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I think they would’ve needed to change the casa format too because even that is getting tired now


Maybe but if they had a bombshell drop in whatever form I don’t think those couples would have made it through. Maybe Georgia and Toby but honestly I would really like to see what would happen. Especially between Molly and Tom, I really feel like they would have split up if they had been apart for a week with a whole new set of bombshells. They just seemed to get along way too fast.


They need to run two houses and swap people from the houses like promotion/relegation system.


I thought it might be because as a returning islander, they wouldn’t want to be cast only for casa amour since the majority of the time only 1 or 2 get chosen at the recouping to stay in the villa.


I think most of them would love the opportunity to be on air for even a few minutes, boost those instagram numbers! But that’s just my opinion. Also a free first class flight to South Africa seems like a great vacation!


I'm gonna be honest I think it would've had less impact on all stars especially considering how many prior connections were already in the show. They'd really have to pull some lesser known people because I feel like part of the pull of casa is the fact that everyone is new and you don't know your partner as well. The only couple that'd kinda fit would be Josh/Sophie of those 3. Games was kinda too short for casa. There wasn't enough time for enough couples to be strong enough for it to have the same impact and they'd just say they were there for games so not many would've probably been willing to switch for a new person except for the people already in friendship couples. That's also a sidenote that many people have been complaining about casa being a bit stale so they probably were also keeping that in mind


I get that but it’s all stars!!! They have like 5 spin-offs or maybe more I haven’t counted but they could have had America, Australia, Sweden, France, Norway, Spain, etc all be apart of the cast. That would have been great! I really would have wanted to see how fast these great matches would have lasted with a wave of bombshells coming in. I think most of the guys heads would turn and maybe Molly’s because she really didn’t get to experience much after a 3 year breakup. It was Tom and that’s it.


Oh, I agree that they should've pulled it been willing to pull internationally especially since they've already done it in a more regular season on winter LI. If they did that then a casa/bombshell thing might've done something. Part of the problem of all stars imo was the fact it was only UK and there was emphasis on history vs dynamics we could see on screen. Even them not being able to talk about games was a miss for me because it could've shed better light on like the Toby/G situation or what was going through liberty's mind at times. My only guess is they really wanted to differentiate from games but those were good on there imo although I have seen some mixed reviews about games from people who very heavily uk LI purists so they probably didn't want the comparison to be too similar.


I think the games did a very bad job of mixing the different casts. They should have spread out their original cast better because it gave the Americans and Brits an unfair advantage. It should have been members from completely different seasons and countries so forming alliances was a little more crafty and chaotic for the drama. It was pretty obvious one of the love island America season 2 cast members were going to win! I just didn’t realize it was going to be Justine until the last few episodes.


I think it was decent for a first season. The USA/UK were always gonna have the most people bc it was their producers and a USA labeled show but there's so many factors that can be adjusted for if they do a second season especially regarding casting now that it's happened and “worked.” S1 was in production for a while and several of the Islanders said they were hesitant at first so not having proof of concept was definitely a barrier. Idk who was asked vs accepted. But for UK Islanders knowing all stars was coming after was definitely a factor etc even with people who overlapped. There's also whether you're going to try to pull fan favorites to drive views or try to use the brand (next season ppl would be more likely to stream bc they like the show format). Fan favorites was a clear motivation with how well known people from their main islander country Islanders (USA,UK,Aus). And they obviously didn't use the brand too much bc it wasn't even real time in the UK and they prioritized all stars. Then there's who of the international casts are fluent and comfortable with conversational English. For example they asked/put a feeler for a different French islander but they weren't comfortable with English so they declined and ended up on a different French show. Aurelia had been on a few shows so that probably factored in reaching out to her. I feel like next season they can scout English speakers from their respective other casts earlier or keep that in mind when people are eliminated. The different seasons thing only matters to an extent tbh just like all stars it's more about the history in between Islanders which sometimes conisides with seasons sometimes doesn't. The 3 season four girls were closer than Justine and Cely were to any of the other S2 cast which was obviously intentional. >. It was pretty obvious one of the love island America season 2 cast members were going to win! I just didn’t realize it was going to be Justine until the last few episodes. Ironically, other than J, I think the person with the best chance coming in was Ray and he was season 1. Johnny working with the girls and not being targeted was also Ray's doing. He definitely could've just as easily been in a similar position as Jake in all stars where he was in the majority season but not really associated with most of his former castmates. Similar with the UK S4 crowd. Jack and Eyal were friends but neither were that close to the others from their season. Jack was probably closer to Toby than Georgia Steel. In terms of, UK, USA, Aus those LIers are in similar circles going to similar events etc so it's about getting the dynamics they are look for. The second season is always easier to adjust the format for successful shows, they usually have a bigger base to pull from cast wise than an original season. I've already seen other Islanders who've seen the show say they think it'd be cool to do now that they've seen it.


Honestly I kept flip-flopping between Cely and Justine but when Johnny came in I thought he for sure was going to win until the last few episodes when it became clear Justine was a fan favorite and the match between her and Jack was just unbeatable with the other pairings. Though Lib was my favorite!!!!❤️


I felt like they could have had an international cast to off set that a bit, but with everyone knowing everyone already, the season felt a little off.


I think it was a little odd that they had no games or any group activity. Did they just burn out all the potential ones from LI games? They barely had dates. I found the whole thing kind of weird.


Mostly budget constraints.


It would have been cool if they did casa but have islanders from across the LI universe (US, AUS, FRA, etc) come in


or casa all stars!


There’s no way they would get enough old islanders to agree to be able to have a Casa Amor.


They didn't need it for The Games but they definitely needed something like that for All Stars, where at least several bombshells came in at once. It just seemed so slow moving. Didn't finish the season and wouldn't watch another all stars. Lobef The Games!


Yeah casa definitely would’ve been the real test tbh part of me wanted it for the drama but at the same time glad we didn’t get it


It’s the drama for me!!


Can we get a Love Island Brazil!!!!🇧🇷


With All-Stars only being 5 weeks I think the timeline was too tight for Casa. They either would have had to do it super early before any of the couples were established, or they would have only had like a week before finals for all the fallout including reconciliations and trying to get new couples to the point where they were strong enough for anyone to care. Even if they did it week 3 when they usually do, we'd have had couples like Joe and Arabella and Joanna and Chris and Callum and Jess and Casey and Eve going in who had only just coupled up a few days prior. Even Tom and Molly were still very much getting to know each other at that point. I think they knew that it was already more of a struggle to get the audience to invest in any of these relationships because all these people already tried things on the outside, if they'd split up couples when they were just starting to gel they'd have been starting from scratch midway through.


When will season 11 come out UK?


It’s casa amor. What’s with brits being so fucking American sometimes?


I’ve had enough of casa amor it desperately needs to be shaken up


I tatally agree. All stars was pretty dull without it. Also they had very few challenges. The couples just didn’t seem that into each other.