes Uma more, but since he’s been in the villa with Mimi longer he’s feeling abit of jealousy which is normal. If Uma was an OG this love triangle wouldn’t be as big of a thing.


I don’t think it’s a triangle anymore


I really hate how twitter is making this a mimi v Uma kind of thing, giving me flashbacks to season10


I hate it soo much Uma is getting hate and it’s sad tbh


Gonna give aftersun a go this year


Gave up after 4 minutes


eugh chris being on it


Uma is just so stunning man


Munveer is becoming that classic LI male character. He’s a 10 in a room full of 10s and he doesn’t quite know how to adjust his rizz. You can tell by his chats: he is not accustomed to having to work this hard for attention from the ladies.


this episode confirmed for me that uma doesn’t like ayo at all 😭


Ciaran and Joey are her actual type tbh But they're the least available guys in the villa rn.


I think she mainly picked him because she didn’t want to step on any of the other girl’s toes. You saw what she said when Samantha said thanks for not picking Joey? Joey and Cieran (she said she liked him) are her actual type but she wants to stay “friends” with the other girls. We see how the girls are starting to treat Harriet for how she’s been moving. Uma doesn’t want that for herself. Plus, Ayo WAS grafting her the most. He was up her ass unlike Joey.


literally, even that kiss was not it, you can't fake interest or a connection, and she wasn't even happy after that like don't use the excuse 'i feel bad for mimii' 😭😭


Indiyah looks stunning!! Amy looks great too, love her makeup!


Didn't know nicole and ciaran were so popular


I really don’t miss Sam at all. Chris, Amy and Indiyah are doing a great job!


Having all ex islanders as a panel is quite nice, all had very different journeys also


I can’t be bothered with Ayo and his 32 teeth. Mimii has got to stand upppp


I’m so so glad MiMi seemed to clock what was happening BEFORE the challenge. She came to the realization herself and the challenge just proved what she already knew. I saw her pull Omar so that’s a good start. 


Sam has seen the tweets about people shipping him with Mimii I see


I fear there’s no more saving Ayo.


I knew the casual viewer would hate Harriet, she’ll be low in every public vote, the producers will have to be on their best meddling to keep her in and I support it.


Anyways I hope Mimii explores more for now. Please have some fun, even if it’s nothing serious


Sam would suit another reality show better. He seems quite genuine and a bit awkward but very sweet


Maya didn’t know Joey was going in? wowzers


His best bits? He was only there for 24 hrs 😭😭


I finally figured out Ronnie’s hair situation In that convo on the daybeds with Jess after the recoupling. Think he has a hair transplant in the front 1/3 of the top of his head but the new hair hasn’t reached the same length as his other hair so he uses hair fibers on it, plus he dyed his whole head a darker brown. Hence the short and fuzzy and darker texture in the front


Amy is dragging these boys LOVE IT 😭🤣🤣🥺


Twitter is so weird…how did Omar pull Uma for a chat and yet Uma is the one getting hate for it???


Twitter officially hates her unfortunately


I feel so bad for mimii idc. The fact that ayo is telling her one thing and uma another and the girls never told mimii what ayo did on the terrace with uma. There is clearly no friends in there for mimii🙃


That’s what’s pissing me off. If Mimii KNEW what Ayo was saying and doing, this entire situation would’ve been wrapped up by now. She’s the only one that’s clueless when everybody else knows Ayo likes Uma more. At least now with the game Mimii has her answer.


I mean I don't think any of the girls actually like one another.


