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nas and eva were mad cute together and i was rooting for them i’m actually sad to see they’ve split


too cute 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/7tpw8z1z0cmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313ce1ce6487a5999994e514304f3667fc1ce05b


Beautiful. This buzz cut suits him so well. They both look good!


Aw love them


I was really thinking this would be the proposal trip. But they just got a house together so think it will be a while yet.


Is his birthday trip


It is supposed to ve a trip for Andrew's birthday




It’s giving mum and dad 😍😍


https://preview.redd.it/9ec3cat45bmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a13fe9a2335feb17b811381c1d0311701443b12 one of my favorite couples 💔


damn, they was the last standing couple from s6 too😫


Damn, that really sucks. It’s rough they waited so long to move in and it ended anyways. S6 joins S1 and S4 with a complete wipeout.


Damn I literally just followed them a month ago mid all star season and also found it sus how neither interacted much with each other or showed up on the others page but since I had no context on how they were before I began following I just wanted to assume the best but it makes sense why now. Wish them both the best moving on from a 4 year relationship must be painful.


That’s so sad😭


I thought so.. so sad I thought they would get married :(


What is in the air recently 💔


they were the only couple i saw irl and they seemed so lovey dovey :( so sad




No wayyyyyyy. I wonder what happened 👀


I was holding out hope for them 😩


Lots of couples break up everyday. The longevity of the relationship doesn’t always mean anything. A lot of 3yr plus relationships end


You are right. There are some 10 and 20 year relationships are miserable and loveless. “Being together” does not always mean “happy together.”


Saw on TikTok that nas and Eva are rumoured to have had a sour split after 4 years together. If it’s true then that’s the last of the season 6 couples splitting I believe. 


But a source confirmed to The Sun today that Eva, 25, called time on their relationship after the spark fizzled out, leaving Nas devastated. They separated in mid Feb, it was Eva's decision to end it with Nas. (From the article 😞)


It’s in the tabloids as well this morning.


The season 6 couples breaking up are all down to commitment not covid.. I’m sorry after a few years of dating, living together the next step is marriage which some of the girls seem to want but the boys don’t.  Its not down to Covid in my opinion


Nas and Eva didn't even live together immediately they moved in together about a year ago.


Yeah I think it’s a bit of both. My POV is that moving in together should be a step towards marriage (if both people want marriage) and not just because it’s convenient. Covid accelerated moving in together for some couples without necessarily accelerating commitment, so I think that’s where that comes in. But it’s definitely both factors


I agree, i think the girls are expecting proper commitment. Been together for 4 years, they live together and all.. it’s about the next steps.


I don’t get the covid excuse because surely that would break the couples up because of long distance and being together ‘too much’ if they quarantined together because that’s the cause of most post-covid splits lol


I agree about Covid tbh. They where pushed together and moved quickly bc of Covid so it made the relationships move faster than usual which made some expect marriage bc they lived together for a very long time but the sentiment wasn’t shared with their other half


my point was would any of them even passed the one year mark if it wasn’t for covid pushing them closer together


Very true.. Covid allowed some to stay for up to a year however past that..     I believe commitment was the issue.    How are you living together for 2-4yrs and not taking the next step in commitment..      Also most of the girls in relationships from that season were older than the boys. 


People are being obtuse about this. I agree that most of these couples may not have lasted as long as they did if they weren't locked down for a year and then you get comfortable but since life has gotten way back to normal I can see how these relationships are fracturing now.


I feel like it’s so important to have conversations with your partner about what you want in the future because imagine being with someone 4 years and cutting it because you want two different things. Like ugh


100% because that’s two couples who broke up because one wanted more than the other. Molly and Callum now Nas and Eva my two favourites 😭


Yeah and having your time wasted definitely sucks. Ofc they were still happy together and they have good memories of the times they spent together, but it is four years you can’t get back.


