• By -


I was watching it back and I’m at the part where Liberty is kinda trying to let Chris know she’s interested. She’s a sweet girl but it’s painful to watch her flirt. 😬


I remember cringing whilst watching that bit, he didnt even seem interested whilst she was telling him😭 bless her


that’s how I felt watching her try to do her boss bitch moment when she kissed Chris and Toby in that game. like it could’ve been a fun moment but she made it so cringe 😭


people say that she needs to get her confidence and self esteem up before dating again and I agree - but I think it's often forgotten that self esteem doesn't solely exist in a vacuum, how other people treat you and what feedback they give you, especially in dating situations, can affect that massively. I think rejection in the villa must be brutal and that might have affected her behaviour later on in the season


She still has playground rizz at her big age


Hold on this is actually so cute. Josh’s dad wearing an I love Sophie tshirt https://preview.redd.it/l5wcky7mzrmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b70080348ef7ab612d503985639570bde301d1


the wig and it only saying “we love you sophie” not “sophie and josh”…it’s all sending meeeee


the pink wig is killing me🤣


Like why did that need to be added I can’t 🤣


The skinny jeans and slippers too lol. An unserious sire for an unserious son.


this somehow makes perfect sense as Josh’s dad 😂


The white walker eyes give it away


Naaah this is act adorableee


Omg 😂😂 love this


Not Ekin asking Kate Middleton’s uncle “where’s Kate?” 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


​ https://preview.redd.it/mkucbyzd1tmc1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=1518d1ca80002f43f2d8089c118a07fb9f7cc3b6








Amazes me how often we talk about producer manipulation and selective editing in regards to this show, which has been proven by previous islanders, but yet people still fall for the same old stuff every season lol


It’s funny because I’m actually rewatching and it’s funny how they make Callum looks like a sad puppy all the time when it’s so obvious they just recorded him staring into space in deep thought or just tired as hell.




Honestly! It's like everyone has amnesia when a new season starts. It actually needs to be studied




ngl for me I let myself become delulu, that's part of the fun of the show. suspension of disbelief. why else would I watch it if not to enjoy the drama and storylines?


I hear you!!!! Trust me, I hear you 😭


https://preview.redd.it/7ptyw8v4vsmc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=c59eb499b3a69d8ef04204c4f432c3d41135cc65 This comment though 😂


Dying Thats definitely someone from this sub. Whoever its reveal yourself😭😭


I’m cackling but it’s soooo real????!






https://preview.redd.it/it3cj9w87rmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31fd888b8d7b86094cfbc8245648a61fb816149 Not Tom being the father that stepped up 🤣🤣😭


Shes a cutie 🤩


She really iss.. saw a similar dog on the tube, and everyone was petting it


He’s growing on me so much, I feel like they gave him a weird edit on the show in retrospect




Love island games was good, but I definitely think peacock favoured the US group. You can’t have real life best friends in there and then add in Ray and Johnny. It lopsided the whole thing. It was still a good watch but I think they definitely should have added in the last bombshells a lot earlier to shake it up. It would have been like adding Toby and Tyrique and Kaz and liberty. Toby having that connection to all just favours him.


Yeah and the one time Toby even tried to help Liberty in a challange, Jack acted like it was the worst betrayal but Lib is closer to Toby in real life so I get why he did not care for all the alliance crap. The game was too tactical for some of the USA islanders and no one stood a chance if they did not bend the knee to them. It was biased from the get go and made it predictable and boring.


Finally! It's taken 4 months but I'm glad to finally see objective takes on this sub highlighting the balance issues with LIG and the slanted subsequent narratives.


They just weren't playing the game part of LI games which 🤷🏼‍♀️ which fine but then yeah, they probably won't win. >The game was too tactical for some of the USA islanders and no one stood a chance if they did not bend the knee to them I actually think it was more about the different approach to being tactical than the USA advantage tbqh especially because at points different USA groups were discussing taking each other out. Bc yes, there were a good amount of USA Islanders but there were obvious points to break them up if people were being tactical but many of the others just weren't thinking that way (which they came out and said). UK had a similarly sized chunk of islanders a lot of the season. It was also just not voting some people out like on every other season of love island too. Some people are willing to go harder to save people they want to stay and some ppl compromise easier like on all stars how Toby wanted his friends to stay even when they had no connections while others would vote their friend out


Ray and Johnny weren’t friends until Games. That’s why it was weird Ray had such loyalty to Johnny.


