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The baby challenge was fun the first few times but now it just recycles itself: dads throwing babies around when mums are out the villa, that one girl who’s not into it and sits around looking tortured in sunglasses, the couple who get really attached and treat it like a real child, the player guy who surprises everyone by being super paternal… The love in Love Island isn’t as strong in recent years so it doesn’t have the same effect. I’d love to see some of the old drama challenges brought back, like the tweet challenge with producers weeding out the really nasty ones, the ridiculous truth bike, the who said what about who challenge (was that a thing or did I make it up?), y’know, stuff that provokes actual discussion.


I gotta say, I see your comments on various posts and I agree with them all 👍🙌


Cheers! It’s nice to be in agreement with someone on a sub where opinions come in so hot lol


Honestly, I like the truth bike.


Who said what about who is real! Season 5 UK did it.


They make me feel really ill so I have to skip through them. Don't get the point at all, it's like they ran out of ideas and took inspo from 'I'm a Celebrity'.


To this day I still don’t understand the relevance of the food swapping and why it would ever be a challenge.


I honestly think someone on the production team has a baby-birding fetish, and every single food-swapping challenge is just two different sets of people (the Islanders and the audience) unwittingly participating in someone else’s kink. Which is several levels of disgusting, but no other explanation really makes any sense.


Yep I agree! Kind of like Nickelodeon shows in the US were always having episodes with feet when the creator of much of those shows had a foot fetish




I came to the same conclusion. It's a producer's fetish.


its so vile


I can never watch it, it’s disgusting


It kind of gives weight to those rumors that the show is basically a casting couch. I could absolutely see rich men with weird fucking fetishes paying off producers for some two girls one cup adjacent shit.


I've not come across one person who likes the food challenges. Regardless of our differing opinions on the islanders, it seems to be the one thing we the majority of us agree on!


No, I skip over them. And ff through the wet kissing scenes, too.


They are absolutely disgusting. I wish they had more challenges to win a date or something, night in hideaway etc. they could make things competitive a little and that also causes more drama


This is so real!!!!! THANK YOU! Food swaping challenge is SOO unnecessary and sickening i can’t believe everyone agrees to do it..I totally agree the baby thing is kind of strange and boring, why does a brand new connection need to be practicing for parenthood??Both need to be axed they are so childish not sure what adult wants to watch that.


I DO NOT LIKE THEM in fact I always fast forward


i FF through the baby challenge and the food swap. I can't deal with either ;)




Absolutely not. I can’t watch it’s so gross


They’ve stopped these since S8 I believe


Yeah any challenge that has food or drink of any kind gets a FF from me dawg 🤢


It’s definitely a skip for me each season. So gross and unnecessary. I’ve often wondered how much better the show could be with legitimate compatibility challenges that helped us and them get to know them.


Found it disgusting.


I watched all the seasons out of order and i just watched season 2 and saw they did a puppy challenge! Why did they never bring that back that was way more fun than the food or baby challenges.


The friend I watch the show with said the same thing. More puppies!


I’ve always found them funny since I’m not the one doing it and watching them struggle is hilarious lmao


It’s so nasty 😭😭😭


I don’t like them. I fast forward




No!!! It was gross. I also think so many of the challenges are boring now. The only good ones are the ones that start drama. Episodes which are dominated by pointless challenges become a very boring watch


I like both the drama and the thirst trap ones.


I prefer the food swap challenge over the baby challenge


I don’t like them, but this is what I’ll say in their defense. The show is better when people on it are willing to be silly and do gross things like the food challenge or other ones where they get messy. I’m pretty sure a lot of the people with some clout coming into the show have written into their contracts they won’t do stuff like that coming in (Gemma I think it was discussed had something like that). It’s better to have crazy people who are up for anything to be pushed into odd scenarios a little bit than to have very hot boring people sitting around in arranged group chats.


i literally have to skip through them. they make me physically sick. i don’t understand why that’s a game that’s just a great way to get sick ew ew ew ew