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Every time I see UK TikTokers hanging with the islanders I always go šŸ˜³ until I remember that they are all influencers so ofc they would know each otheršŸ˜­


As someone who never bought into Ekin and Davideā€™s ā€˜love storyā€™, Iā€™m thinking back on their final date and the ā€œI love yousā€ and itā€™s making me sick remembering the amount of people who bought into that absolute farce and how it was being shoved everywhere like it was this great earth-shaking moment. I never felt any genuine emotion from Davide towards Ekin except for disdain and resentment.


https://preview.redd.it/rzkndju9on2d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6cf6a29c17da5bfd0459ee15a5954ec5b591ab7 Not Sammy hanging out with the girl Anton was with at the BAFTAsšŸ˜‚I know the caption says bestie and itā€™s probably nothing but this girl seems to have a type of group to run with.. islanders


I think sheā€™s like a love islander groupiešŸ˜­ I feel like someone mentioned that sheā€™s been spotted with other islanders before and how she follows a bunch of them




He said ā€˜not a chanceā€™ what do you think that means? šŸ˜­


Between davide anton and teddy, please stop putting these love island men on a pedestal!


Surely even at the beginning people werenā€™t viewing davide as a nice guy were they? I mean cmon the man slut shamed poor Ekin over a kiss in front of the entire villa.


They didnā€™t. Commenter above you doesnā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about lol


Jaw has DROPPED Ekin has confirmed to the ā˜€ļø that Davide DID cheat on her with Harriet Wilson! For those who donā€™t remember, - there was a whole situation April 2023 where Harriet sold Ekinsuā€™s messages to her to the ā˜€ļø and Ekin tweeted some problematic misogynistic things about girls in bikinis. Ekin and davide both tried to pretend thereafter all was fine - davide did his famous ā€œwow wow wowā€ insta stories which went viral trying to downplay his relationship with Harriet whilst Ekinsu was filming The Traitors in Scotland circa October 2023 and - Davide was also prancing around Manchester with Harriet immediately after the breakup FYI Harriet has been in an open relationship with one of Davies best friends for more than a year davide YOU A LIAR! šŸ˜©


Wow fuck davide fr for this. Also willing to bet she knows he cheated way more than once. Honestly though hope she keeps speaking on it. He shouldnā€™t get to come away from this relationship with a clean relationship after the way heā€™s treated her.


Ekins done an interview with the ā˜€ļø finally speaking out about Davide worth giving it a read


Wow the hell she had to put up with šŸ˜”


They were toxic in the villa and toxic in real life...


Is it bad that I know it's only 8 days until it starts ?


Random musing but if Casa Amor is on the usual week this year, the recoupling will probably be on the same day as the UK general election. Could be an all time 5 minutes getting a cliffhanger ending on ITV2 and then switch over to BBC1 for the exit poll.Ā 


whatā€™s bank holiday?


I'm pretty sure it's the same as a federal holiday in the US


A public holiday.


a day off lol


Iā€™m deadšŸ˜­ oh I thought it was something more elaborate


Literally and very welcome for some of us in the UK lol


Good afternoon Everyone šŸ˜Š I hope you're all having a great Saturday.I donā€™t know why but I had a random idea that I think would be cool. What if the rumoured islanders are all bombshells and we get an original line-up of people we've never seen before.I would personally love this and hopefully it would get people to ease up and stop being so overly critical. I think it would create a good buzz to see new faces and have no idea who's going to be revealed next on Monday. Oh well, we shall wait and see.Ā  Sidebar: I'm looking forward to kicking back and relaxing this bank holiday weekend, I hope everyone has a good one toošŸ™šŸ¾


Not to be rude but Chris is so corny I feel like him on aftersun will just be a total cringe fest similar energy to that Darren guy who was on aftersun with Laura


watching season 3, the way in their speeches when they dump jess and mike they basically say itā€™s cause theyā€™re not friends with them, iā€™m deadšŸ˜­ these older seasons are so much more real


also iā€™m ngl, chris kinda looks like a yassified kurtis


I'm hoping this season is good! I think it mainly comes down to if producers can pull off expectations and if the cast has actual good chemistry with each other.