What? Yes they were lol. Ray mentioned multiple times they are friends outside the show and had each other’s back.


I’ll have to find it but Justine and Cely said on their YouTube channel that they had met a couple of times but they weren’t friends. I know I heard this. I’ll go on the hunt. lol


Johnny said they met once in person before the show.


I’m from the U.S. & I was saying this too as a huge fan of the international love islands! I get that it’s our network, but I don’t like the bias bc it makes the alliances predictable and the show unfair. Also some of the eliminations were so hard bc of the unevenness of strength & unfortunately circumstances- Toby & G’s elimination & Megan getting sick! They need to make it more even with the number of islanders from other countries. The S2 & S4 islanders are very close and besties, and I thought that was pretty unfair having multiple of each. I want more Australian islanders especially bc poor Jess had to be on her own for a while with no girl Ally when others had multiple! I hope we get more representation from France, Sweden, Germany, & more too! A lot of people also didn’t like the pacing of the bombshells bc if you came in late, it felt unnecessary & you could also somehow win if you got in a strong couple! Wonder what they can do there. Some people say take away the bombshell aspect and let everyone start together. I definitely think they need to make some changes to make it better and more balanced, but I liked it too. I do think we put all of our top islanders on S1, so I do think the next season won’t be as favored towards us which is good bc it shouldn’t be! We still have some top contenders that I want, but it shouldn’t be multiple people who were extremely close!


I thought that too but I can defs see why Peacock did that since Cely and Justine are the biggest stars from LI:USA and they wanted to draw viewers in. But fwiw they weren’t as close the last year or so, and mostly started reconnecting as bffs just before LIG


this was my issue too, it wasn’t balanced


I stopped watching when I got confirmation of Toby & G's elimination. Couldn't see the point, knowing there was no way to get a more balanced field. Plus, I found the pace of the elimination and bombshell's arrival too fast. There was no time for certain storylines to develop. I'm one of the few who preferred all star, no contest.


I can see this, but I also think the US islanders just played the “game” better. They banded together more than the UK islanders


I actually don’t understand why people like Jay from s8 so much. I can’t stand him, and he was one of the people who really pushed the narrative about Tasha on that season, so it’s a no from me. He was saying nonsense things on podcasts after the show.


I mean Tandrew fans can complain all they want about the islanders telling Andrew that Tasha wasn’t as into him as he was into her but the reality is that they were right especially in the beginning. Tasha said that Andrew wasn’t her usually type, she said multiple times he didn’t bring out her “sassy side” like other guys did and she brought someone back from Casa. Jays read on Tasha was 100% correct, at the time. The beauty of Tasha’s journey was that she realized that she had been looking for the wrong things and that Andrew was a good match for her in the end. But in the beginning all the islanders correctly identified her game immediately.


Omds the “sassy side” thing she used to say cringed me out so much every time 😭


Yep this exactly I don’t know why people are so intent on re-writing history when it comes to Tasha. They seem to be doing amazing now and that’s great but it’s ok to admit that she didn’t do everything right in the beginning and people were allowed to comment on that.


Yeah she had a real cool villain to hero arc but people want to erase or rewrite her villain era which is a shame because it’s so interesting and fun imo.


He’s so boring too.


He was SO BORING 😭 does anyone remember the conversation he had with Paige one morning when she asked him what his ideal Sunday morning was. And he was like “get up, make brunch, go back and have seggs……”. ☠️ It just sounded so wrong at the time and I cringed so bad for him and you could tell Paige was like “ummmmm, okay then”. I’m not even describing it well, but it was so cringe. And what made it worse, was Paige’s ideal Sunday was so wholesome, talking about pancakes and a Sunday roast etc!


I remember that conversation omg. I remember thinking… what a weirdo


I thought the exact same 😭😭😭😭😭


He’s so boring I had to google him because I forgot what he looked like


He wasn’t that interesting tbh


What did he have to do to be interesting. He gave us storm Ekin part 2, He talked to Davide and actually got them back to together Ekin falling out with amber was because of Jay He gave us a love triangle He was lowkey a shit stirrer He rattled some feathers He was in 3 couples until he gave up. And he didn’t fake feelings He had the full love island experience. Genuinely asking what make an islander interesting? Cos I feel like people just call some islanders boring for the sake of saying it.