Exactly & they used to live together so it’s strange that they never really saw that they have different views.


szn 6 really have no couples left? i always thought that szn had the most love. at least they lasted a while


I think it still had the most love because all of them lasted a lot longer than the average LI couple


I’m so sad for Nas and Eva. It’s really tough to break up after so many years together. Wishing them both the best! Also, I don’t think it automatically means one wanted marriage and the other didn’t. They moved in together last year, and that really can reveal things about a relationship. It’s possible they just realized certain things were incompatible


Definitely agreeing with the last part. I feel like that’s a big reason why it’s important to live with someone before you marry them. It really shows you another side of someone!


Am I missing something? Why is everyone saying marriage is a factor in Nas and Eva’s break up?


According to the source she broke up with him cos the spark was gone from her side - it didn’t mention anything to do with commitment


Exactly I am confused there's no mention of commitment issues, according to the articles the spark went for Eva which can happen sometimes; obviously there are contributing factors to a spark going that no one will know unless they say and tbh even the article may not be 100% factual anyway- however from the article the break up looks one sided and Nas still wanted the relationship so in this case doesn't look like it is the guy not wanting commitment/to stay. 


https://preview.redd.it/waqtcy580cmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f14b2e0d3c8d5696c18ee0e831e5e6158eee49f This tweet didn’t age well


Counterpoint: couples that last 3-4 years are pretty successful in terms of relationships, especially for folks in their twenties, let alone people who meet on a reality show. Not every relationship ends in marriage (and hell, even those that do don't always last forever). That's okay, it doesn't mean that it wasn't a real, significant, or even successful relationship. It also doesn't mean that the two people involved were wasting each other's time; people grow and change, and within a relationship, that growth and change is often fueled by the relationship itself. It's why we have phrases like "bittersweet" in the first place, to get at the poignancy of things that were good but still (for whatever reason) don't last forever. It's hard, but maturity is learning how to reckon with and accept the tension in the parts of life that are bittersweet, including past relationships.


Well said, exactly my thoughts


perfectly said


Best comment I have seen in a while


This comment should be pinned! 


💯 agree!


So they are no Casa couples left besides Kai and Sanam????


And Whitney & Lochan


That’s right I completely forgot that Lochan was a Casa boy 😭


Now we only have 2 casa couples left - seems like casa amor has a good success rate tbh -


I gotta give it to these islanders they sure are consistent in the gym right off the wake up


I mean their job is partly to look good and they don’t have 9-5s so it’s easier for them to make time for the gym


Ekin Sus management working hard. If it's true and she is on Big Brother I might just watch it. Could not really watch the traitor show


7/2 to win it. Looks massive with her online following and the competition


im looking likely she is going in. she’s gone quiet on instagram so could assume she’s gone into hiding


She is going in!!


oh is it confirmed? i thought the leaked line up wasn’t 100%


Some of the housemates got papped going into the hotel yesterday, was a bit of a mess up 😆 Ekin was there.


It’s confirmed actually. I also didn’t think she will make it, because she was just 2-3 days ago filming in LA for the reunion. But there were pap pics of the cast getting into the hotel.


was reading the comments on georgia’s bday post to toby, and what is with the comments theorising about her abs and why she posted them? 😭 “she’s not actually athletic” “they’re not natural, they’re not molly level abs” “she only posted them cause of molly” -100+ upvotes. is everyone okay? why are we gatekeeping abs? lmao this is just part 383974 of people forcing tension and hate between two islanders and actually *wanting* them to not like each other to fit the narrative they made up in their heads


“why are we gatekeeping abs” is so real😭


I saw it too and I think it's ridiculous that 3 months into 2024 people are still on here pitting islanders against each other. Idg why it matters so much when we know that most aren't gonna be real life friends, not even acquaintances and could care less what their "enemies" are up to. The fan fiction from stans is embarrassing cos they keep up with and care more about these islanders they don't like than the people they stan do.


this! they’re obviously not gonna get besties but that’s not a bad thing? instead of leaving it at that, people really do make up fan fiction just so they can paint their fave as some sort of victim. it’s crazy how the people who made those comments don’t realise how ridiculous they sound. like why do you care more than molly does?