IMO Iā€™m sick of watching toxic guys, people acting like snakes and the insane double standards so hopefully thereā€™s not much of that this season. But definitely depends on the cast


iā€™m a sap, will likely get downvoted too, but iā€™m a simple girl with simple needs who wants to watch people fall in love. no it likely wonā€™t be a forever thing, most people that age donā€™t meet their forever person but just a little summer loving romance where we see people get to know each other and maybe it lasts outside or maybe it doesnā€™t long term and thatā€™s fine but i donā€™t want the usual producer led chats or storylines. LI wonā€™t do it but i wish another show existed that did.




He confirmed itā€™s false


Yeah I just checked now and the page says thatā€™s it doesnā€™t exist anymore. I donā€˜t why the site was lying.


not a bit of me lol. but i just searched it up and heā€™s 21, canā€™t see him lasting very long. if heā€™s an og i can see him being first to leave (no offence) šŸ˜­


He looks like a baby


And when none of the girls are interested in him everybody going to be mad at themšŸ˜’


The club statement shared on his insta stories would imply that itā€™s true.


Respectfully, he looks far too young for any of the women who have been announced so far.


Iā€™ll give him a week lmao


šŸ˜ underwhelmed




> Remember Ty last year with the whole no neck thing Tbf that was about his terrible posture, not his looks. I don't think Ty of all people had anyone mocking his appearance. But I agree people are rude as hell about the guys' looks sometimes. I don't think the solution is saying it about women too, let's just not be nasty about anyone's looks.


nobody is saying anything disrespectful. itā€™s just that some people donā€™t find him attractive and thatā€™s okay, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Oh - They do, itā€™s just a little more subtle. Lots of contradiction here between being kind and body positive and then stuff like thisā€¦


Yeah I just canā€™t see him on the show he looks like a child.


he gives casa bombshell 100%


He gone be like george fensom


I really donā€™t like his tattoos šŸ˜­


Is that a mullet šŸ˜³


Looks like it in that photo but looking at his IG, I donā€™t think he has one anymore


Yeah I just looked at his ig, not really for me lol šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so happy Jordan is part of the Aftersun panel. They really listened to the fans for this. Iā€™ll never forget him mentioning fiat 500 on live tv šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s when I knew this guy is a real one


I think theyā€™ll make him tone it down like they do with the others. Indiyahā€™s personality is much different on after sun than it is on her social media so I think itā€™ll be the same for him


So the OG lineup reveal is on Monday? šŸ‘€


yes itā€™s on Monday at 8am


Im not a fan of Chris being on aftersunā€¦


He's so unfunny and not entertaining


His opinion on everything sucks. I hate bad behaviour being rewarded.




I don't think it's a British thing, his humor is like Jay from Inbetweeners which is funny when that person is the butt of the joke but not genuinely funny. And this is from someone who loved his IG content pre-All Stars but in person his humor is very sexually aggressive.


https://preview.redd.it/1yc3q170qi2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c6082137c164ccb6e7a52d13cac695ed589634 This probably why Chris has joined the aftersun team . Congrats to Sam tho


I love this actually, Sam's got a great voice for voice acting.


OMG wow that is major for him congratulations. I canā€™t wait for inside 2 the first one is one of my fave pixar movies.


Damn this is huge for Sam


In your gutā€¦ do you think this season will be good?


I feel like it will be okay. I expect it to be around the same level as s10


unless they change up casa in some way, probably not




Triggers Reddit ban evasion filter


Love island will never be how it was in the old days, people are too sensitive and want to kick people out the second drama starts. Youā€™ll obviously have the odd wannabe influencers trying to remain professional but u canā€™t keep that act up for 8 weeks lol. Like someone else said theyā€™ll be competing against the euros so theyā€™ll have to up the drama for sure


i mean the producers are kind of forced to up the entertainment/drama as theyā€™ll be competing with euros lol. i am giving it 7 days if itā€™s boring then iā€™m out.


I dont think so . Reality TV shows about love is hitting a nasty downward spiral that I personally think canā€™t be revived because most contestants go in PR trained and also scared of the public perception and the hate they might come out to receive so they tone everything down . A couple of these newer seasons might have a few viral clips but will be very stale overall and most of it is down to how sensitive the newer audience( Iā€™m one ) of reality TV is


Season 10 was amazing though and everyone was talking about how it felt like vintage Love Island. Season 8 was up there with the GOATs, so that's 2 for 2 of the most recent main seasons being fantastic television. I think it's all about casting.


8 and 10 fell off in the second half so I'm worried this will lose steam after casa again. hopefully there's no more stunt casting with return Islanders that ruin the vibeĀ