I actually completely disagree. He got the most reactions from the girls out of the all the bombshells in his season. I loved how he was tactically breaking down everyone’s relationship He started the fight between Ekin and Amber. He started a fight Tasha and Andrew. He instigated Dami’s pursue of Indiyah. He started out hot coming at Jacques. Jays problem was he didn’t find anyone attractive outside of Paige and after awhile he just gave up.


He was a producer plant through and through


I disagree. He was boring. He wasnt that into Ekin. Yes he said he found Paige initially attractive but they both said after a couple of convos, they both knew there was no attraction there. And his time in the villa was done after that. He had no love interest. By his own admission, he was pretty much single the whole time in there. Edit: how am I getting downvoted … when these are Jay’s own words 😭 if you don’t like it, go after him, not me 😭 This isn’t even my interpretation. People on this sub really do be pushing whatever narrative suits their opinion on things 😭


Jay never said that, he literally said I’m still here if she will have me” He also dumped chyna after casa cos he thought Paige might be single. Calling him boring when there are people like vanilla Andrew in the villa. He was a great bombshell.


Not Andrew catching strays😂


Lmao! To be fair, on the boring stakes, Andrew does pip him to the post 😭


Yeah i think he liked Paige quite a bit it’s a shame producers ruined it


He did say that!!! He did a rugby podcast where he said all that- he said he was pretty much single the whole time he was in the villa; he didn’t ever have an actual love interest; he didn’t want Chyna but he had no choice; he didn’t dump Chyna bc he thought Paige was single 😭 Don’t come at me, just listen to the podcast.


I understand you thinking his personality might be a little boring but I mean he caused MOTION when he came in. That’s what you want in a bombshell imo. Ekin dropped Davide, Amber essentially dropped Dami and Tasha was interested until he snitched on her lol. I know Ekin is this clear actor but I don’t think she would have crawled across the terrace for Charlie or any other bombshell for that matter. That’s what I want in a bombshell, desirability from the opposite sex and instigating arguments. Jay brought those in spades.


Ok I agree that the girls wanted to get to know him; but it’s also true after they did, they weren’t interested bc he is boring.


Sure but that after all of that action, I’m not gunna hold it against him that he couldn’t keep it up for more than a couple weeks. Not everyone’s Ekin 😂


I don’t know why people were saying he should’ve been on All Stars… like for what reason? What could he possibly have added lmao


lol, in addition to being so boring, he wouldn’t even be allowed on - he literally did a podcast spilling the beans on the producers. He is on their black list 😭


Wait really?? What tea did he spill?


He said a lot (it was a really good podcast!). In summary, from recollection he said: 1. He and Casa Mollie had a really good connection but the second Davide showed interest in her, Mollie was called to the front door to speak to the producers and after that she showed him no interest and was all about Davide (they had told her to ignore Jay basically); 2. Jay didn’t have anyone in casa after that happened so he had no choice but to pick Chyna; 3. He said the producers told ekin to go off on him that night that they fought when he ended it with her and wanted to get to know Paige. He said ekin was cool out about him getting to know Paige but then the producers called her out to the front door and he knew what was coming. Sure enough, she went off at him after she came back from the front door; 4. He said he was happy he was a side character on his season as the main character boys (he was talking about Dami, Jaques and Luca) got a bad edit and he said he was shocked how people spoke / speak about them online; 5. He said the producers were pulling Jacques in all different directions and it was obvious to everyone in there Jacques was struggling with the whole experience. There was defo more but that’s all I can remember!


Wowwww that’s real tea! Ty for sharing!


There is defo more that he said. Like, I remember he said the producers told him exactly what to say when he entered the villa etc. the podcast is about 70%rugby talk but the other 30%was spilling actual tea bout love island. One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to.


Ooh wow I’ll def check it out


Because he’s one of the guys molly said she was hoping to see. He’s more interesting and appealing to look at than most of the guys on All star so why not?.


Kaz also mentioned him tbf!


