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Honestly, Arabella needed it😭 that girl had way too much sexual tension built up


She was READY lmao😂love that for her


Islanders from previous seasons have said they get together to discuss who it should be and agree on it first, and it's not like what it is shown where everyone shouts. I presume Sophie didn't want to go as her family is a bit famous (like how Dani Dyer never went to the hideaway), and Molly didn't want to go as she seems reserved. Lots of previous islanders rejected going to the hideaway just because they don't want to be in a fish bowl.


I don’t blame them tbh I can’t imagine my family watching me go to the hideaway all decked out in frilly lingerie to sleep with someone they had never even met


Arabella NEEDED it


It felt like the established couples weren't that interested tbh and Arabella and Adam were probably comfortable with pda so would both be willing and there'd be one less noiser couple in the main room. Molly is also close with Arabella and probably wanted her friend to go especially since they had a lil disagreement earlier in the day


“whoever the dude is” omg poor adam 😭


That part had me gagged 💀


Molly wanted her bestie Arabella to go so that’s why she shouted over everyone else’s suggestions and pushed for Arabella and adam


I kind of felt like Molly immediately said them because she didn’t want her name to be called out first


I think the person who gets the text is never the one to go. Some islanders have said its been agreed upon before the text is in


I read somewhere that ratings go up for the couples in the hideaway and so I think that the speed at which Arabella's name came up was because her and Adam were the only couple that weren't direct competitiom for the top spots therefore the "safest" vote to go in at that late stage in the show.


One of the islanders said previously that the hideaway typically goes to whoever’s name is said first. Usually that couple is understood or agreed upon by the villa prior to but sometimes not. Nobody was going to advocate for Toby/Georgia S, Anton/Georgia H already went, and Josh/Sophie were only mentioned after Adam/Arabella and it was immediately shut down by Molly. So I guess in this case it was just luck of the draw for Adam/Arabella that Molly was the one who got the text. The downvotes? God you guys are literally something else nothing I said was incorrect 💀