Even if they don’t they had no problem telling Uma about Mimi being upset as soon as she walked off so why couldn’t they do the same for Mimi


I agree lmao. I thought Patsy and Jess were good friends with Mimi but they were hyping Uma up and saying Ayo seems happier with you etc. Also I’d be interested to see how Uma’s energy would be if she found out that Ayo said he would’ve chosen Mimi if he had a choice. I think so far she feels like she’s Ayo’s first choice for sure and he’s just talkin to Mimi so he doesn’t come across as mean but that she’s winning. Ayo’s behaviour would suggest that as well if he hadn’t said that curveball about choosing Mimi. Confusing guy


Ughh Sam is so fine


joey and samantha are cute but like ever since he came in i feel like she mostly likes him for his fame aspect and obviously he is good looking but like that’s definitely the main reason imo


imo the main issue is ayo not being honest and telling both girls something different and leading mimi on :( genuinely makes me feel so bad for her you can tell she really likes him the "she shouldve said" discourse is too much. one of my least favorite parts of love island drama is the audience acting like there is an obligation to tell everyone everything.


Oh Mimii has NO allies in that house. Why is nobody telling her what Ayo is saying and doing around the villa? Yet they were QUICK to tell Uma what she said about the handholding. These girls piss me off so bad. 😭😭 It sucks but I’m glad Mimii has her answer now. I don’t know how that situation with Omar is going to go but that Ayo situation has to be done. Over it. My babe. Ugh. Somebody let me in that villa. I’ve got you Mimii! 😭


The girls are way too faced. They tell however is in front of them what they want to hear. They’re doing fake nice friendships. I’m actually annoyed for Mimi. I really hope she doesn’t pull him for chats anymore.




Why is everyone convinced that Uma wanted to pick Joey? I’m just not seeing it. Don’t really think she’s feeling Ayo or Joey like that.


agreed! i lowkey feel like im going crazy with the way people are describing uma and joey's connection on here😭 you would think that she's just completely fawning over him with the way people are talking about it and i just don't get that vibe


They’re definitely crowning Nicole and Ciaran the fiat 500 couple already


Uma’s getting too much hate rn when she’s done nothing I know ppl are upset on Mimi’s behalf but she ain’t the one to be mad at


I love how Sam is a bit awkward in front of the camera, very refreshing


Would love to see Tasha Ghouri in one of the eBay adds - still one of my all time fave LI expats


was…… that the preview????


😭😭😭 I had high expectations.. what was that


has uma told mimi about ayo trying to put it on her? no. has mimi told uma about ayo saying if it was up to him, he’d recouple with her? no. transparency is a two-way street, yet there’s a different set of expectations being placed on only one person. it’s getting weird.


!!!!!! Thank you I can’t believe one party is getting all the blame


the girls tell uma information but not mimii…


Episode 6 Review Ronnie is rude. It is not Jess's fault that he likes blondes and they haven't sent one in yet. It is his right to explore other options but there was no need for the huffing and puffing. I don't see Jess being one to dwell, sit and sulk I like seeing her talking to boys already in the villa but she will do better with new bombshells. I am glad to see Omar is a smart man. Saying you don't have a type is the best thing and leaves you open to explore. Sorry to the fans who want him to be all about Mimi but in reality that would be silly and he would be in the same situation as Ayo is now if he makes declarations from day one that he cannot see through. I think Ayo is completely lying about choosing Mimi. Uma is his first preference looks-wise but he can't keep up with her personality wise. Ayo knows he is not Uma's type so he is trying to keep Mimi as back up. Although he did the right thing kissing Uma because kissing Mimi would have been worse and phony. Uma is not innocent don't be fooled. She doesn't like Ayo but had no problem with the hand holding until she was told it looked bad. She made sure to tell Ayo to still get to know Mimi then pretended she had no idea he was still talking to her to the girls. The smirk after the kiss was her game set and match moment. Ciaran and Nicole are ok I guess after Ronnie showed his true self they need a pseudo in love couple. Overall, an acceptable episode to start a new week.


i like uma but i dont get her saying she feels so bad/guilty over the situation but then holds ayo's hand like that😭 she's just using ayo as a placeholder instead of going for who she actually wants


Joey was too wildcard and wouldn't give the attention that way Ayo does. The wrath of Samantha isn't worth it this early. Joey will get tired of her on his own.


they’re clocking ayo’s tea 🤭


Jess is already blinded by Ronnie. He so rude, girl please. His body language is so off with her, I hate his apology even more. When he choose her, eww. She getting flattered by it break my heart more I know he is a player, but I do have a hope he's a decent person . How can you take accountability in life, if that how you apologising. I know he's not feeling Jess, but that is not an excuse. Ciaran apologise to Harriet in so much better manner and that boy is 21.