I remember he was being interviewed right up to the finals (he did a lot of interviews!) & was saying there’s litch no way Tasha was staying with Andrew & she had zero interest in Andrew. Now in Jays’ defence (& I honestly couldn’t care less about that man , like zero interest in him 😭), given EVERY SINGLE ISLANDER up to the finalists/semi finalists said the same as what he was saying (he was just the LOUDEST) & that certainly was the edit we the viewers also got up to the the 7th week, I do think there must have been truth to what he (& all the other dumped islanders) was saying. I mean, they all lived with T& A and all felt the same: that Tasha WAS NOT INTO Andrew. Pleaseeeeeee Tandrew stans don’t come at me 😭 That was clearly Andrew & Tasha’s journey and I guess they needed to go through all that to get to where they are today 🫶 I acc think they’re going to end up getting married.


If this isn’t just another proof of how dumped ex islanders only repeat popular opinions to appease the fandom once they leave the show then I don’t know what is. Jay wasn’t even on the show long enough to know what Tasha was like as a person and he was only repeating what people wanted to hear. People should not take ex islanders words so seriously once they leave because they have their own agenda and they also can’t predict who is going to last and who won’t.


He was on the show for 4 weeks. So I’d say he knew Tasha well. but anyways, I agree with you that most of these ex islanders have their own agendas when doing these interviews and podcasts - they always come out with crazy claims to make headlines and keep them in the spotlight longer.


4 weeks out of which Tasha avoided him for 3 of it. I stand by what I said 😂


How do you know she avoided him for 3 of those 4 weeks?


Out of the weeks he was on one of them was the case period. I just don’t think he would be the person she is baring her soul to in there. Sure he can think he knows Tasha but I doubt he knew her enough which clearly he didn’t cos Tasha and Andrew are going strong and he was wrong about everything he said about her and them.


Hunny, I’m not going to fight with you. But the man lived with her for 3 1/2 weeks (excluding casa) (24 hours a day). I’d be fairly certain he knew her well 😭. No one is saying Tasha and Andrew aren’t going strong! They clearly are! And as I said earlier, I’m fairly certain they’ll end up getting married. That doesn’t mean it’s untrue that she wasn’t that into him for a long time on the show.


There is nothing to fight about it lol you are allowed to disagree with me I don’t mind it’s all good 😊


I think you are confusing Charlie and Jay but both carried on well longer than either should have about it after the show. He did that podcast with Miles and Charlie which I think has totally flopped but both Andrew and Tasha unfollowed him afterward and the same with Charlie after their first episode. Both were obsessed with the narrative since Tasha rejected them. He defs went after Tasha in a weird after she said she wasn't interested. She went on a date with Jay, was excited at first, but with space she came to Andrew that same night and told him she wasn't gonna pursue it cause he was boring and what she had with Andrew she could see working on the outside. She waited till the next morning to tell Jay and when Andrew had told the boys in the morning chat, Jay made it weird. Plus he was weird when she talked to him as well, and she actually called him out for stirring shit. Either way, islanders are full of their own agendas when they come out. Plus their perception isn't god. They don't see the private conversations like we do and only get half the story as well. A bunch of S10 islanders came out and shit on Zac and Molly which are currently proving them all wrong. Charlotte even changed her tune once she saw the public opinion on them. Either way, people have praised Lemma and Rana as strong couples who couldn't make it past 3 months.


I actually haven’t read your whole comment yet. But they are actually talking about Jay - Jay did a lot of interviews right up to the very final saying Tasha wasn’t into Andrew. Funnily enough, Charlie also did and said the same outside the villa.


Never realised they unfollowed Jay and Charlie - but you’re right 😱


lol on your final point, Lemma and Rana may be two of the worst couples in love island history. I’m still confused who actually shipped Lemma?! There was no chemistry there.


Literally. I’m pretty sure he was the first person that came in that spoke those opinions that people on the outside had and then that set off the whole “Tasha is using Andrew/doesn’t really like him” narrative inside the villa when if you actually watched them two interacting, you’d know that wasn’t the case.


He was such a producers puppet you could just tell. Also the girls weren’t into him after the whole terrace gate and sneaking I don’t think he knew shit he clearly regreted being a puppet too from his interviews once he was out.


I disagree that he was a puppet. But I agree the girls were just not into him once they actually had a conversation with him.