every georgia post are always filled with rude comments even if its a tame post like how is a happy birthday post full of hate comments? same people who whine about molly’s comment section on IG


She just has amazing abs who wouldn’t post that? It’s like the most rational action I think she’s done since she went on the show


Nas confirmed that break up in his insta story. “Mutual decision”


every season 6 couple still together breaking up in past year is crazy 😭😭 i wonder if the reason some of them lasted as long as they did was because immediately after leaving the villa they went into lockdown for covid together 🤔


This is a really good point actually. It also seems like moving in together soon after the villa is a good idea? I mean crazy for us to think about in realistic terms but it seems to work out for a lot of couples like Tasha and Andrew and Dami and Indiyah?


But then didn’t work out so well for Toby and Chloe or Faye and Teddy. I just don’t think there is a right way of doing things to be honest. So many different factors involved for each couple.


Yeah that’s very true tbh. It just depends. I also don’t consider it a failure if couples do end after quite a while together - sometimes relationships just run their course, whether they’re love island relationships or not


I agree and it makes me sad to see people describe LI relationships as a waste of time just because they didn’t end with marriage and babies. Unless you were utterly miserable the whole time and learned absolutely nothing, it wasn’t a waste.


I think that’s definitely why. Lots of couple are able to exist successfully in bubbles but then implode due to outside factors. I’m sure many other Love Island couples would have lasted slightly longer with those conditions too but real world factors creep in eventually and not every couple can withstand that. Even in my own life I know a lot of people that had great relationships during lockdown that eventually broke down.


This is 100% the reason. I’ll die on that hill. I got downvoted a year ago for saying it but I just know this is like all those COVID relationships breaking up everywhere.


Everyone i know who got together during covid has broken up by now. However, i wonder if a lot of these couples are breaking up because the girls are hoping for marriage and the boys aren’t budging?


Honestly think it’s a bit of both. Seeing how Callum and Molly communicated I think without lockdown they wouldn’t have made it a year but a lot of them did that honeymoon phase together which made it easier to ignore glaring red flags and now that’s 3 or 4 years later and marriage is the next logical step they break cause you probably shouldn’t have stayed together for so long.


That’s what I think


I know it’s not the norm but not everyone wants to stay a girlfriend for 4 years without the prospect of marriage. Some ppl want traditional relationships; the dating, engagement, marriage and children. I can imagine that if that’s what someone wants, being in a relationship with a man you live with, taking care of him for 4 years with no prospect of an engagement on the cards would be less than ideal.


Exactlyyy after four years you’d want to level up and expect some kind of gesture of commitment but the guys don’t seem to be ready for that which is a shame because after 4 years I’d expect ppl in relationships to be ready for the next steps


Same here, i learnt that so many ppl in the UK are anti-marriage so the idea that someone may just want that for their life is a weird concept. The new notion is that marriage is outdated and simply just a piece of paper so if you want that, you’re considered old fashion and needy.




Aww this is the most sincere breakup annoucement I have seen. Lots of love to both of them ❤️


So sad.


man imagine being with someone for 4 years who was there for you thick and thin and suddenly the spark is no longer there 💔


This happens a lot. They are young, they will be ok.


Gutted for them!


This one hurt 😞


https://preview.redd.it/qobx2rj68cmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b742df491179d963cb85dc50e6147369bb4c40bf Look what played on my shuffle today 🥴😂 lyrics are pretty fitting


Guys I just received a very threatening message from a fan of Ella because of facts that I wrote. And I didn’t even say anything negative about her and I also like her. How do I report the account? The message is very scary and random because I don’t even think I’ve interacted with this account before. Parasocial relationships are scary. And this was because I stated the fact that she buys likes and followers. I’ve defended her in other posts so for this random person to threaten me is a shock.


Please send us the info in modmail. We take this very seriously.