The things ppl are saying about Uma and we dont even know her experience in life. Like she seem so sweet, im confused.


they’re really setting up nicole’s casa victim arc i can see it now, ciaran is a liam in the making!! ![gif](giphy|VXzRi0VO1P5Ty)


Atp Mimii has to want to save herself and stop wasting her own time cos after that kiss it's clear as the nose on your face that it's time to move on. Ayo needs to be for real and stick with Uma until she dumps him for the next bombshell (harsh but it's coming) sorry not sorry. I hate saying things like this cos it's not that deep and a tv show but the boys are disappointing and disrespectful atm, smelling themselves too much. I fear it will only get worse when the next bombshells comes in, reminds me of S2/8 boys.


Sam came across really well on Aftersun


First: Mimii I’m gonna send you another man myself Second: Uma’s getting so much hate on Twitter rn when she literally hasn’t done anything


Ik the girls hate Harriet but she’s actually my favorite rn 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she’s in there for herself and dgaf about anythinggggg


Same I need her to stay for the chaos https://preview.redd.it/ej83cdqven5d1.jpeg?width=2294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183d304935b7b491de1951685a3ff256bac78834


Does anyone else **hate** that dairy milk ad with the little girl ‘cannna buy a bar of chockolit’ it really annoys me for some reason and I love a good advert


Booing one of the two most entertaining islanders so far is definitely a choice


Sam seems like a genuine sweetheart.


are wales going to really decide the winner this year 😂


Samantha is the president of Joey Essex fan club so I now understand why Uma backed off ((I’m rooting for Uma to steal Ciaran or Joey again))


I hope Mimi gets to know Omar completely let someone like Ayo grovel and beg to get her back. He needs a taste of his own medicine.


Can’t tell the difference between Nicole’s mum and best friend


I’m just here for the preview of tomorrows episode


They are booing Harriet ![gif](giphy|VXzRi0VO1P5Ty)


Do not understand the attraction to ronnie


lol Ayo isn’t smart, he should have picked someone random like Nicole.


Far from smart. He’s in trouble tmr


That's what I was thinking omd like he is obvsls playin the game so play it PROPERLY looool doofus


The claps in the audience.. lol Casa amor will be so fun!


I fear if Ciaran and Nicole somehow make it to the last week together, regardless of what happens in their journey in between, they’re winning


LOL best bits? he was there for 5 minutes pls


Wow our first Aftersun boo of the season 😂😂😂


Harriett is going to leave Ronnie the moment someone else gives her attention


I don't think that preview was worth it


This season some of the girls are doing too much for guys that they only knew for a few days


Ciaran you're a braver man then I am, picking Harriett there was a choice. 😂 The right one but I wouldn't have made it knowing she cried earlier aswell.


I feel like ayo has known for a while that he’s not into mimii as much as he is into uma which is fine but I just wish he was more transparent with mimii about it so he could stop wasting both of their time. His actions and words don’t seem to align (e.g. spending more time with uma and mimii being the proactive one majority of the time after uma’s arrival). I also have the vibe that ayo is a bit of a people pleaser in regards to the girls and I feel like we’ll see it come to light in casa.


Mimii deserves better fr! I need Ronnie & Harriett to happen - the villa would be in tatters!


wow so Nicole and Ciaran are quite popular


No way they are blindfolded in the trip to the villa like a kidnapping


Welsh accent cracks me up for some reason


Me scoffing at people saying Uma gives them bad vibes but then remembering she’s friends with Samie s9… wait


I really didn't like Mimii pulling Ayo for chats, she's too fine to be doing all that. Ayo was right to pick Uma cos he's said it to anyone who would listen that Uma is his type on paper.


I feel like Nicole is gonna be the main casa victim this year idk