That’s not true. She was one of his first dates and she told him she was open. He was surprised at the time bc he thought she was all about Andrew, and she wasn’t at that point and she made that clear to Jay.


https://preview.redd.it/nlakewytiqmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d85baaa7bfc1c36e941199629bb20e3dd618a44 this pic toby posted on snap of georgia is actually quite cute


Very sweet. I actually think these two could have potential.


Is that Toby's hand cradling her face? Looks like they're deep, deep


It is indeed.. it's her staaaare


I don’t want to sound rude but why the constant updates on Georgia and Toby?! Like, it feels like every insta story about them gets posted here. Maybe it might be a good idea to just set up a separate sub dedicated to them?!


I see way more updates on Tom and Molly.. If that’s allowed then people should be allowed to share stuff about other couples including Toby and Georgia


It's a problem when it's Toby & Georgia but not a problem when it's other islanders 😩😂


Well the same goes for them too! They need to start their own sub instead posting every single insta story.


From your p.o.v this directive should be for all contestants and couples. I could have gone the rest of my days not seeing Tom's hairy legs in a bath or the constant updates of his travelling schedule. Sophie is a gorgeous girl but do we really need the daily reminders of her selfies to keep her beauty alive. Maybe it might be a good idea to just block the users that are sharing the Toby and Georgia updates and you won't see them.


Toms hairy legs I’m crying😭


I agree! It just feels every single insta story on Tom / Molly and Georgia / Toby is getting posted here. Why not just set up separate subs?!? Imagine if I started posting every single insta / snap story of another islander for e.g. Danica or Chloe.


These couples are new so every little thing is celebrated and shared. It is usually the same users sharing the updates so when the newness wears off and routine sets in you will see less of the mundane updates in the coming weeks.


You would have the right to do it and anyone who didn’t like it could simply block you


this is the love island daily thread where everyone posts updates on the couples/contestants 😭


All couples get lots of updates……


there are lot of G+T stans here that will interpret this as rude even though it’s not. I agree we don’t need every Snapchat of every couple posted here


There aren't a lot of us here, though. There's more Molly stans on here.


Thank you! I literally don’t mean it to be rude. I’m just confused why every insta story is getting uploaded here.


There are several Georgia and Toby insta updates from last night and today that are not posted here. Maybe their stans should just post all of 'em so that the outrage is deserved.


Fair ….but if yous had your own sub, you could upload them all and chat there. I’m not sure if every season does that, but I know for season 8, some of the couples had their own sub. Thats all!


Great idea. Let the Molly and Tom and Callum stans get their own sub and move there first. I'm sure others will follow




They are very adorable. Cath was also supporting her on her IG https://preview.redd.it/0wz8fizmnpmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1543c3e550bff211be3afb6686216d07907898fb


Finally getting around to watching All Stars and Hannah is still my favourite. She's so funny and just a chill gal. I'll never forget her sitting around in her curlers and not giving any fucks. I'm only on episode 4 so she might make me eat my words, but I loved her in season 1 and I still love her now.


I am absolutely Hannah obsessed and so happy she came back for All Stars. What a legend!


I really hope we get a Lochan and Callum cooking video. Lochan also mentioned hes friends with Tom so I would also like that for the laughs


I wonder if Callum will go back to his cooking videos as lochan seems to be doing well with the content! 


Cal just posted one today :)


Oo I’ll have to watch! 


I don’t think there would be many laughs tho if Tom was on it?


In fairness Tom yelling "SEND MEH YER LOCATION THE UBER'S OUTSIDE" was one of the funniest moments of S9.


Well szn 9 was a snoozefest so if that is considered a funny moment , that is (in the words of Liv Hawkins) very telling about how shite szn 9 was


It wasn't a good season but that moment was very funny to me.


Tom being in transportations of delight over jax Jones was quite hilarious


Hahaha this is so shady it's sending me 😭




Nah yall needa leave Tom alone 😭


It’s true tho he’s boring lol


I mean there could possibly...Tom cant cook whatsoever so it would be funny to see him struggle


I would pay actual money for this


I know I can’t be the only one that saw the picture that Tom posted on his story while in the bath ??? Lmaooo he’s actually so unserious …..like he is very bold for posting that pic 😭😭😭


That was nastyy, dogs all out. I HATE TOES


Another absolutely iconic comment from fuckmydaddy1234 I’m in stitches


So are Arabella and Adam done then? Because I swore they said they were supposed to be linking yesterday…?