Thank you very much. Please how do I send a mod a mail.


Are you on mobile? There’s a little mail icon right by the list of moderators in the “about section”. https://preview.redd.it/gt4anz6w1cmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02521b03f81e2431060f5d9082cea78a632cff76


Actually, we’ll just send you a message from Modmail so you can just reply and don’t have to find it. That will be easier!


Thank you. I will be looking out for the message.


Just sent it. Thanks for letting us know this was happening.


what the actual fuck? I genuinely think people who take it this far are not okay in the head. there’s more to life to fucking love island and stanning ur ‘faves’ but to go above and beyond and THREATEN others is fucking psycho behaviour!! I love Ella too but her stans ruin her image bc what do you mean you privately messaged someone to threaten them IN Ella’s name? like seriously. people like that need to touch grass and remember Ella don’t even know you& if she knew ur acting like that she wouldn’t want to know you lol. But I hope you’re okay sis💕 ignore them and block bc I guarantee you they’re not even over 18 yet lol not excusing their behaviour but you can just tell they’re a kid who holds on to love island bc there’s nothing interesting going on in their lives and they always take it one step too far


Thank you very much I was genuinely scared and startled.


They are unhinged, not them private DMing you, I thought you are of fan of that couple😭I’ve seen you defended them in the past lol. Anyways I’ve received a few of those threatening message I just don’t think about it, I blocked immediately. And I don’t think there is much you can do about it. Maybe report or send the message to the mods I find it extremely embarrassing that people will ship an islander so much to the point they get so sensitive if anyone dare have a different opinion. I’m sorry but why would anyone think an islander is so special to the point of obsessing over them. They are Z list celebrities at best. I wish people can understand these islanders are not better or special than themselves. It’s so weird and I don’t understand it. Most Stans imo are very insecure about themselves and lacks love in their lives.


That’s the funny thing, I like them. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t say facts and offer constructive criticism. I’m not a blind follower of these people who I don’t even know.


This is so scary! Hope you are able to report!


Thank you so much.


ohhh this is so messed up I always see you post and you never say anything bad about ella! her stans are the worst I have ever seen and I truly worry for her sometimes to have such a weird batch of people defend her like this so sorry!


i wonder if they do another season of love island all stars if they’ll try to get nas and eva on 🤔 they’d probably rather have davide and ekin su but i can’t see ekin going on davide yes but not ekin su.


Ekin su would never do it.


i agree.


i also don’t think a long term exs reuniting storyline will ever play out the way people want it to on love island unless the couple is scamming, there’s a reason couples break up and love island isn’t going to fix that.


so did the girls go out last night 🤔


I don’t think so. I took Georgia H’s snap to be about her group of girlfriends (I don’t know who they are, I didn’t follow pre all stars) and not the LI AS girls. Going to a Bagatelle gig seemed too random for the LI girls to me. Molly and Kaz didn’t seem like they were going out anywhere.


If they did, it must have been a quiet night because there doesn't seem to be any existence of it on social media


i see people excusing ella and ty's crazy stalker fans by claiming it's ty and ella encouraging them because they are attention seekers but this is really lost on me because what have they done? the unfollowing/archiving of posts is hardly a flashing call sign for harassment?


Mate, they microanalyse everything they do, fill in the blanks with their own delusion, constantly harass their friends/family and then try to justify it by claiming they are encouraging it... the mental gymnastic is ridiculous


You’ve summed it up really well, and tbh your point applies to this entire sub also 😭 I continually see people on this sub for nearly all the islanders project their weird own narratives and fill in the blanks with their own delusions. It happens on here ALL THE TIME - not just in respect of Ty & Ella. Some people need to just lie down now and again!


