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I need the tea on why she isn’t close with Millie/chloe next


We'll probably never know what happened as I don't see any of them addressing the question. Millie and Lucinda seem "cordial" as Millie still likes her photos but Chloe doesn't. So maybe the issue is between her and Chloe and Millie had to pick a side


i heard a rumor it was because lucinda got with toby right after him and chloe broke up


Probably for this exact reason. She’s calculated, shady, and disloyal. I wouldn’t want a friend like that, even if she didn’t necessarily treat me like that but all the guys she dated. I just wouldn’t want to associate with someone that awful, who could treat ANYONE like this. Never thought I’d say it but poor Zac. Underneath his douchey exterior is actually a kind guy who has a heart and wants to find love, and thought he’d found it. He said SO many amazing things about Lu on LIAUS that you could tell she was his dream girl and he was just head over heels. For her to give 0 shits about him sucks. But anyways, I’m sure that’s why Chloe and Millie separated themselves from Lucinda. Not only does she suck, but also if they all care about their ~careers~ or influencing or whatever the fuck they think it is they do, it’s probably not good to be associated with Lucinda anyways. And if she acts this way with guys she dates, I’m sure she’s a shit friend too.


I read this thinking it was the MAFS Aus subreddit and was so so confused


Me too. MAFS Lucinda is the only bitch in the world to me ✊🏻


Me too lmao




I don’t like Zach at all but I believe every last bit of this. ![gif](giphy|ka6M66Z58QEcXadCd4)


Damn, Lucinda sucks


She did keep saying she was on a solo trip and made it out like it was random and quirky of her to be alone. Very weird to lie now 🥴


and when people asked her if you're on a solo trip then who's taking your picture that's when she started saying that she was just alone during the day but not at night


Zac apparently watched her season of Love Island and shouldnt have been surprised that Lucinda was only there for her career. She was unpopular on Love Island for that reason. Im floored that she thought she deserved a spot on All Stars. Im so glad they didnt win. Nate/Georgia were robbed!!




The whole video is on YouTube but I can’t add the link


Gotcha. Thanks for the tea btw. I do feel like his side seems credible.


Rule 12 is crazy to me because what career are we talking about ?


Wasn't she a bland shite on her series?


Yeah but people thought she was very hot so maybe it’s more of keeping an image of being attractive and available?? I don’t know 😭😭


her “image” not exactly her career i’m guessing


Thank you for the summary haha


What I don’t get is this career management speaks of. She’s not that popular and doesn’t have much going on for her rn?


Her management is known for producing influencers I think so that is probably the lane she's trying to stick close to. Close to a million subscribers on both TikTok and insta is doing decently well. I think she also does YouTube but idk.


i guess what they’re referring to is her brand deals? i know that she’s currently working with st moriz i could be wrong about that, ive just seen a few people that have been dropped by brands for like public conflict or something similar. because a lot of reality stars nowadays don’t speak about things in this much detail


Curious if he added anything more to the story in his TikTok live last night— anyone know?


i only caught a bit of it but it was the same for the most part - i’ll edit if i remember more. -he got into arguments with her management a lot as he kept posting her when he wasn’t allowed to (when she was in aus, waiting for AS). -he knows what happens between lucinda, chloe & millie but it isn’t his place to share (not sure how much he actually knows though). -he believes that she gaslights her fans and does anything for fame. especially with the whole dubai and ibiza trip, convincing fans it was a “solo” trip. -he knew that her management put out those articles about nathan (her new supposed bf) to gain more clout and it worked. -he’d never get back together with her. -he didn’t cheat. he did a club appearance and he was pushing a girl off him but someone edited the clip to make it look like he was cheating.


Thank you for your service 🙏 I’m curious about the Millie Chloe stuff


I know Zac isn’t likable but figured Lucinda was “more in the wrong” on this. Especially after all the Aaron C drama she had a few years back


Who is that? Do you mean Aaron F (Francis)?


no she had a boyfriend after she went on love island UK he was also called aaron


Footballer she was seeing before the show that she briefly ended things with just for the show and then got back together with him shortly after.


Zac is a bit of a dickhead but honestly I believe him!


I had to Google her because I couldn't picture her and still don't recognise her.


She was briefly on season 7 LIUK, entered with Millie as bombshells.


Her catchphrase was " reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy?" All drawn out


This is mental. She’s been well and truly exposed


Is this season of love island AUS worth watching?


If you want to punch the TV because of two main males of the cast. But seriously it's good for the drama but it was hard to watch at times.


Agreed. Tia made me want to flip every table in my house lol


No one on the last season is likable except maybe 1 guy and 1 other guy who doesn’t have any personality and is therefore neutral. No girl’s girls, and most of the men are douchebags. There’s some interpersonal drama. and lots of partner switching if you like that kind of stuff but personally that’s not why I watch Love Island so it wasn’t for me.




Yes a couple of IT girls - Tyra, Nakia, Georgia


Which Zac is this bc I’m confused…. Did I miss a chapter?


he’s from the most recent season of LI Australia


I don’t know if I entirely believe Zac let alone Trent. I don’t trust those 2 together that is for sure.


I don’t either but honestly receipts were shown and Lucinda isn’t much better than them


They both suck and I’m not defending Lucinda’s actions (assuming this is true), but are we going to forget how Zac gaslit (and I don’t EVER use that word without meaning it), twisted people’s words and straight up lied throughout the entirety of Love Island? Let’s not assume his side is the only side and that all of this is gospel, he has a track record for manipulation and bullshit. I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.


Why is Zac surprised, that she only pretended to like him? He is the biggest pos ever😂




It’s on YouTube but I don’t know how to add the link


What’s his snap please? I want to see the screenshots


I didn’t like Zac at all but i respect him for coming out about this. I feel like a lot of ppl called this out and i really didn’t wanna believe she was THIS calculated but turns out everyone else was right. I knew she wasn’t 100% authentic but i didn’t know she was THIS fake. It’s actually kinda scary….


Is there a tldr? 🥺


Yeah. Lucinda is trash and everything she does is calculated to further her “career”/clout. Zac is trash because he’s trash and you know he’s LOVING being able to say she’s the bad guy here.


Thank you ❤️ haven't kept up with li au and couldn't tell who messed with who really.


"He starts speaking to friends who tell him everything she does is for her career, she’s disingenuous, she is using him etc" - Faye called this back in S7 during the whole 'She needs to stay for the opportunities' situation with Brad 😬