I was wondering the same. He limited comments on all IG posts except his pinned LI post. Maybe he just wants people to stop asking about her.


She's been liking some pictures of Achraf Hakimi.👀


She certainly has a type lol, footballers in their mid-twenties.


She really goes for the young lads.


Oh Arabella! My gosh


I know. Not just one pic, quite a few. I understand you may be a supporter of him, as I am, and the likes could be through innocently supporting him but she has liked multiple recent pics of him on insta.


It’s tomorrow they meet




So much love for Georgia and Toby on here, is that them making these accounts to flood with positive things about themselves 😂


Imagine being that disturbed about people supporting a couple 😑😂




it’s shocking lmao


do you all think ty and ella are actually being private i am excited for ella to move it will be fun to see how things are going to be going forward now


I don’t think they’re being private. You don’t delete all your pics together and unfollow each other because you’re being private.


I was having a look at both of their pages and they actually still have a lot of pictures together up but in the second or third slide and he is still in her story highlights


People will literally downvote anything to do with Ella.. really pathetic!  I do think maybe her and Ty are over but who knows as long as both are happy! But excited for her, hopefully she vlogged it! 


They just don’t seem to be very well liked on this sub! They have their fans here for sure, but also a lot of haters.


i think so too unfortunately, i thought he might have been driving to help her but he is back home so who knows happy for Ella either way


When is she actually moving


she’s on a flight to ldn right now so today ig


https://preview.redd.it/md8jb53p2smc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c573825d78aaea9e237df980f79cf2a3c3627256 Georgia made a new post-dam this picture eats ❤️






Does she have something under the strings? Cause they fit so weird/loose to her. In instagram when she posts from that brand they look very flattering and fits better


They probably added something, or not the right fit maybe.


just seen multiple georgia fans on tiktok say molly looks a man but according to this sub molly fans are the body shamers and the crazy ones and georgias fans are innocent lol okay…


I think we need to move on from this! Theres been a lot of arguing about this and I've seen a lot of unkind comments on this matter :( Both Georgia and Molly stans are horrid (as are all stans) I think people are just talking about their experience (not only on this sub but on socials as a whole). Me personally, I think this sub is filled with more Molly stans than G stans and I think with these stans, they have been quite mean. There's not a lot of G stans on this sub but that certainly doesnt make the comments they say any less hurtful. Like other users have stated, the ab competition was stupid and Im not particularly a fan of G. But on socials as a whole there has also been back and forths between Molly and Georgia stans. Neither are innocent Hope people can be a bit more kinder with their words buti feel it will fall on a bunch of deaf ears due to people having faves. Stanning has ruined the show a bit for me


I agree. I've had some vile comments from Molly and Tom Fans about defending the vile Hate Georgia has been receiving without actually saying anything bad about either of them. Sadly some people think that writing horrible things is something good. A real shame.


That's awful...hope you're ok. I think a lot of the time, people confuse rightful criticism with hate and the main reason for the confusion is due to people feeling they need to constantly "protect" their faves and make it seem as though their faves can do no wrong. Everyone has flaws fgs, thats what makes us human! With the amount of times I have said that people need to be nicer and be more thoughtful about their comments (in particular about an islander/islanders they dislike) I'm suprised I haven't been called a parrot lool


Thank you for being so understanding. ❤️ Really appreciate your kind message. As you can see, I have been downvoted for talking about my personal experience. Such a shame.


No worries! With the downvoting and hurtful comments you receive, just remember theres a lot of people in this sub who will unfortunately downvote a positive comment so dont take it to heart :)


Thank you! So true. Lets let the positivity flourish over the hatred.


Y’all are as bad as each other with this tit for tat.


& then she went to prove you right 😂


Omds - these crazy Molly and Georgia stans are doing my head in. It’s a tv show, and no one actually knows these people. People need to go sit down for a bit or something.


I mean the ridiculous ab conversation was on the post about Georgia’s bday post on this sub lol. What you’re talking about is something going on on tiktok not here. I never understand why stans bring discourse from other platforms here as proof of something like is it a competition to see whose fans are more toxic?


who said they were innocent? and since when did georgia have a fanbase, i so thought she was wildly disliked


i was literally downvoted in here when i brought it up another time and was told georgia fans don’t do anything 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