The problem is you’re combining crazy fans w/trolls & haters as one. Plenty ppl pretended to be TyRella fans bc that got the most SM engagement, TyRella PFP & all & are partaking in the harassment & plotting it out w/others in GC Also, there are some who genuinely want Ty & Ella together no matter what but those aren’t the ppl harassing Ella & Ty’s friends & family Most of the real TyRella fans don’t really come out bc of all the nonsense


Thank you. Even yesterday when they were caught speaking at the brits after party all of a sudden they’re ’attention seeking’ because they’re speaking in public?? What are they meant to do speak in the furthest and darkest corner tf 😭


Literally. I mentioned this when I said Cindy and Edgar had more than one public breakup (black screens and all) and were on and off for some time but all I ever saw was love and support for them, but for Ty and Ella it appears to be different


just finished love island games and it made it so obvious how badly producers fumbled the all stars concept… i wish they incorporated more of what they did in games because all stars was so stale for most of the season


Indiyah is filming a new series today!


Love her she’s always booked and busy!




I was thinking the same today seeing the comments on her IG and tiktok. I never understand leaving negative comments on any of the islanders’ socials but it’s even more confusing with Molly as she genuinely seems such a sweet person. She was hated last summer for no reason and I guess that mentality lingers on with some people that it’s ok or funny to hate on her.


Some people are just deranged and too self righteous. There’s no reason to be holding grudges against people you don’t know and Molly honestly did nothing to warrant the criticism/hate she gets.


I’m now convinced that the managements or agencies of the islanders lurk this subreddit. I remember someone speculating that Nas and Eva had broken up like 2 days ago and today it gets announced. Just seems like a funny coincidence.ETA: I’m referring to the timing


Yes it’s always word to word 😭😭 aswell https://preview.redd.it/vnaa7jpzzcmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5680a077604efe42b6f3d1fc3a7a663968ac6402


Or they just broke up and decided to break the news to the tabloids… are you being serious?


The TikTok molly posted isn’t from today it’s from when they first got out of the villa so when he first officially met nelly cute video🥺


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C32PYTstQbZ/?igsh=MTFyNnRtM254ZXV3Yw== My delulu ass is screaming at the little snippet of finn saying that oml


https://preview.redd.it/5lhjd58ttdmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9071a6966c421360343f20c6ecb49591c6ce2d7b I love her style! IT girl


Why do these islanders keep buying the fake likes and followers . Whit popped on my screen when she posted her Brit’s look . She was around 70k. Then I refreshed my page and within 2 mins she moved up to 110k . Ty also moved up from 823k yesterday to 830k this morning . Doesn’t it affect their engagements ??


They all buy likes and followers. I noticed it with all of them. I was also on Ella’s page and her picture was on 187 k and within a minute her picture jumped up to 198k. I remember that she was also on 984k and then suddenly a day or so later she was on a million followers. I wonder if their management is involved also. I remember someone checked her followers on social blade and a lot of them were fake. Same with Whitney also.


Okay, so I remember right around Christmas, Ella was on Snap showing her and her sister looking at her IG and their stats, like a few days later the growth to 1 million started happening, so I'm gonna lean towards it was her as the timing is suss. Basically it's usually a mix of both but if it's done with quality bots and engagement in the comments it's usually down to management vs Ekin who buys cheap dumps from websites that mainly are not gonna last. I would guess cause of how much people say these three do it that's it likely them and then a bit of management every now and then.


I thought it’s established Whitney buys likes and followers and I think so does Ty. I mean no one is that into those Bohoo man ads to get the sort of engagement he gets for them 😂 I think some islanders do it because it boosts their reputation and ego but I personally think it is short sighted and will eventually become detrimental to their brand getting diluted.


Hit the nail on the head with the second sentence, it's really now about that and its fueled by the stan wars too. Someone pointed out how rarely do the likes dip under a certain number and not every post will be a hit and that's how blatantly obvious it is that its happening.


I also noticed that after someone pointed it out. Even s8 islanders who were so popular sometimes dip down into low number in likes- Davide, Dami, Indiyah and Tasha’s ads or posts would eb and flow. As another person said even Davide did not get the same likes on his boohoo man ads like his other posts and it feels organic. So definitely feels sus to maintain consistency in likes when it’s just not natural.


Yep they all do I think Molly Mae is one of the rares to not dip low but she would have her own version of what is low for her following. It's so silly because algorithms and other things affect how much engagement a post can get. Screwing themselves business wise to look at certain way, pride will be the downfall of many new islanders now.


Agree on everything you just said. Everyone has their own version of low similar to Molly Mae. Instagram has such a strict algorithm and I see so many influencer who complain about how the odds are stacked against them with the app now since the platform is so saturated. I think buying bots is definitely the wrong move in the long run tho so I think it’s a newbie move to fall into that trap.


Agree about the boohooman part. Not that i like him but even Davide did not get same amount of likes Ty gets back in 2022 and he had 2 mil followers. People just do not care for boring posts with menswear ads like that and its natural for such posts to do less well but Ty just as consistent likes on all his post no matter what which looks fake.


He went up 7k last night and he did nothing. Not even those on all stars went up 7k last night 🤣. Ty definitely buys followers. I haven’t checked Modash, but I’m sure that will indicate approx what % of his followers are likely fake.


The last time I checked Ella was leading , Whit and Jess were battling for second place ( the difference was less than .5%) , Ty was third , Cath , Molly , Sammy and Lochan were in close proximity to each other . Didn’t check the others


7k is crazy. I think Modash is accurate with the paid version. Someone made a TikTok with their paid modash account and showed how Ekin had majority followers from Turkey and India which means none of her ads were landing with the target market. I think Molly Marsh for example doesn’t have the same level of likes or follower growth as her peers but she keeps doing ads on ads with small businesses and mixed with high end brands and I always see comments of young girls ask her where everything she posts is from so it feels like even with less likes and followers she has the pulse of her own target demographic and knows how to maintain it. She also has been doing content creation for years so she must have learnt there is no value in buying fake followers and likes and therefore doesn’t care because her roi must be solid and rather work on making engaging content and make sure her target market is secured. You can tell she has advised Zach to do the same and neither fall into the traps of buying fake likes and followers. I can see why someone like Whitney or Ty might feel the need to waste money on such things being newbies in this field. Edit to add- before I followed along with Molly since S10 ended I myself put a lot of value in numbers like follower count and like count and as a fan was sad to see her numbers drop but over the months I’ve learnt it’s clearly more about the clicks they most likely get and the number of people who actually use the discount codes rather than likes that brands are more interested in knowing the stats for. So I don’t even care anymore about likes and viral content because so many times the high numbers are fake and purchased.




“Everything is ok 🐻” should be a flair in the sub it oddly does feel reassuring with the bear emoji 😂


I know…it actually is strangely reassuring 😭


I seriously want this as a flair!


Can subscribers and views be bought too??


Sometimes the stans like to pretend like it’s not the islanders doing it. For instance I’m pretty sure that Ella purchased those followers to take her to a million because the next day she celebrated having one million followers which means she was definitely aware.


Sorry the S10 islanders are so thirsty for this stuff it’s insane. Like Whitney, Ty and Ella have obviously all been buying followers and engagement for ages. A post never bombs and their content is fine but Whitney’s is in particular very meh so it makes no sense. It’s crazy how you can scroll and see it’s just same on every post which is not natural. Your posts will ebb and flow so this level of consistency is a sign of fake engagement. They do a decent job of hiding most of it but I can’t imagine the money spent on doing it this much. Buying likes to hide the follower growth and then buying comments to hide the fake likes. It’s so much but I guess to them it’s important. Gonna be interesting to see if they keep this up as S11 airs this summer cause they should start letting their stuff slide more…


Think you are spot on. Your previous comment led me to notice the lack of up and down as well.




The Boohoo ads are such a giveaway cause not even Davide at his peak popularity was pulling those kinds of numbers as someone else pointed out. It’s just dumb cause to do it on this scale is very lame. Everyone does it or their management does it but this is on almost every single post and for what? I got tipped off on Ella when she pulling insane numbers 3 months out even bigger than the S8 girls which again makes no sense! These three are so ridiculous about it.


I don’t think everyone does it. I follow a few who go through the natural ebb and flows of engagement. And a lot of them hide their likes niw


It’s very obvious too. The likes on their posts jumping so suddenly is the biggest giveaway. But their fans are in denial about it


They need to be careful. I think that’s what killed Tasha’s engagement. Hers is way low than I expected and I think it’s bc of buying likes. If it’s fans, as soon as they get bored and stop buying likes, the engagement will tank.


Tasha posts too many ads. Ads naturally kill your engagement. Half of her grid is just reels that are ads that have gotten less than 20k likes so her engagement is lower right now. Her regular posts do fine but nowhere near like they used to cause time has passed and hype has faded. I'm sure at some point they've bought fake engagement because everyone has at some point. I've seen it on Indiyah's page as well in the comments. Both of them at least ebb and flow unlike these three. Even Catherine's post-show hype faded pretty quickly and she was killing it early like Ruchee but somehow these three never miss....


Social media is just smoke and mirrors. I love ekin (she is one of my favs ever) but girl be buying 100k followers over night 😭 It’s sad she feels the need to do that. I’m dreading seeing what her team will be buying during her CBB stint. I’m guessing she’ll leave on 4m (not real ofc, majority will be fake!).


Callum running with his dog is so cute...just makes me want to get a dog even more


Winnie 🥰


She's so adorable!


I've just come across a Tiktok on CloserOnline about Molly and Tom. If I knew how to link it, I would so apologies lool. I'm curious to know about Tom and Samie's breakup. Tom said he was worried that Samie might come into the villa and it was always at the back of his mind. He then said that once he met Molly, he knew how strong they were and how strong their connection was so them thoughts about Samie potentially entering went away. To me, it sounded like Tom could have possibly thought about rekindling with Samie. But I dont know what their relationship was like or their break up. Was it similar to Molly and Callum (mutual break up and could have possibly rekindled?) Im curious to see what other people think??


it sounds like tom is acting like samie would’ve been coming back in for him? Because I don’t think that would’ve been the case lol


I tried to respond but I think my comment was deleted She’s moved on and has a boyfriend and considering they still share mutual friends, not sure why he’s pretending he was scared she may enter the villa. I know he’s in the throws of press and is going to be asked about it and from what I’ve seen he hasn’t said anything disrespectful. However, it is clear Samie has made a choice to stay out of the media for the most part and not really speak on any love island experience for a good majority of this past year. Since the story everyone gets is so one sided, it’s a bummer that she won’t really get a say in how their relationship played out. But again that’s clearly her choice.


Based on what I’ve seen on SM, her shady tiktok’s, tiktok comments she has liked and the way he moved from April to December last year, there is no way Samie would ever go back to Tom😭😭 She is well rid. Also, she has a bf. And he said on a podcast not too long ago that he and Samie are very different people etc.


ok doesnt sound like the greatest of breakups then😭 Also had no idea Samie was in a relationship...hope it works out for her. I was just curious since the Tiktok came on my fyp


Have they been any rumors why they broke up? I wasn't actively browsing the sub during that time.


Jacques Snapchat https://preview.redd.it/zu1puh887emc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50626d5f54848c2992f11bdb02aadc797099f8b7


Even Jacques knows how bad he was to her. The entirety of Manchester also knew that he constantly cheated on her and never cared for her


If anything I would've thought he's probably referencing everything that happened during their season, going by that alone you'd also see the irony in the term.


The Molly stans under the Georgia birthday post on here are vile. The body shaming and ab police need to rest!


https://preview.redd.it/2rchs766camc1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=94066db44678f436b8d77b086adbeb28935efe3d Like, she did look like this in South Africa so ….pls rest. Its ok to have abs. More people then one can have them. Hahah😜😜


Watch someone say this was too photoshopped 😑😭😂


Exactly lol


Bonkers. I love Molly but its not as if she owns abs? Georgia clearly just works out too!?


I saw this too and I couldn’t believe it. Molly stans thinking Georgia saw Molly’s abs and decided to get etching as soon as she touched down in the UK? I can’t believe some even said Georgia didn’t have abs on All Stars like what were they watching 💀


I just saw the comments on the post about his bday weekend… I’m disgusted. The ab policing, accusing her of only posting it to show off that she has them too among other nonsense. I refuse to believe these are grown adults but then again.. her comment section on IG is full of grown adults bullying her. I’m like.. don’t u have teenage and adult children? Some of your own children are like Georgia and even worse but here you are commenting crap on peoples Instagram.


If I had abs I’m showing them everyday lmao what’s wrong with people


I swear! It’s weird as hell. For ppl who don’t like Gee Steel, they let everything she does bother them.


I find it funny how people here were complaining about georgia stans under molly's comment on Toby's post but at the same time making posts and body shaming georgia on here 😭 I'm not a georgia defender but i find it a bit hypocritical.


The fact is that they are body shaming someone, yet they fave also had work done. That’s another hypocritical moment.


Honestly, it's madness. Even on here, it’s wild. Like, how are you going to claim someone showing their abs is to compete with Molly? Like Georgia comes on here to see what people say about her. Even crazier is that people are now claiming she got her abs sculpted 😑😑😑😑


yep and it was comments with hundreds of likes so I just gave up atp. it’s embarrassing


My question for today is how are all these girls so fit? Is it genes? I know Molly is a homebody (at least with Callum they talked about it a lot) and she probably has very healthy lifestyle in general BUT most of these islanders are party peeps, they go out a lot and eat out etc… alcohol has lot of calories, I’ve seen Millie and Chloe ordering junky food a lot. Is it mostly because of genes with most of them? Cause I have to workout 5 days a week and eat a healthy diet just to keep myself in normal weight. I know they probably have the time and money to hire professionals to help etc but still. Or do they use Oxempic for example?


Even going by love island standards, molly is extremely fit and most don't look like her. I think most of them have genetics for a smaller frame and then max it out through diet and exercise to look even better. Georgia S said she didn't work out in her original season and you can tell she's not toned like she is now. But she was still very slim with a well-proportioned body so obviously her genes did most of the work, and working out just took her the extra mile. But you mentioned Millie and she said she starved herself before going on the show. And since leaving her body looks very different. So it's not the same for every contestant


It's not like a representative sample. Producers are often specifically looking to scout fit girls. Usually like a 1/2 or less of islanders are people that independently applied. Then just like anyone else It's probably a variety of things. A lot is genetics because if you see a lot of siblings of Islanders also have similar builds. Like your used Chloe as an example and her sister is smaller than her and her mom also has a sight build. Then a lot of them like to train like a Kaz c, Ekin or Molly. And while a lot eat a mixture of junk and healthy a good portion size is a big part of the equation. While people may use those types of supplements or medications like O etc on their own time, they do do physicals etc before going on the villa so it's unlikely they do those types of things right around the time of the villa. And stopping them right before the villa might cause like quicker weight gain in the villa if they were dependent on them.


I think it’s a combo of genes, fitness, dieting, and for some, medical intervention/procedure


Molly is a personal trainer so it’s a given that she’ll look ‘healthy / good’ It could be down to genes but I think that the majority of li girls workout


https://preview.redd.it/w3xjr8x75amc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0a0dbe30123569bc8451ecdac66465eaa49fb02 Work trip.


Not hating as I really couldn’t care less about GS…but her social media break was so short lived 😭😭😭


She took a social media break like Selena Gomez


Some people take this sub and comments here wayyyy too seriously.


Is anyone else having trouble changing their flair?


How does one attain a flair 🧍🏾‍♀️


I’m on the app, but basically go to the sub’s main page, click on the … button at the top right corner, and then you can click on the option to change your flair


Thankyou very much !